Staying with the Parkers

Von ashley1515

39.5K 920 101

Hailey Johnson had a great life. That is, until one horrible day that a car accident took both her father and... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

1.2K 28 0
Von ashley1515

Chapter Seventeen

"Oh my goodness, Hailey come and look! I think this is the one." Chelsea said as she stepped out of the little dressing room. She was wearing a floor length dress. It was strapless and tight fitting at the top, but flowed out at the bottom.

It was Wednesday, two days till the dance, and she literally dragged me here. With the help of Cayden. He told me that if I came with him he would get me ice cream. So naturally I went with him.

That was a bas idea. He got me to the mall and dragged me kicking and screaming into the dress shop. I learned one thing today, and that was not to go with Cayden when he offers you food.

She went up to the mirror and spun around a couple of times. This dress looked absolutely stunning on her slim body. "I love it! You look gorgeous Chelsea." I got up and hugged her.

"Really? Because you can tell me if its horrible. I wouldn't be mad." She said and smiled sadly at me.

"Really, that dress is amazing. I cant believe that nobody asked you out to the dance yet." I said and smiled her.

She laughed nervously and played with her thumbs. "Yeah, about that, I actually have a date to the dance. He asked me today." I knew she had been hiding something from me!

"WHO IS IT?" I screamed in her ear.

"Gosh Hails, ever heard of and indoor voice? I think that you have been spending a little to much time with Cayden now a days." She laughed a little. "And Max asked me today after lunch." She blushed and looked at the floor.

Aww, she is to cute! I glared at her. "And I am just hearing about it now?" I said trying to sound angry, but truthfully I could have cared less. At least she told me.

"Yeah, sorry about that. It kind of just slipped my mind."

"Sure it did. Anyway, lets get you out of that dress so we can go eat. I'm hungry!"

"Nope, you aren't getting out of this that easy. You haven't even tried on a single dress. If I let you take one step out of that door without a dress I'm pretty sure that Cayden would kill me." She said and walked back into the dressing cubical to change.

Once she was done she dragged me out of the dressing room and to the many racks of dresses in the store. I started to go through the racks to see if I could find a decent dress that I could wear.

After about ten minutes the best thing that I came up with was a huge rainbow dress that was puffy all over the place. It was hideous, and trust me you didn't want to see the others.

"Chelsea!" I whined and walked over to her.

"What now Hails?" she sighed and stopped looking. Her arms were full of dresses.

"I cant find anything. The best thing I found was a rainbow dress that was big and puffy. At first I thought it was a cotton candy machine. It was horrid!"

She laughed. "How about you look over here for a couple more minutes and the you can try on the stuff that we pull together."

"Fine" I huffed and started to dig through the racks for the right dress.

In the end I came up with three dresses. One was short and black. To be honest I was seriously considering about putting it back. I mostly just grabbed it so that Chelsea wouldn't get mad at me for not picking anything.

The next one was navy blue and stopped about and inch above my knee. It had one strap on one shoulder and was form fitting. The last one was my favorite. But you can never tell if it will be your favorite on your body.

I walked into the little room and tried on my first pick. One word, hideous. I sighed and walked out to show Chelsea the dress. One she looked me up and down she scrunched her face up in disgust.

"Sorry sweetie, but that is not the one. I think that it was designed to be and over sized band aid that needed to be used to wrap up someone's face that was chewed of by some rabid kola bear."

I laughed at her. She can be pretty insane sometimes. I walked back into the room and put on the second dress. This one was okay, but not my favorite.

Walking back out I stepped out in front of the three way mirror. There was nothing wrong with this dress, but it wasn't the one.

"This one is good. I just think that you could find a better one. Now go, back in the dressing room. Try on the last one and lets pray that's it's the one or else we might be here for another hour picking out a new dress." Chelsea said and pointed at the dressing room.


I sighed and went back to try on the last one. This dress hugged me in all the right ways. It had straps on it that crossed in the back. It looked like it was white, gold, and pink all mixed together. Also, it had sequences that went across the whole abdomen. Looking in the mirror I knew that this one was the dress. It just looked great one me. Not to sound self-centered or anything.

I must have stood in front of that mirror in the dressing room for quite some time because I was brought out of my thoughts from Chelsea banging on my door. "Hailey! Open this dang door before I break down this stupid door!"

