Bait // Thiam

By thiamsbeta

443K 16K 11.5K

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" I asked him. "I fell in love with you!" And with those couple of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
**Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Thank you
New book!

Chapter 84

1.5K 52 36
By thiamsbeta

We woke up the next morning, getting all the last minute things packed. We walked down the stairs, putting all our stuff into his car. I double checked everything, making sure we had everything packed and didn't leave anything behind. Once I checked that everything was in there, I jumped in the car and waited for Theo to get in. I pulled out my phone and checked where everyone was. They were all on their way to Stiles', except for Mason and Corey.

They apparently slept in and they're only just about to leave now. Leave it to Mason and Corey though to be late and keep everybody waiting, but we're use to it and love them regardless. Theo jumped into the car, starting the engine and putting Stiles' address into the GPS.

"In 500m at the round about, take the third exit." The voice instructed him.

"So you excited to finally get out for a couple days?" Theo asked me, pulling out of the driveway. I nodded and looked out the window. "Are you sure you want to go, we can cancel if you want."

"No, sorry I was just thinking." I told him, smiling.

"About?" He asked me, sounding concerned and curious.

"About everything. With us becoming seniors, we're almost finished with high school. What am I going to do after that, what are we going to do?" I told him, overthinking everything. "Do we even want the same things in life? I mean, we never talk about the future and I don't even know why I'm thinking of all this right now."

Theo looked at me and gave me a soft smile, making me feel stupid for everything I just said. We sat in silence for a couple minutes, clearly neither one of us knew what to say next. I know I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead in the future, but once you see how easily your life can be taken from you... it gets you thinking.

"Two." Theo finally broke the silence.

I looked at him confused. "Two? Two what?"

"Two kids. I want two kids when I'm older and I also want a dog and Athena will also be there. I want a nice home close to home, but not too close. I want to live with the love of my life, have a decent job and just be happy. That's what I want for my future."

Now it was my turn to look at him with a soft smile. Everything that he just told me, I couldn't agree more with. In the future I see myself having kids. They might not necessarily be mine, but I still want to have kids in my life. I also see myself with a dog or something. I've never really had one. The last dog I had was when I was four. I barely even remember it.

I also see myself living in a nice house, big enough for my family and whenever we have guest over. And since it runs in the family and slightly interest me, I also see myself working in a hospital. Maybe not a surgeon like my parents, but something like that. I personally just don't think I can be away from my family for so long, but I defiantly see myself working in that industry.

"That honestly sounds perfect," I whispered, smiling at the imagine of all that happening.

After a little longer in the car, we finally arrived at Stiles' place. We pulled into the driveway and not long after us, Ethan and Jackson also pulled up. We all walked up to the door, knocked to only get greeted by a stressed out Stiles.

"Morning, come on in." He rushed us in, running back to whatever it was he was doing.

The four of us just sort of stood there, unsure of what to do. There was a loud bang in the kitchen, startling us all. I peered over the corner, watching as Stiles frantically rushed to clean something up. I walked into the kitchen and stood over the counter, watching Stiles.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, confused as to what it was that he was doing.

"No. No, I'm not alright. I got asked to do one simple job and I can't even do that." He told me, stress in his voice.

"What was the job?" I asked, taking a seat as he rushed around me.

"Make a fruit salad and pack stuff for a picnic," he stopped for a spilt second to catch his breath. "But of course I forgot to do it and now I can't find my god damn picnic basket. Malia is going to kill me." He exaggerate on the word kill, making it seem more dramatic than what it actually was.

"Stiles, deep breath. It's above the cupboards." I laughed, pointing to it.

He looked at me in disbelief, running over to the basket and getting it down. He placed it on the bench and quickly packed everything into there, whispered as he packed everything in. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I entered the living room, noticing that there was now more people than before.

Isaac, Malia, Mason and Corey had now joined us, making everyone here. I gave Mason and Corey a hug and the others a handshake. Even though they're apart of the pack, I actually don't really know Isaac, Jackson and Ethan. I've heard stories about them and know stuff about them, but I've never actually spoken to them. We haven't really had time to have a chat though, so hopefully we'll be able to do that this weekend.

Stiles ran into the living room, completely out of breath. "I'm ready, I'm all ready. I got the fruit salad," he smiled, showing the basket to Malia.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, smiling and giving him a kiss. "You really are a dork, aren't you?"

