Hands In The Stars

By candybuffetcircus

2.8K 192 6

Money is made over piles of corpses. It always has been and it always will be. This is a world full of never... More

1. Orchid Rain
2. Strange Visits
3. Call Out
4. The Road To Your Heart
5. A Man Never Gets To Sleep
6. Empty Eyes Make Broken Dreams
7. Tormented
8. Child's Play
9. A Heavy Heart's Recognition
10. Jewellery
11. A Palace For Tonight
12. Camellia, Or Tulips?
13. Odd Breakfast
14. The Break-In
15. Happy Pills
16. Bar Meeting
17. Evening Request
18. Gray Break
19. Showgirl
20. The Art Of Greetings
21. As Friends
22. Banquet Renounce
23. A Drink Or A Flame
24. Abandoned Residence
25. Hit And Run
26. Home, Sweet Home
27. Gentle Needles
28. Pink Plaid
29. Fare Collation
30. Sweet Cherry Cake
31. Contact Collision
32. Returnal Of The Lamb
33. Delayed Birthday
34. Blood And Bones
35. The Holiday Roadhouse
36. Noteworthy Preparation
37. Distinguishing Anchor
38. Revolve Orbit
39. The Run-Away Doll
40. Exhausted
41. About Thirty
42. Connecting The Past
43. Meihui
44. Conducting The Audition
45. Water Is Thicker Than Blood
46. Hit Like A Wave
47. Border Drive
48. Get Together

49. In Time

156 2 0
By candybuffetcircus

The sun shone directly into the window and onto Edwins bare, pale legs as he slowly rolled over to his side and gave the clock next to him a small glare.
"Mgh, god." He mumbled quietly, regretting the amount of alcohol he consumed the night before. He didn't have much time to contemplate his regrets, however, as he noticed the clock read 07:30. His alarm didn't set off in time. Edwin's body jolted up from the bed. "Shit!" He quickly got up onto his feet and ran across his room, half naked. He searched for his pants only to remember he threw them into the washing machine last night. The same went for his graduation outfit. He was quiet for a long moment, then walked into the closet and pulled out a light pink, flower patterned shirt Fei had bought him years prior. Edwin swiftly put it on, grabbing his phone and hurrying out through the door and across the big hallway.

Making his way down the stair in such great speed that Edwin's long blond hair barely even touched his shoulders as he went, he only halted when he had to turn. Edwin easily navigated his way through the labyrinth-like corridors and swung the door to the washing room open. A few slaves standing inside folding laundry froze in their actions. On reflex they all turned to face the door at the same time and bowed their heads to the Dongcock son. Edwin didn't even bother to look at them. His eyes were busy scanning the clothes, and locked on the pair of pants and shirt that someone was understandingly holding out towards him. Edwin snatched them up, then finally allowed himself to catch his breath. He ganced at the digital clock on the washing rooms wall; 07;02. A puzzled expression crept onto his face. Then, he remembered. He hadn't changed the batteries in his bedside table clock since two days ago. He suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him.
"Fuck." Edwin breathed out. He slipped into his newly washed pants, hung the shirt lazily over his shoulder. With much calmer steps he made his way to the kitchen, checking his phone while his legs took long steps. The group of slaves murmured nervously behind him, but he didn't listen to whatever they had to say to each other.

"Well someone sure got a lot of energy, for having such a hangover." Feng commented with a small smirk over his lips. The big man sipped his cup of coffee, really having enjoyed the sight of Edwin running around the house in a panic. "Are you excited?" He asked. "I made pancakes for you, they're on the counter. Or well, I had them made. Maybe not as good as the ones mom made but hopefully they'll be alright anyways."
"Huh?" Edwin asked. He walked straight into the wall in front of him and fell down onto his butt. "Ow!" He yelled, dropping his phone and hearing Feng chuckle behind him. A small blush crept onto Edwin's face, and he stood up as hastily as he could. "You... Didn't see that..." Edwin wiped some imaginary dust off his knees. In truth, the floors were so clan one could use them as mirror replacements. Edwin walked into the kitchen, sat down in one of the chairs by the table, and rubbed his head. Then he remembered the pancakes were on the counter. Edwin groaned annoyingly. He slowly laid his head down onto the table.

