Niall Horan Imagines

By adeleb00

235K 2.5K 121

Just a book of Niall Horan imagines :) Read, Comment & Vote please More

Niall Horan Imagines
How You Meet
He Gives You The Silent Treatment
You and I
He Misses You
He Sees You Having a Bad Dream
Your Selfies With Him Get Leaked
Football vs Football
You Get Hate
You Can't Trust Him
You Can't Trust Him pt 2
You Can't Trust Him pt 3
You Are His Bestfriend
You Are His Best Friend pt 2
You Are His Bestfriend pf 3
He Catches You Twerking
Birthday Suprise
He's Over Protective
He's Sick
Your Sick
He Thinks Your Clingy
Titles Prelude
Titles pt 1
Titles Pt 2
Titles Pt 3
You Had A Long Day
After Fighting With Him
He Has A Headache
Airplane Ride With Him
A Fight Leads To You Leaving
You Put Rude Fans In There Place
You Breakdown
More Than Friends
When Hes Mad At You
You Want To Call Off The Wedding
Paps Ruin Your Date With Him
He's Injured
He Dislikes Your Outfit
When Hes Drunk
When Hes Drunk pt 2
Girlfriend Tag
Taking request and sugestions
A Month After The BreakUp Part 1
A Month After The BreakUp Part 2
A List A Tweets He Mentions You In
Your Relationship With Him Going Through A Phase
How Yall Act On The Tour Bus
Your Conversation With Another Band Member
Theo's Birthday
When Another Guy Checks You Out
He's Cranky
He Calls You His Girlfriend By Accident
Before Bed
He Pays Your Bill
You Wish He Was There Moment
Let It Be Beautiful
She's The Type Of Girlfriend
He's Drinking Too Much
When You Wear His Clothes
He's Bored
You Both Over Hear The Other Girlfriends Conversation
You Make Him Have An Attitude
We Make Up
His Birthday Party
Love Runs Out part 1
Love Runs Out Part 2
Love Runs Out pt 3
New Flame
New Flame PT 2
New Flame PT 3
What is the difference between Seperate & Broken

When He Realizes Hes Been Busy

3.1K 26 0
By adeleb00

I was at the studio working on the album & finishing it up. I'm stoked because it's coming together & I'm really happy it's almost done. The lads & I have been really busy making decisions after decisions , meeting after meeting, early morning studio time, late night studio sessions. This is what it's all about & I love doing it. I can't imagine doing anything els.

We were sitting in at a conference call at the moment. We talked about important things but now we weren't really talking about nothing all that important. I was dazing off & on my phone playing around. I went on twitter & noticed some fans raving about Y/n new selfie. I clicked on it & saw her beautiful brown eyes glowing through the picture. As soon as I saw it I remember everything about her.

I remember how she laughs, how she says my name, when she calls me babe or bae. I remember how I can get her to easily smile by just poking her & tickling her. I remember how she loves to hold my hand & how she likes to cuddle closely to my side when I have time to be with her. & I sadly just remembered how things weren't really quite going her way. Everytime she would try to come & see me the plan changes or I have to cancel on her. I remember how she sounded on the phone & what she said.

I've been really busy & i haven't been properly balancing work & my relationship to her. She's been the world to me. I think to myself sometimes how do I end up so lucky to have a girlfriend that is supportive...& so patient. She doesn't get in the way she just wants my attention & I've been so caught up in the music I never took a second until now to realize I haven't been checking on my amazing girlfriend as often as I should.

I know she misses me & I miss her so much. It's never good to be so close to each other & literally never see them. I cant believe I never stopped to noticed how hard it must be for her to take when I cancel or hardly come home to her.

"You wana grabs some pints tonight mate?" Louis asked simply & then I realize the call was over & we were done for the night.

"Umm...ill make it up to you later Lou I have to go home & be with the mrs." I said simply

"Alright & your paying" Louis said & then I got up & left.

I stopped at a shop to grab some lilies Y/n's favorite flowers, then grabbed her favorite donuts. Then I headed straight home to her. When I got there I grabbed my key & unlocked the door.

"Babe?" She calls out to me as I walk towards her.

"Princess it's me...I'm home" I said while hiding the flowers behind me presenting myself to her

"Hey baby I'm so happy to see you" she said while getting up. I reveal the lilies to her & she was surprised

"I've missed you" I said & little tears were forming in her eyes

"I've missed you so much you have no idea" she said excepting the flowers but just pulling me into her embrass.

"I've missed you...I love you" I said in the crook of her neck as I inhaled her sweet scent I missed so much. I smell her a lot. It's a weird habit but it helps when I'm away from her.

"I'm so happy your here like this is not a game" she jokes so funny

"Your so silly" I said laughing

I scooped her up & headed towards the bedroom. I lazily just stripped out of my clothes & got in bed with Y/n.

"I just wanted you to know that I love you so much & I'm sorry I haven't been there as often as I should & I feel..." I said & then she cut me off

" have nothing to be sorry about.." She said

"No but it's important to me I be a good boyfriend..I need to be there for you always like I know in my heart that I will " I said sincerely

"You here now & that's all that matters" she said softly

She then kissed me gently. All night we just laid there & talked. She talked I listened mostly but it was an even spread. I needed to know what she was up to. It sounds strange but the kind of life I have & it's constantly on the go it's hard to keep up with your own girlfriend at times. & I can only imagine how it is for her because it feels like she has to back track to get me caught up to where she is. I'm sure she can feel gutted doing that at times. But in a weird way I like it because it's like I get to know my girlfriend all over. With Y/n it's always something knew...its like she can always keep me on my toes. She's so easy to talk to, supportive....funny.. She's the best. I wouldn't trade her for the world. I love her.

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