Breathless || Niall Horan [AU]

By ThirteenthGemini

223K 5.9K 1.7K

Amy is entered into an unknown world when she comes across a boy named Niall. He will try to fight his urges... More

{final note}


2.4K 83 20
By ThirteenthGemini

Warning; you may find some aspects of this chapter uncomfortable.


The large man then stood boldly at her feet, cocking a black gun and aiming it at her forehead, causing her eyes to widen in complete and utter fear.

“Now, you’re going to listen, and listen carefully.” The man almost growled, his voice silencing her completely. “You’re not going to make a sound, and do whatever we say.” All she could see were his eyes through the cotton balaclava on his face, which were a dark brown colour – almost black, causing Amy to feel extremely intimidated. “So, sit still whilst we do this.”

Amy was confused by his last sentence so simply observed as he took off the small black bag from his shoulder blades, placing it onto the floor by her feet. After tucking his gun into the waistband of his trousers, he crouched down and opened the bag.  He pulled out a grey roll of duct tape from the bag, along with a handful of white binding ropes.

Her body began to shake in fear and she started to squirm once more in the arms of her captors. The small fragments of glass which were littering the floor were piercing at her back, and she was sure that some of them were making her bleed.

The two men holding her continued to keep her on the ground, ignoring her defence. The hand muting her noises moved from her face momentarily, before she was silenced again by the man placing a white cloth into her mouth, disallowing her any chance of calling for help. He then made her close her lips before placing his hand over it once again.

The man who was by her feet then tore a strip from the duct tape roll, passing it to the other man. He proceeded to silence her more effectively, placing the sticky substance over her lips. Two more strips were covered to secure the tape, before the two men holding her down manoeuvred her into a seating position.

The three men then each took some rope to tie her with. Amy was screaming through the tape on her mouth, hating every single moment of her current predicament. She was too panicked and frightened to even begin to get herself away from the situation. The man closest to her face pulled her arms behind her back, and began to wrap the rope around her wrists tightly, not allowing her any movement at all.

As he was completing this task whilst she was struggling in his arms, the man holding her legs down mirrored the same actions, binding her ankles together with his own rope. Once the two body parts were bound, they each took another bit of rope, which were then secured around her legs. One was placed around her shins whilst the other was tied just above her knee, on her thighs.

One last piece of rope was tied around her body, just below her breasts, which unpleasantly pulled her arms flat against her back. She was extremely uncomfortable and was unable to keep the tears at bay. She continued to shriek beneath the tape and wanted nothing else in that moment then to be in the comforting arms of the man she loved.

The man who was stood above her proceeded to pull another cloth from his pocket, which was black. Amy gulped as he moved towards her face and placed the item over her eyes, blocking out her vision completely.

Amy was successfully bound and silenced, which allowed the three men to finally lift her up off of the floor. The larger man, who was acting as the leader of the whole ordeal, then threw her petite body over his right shoulder so that he could carry her out of the house.

They climbed back through the smashed window, not bothering to cover up any of their tracks. A statement needed to be made and cleaning up their mess would prevent that from happening. The night air engulfed them as they ran out of her garden and over the wooden fence. Passing Amy over the top was difficult, especially with her constant squirming in his hold, yet they managed to get her over without much hassle.

As they were successfully away from her house, they reached their car, which was a green Citroën Tourer, and opened the large boot. They lay Amy inside of the car, closing it and completely engulfing her in darkness. Even though she was unable to see due to her blindfold, she now felt even more isolated as there was not now a single part of light seeping through the cloth.

The men climbed into the car, each settling in their favoured seats, before the larger man placed the keys into the slot. Each man pulled off their balaclavas, before the vehicle began to drive away. None of the men were from Wandsworth, and were increasingly delighted to be driving away from the dirty place, better known as one of their worst enemies.

Amy was jolted in the boot due to the sudden movement, and groaned in pain as her head whacked a part of the car. Her breathing was still irregular due to her crying, but she was trying to calm herself down before she ended up having a full blown panic attack, which would be the worst thing to have in this situation.

The cloth in her mouth was disgusting, leaving a horrid taste on her tongue. She tried her hardest to spit it out, but the thick layer of duct tape on her lips was sealing it inside. She also attempted to untie the ropes, reaching with her fingertips as they did nothing but merely brushing the rope around her wrists.