I slightly laughed at that, giving Stiles a playfully stare. We weren't close, but we were close enough. When I first got bitten, he was basically like my older brother, actually more like my father. He would look out for me, tell me what to do, tell me how I had to act, help me through everything. Even Scott was like a father to me.

But now that I'm older and obviously know what I'm doing now, we've drifted from each other. It does make me sad, but we're still close and that's all I care about. An instant wave of sadness washed through me as I thought about it. Not only because of Stiles but also because of, Hayden.

We were extremely close and I do miss her. I miss her more and more everyday, but I can't forgive her. Not after what she did to everyone. She betrayed us and I understand why, but I still just don't get why she didn't come to us for help. We would've helped her. I shook my head and got rid of the sad thought, smiling as we started making our way outside.

We all decided last night who was with who. Isaac, Malia and Stiles were going together. Jackson and Ethan were going together, which left Mason and Corey with us. I was happy with the arrangement though. Ever I've met Theo, I haven't really had time to be with Mason. I've missed him, he's my best friend, which is why I'm excited for this trip.

"One big, gay road trip!" Mason yelled as he got into the car, laughing at himself.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, laughing at his ridiculous comment. Theo started the car and started to drive towards the end of the street. He hasn't put anything into the GPS, so I'm assuming that he remembers how to get there. He did go there a lot as a child, so it doesn't surprise me if he does.

Once we got settled into the car and everyone was comfortable, I turned the music up and put on my playlist. I skipped through majority of the songs, until we got to the good songs.

"Don't. You. Dare. Skip. This. Song." Mason told me, death staring me through the mirror.

I placed my phone down and put my hands up, turning the music up louder. I started to bop my head to the rhythm, getting into it. The only way a long car trip can go quickly, is by having fun and just blasting music.

"'cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby!" We all yelled at the same time from the top of our lungs, laughing as we did it.

I know for a fact that this is Mason's favourite song, because it's on every single one of his playlist, he's always listening to it and he knows it word from word. I only really know the chorus of it and the start. It's a good song, just not a personal favourite.

After listening to a couple of different playlist, we turned down the music and just decided to talk about stuff and find anything entertaining to do. We stopped for gas before and got something to eat and some candy for the rest of the car trip, so that should keep us entertained for a little while.

"So we're seniors next year. How exciting," Mason brought up.

"I know, also quiet weird when you think about it. Didn't think we'd get this far," Corey chimed in.

"I know, I think we all are. I'm proud of us though, for pushing through it. Making it to where we are today," as soon as the words left my mouth, I cringed.

They sounded so cheesy, but it's also the truth. I'm proud of every single one of us and I'm proud that we're all still standing. Most people don't have a clue what we go through and sometimes it's hard keeping it to yourself, but we have each other. And we'll always have each other.

"Wow guys, how depressing." Theo laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. "Why don't we talk about something else?"

"What are youse doing when you finish school? Are youse going to college or anything?" Mason asked, sounding like he'd been dying to ask that question.

"I don't know. I'm still thinking about it," Theo told him, shrugging his shoulders. "It's never been a dream of mine, but I still don't know what I want to do further off into the future. If my career requires college, than yeah I'll go."

"I'm going to college I think," I told them, crinkling up my nose. "I want to take after my parents and being a surgeon or something."

Theo looked at me surprised. We never really talk about the future, so I guess hearing all this, is sorta new to him. I also learnt though that he's not sure if he wants to go, so that's also new to me. I thought he was going to go, but clearly he doesn't even know. Which is fine though, we still have plenty of time to decide.

We spoke for a little bit longer. About our future, what else we're doing on the holidays, about moving out into our own apartments. We basically spoke about everything that normal teenagers would speak about, which felt strange. I haven't been able to have a normal conversation like this in years, it's almost relaxing.

"Still got another four hours," Theo informed me, rolling his eyes. "Might as well get some rest."

I nodded in agreement, smiling as he rubbed his hand on my knee. I rested my head against the window and pulled my leg up to my chest, closing my eyes. I thought about everything there was to do there, how we won't be able to fit it all in, so we'll just have to come here again whenever we can.

I smiled at the thought of that. Theo and I getting out most weekends, doing normal things that normal people do. Having a life and a family of our own. Being happy and not having to fake a smile everyday. Things going back to how they use to be, but not being the same. Nothing will ever be the same, but that's ok. Just as long as Theo's there with me.

I felt a darkness come upon me, meaning sleep was near. As my eyes got heavier and heavier, my mind became clearer. I shortly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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