"Ugh, it's too bright outside. It's so loud my eyes can't handle it." Edwin whined and groaned against the wood of the table below him. A shiver ran up his spine and he slowly forced his body to sit up straight. "I don't- I don't know if I'm excited, I'll probably mess something up on stage when the time actually comes. Is, uh, where's Mei?" Edwin's voice softened up. Feng held out a painkiller, already prepared. Edwin grabbed it and quickly swallowed it down.
"Meihui isn't going to come, if that's what you're wondering. You'll be fine without him, and you'll do fine on that stage." Feng tried to reassure his brother, then a small, evil smile grew onto his face. "It would be more fun if you walked up to the wrong name calling instead." He chuckled a bit.
"Oh shut up now I'm going to do that only because you said it and then I'll have to retake another year!" Edwin whined out, but he had a faint smile over his face. The older brother only waved a hand at him.
"Have you heard anything from Ethan? Did he join you yesterday?" Feng tried to get Edwin's mind distracted from all the concerns. He went to fetch the plate of pancakes, a glass of champagne and some jam. He served the breakfast up in front of Edwin.

The pancakes glistered in the light and the champagne bubbled in the tall, crystalized glass. Edwin stared between the meal and Feng, who looked back at him with a small smile.
"Uh, Ethan? Who? Oh, yeah, uhm, was he supposed to come over? Or were we going to pick him up? Ugh I don't remember." Edwin realized. He poked the fluffy dish in front of him anxiously. He didn't want to eat them, but he noticed the hopeful gleam in Feng's smile disappear.
"Come on just eat them, Edwin you'll need to stay awake and alert for today. It's your day, celebrate it." Feng let out, he turned to look away from Edwin, watching the flowers out in their garden sway softly in the light breeze outside. "We have to leave in thirty minutes, I suppose we're picking Ethan up seeing that he doesn't have either a car or a licence. You should really try to convince him to get one, it would be so much more efficient."

He knew that Feng wouldn't let him out of the kitchen until the plate was finished. He knew that Feng knew he hadn't had anything but alcohol the day before. He also knew that he should, technically. He didn't want to do something stupid or embarrassing, like faint on stage, or with Ethan for that matter. A groan filled the kitchen once more and Edwin reluctantly took a piece of the pancake and stuffed it into his mouth. The sweet flavours and fluffy texture washed over him and as soon as he noticed they were perfectly fine, he finished them all off. It's true; They weren't as good as their mother used to bake them, but fine either ways. The dishes got dropped in the sink and Edwin rushed out to the bathroom, Feng's eyes following him. He dragged out the makeup bag and the realization of how little time he actually had left to get ready hit him. Thirty minutes was barely enough. He began fixing up his tired, pale face. Mascara and discreet lipstick applied quickly. He pressed on his eyelid tape, giving the double eyelid illusion to mask his monolids. Multitasking brushing his teeth and his hair at the same time was a bit difficult, but it worked. Lastly came his sweet-scented perfume

The pink elastic he had gotten from Ethan some days ago rested around his wrist. Edwin eyed it as he walked through the corridors. A small smile crept onto his face and he used it to tie his long, blonde hair into a ponytail.
"Alright, I'm ready to leave whenever you are." Edwin's voice echoed through the mansion. He stopped in front of one of the many porcelain vases lining the walls and mirrored himself in the contorted reflection. He never really did enjoy his stereotypical look, he enjoyed stuffing his eyelids full and hiding behind lightly coloured eye lenses. "Hurry up then! I'd rather be a few minutes early than late."

Merely fifteen minutes later, the row of three big, black car waited right by the entrance outside Edwin and Ethan's shared apartment building. The two at the front and back were occupied by three guards each, the one in the middle housing the Dongcock brothers themselves. It had become tradition that the Dongcock family always showed up on sight with three cars, six guards and normally three drivers whenever there was any big or crowded event going on. This time, however, they only had two drivers, as Feng had insisted he wanted to drive his brother and his brothers boyfriend to their graduation personally. Feng stretched a bit impatiently as he glared at the door to his left, waiting for it to open any second. They may have driven a bit out of the law in order to make it in time, though that was nothing that ever bothered them. Every official worker for the public society had memorized every single one of the Dongcock's vehicles, and made a note not to bother them. 