Laughing I pulled open the door and stepped out. Chelsea had her arms crossed over her chest and she was glaring daggers at me. I gave her a small smile and looked away.

I could feel her looking me up and down. Looking back at her she had her jaw open and her eyes were wide. It must look okay then. I put my hand on her jaw and closed it for her. "Don't do that Chelsea, you might catch fly's."

She laughed at me and slapped my arm. "Very funny Hails. That dress looks amazing on you. Go back and change so we can get that dress and then go shoe shopping!"

I groaned. "WHY?! We have already been shopping for like days and I am HUNGRY! Can we at least get food first? PLEASE?"

She sighed. "Fine, as long as you stop yelling! We are inside. Use your inside voice."

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the dressing room and changed into my normal clothes. This was going to be a long night.






It was already Friday afternoon and we were all over at my house getting ready. Chelsea was here along with Claire and Erika. They were Chelsea's friends and when I met them we got along really well.

Erika had brown curly hair and blue eyes. She was really funny and crazy. The nice thing about her was that you could tell here anything and she would keep it a secret, unlike most of the teenagers now a days.

Claire had light blond hair and vibrant green eyes. When you first meet here she comes off as very shy and quiet, but when you get to know her she is the exact opposite. She is absolutely crazy if she has a little to much sugar. Literally, she bounces off the walls like a bouncy ball. Also, she is really nice and sweet.

"Hailey! What did I tell you about moving? You don't want me to mess up and have to do your makeup all over again do you?" Chelsea asked and raised her eyebrow at me. I shook my head telling her that I did not want that to happen. She already had me sitting here for over 15 minutes and she still wasn't done.

Claire was doing Erika's makeup while Chelsea was doing mine. We all already had our hair done. Claire pinned mine up on my head and put in a headband that matched my dress to hold it up.

Erika's hair was in tight curls compared to her lose ones that she normally had. Chelsea had her hair in a tight bun with a couple pieces out and framing her face. Lastly, Chelsea curled hers into light waves and pined back half of it with a small sparkly clip.

After about 5 more minutes of Chelsea attacking my face, she was finally done I was about to look in the mirror and see what she did, but she quickly pushed me back into the chair.

"Nope! Not so fast missy. You can see your face when you have your dress on. Trust me, it will look all better when its put together." Chelsea said and smiled at me.

"Thanks Chelsea. Want me to do your makeup now?" I said and warmly at her.

"No that's okay Hails, I'll do hers once I am finished with Erika." Claire said.

"Okay then, I'm going to go and change then." I walked out of my bathroom and into my walk in closet. I stripped out of my sweatpants and my tank top. Next I put on the dress that on got with Chelsea the other day.

I matched it with some diamond studded dangly earrings and a matching necklace. Next was the heels that matched the dress perfectly. I wanted to just wear my white converse, but of course she disagreed. I finally gave into wearing these death traps after she gave me this really long and pointless speech. Truthfully, the only reason I agreed was to shut her up.

Walking out of my closet I saw that all the others were dressed and ready. Wow, I must have taken a long time getting dressed. All eyes turned to me. Chelsea smiled at me and came over to hug me. At first I was very confused, but shortly after I hugged her back.

"You look amazing." She whispered in my ear.

"So do you." I told her. She really did. That dress looked awesome on her.

Claire had on a tight fitting peach dress while Erika had on a lime green dress that was tight in the top, but flowed out at the bottom. The top was also covered in sparkles. They all looked gorgeous.

Looking over at the clock I noticed that it was already 7:50 and the dance started in 10 minutes. "Time to go girls, we have 10 minutes to get to the school before it starts. Lets go." I said and walked out the door.

I saw Cayden come out of his room. "Hey Cay, you ready?" I asked and smiled at him. He walked over and smiled at me. Just when he was about to reply Chelsea went up to him and slapped him on his arm.

"What was that for?!"

"You aren't supposed to be up here you stupid boy!" Chelsea replied.

He gave her a puzzled look. "And why not? Its my house."

"Yeah but you aren't supposed to be up here! You are supposed to be down there so Hailey can do that whole walk down the stairs thing." She said and threw her hands up in the air.