Knowing nothing of what was actually going on; her mind was working a mile a minute. She needed to get out of these bindings and away from this car, before something worse happened. These three men were unknown and unfamiliar, and she couldn’t even begin to explain why they had taken her.

She tried to remember something from one of the television shows or films that she had seen in the past which could possibly help her. Even though this was probably a completely irrational and idiotic idea, she had no other choice. Thinking over the likelihoods, she decided that she should try and kick out the back-light of the car, which would allow the outside world to see her feet from the boot of the car.

The wiggled her toes nervously before moving her feet so that they were touching the harder material. She was unable to see anything so had to focus all of her attention on her senses. Her Converses had a much worn sole so she was able to feel the slight difference of objects beneath her feet.

She was still capable to bend at the knees, so she began to kick at the back-light. Continuously whacking the part of the car seemed to prove impossible, as there was only a minimal amount of movement being made. The three men sitting in the vehicle were completely oblivious to the actions being made by their young captive.

Time continued to pass and it was now the early hours of the morning. Amy was extremely tired and her efforts of attempting to leave the situation had failed as the car finally stopped its movement. The men instantly flew from their positions in the car and all walked to the back. The leader of the three opened the boot and reached for Amy, without any care if he were hurting her or not.

He then carried her into the large house, as the other two men stayed to lock up the car. Amy could only wait in his arms, and hope that they would begin to explain this all to her soon, because she felt like she was falling into complete insanity at the thought of having been taken against her will.


Harry had won yet another round of pool, which led Liam and Adam to drink even more than expected due to their losses. Since Amy had left to buy some more beer, Laura had joined them all, basically hovering over Liam completely. They had shared a few kisses here and there, which only earned them and eye roll or obnoxious cough from the other two men in the room.

It had already been a good half an hour of time, which seemed a bit too long for Amy to be out. Adam felt slightly cautious considering how late it was, so decided to ring his cousin to check up on her.

“Hello.” Amy greeted coldly once she answered the phone, making Adam frown before remembering why he was calling her.

“Did you get the beer?” He asked excitedly, the thought of having more alcohol appealed to him as he was in the mood to get completely smashed.

“Yes.” He ignored her irritated tone, and could only urge her to quicken her pace.

“Hurry up with it then!” He insisted, taking a last sip of his beer. He definitely needed another crate, considering that there was now none left.

“I’m at my house now.” Amy then informed him, making the frown return to his face once more. She should be driving to his house, not hers.

“That’s not the right house!” He shouted childishly, the considerable amount of alcohol having affected him. “Come to mine quickly.” He wanted her back at his house not only because she would be safe, but also because she would be bringing him what he wanted.

“I’ll be like twenty minutes.” He heard her sigh, before rustling around with something on the other end of the line. Adam placed his cue into the holder next to the pool table before taking a seat on one of the bar stools. Harry was currently on his phone whilst Liam and Laura were engaging in an intense kissing session.

“What are you doing home anyway?” He shook his head, trying to sober up slightly. He had just realised that Amy was alone at midnight which made him anxious. He was proud of himself sounding marginally like his normal voice.

“I just had to get some things.” She informed him, before continue to rustle with something on the other end of the call. “Stop nagging me.” She then argued, making Adam chuckle to himself.

“I just want you to hurry up!” He chirped happily, waiting for one of her standard sarcastic remarks, yet received nothing but a loud scream and glass shattering sound instead.

He immediately flew from his seat and walked back towards the pool table. The others within the room dropped their attention from what they were currently engaging in and turned to face a frantic Adam. He put the phone on speaker so that they could hear too, and they all fell into complete silence.

“Amy!” Adam couldn’t help but yell. “What the hell is going on!?” No answer.

The screams continued and none of them knew what to do. After a few more moments of listening to her cries, a silence was sounded. They each looked up at one another before Adam decided to speak again.

“Amy, I swear to God, what’s going on!” He yelled into the receiver, leaning onto the table so that she could hear. Still no sound was heard, which worried him. The phone line then cut off, making loud beeping sounds before returning to its normal screen.

Harry, Liam and Laura all glanced at one another before turning to face Adam, whose face was void of any emotion. The silence was deafening as everything then appeared to move in slow motion. Adam wiped off the balls off the pool table, throwing them angrily against the wall.

Laura hid behind Liam as he did so, which led him to wrap an arm around her waist protectively. Harry moved towards Adam and stopped his rampage, grabbing onto his arms and shaking him. Adam soon let go of the small objects and looked up at Harry with complete terror radiating from his eyes.