"I sincerely hope that kid is actually awake and on his way right now." Feng mumbled, the heat having put him in an easily irritated morning mood. All he wanted was to get out of the car. He leaned back in his seat with a sigh and honked for a third time, just in time for the entrance door of the apartment to finally swing open. Ethan half-jogged towards the car with quick steps in his white, thick heels. Curled hair swung slightly behind him. A suited man opened the car's door, letting a gust of wind inside and Ethan jumped into the back seat.
"Sorry I took so long, but thanks for picking me up anyways!" He smiled, a bit out of breath as he had clearly hurried with whatever he was doing prior to coming out.
"No, Ethan, I was in fact planning to make you miss your own graduation merely because I didn't want to be here. Of course we would pick you up, who else would do it?" Feng mumbled and rolled his eyes a bit. Ethan looked over at Feng with big eyes, but smiled as he noticed the smile across the older Dongcock brothers lips as well. 

He knew even if Feng might've acted like it sometimes, he didn't dislike Ethan, the man simply spoke like that. 
"I didn't know you could drive." Ethan commented as the car in front of them started rolling, Feng following tightly behind. 
"Are you surprised?" Feng raised an eyebrow. 
"Not really-" Ethan was too busy staring at Edwin, who sat in the front seat besides Feng, to give a proper answer. He was completely struck back by the sight of his dressed up boyfriend, and felt a slight tear pressing up his eyes. "You look amazing Edwin..." He mumbled, then smirked a bit. "But what's new?" 
"Psh, you look amazing. You're stunning as always, and with stunning I mean it actually looks like you slept for once." Edwin smiled with a small giggle, leaning his head back to look at Ethan. Ethan leaned over the front seat just enough to give Edwin's cheek a small peck. He wrapped his arms around the seat, letting his hands rest on Edwin's chest. Edwin grabbed onto one of Ethan's hands and gave it a small kiss. 

"Ethan!" Feng's dominant voice got both of their attentions and they looked over at him. Feng gave them a side glance as he sped down the highway. "Sit down, christ." 
"I don't want to!" Ethan protested in a childish voice, and Feng rolled his eyes. "I have too much energy! And Edwin is too handsome, it's impossible to keep myself back."
"I do not care about that, sit down." Feng didn't plan to let them go, and with a small whine Ethan did as told. Edwin only giggled besides his brother. 
"Right." He chimed in. Edwin suddenly held his hand out towards the backseat. A small, blue box wrapped in a white, silky ribbon rested in his hold. "It's a graduation present from me."
"Oh, but-" Ethan accepted the box with a wide smile, a small blush growing over his face. "I didn't get you anything, though, I didn't think you would."
"I don't need anything, go ahead and open it!" Edwin smiled, and Ethan practically bounced in excitement in his seat. Only Feng's stare through the mirror within the car's ceiling stopped him from jumping up to his feet. 

The package was practically already open before Edwin had time to finish his sentence. Ethan gave off an excited squeal as he stared down at the two connected silver chains within. Small, red heart shaped stones hung from them. 
"Edwin! It's gorgeous!" He giggled with a wide smile. "You're just too wonderful, I love you!" He picked up the necklace and carefully locked it in place around his neck. He once more stood up and embraced Edwin from behind, kissing his cheek repeatedly. 
"Thank god you liked it." Edwin chuckled, blushing a bit over Ethan's kisses and pecks as he placed his hands on top of the others. "Do not loose it now okay? Feng is actually the one who helped me get a hold of it." He said jokingly, then swiftly turned his head to catch Ethan's lips in his. Ethan put a hand onto Edwin's cheek as they kissed, but it forcefully broke when Feng hit a small pothole. 

The approaching school was soon spotted through the cars window, and the crowd around the place was thicker than both Ethan and Edwin had imagined. Feng, however, didn't seem surprised over the big mass of people. 
"Are you exited to graduate? I mean when we're done we can basically do whatever we wish to. After all, jobs isn't really a problem right now. You could even sleep away all day if that's what you desire." Edwin smiled. His fingers fiddled a bit with the ring he had around one of his fingers, a gift from his mother. 
"Ethan, don't listen to him, do get a proper job it will be good for your future." Feng quickly joined in a mumble, causing Ethan to laugh a bit.
"If I can do whatever, I think I'm going to spend all summer long in your mansion." Ethan teased, nudging Feng's side. 
"God please don't..." Feng whined, but he smiled a bit at their suggestion. He already expected nothing less to happen.
"You're too rude!" Ethan whined. "But yeah, I'm excited. Though..." Ethan seemed to trail off a bit, staring at the school in front of him. "I almost wish my parents would have been here to watch. Is that strange? After all that's happened, it feels a bit weird. I don't remember how long it's been since I actually met them."
"Not at all." Feng told him simply. "You two will be fine." 