He came over to me and linked out arms together. "Well that's just to bad. And that stuff is stupid anyways." Before Chelsea could say anything else he was dragging me down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom eh pulled me into a tight hug. I felt his hot breath on my eat. "You look amazing in that dress."

I pulled out of his tight hug. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I looked at the floor. "Thanks Cayden, you clean up pretty well to."

I looked up at the stairs to see the girls coming down. Chelsea was the last. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she was stomping her feet with each steep. She was such a child.

Once all the girls were down we went outside and piled into the car. Cayden pulled out of the drive way and onto the road. It didn't take us that long to get to the school. When we got there we all got out of the car. Chelsea went over to Max who was waiting for her outside of the school.

Max lent down and whispered something in her ear. She blushed and gave him a hug. They were too cute together. I felt a warm hand intertwine with mine. I looked down to see that it was Cayden's. Looking up he smiled and pointed at the school. I smiled back and nodded my head yes.

We walked into the gym with Max, Chelsea, Claire, and Erika trailing behind us. The place was decorated with blue and yellow streamers and other things. Not that much compared to a prom, but it was still nice. Cayden dragged me along to one of the many tables that scattered the floor.

There were quite a lot of people dancing out on the dance floor. The Dj was playing fast songs, so most people were dancing in a small group. I sat down and everyone else shortly followed.

I looked up to see Cayden waving to some of his other friends. They were waving him over. Cayden looked at me. Then he looked back at them and shook his head no.

"Cay, go and have fun with your friends. I'll be fine. Claire and Erika can keep me company."

"Are you sure? That's not fair to you. After all I did ask you to come here. It would be rude to ditch you when we just got here."

"Positive. Now go, have fun." I said and smiled reassuringly at him.

"Thanks Hails, I'll be back in a little while." with that he left.

I sighed and turned towards the only two people that were left at the table. Max and Chelsea went to go and dance. It was just us three. Like I said, dances were not all that fun as they sounded.

The next hour consisted of minimal dancing, drinking punch, and a lot of talking. Now I was back at the table. It was only me and Erika because Claire was asked to dance. My stomach was churning. Dancing and drinking nasty punch did not mix well. At all.

I looked over at where I last spotted Cayden. He wasn't there. Huh, that's weird. He wasn't will all the guys. I brushed it off and continued to watch everyone dancing. It was a slow song so all the coupled were out on the floor. I saw Max and Chelsea near the middle of the dance floor.

Max was talking to her and she was blushing again. Dang, what was that boy saying? They were so cute together. My stomach was still hurting terribly. If Cayden didn't show up soon then I might consider walking home.

Just as I was about to get up and find him he popped up out of no where. "Hey, where do you think you are going? Lets go and dance!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Fine, but only one dance."

We went out into the middle of the dance floor. Truthfully, I didn't want to be here in the first place. So think about how I feel in the middle of the dance floor with most of these people's eyes on my.

"You look really great tonight." Cayden whispered.

"Thanks Cay." I said and smiled at him. He returned it, but shortly after his face became serious. All of the sudden he started to lean closer to me.

Oh gosh, this can not be happening.

Before he could get any closer I turned my head so that his warm lips landed on my cheek. That was close. I turned back to him and looked him straight in the eye. There was a small smile on his face, but his eyes showed confusion and a little bit of hurt.

Arr, I didn't mean to hurt him. I just thought of us more as friends. The song ended and we pulled apart from each other. I walked back over to our now empty table with Cayden slowly trailing behind.

My stomach started churning again. Now would be a good time to go home before I spill my guts all over the gym floor. "Cayden can you please take me home? I'm not feeling that well."

His face flashed with concern. "Sure we can. Are you okay Hails?"

"Yeah, I just have a bad tummy ace."

I waved bye to the girls and we exited the building. Cayden's friends were out there and waved us over. So, being the nice person that I am, followed Cayden over to say hi. Once I did they just kept on talking and talking about pointless stuff.

"Cayden? You can just go home with the guys. I'll take your car and see you tonight."

"Thanks Hails, here are the keys." I grabbed them out of his hands. "Straight home missy. And feel better." He said and hugged me.

After I said my goodbye to the guys I started to make my way to the car. It was kinda cold out tonight. Might have been smart to bring a coat. I slowly walked around the corner to get to the parking lot.

And that's when I saw them.


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