Fairy Tail: Tale of The Drago...

By Bolt8091

179K 2.2K 1.1K

A 10-year-old boy left alone roams the land of Fiorre with his companion ....talking and flying cat? But they... More

Chapter 1: A New Family
Harem update/Welcome to Fairy Tail!
Not a chapter.
Chapter 3 Return of My Scarlet Tsundere!
Chapter 4 The Dragon Lord's Wrath!
Galuna Island Laydown
Chapter 5 Mom and Dad, Quality time, Vince
Chapter 6 How Dad met my mother. Dragon Lord's RAGE!!!
Chapter 7 War!
Wow just Wow.
Chapter 8 Don't ever harm my MATE!!!
Harem Update!
Just for laughs
Just asking (not a chapter)
Vote over
Markings of Mates(Lemon)
Which one?
Why can't we be friends?
Vote closed
Chapter 10 Lucy The Celestial Dragon Slayer and Unexpected Events!
What if ?
Chapter 11 Justice vs Chaos!
Chapter 12 Vacation!
Chapter 13 Dragon Lordnapped!
Chapter 14 A surprise twist!
Chapter 15 You will not BREAK ME!
Chapters 16 Gotta get to back, back to the present!
New story (not a chapter)
Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!
Chapter 18 Heaven's Game Part 1
Heaven's Game Part 2
Heaven's Game Part 3 (finale)
Chapter special: Goodbye Simon
Chapter 19 Home
Chapter 20: Battle of Fairy Tail Part 1
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 2
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 3
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 4
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 5 Finale
Our Dog
I'm Back!

Chapter 2. Coming home and Lucy

9.3K 111 80
By Bolt8091

It has been six years since Drake and Noy joined Fairy Tail they earned themselves the title of "The Dragon Lord" and "The Black Saber Tooth" Drake was now 19 and was wearing a sick ass outfit and also cut his hair shorter.

(Once again imagine Natsu is Drake and Imagine Drake has emerald green eyes)
And his furry companion was now 16 (at least i think) and gained a few scars here and there all from training.

(Imagine Black fur, red eyes and stripes, shirtless, and wearing black cargo pants, and has scars on his chest, face and arms)
Currently they were visiting Hargeon Town on their back to the guild from a three year long quest which they completed.
They were walking through the streets looking for something to eat.

While they were away Drake grew to be 6 foot 4 and got a very well build body from his  training and the missions he went now and before.

Drake and Noy were sitting on a bench eating two (or in Drake's 8) chocolate donuts. Noy finished his and looked at Drake take his time eating the chocolate cover fried dough and Noy couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's chocobsession. (Made the word up pronounced Choc-o-bse-ssion)

Noy: Man you really like chocolate do you bud.

Drake looked down at Noy just as he finished the sixth donut.

Drake: Well yeah Chocolate is a gift from the heavens.

Drake: Yes a precious gift that the gods have bestowed to us mortals. They thought us worthy wield such precious gifts and we forget what great honor was given to us!

Noy: Alright i get it just stop doing that Kill la Kill crap!

Drake: Wait kill la what?

Noy: Nothing.

Drake and Noy stopped by a little shop knowing that they wouldn't find much since hargeon wasn't much of a wizard town. But while they were just browsing around Drake heard someone who obliviously was a girl talking with owner about a celestial key.
Drake: (in thoughts) Must be a celestial wizard, thought we were the only ones in here guess we didn't see her.
As Drake and Noy made their way to the front to the counter Drake was met with picture he will keep in his mind forever. He was right about the wizard being a girl but what he didn't know is that she was drop dead gorgeous.

And not only that but she was pulling a pose trying to seduce the old man to sell her the key cheaper it may not work on the old man but it worked on Drake.

Drake then walked up to the counter and dropped a bag with a large amount of jewels in it.
Drake: Will this cover the key's price old man?
Old man: (dollar signs for eyes) Oh Yes Indeed! Here you are young lady!
The man gave the girl the key and she along with Drake and Noy walked out the store.
Drake's first Waifu: Hey thanks for buying this for me i really appreciate it. But you didn't need waste your money on helping me.
Drake: Ah it's no big deal besides when there's a cute girl in need of assistance i can't help to step.
As Drake finished that sentence he flashed a kind smile that almost made the girl's heart jump right out her chest as she blushing from Drake's kindness and compliment to calling her cute.

