Not The Last {Rough Draft}

By EmilySeifert

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~Thank you for the continued love for this series! I was 13 when I began this book, and am now taking the tim... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Supplies
Chapter 3: The Hospital
Chapter 4: Felix
Chapter 5: Betrayal
Chapter 6: Collapsed
Chapter 7: Separated
Chapter 8: Not The Last
Chapter 9: Backstories
Chapter 10: Busting Noses, Specifically Trent's
Chapter 11: Crazy People and That Boy
Chapter 12: Happy Birthday To Me
Chapter 13: Birthday Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: Stay Strong
Chapter 15: Leaving Town
Chapter 16: Faster, Stronger, Bigger Zombies
Chapter 17: A Silver Lining
Chapter 18: Drowning Is A Bad Way To Die
Chapter 19: Ashley Stops Me
Chapter 20: When it rains, the CIA is there
Chapter 21: Empty And Not So Empty Threats
Chapter 22: Nightmares Are A Side Affect Of Trauma
Chapter 23: Rooftop Run
Chapter 24: Reunited With Old Enemies
Chapter 25: Hacking Into Systems
Chapter 26: The Granges'
Chapter 27: Zombie Dogs
Chapter 29: Turning
Chapter 30: Withstanding Zombie Bites
Chapter 31: Tempers Rising
Chapter 32: The CIA Returns In Full Force
Chapter 33: Grenades Are Back In Fashion
Chapter 34: The Broadcast
Chapter 35: Working Together
Chapter 36: Sleep Is For The Weak
Chapter 37: One Or The Other
Chapter 38: Out Smart The Smart
Chapter 39: Chopper Stopper
Chapter 40: Destroying And Destroyed
Chapter 41: We've Been Broadcasted
Chapter 42: Giving In
Chapter 43: Torture Exercises
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: Hunting Expedition Success
Chapter 46: Game Of CIA
Chapter 47: The Hour Journey
Chapter 48: Averageish Beach Goers
Chapter 49: Celebrating Peace

Chapter 28: Zombie Bites and Familiar People

1.7K 127 28
By EmilySeifert

  I heard gunshots and then the dog that had its teeth latched into my neck was gone. There was blood coming out of my neck at an alarming speed. I felt hands and someone grabbed me and helped me to my feet.

  I looked at the person who had saved me thinking it was Van but then saw an unfamiliar face. It was a boy with emerald green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

  "Are you okay?" The boy asked. He looked about my age.


  "Oh my God, you're okay!" Van yelled as he ran up to me. Apparently nobody had seen the bloody bite mark on my neck yet.

  "Aye, that was close," Another boy said. He had deep brown eyes and light brown hair. There were also two girls. One with blonde hair and blue eyes and one with red hair and bright blue eyes.

  "We need to get her back to our place," Van said. He saw me sway a little and he hooked his arm under mine. The four teenagers followed us.

  "What the hell happened?" Trent said as soon as we got inside. Him and Ashley were pacing the living room and Darwin was up against the wall.

  "Who the hell are they?" Trent said as the four people walked in the doorway.

  "Does it matter, Trent?" Ashley asked. Then she looked at my neck.

  "Oh my God! What happened?" Ashley half screamed and ran to me. Van looked at my neck and realization dawned on his face. He immediately unhooked his arm from me and jumped back.

  "What happened?" Darwin growled angrily. He was probably angry because his "science project" was injured.

  "She was bitten," Van said quietly. Horror crossed both Ashley and Trent's face. Darwin looked somewhat calm.

  That's when it hit me. I was bitten. On the neck. By what might as well had been a zombie. My eyes widened and utter fear washed over me. I tilted backwards and fell against the wall. There was suddenly an outburst of voices and they all combined in my head.

  "She's bitten?"

  "Now what?"

  "We have to kill her before she turns,"

  "No we wait until she turns!"

  "Guys, quiet!" I yelled my head was pounding and I had a nauseous feeling. There was blood still coming out of my neck and I was breathing heavily.

  "But you're-,"

  "I know what happened!" I yelled. My head was fogging over and I was feeling tipsy from the lost of blood.

  "We have to do something," Ashley said. I sighed and gripped my head with my hands.

  "Let me patch up your wound," Darwin said. I looked up at him.

  "But, I'm going to die anyways," I said. My stomach flipped as soon as I said it.

  "Yeah, but what's the point in speeding up the process?" Darwin said as he got down to my level.

  He pushed my head aside and grabbed some bandages. In a minute my neck was patched up and Darwin was standing up and walking over to the four people.

  "So tell me, who are you?" Darwin said as he came to the boy that had helped me. The boy had been looking at me intently and now was looking at Darwin. For some reason something clicked in my mind. I wasn't sure what though.

  "My name is Kyle."



What...? Did I really just do that? I was honestly considering having Kyle and all them die but... I don't know how that would have settled. And Astrix was bitten... for some reason I feel like you guys are going to kill me now...

But, main issue now. Nile and Kyle meet. I still don't know who I like more...

But yeah! That happened. So do yo drill thingay!


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