A long stretch of road by the gates of the school was completely empty, reserved only for the Dongcock family. By the looks of it, it seemed as though the staff of the school had expected them to come in their long limousine, the lot was perfectly shaped for it. Feng smiled a bit at that, a bit impressed that the staff had remembered such a detail. When he graduated, that's how Dai got him driven up to this very school yard. As the three cars parked one after the other, Feng felt a bit glad he didn't comply to Dai's traditions all too much. As soon as Feng turned the car off Ethan swung the door open and skipped out into the parking lot. The boy seemed full of energy and excitement, and Feng wondered how many cups of coffee he had that morning. The brunette was quickly off having a happy conversation with some other teenagers just a few meters away from the vehicle. Classmates, most likely.

Edwin couldn't help but to smile as he pressed the seatbelt off and turned to give Feng a glance. He reached his thin hand out to grab onto the door handle, but paused.  He couldn't help but to think of her, all night, all morning, all week. He didn't want to say anything. A happy, bright day seemed so rare in the Dongcock mansion. Edwin couldn't remember a single day that had all gone to plan, where all the pieces in the puzzle fit. Nonetheless, he was determined that this day would be such a day. A day for good memories.  Edwin scanned the area around them, feeling a sight relief as he noticed that not as many people as he thought seemed to acknowledge the big black cars. Everyone were occupied by their own thoughts, conversations and friends. With a skipping heartbeat and a tint of hesitation, Edwin quickly turned to face his older brother. The man he'd always looked up to, the person who'd always been there to boost his carrier and dreams even when hope seemed gleam. Feng looked at him with a slightly confused expression, wondering what was on the youngers mind. Before Feng had time to ask, Edwin reached his thin arms out, and wrapped them around his brother, causing Feng to freeze in confusion.

Edwin's heart raced. This was such an unfamiliar, strange feeling. For some reason, he simply couldn't seem to let go. An unknown, comforting feeling rose within him as he took the warmth of his brother's body into his own, feeling Feng's strong arms return the hug. It took a few seconds for the feeling to register within him. His eyes stung as he buried his face into Feng's suit jacket, squeezing his brother ever so tightly, as if when he let go, Feng would vanish. He couldn't remember the last time he hugged him. What could it have been? Six years, or more? He felt ashamed.
"Thank you..." Edwin whispered in a slightly shaky, sacred voice as images of his mother flushed through his mind. He felt Feng rubbing his back gently. "Thank you for everything, this- This wouldn't be possible without you. I love you-" Edwin cut himself off as he felt a big ray of embarrassment wash over him, shame almost. Through their childhoods, neither of them were ever allowed to hug, hold hands, or utter such meaningful words around Dai. Not ever. 

"I love you too, kid." Feng's deep voice brought Edwin back to this world. "You don't need to thank me for such things, it's what I live for, after all. Now, I think your class is waiting for you. You can hug me again later." Feng smiled, his tone comforting and warm. The embrace slowly broke apart, and Edwin nodded a bit. Feng put a reassuring hand on Edwin's shoulder, before looking out of the window and giving one of the guards outside a small nod. The man opened the vehicles doors, and they both stepped out into the humid summer morning air. Feng watched Edwin join Ethan. The two of them hooked arms and wandered off to find their classmates and get into place. He, himself, surrounded by three guards on each side of him, started slowly making his way through the schools gates. Memories of the past rushed through his mind. He hadn't been in this area since the 90s. Oh how he wished Kuan-Ju could be here to accompany him. Feng was sure his childhood happiness would have loved to wander this place in the light with him. People scattered away around the suited men as the group of Takers made their way through the yard. 

On the big field a stage had been set up, just as Feng remembered it. Massive spotlights hung on sturdy metal poles above. Thousands of seats had been organized in neat rows, most in the front were already taken. With slow steps Feng walked through the wide path made in between them all, scanning everyone in the crowd as he approached. Eventually, he sat down on the middle chair on the front row. Seven seats had been kept empty. He was just in time, as he watched the principal make his way up onto the stage. The crowd slowly fell silent and all eyes fell on the principal as he walked to the microphone placed in the middle.
"Good morning my dear ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I'd like to thank every single one of you for coming to this very special day." 

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