“Stop it!” Harry bellowed. “We need to drive to her house right now.” He instructed, before letting go of his friend and spinning to face Laura. “We’ve all drunk too much so you need to drive.” He told her, yet they had all sobered up considerably due to the circumstances.

She only nodded before collecting her bag from the floor and walking out of the loft. The other three men followed hurriedly, as they each ventured down the stairs and out of the front door. The four of them climbed into Laura’s purple Nissan Micra in no time, as she pulled out of the driveway and embarked upon a speeded journey to her best friend’s house.

Half an hour later, they arrived at her house and parked the car. Adam knew where they kept the spare key, and shifted the plant pot besides the door, picking up the square container which held the small item. He placed the metal into its lock before pushing open the large door and rushing inside.

They all scanned the downstairs of the house before ending up in the kitchen, which left them all stood emotionless at the sight. There was glass everywhere, including a few droplets of blood, staining the wooden floor below. None of them knew where to begin with their thoughts, and watched as Adam rushed towards the other side of the room.

He peered out of the window before scanning the kitchen once more. He picked up Amy’s phone which was lying on the counter and checked to see if there were any strange messages, which proved to fail. He looked at the other items on the kitchen counter and squinted once he saw a peculiar box. Just as he was about to pick up the box of pills on the side, his phone began to ring. His mother couldn’t have chosen a worse time to speak to him.

“Hi Mum.” He gulped, trying to shield the scared tone of his voice. She couldn’t find out what was currently happening over in England.

“Hello Darling! How are you?” Mary chirped happily, loving the sound of her son’s voice. She had missed him dearly, even though she had been away for only a week.

“I’m great.” He lied.

“Good and how is Amy? Rachel and Ryan said that she isn’t answering her phone.” Because she’s been taken. He wanted to say.

“She’s fine; she’s just… fallen asleep.” He didn’t know what else to tell her. “It is midnight here.”

“Oh yes, of course.” Mary laughed. “We clearly haven’t grasped the time zones yet. I’ll let you go then.”

“Okay, Mum.” He then realised that this house was a complete state and would be noticeable when they came home. “I have something to tell you.” He sighed, peering out of the open window.

“Oh no, what is it?” Mary instantly recognised the dreaded tone of his voice.

“The kitchen window at Amy’s house is smashed.” He admitted.

“What do you mean smashed? What happened?”

“We, erm,” he coughed, unsure of what to say, “we were playing catch with a ball and it flew into the glass and smashed.” That was probably the worst lie that he had ever told.

“That was stupid of you!” She scolded him. “You’re going to be paying for that, you stupid boy.” Adam rolled his eyes at his mother’s words.

“Alright, I will.” He ensured her. “I’m going to just have to border it up right now.”

“Get the window replaced tomorrow.” She warned him.

“I will, do you want me to tell Rachel?” He then asked, dreading the wrath of his fiery Auntie.

“No, I’ll tell her. Now go and fix the problem you’ve caused.”

“Okay.” He felt so defeated.

“Very well.” Mary composed herself. “I love you, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Yeah, I love you too. Bye, Mum.”

“Bye.” She said before hanging up.

Adam then turned to face the other three, who were still stood dumbfounded in the doorway. They were all silent as Adam walked outside and retrieved some cardboard, which hadn’t been collected by the bin men yet, and brought it inside of the house to board the window. Harry helped him secure it against the frame, fetching some Sellotape to secure it into place.

Laura and Liam headed back to the car and climbed in, knowing already where Adam wanted to go. The other two boys then joined them in the vehicle before Laura began to drive once more. This evening had been a complete nightmare and it was killing Adam knowing that his little cousin was in danger. She was basically his sister, and he hated knowing that some fucker had taken her from him.

He almost wanted to cry for her. It was hurting him knowing that he had failed in protecting her. If her parents ever found out about any of this then he would never be able to forgive himself. What if he never got her back safely? It would be his fault she was gone. And now there was only one place that he needed to go to, and it was an encounter that he knew wouldn’t be pleasant.

He was going to Niall’s house, and he was about to break the news to him that his girlfriend had been kidnapped. 


I have nothing to say like um... there's only seven chapters left? Please keep the votes and comments coming! 

BarDried has translated this story to Czech! I'm amazed haha.

(Dedicated to Atlantis94 because I've fallen in love with her story Cult. It's quite different but I enjoy it nonetheless, you should all go check it out :D) 

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