Girl: Oh wow he's so nice and he called me cute!
The girl shook her head and settle herself down and proceeded to introduce herself.
Girl: Anyways i should Introduce myself my name is Lucy. (Extends hand out)
Drake: Drake, Drake Blaze and this is my buddy Noy.
Noy: (tfs dende voice) Hey.
Noy: There are literally people with weird magical powers you're really freaking out over a talking cat?
Lucy: Oh yeah you're right sorry.
Drake: Anyways we better get home see ya Lucy and take care.
Lucy: You to.
With the two left the blonde and stopped by to get something to eat...again.
Drake: Hey don't you judge us we love to eat!
Whatever anyways just as they were about to leave they saw a bunch of girls gathered around a man. What caught Drake's attention though was the rings on his fingers which were charm rings. But that's not all that caught Drake's attention he saw a familiar Blonde girl in a lovestruck daze making her way towards the man.
Drake knew love charms were banned and knew this jackass was using it to get in women's pants and that twisted Drake's stomach. But when he saw Lucy something snapped and told him to save her and with he followed his instinct and charged at the man and shouted towards him.
Jackass: Ye-

(Just play the video to 0:07)
The Jackass fell to the ground gripping his now shattered dick. Drake stood tall and proud at his work until four girls jumped him and try to attack.
But it proved to be useless since Drake was still standing as they made sad attempts to clobber him. (So imagine Bugs Bunny trying to take down Crusher)
Girl 1: How dare you!?
Girl 2: You disrespectful bastard!
Girl 3: This aught to teach you!
Girl 4: Take this and that!
Drake just stood still like a statue as kept "trying" to hurt him. That until the jackass rose and spoke in a high pitched voice.
High Pitched Jackass: Now now girls it's alright it's all apart of an act i setup with this young man.
Drake and Noy: (thoughts) BULLSHIT!
Hp Jackass: And besides i'm pretending it's not like he destroyed my junk to the point i will never have kids.
Author: Lie.
Just before he could continue a voice shouted out to the Jackass.
???: Hey Igneel i finall-
What shocked Drake and Noy was that the voice belong to a grown Natsu.
Drake: Wow Natsu's grown up guess i been gone way more longer than i thought.
Just then Drake was brought out of his thoughts when the same four girl attacked Natsu as he was walking away.
After that the Jackass now fully (not really) recovered from Drake's groin crush move announced he was having a party on his boat and after that was said he left along with the other girls.
Natsu: Ow! Geez that was just plain uncalled for!
Drake: I'll say and stupid to right flamethrower?
Natsu froze from that nickname cause there has been only one person to call him that. He looked up not only to see a hand stretched out to him but also a face he hasn't seen in three years.
Natsu: DRAKE!
The four of them greeted each other in joy as Lucy stood there smiling at their little reunion.
Lucy: They must be really close. (Blush) I should repay Drake somehow after all he helped me twice so i owe him.
Timeskip (to boat battle)
Drake and Natsu and their partners were currently standing (or in this case Drake was standing) as a result from his motion sickness which Drake outgrew since he was 15. The reason why they're on the boat is because they heard that this guy was calling himself The Dragon Lord who was a member of Fairy Tail and that was a problem because 1. Drake, Noy, Natsu, and Happy are members of Fairy Tail. 
2. The jackass named Bora was a slave trader.
3. He had Lucy with him.
And the number 4 main reason was...
Drake: I'M THE DRAGON LORD OF FAIRY TAIL!!!(to the readers)
Author: Yep exactly.
Drake: Noy, Happy get Lucy out of here.
Both: Aye
Happy grabbed Lucy and spread out his wings and flew with Noy following close behind. Until Happy ran out of energy dropped into the water with Lucy. Noy dived in after them where he found them along with Lucy's gate keys.
Lucy: We have to help Natsu, Drake, and the other girls on that yacht!
Noy: Natsu yes.
Girls yes.
Drake no.
Lucy: Why Not!?
Lucy's question was answered as Bora's men were all punched and kicked off the boat.
Man 1: Ah!
Man 2: WHOA
Man 3: My Leg!
Noy: Yeah he'll be fine but if you want to save Natsu and those girls use one of your spirit keys.
Lucy: Right!
Lucy pulled out one of her golden keys and preceded to summon a mermaid named Aquarius.
Lucy: Listen up Aquarius, I want you to use your power to push that ship back into port.
Aquarius: (scoffs)
Lucy: You're supposed to come from the spirit world to help, not give me attitude!
Aquarius: Let's get something straight. The next time you so much as think about dropping my key, you're dead.
Lucy and Happy(for some reason): It won't happen again.
Noy: So that's it?
Aquarius turns to see Noy with unamused face.
Aquarius: You got a problem cat?
Noy: Yeah Lucy's strongest spirit is a guppy with anger issues.
Lucy and Happy froze when Noy said that and Aquarius well.
At the point Aquarius had used her urn to not only push the boat back to port but Lucy, Happy, and Noy with it.(mostly trying to drown Noy)
Aquarius: Oh that was am accident i didn't mean to get the ship.
Noy: Your aim is as bad as your personality!
Aquarius jumped and looked up and what she not only shocked her but Lucy too in the place of Noy was a large black anthropomorphic sabertooth tiger who stood at 9 foot 6 with red stripes and long ferocious teeth and had large black feather wings instead of white like happy's.
Lucy: (shaken) N-Noy
Happy: Aye! Unlike me Noy can transform his body and hold it for very long period of time.
Noy: Then landed and the ground and put happy and Lucy down gently.(well Lucy just dropped Happy)
Aquarius: H-How did you-
Noy: I dodge before you threw the water out, how you like me now bitch?
Aquarius was now fuming in anger (comically that is) and her and Noy threw insults back at each other like no tomorrow with Aquarius yelling and just calmly insulting her.
Noy: Trout kisser.
Aquarius: Dog food!
Noy: Shark fuck.
Aquarius: TREE BITCH!
Noy: Fish food.
Aquarius: ALMIGHTY DICK!!!!
Noy: Algae sucker.
Aquarius: *gasp!*
Aquarius: How dare you!? You...you...furball?
(Play from 0:02- 0:04)

Noy: Nice comeback Little whore maid.
Aquarius had enough with that last insult and returned to the spirit realm angry, humiliated, and embarrassed.
Lucy: You just made Aquarius mad and you got away with it!?
Noy: Yeah if you ever need help with her just talk to me or Drake.
Just as Noy finished saying that they saw Drake and Natsu rise from the rubble with pissed off faces.
Natsu: So you claim to be a member of the Fairy Tail Guild?
Drake: And you say you're called the Dragon lord? (Just changing in here Natsu thought it was another dragon lord not Drake's nickname making him believe Igneel was in Hargeon.)
Bora: So what's it to you? Go get them men!
Two men charged at both of them but they knocked them away with no effort.
Natsu: Our names are Natsu and Drake and we are Fairy Tail wizards! (By the way Drake's is emerald green with sapphire blue outline on his right pectoral)
And we've never seen you before!
Lucy: You kidding me! They're apart of Fairy Tail!?
Noy: Yep but that's not all.
Bora then shot his providence typhoon at them and thought the job was finished until.
Natsu: Gah! This is so gross!
Drake: I know nasty!
Everyone freaked out cause not only were they alive but they ate the flames as well.
Natsu: Now we've got a fire in our bellies that raging to get out!
Drake: Let's do it!
Natsu: Heck yeah!
Bora goon: Hey Bora i swear i've seen these guys before. Pink haired kid is salamander and the guy with black and red hair is....oh no it's him! The Dragon of Fairy Tail!
Lucy: (to herself and astonished)
The Dragon Lord?
Drake: Natsu hang back this jerk used my name making an insult to our guild...(death) He's mine.
Natsu: Heh! Sure thing buddy him for me to will ya?
Drake: With pleasure.
Drake then charged at bora who was using his providence typhoon to keep him in the air.
He then called out an attack called red shower launching them at Drake who dodge them all with ease. But when looked back he saw the blast heading for the buildings he spun back as he launched a fire dragon roar at the blast destroying them before they hit anything he turned back and continue his charge at Bora.
Only difference was his irises, hair, and hands were glowing red as he jumped into the air.
Lucy: Wait why is Drake glowing red like that.
Happy: Because Drake and Natsu's magic are ancient magic that barely used anymore called Dragon Slayer Magic.
Natsu: Yep and mine is fire
Lucy: Isn't Drake fire too?
Noy: Nope( btw he changed back to normal) Drake has the ability to learn any dragon slayer magic or element but his main slayer magic is chaos.
Bora: Hell prominence!
Bora launched another attack at Drake which could destroy half the town if Drake didn't just flick away to a nearby cliff like nothing.
(Imagine ultra instinct goku)
Drake: Here comes the punishment! CHAOS DRAGON DESTRUCTION FIST!
Drake's whole arm glowed red as he launch himself at bora at full speed with fist reeled back.
And he was close he didn't sock Bora in the face no he hit in the place that he use to use to make love to women. Sending him flying into the bell of Hargeon into one of the nearby cliffs.
Bora and his men were defeated the town was still standin so once again the day is sa-
PPG Narrator: Hey buddy watch or Craig gonna sue your ass!
Author: Oh Shit your right!
Bora and his men were defeated, the town was still standing and with the magic council army on their the group made tracks with Drake carrying Lucy bridal style.
Lucy: Hey where we going!?
Drake: Where do you think? You said you want to join Fairy Tail right? Then let's go!
Lucy: Alright!
As they were running Drake couldn't help to stare at Lucy as she rested her head on his chest with her eyes closed and blushing.
Drake blushed at this and smiled and looked at the horizon and see his and Noy's "brothers" (Natsu and Happy) smiling and laughing as they're all running home.
Drake: I'm coming home, this is going to be one hell of a life.
A/N: Hey guys Bolt8091 updating a new chapter and i'm going to take a break from Fairy Tail and start a new story called My Dragon Hero DXD a dragon ball, highschool dxd, and my hero academia crossover it will have some what if scenarios like the one with Raditz and Gine, Good Cell, and Nappa here's a few question for you guys and message me or leave in the comment section.
Question 1: With my ocs if they had an dub voice actor who would it be? For a character in kill la kill i gave Clifford Chaplin (Bakugo's actor same tone of voice but kinder, smartass like, and freak out like scared or surprised he will be playing Noy both normal and transformed)
Question 2. Should i add Juvia, Lisanna, Bisca, and Laki to the harem cause you know i want and Alzack to be with Bisca you know what Bisca isn't an option anymore sorry kiddies.
Question 3: If you have any dub voice actors who can capture serious, funny, laid back, kind hearted and most of all is one hell of screamer (NO SEAN SCHMMEL! He already works hard on Goku)
Question 4: Did Yuri Lowenthal work for Funimation cause he played Sasuke. If he doesn't well pretend he does cause play Drake and two others.
This last one is not a question just something i'm letting you know i'm not doing.
I will not do...
Naruto(sorry naruto fans already enough stories)
One Piece(also enough stories)
No abused crap
No jackass main characters
No stupid MCS(main characters)
What animes, movies, or games...
Dbz(op oc but not that much)
Fairy Tail
Mermaid Drive Valkyrie(op male oc)
Senran Kagura
Maken Ki(op oc)
Manyuu hiknenchou
Transformers(prime, bumblebee move and bayverse...yeah that's right i said it!)
Spider-man(op oc)
My hero academia(dbz and op oc with op Izuku)
Highschool DXD(op oc)
Freezing (anime)(op oc)
Dragonar Academy
Infinite Stratos(op oc)
Pacific Rim
And crossovers
Lemons i'll do
Futanari(if your into that if not i'll make votes).
No yaoi so if i have two ocs being buddy with each other it's not a gay relationship (to those readers who are nothing against you) it's just cause they have a close brotherly bond with each other.
So yeah hope you enjoy the new chapter and start on the new story soon just going to take at least a two week break from making stories. Until then
Goku's voice: Until we meet again guys!

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