Uncovered - A Shadowhunters F...

By writesbecs

65.3K 1.4K 189

"I'm a Lightwood. No matter the deception I create." Jordyn Lightwood was collateral damage during the Uprisi... More

Common Impressions
Unwanted Blood
Don't Ask
Smoke and Mirrors
Confrontation and Comfort
Walk Away
Cowboy Family
City of Enlightening
Glass Reflections
A Step on the Edge
Lightwood Blues
Melting the Mask
Sweet Revenge
Just Like This
Change My Life
Take Two
Fading Features
Parent hood
Way Back to Eachother
Running Out
Date Night
Perfect Life

Flat Lines

642 14 4
By writesbecs

I was so ready to confess everything, to finally relieve myself the burden of lying to the one guy I promised myself I'd never lie to. He was watching me intently as I'd somehow stood up and began pacing, holding the thin sheet of my bed close to my bare chest. I was trying to think of an approach, how do you tell someone you love you've been carrying his child for the past five months and never said a word? Exactly.

I held my head in my hands and sat back down on the edge of the bed, "You're going to hate me Trey. And I wanted to tell you I just didn't know how, and now I left it too long and you're going to be upset and hate me and you're going to leave again an-" Trey kissed me. I didn't even see him move before his lips were on mine and offering me the comfort that they possessed so greedily. I will always feel safe in his arms. 

"Trey... I'm-"

"IN TROUBLE!" I heard Clary scream before realising what she'd interrupted, she'd somehow portalled in during my mini breakdown and she looked out of breath, I snapped out of my own confession and used her as an excuse to postpone the conversation. "What's wrong Clary? What do you mean I'm in trouble?" 

Clary coughed awkwardly and I then realised I was wearing nothing but a thin sheet, I laughed and threw on Trey's shirt that had eventually found itself scattered on the bedroom floor. "Right..." She continued, "Chase came back into the Institute today and caused problems with Jace."

"Why am I in trouble then? I've been here all night." 

"I could see that.." Clary trailed off and watched innocently as I sent a glare her way, "Anyway, Chase has sort of, kind of, maybe... gone looking for Trey to tell him about the whole 'Your girlfriend murdered my sister thing'. He thought Jace was Trey."

"That's so messed up he knows I didn't kill her!" 

"And I look nothing like Jace!" Trey chimed in and both Clary and I shot him a look, he shrug, "I am not that blonde!" he continued to justify his argument whilst I just rolled my eyes, mixed in alongside a small laugh. Trey seemed to then come to realisation of the more important details, "Wait... You killed this guy's sister?! Wait... You mean Chase?!" 

I nodded as he started putting pieces together, Trey had only ever met him once and I knew they hated eachother, that was only further confirmed when I heard a scowl of disapproval. Clary looked at me whilst he was distracted, she sent me a look that asked the question I really didn't want to answer. She wanted to know why I hadn't told him. I just shook my head. Now isn't the right time, not after this. 

"I thought he fucked off back to wherever he's from after the funeral, why's he back here." 

"Well remember how he mentioned anti depressants?" Clary asked, I nodded, "Well he neglected to mention the therapy sessions as well, the Clave have an entire dossier on him, in the past few months he hasn't been taking the pills and he's been avoiding therapy at all costs."

"So he's gone full psychopath on Jordyn because he thinks he's responsible for Amber's death?" 

"You remember Amber?" I asked in confusion. 

"You'd be surprised what you say in your sleep." he said as he hooked his arms around my lower abdomen, hugging my glamoured baby bump tightly, I nestled my head back into his chest and just listened to his breathing. Clary brought me out of my daydream, "Jordyn can I speak to you for a moment please? Do you mind Trey?"

"Promise you'll bring her back to me?" he said whilst holding onto me tightly, Clary smiled and nodded her head before I felt Trey's arms release me from my own safe haven. Once I'd changed, she lead me outside and we walked around uptown New York for a small amount of time. Then she hit me with the questions. 

"Why didn't you tell him?!" She almost screeched as she punched my shoulder lightly, "Jordyn you need to tell him soon, especially now that Chase has resurfaced. I didn't say this in front of Trey but Alec thinks Chase is targetting more than just you." 

"Why would he do that? He blames me for Amber's death." 

"That's the thing. Before he arrived in New York there were lists of deaths up and down the east coast of young females that had blonde hair and green eyes. Girls that-"

"Look like me. Or at least, used to look like me." Clary nodded anxiously. "He then seemingly started targeting girls with your new look, we don't know actually how he found out about you being a Lightwood but my guess would be you were a big deal in Idris after we all found out. He's a Shadowhunter, it's likely he was listening to gossip. It only happens when he's reportedly off his meds."

"So, you're saying there's nothing we can do?"

"Besides catching him, no. We can't hide a whole city's population from his attacks. This is why you need to tell Trey about the baby. He needs to know what he's protecting."

"I don't need protection." I said bluntly and Clary shook her head in annoyance. She was no doubt about to rant at me for my inability to ask for help when both our phone's rang in unison. We looked up at eachother and showed our screens. Alec was calling me and Jace was calling Clary.

'Hello?' we both said in sync with one another. We both giggled at the stupidity of us talking at the same time, that laughter was cut off by mirroring faces of horror as the boys told us why they were calling. 

'Jordyn you need to get to the Institute, Chase has attacked Izzy!'

"What?!" I screamed in a mix of anger and terror, the blood boiling in my veins was surging like a volcano to the surface and I was ready to kill someone, more particularly Chase, for hurting my younger sister. 

'He thought she was you...she was coming back from mission. Jordyn how fast can you get here?'

"I'm with Clary she can portal us." I said and looked up for clarification, Clary had already opened the portal and I don't even remember ending the call.


We arrived in the Instsitute and I ran towards the infirmary. I pushed through everyone and collapsed at the base of my sister's bed. She was surprised at my reaction and almost screamed at me for running, "You can't do that whilst you're like this." she said as she acknowledged Trey had also followed into the room after I presume someone told him what'd happened. "Iz I'm so sorry, this is my fault he's looking for me-"

"Stop that. I'm not that bad, just a few hours to let the Iratze heal my rib and I'll be okay. Don't you dare go blaming yourself." Izzy said with such conviction I almost believed her. Ever since I'd known Isabelle Lightwood I knew she could've convinced an entire room of her belief if she said it enough. She was trying that on me now. Simon wasn't looking my way which informed me that he wasn't as convinced, not that I blame him, however the rest of them all watched me as if I would break down in a millisecond. 

"I'm going to kill him." I said sharply with a venomous taste in my mouth, I was thinking about all the ways I could torture him for what he's done to Izzy. It's his twisted idea of revenge, a sister for a sister. Not that he was ever going to get another chance. 

"Jordyn don't lose yourself because of him." I shook my head angrily, "No he needs to pay!" I stood up in a sudden overwhelming speed and nearly joined the floor once more. "Jordyn... be careful, don't be reckless." Alec said as Izzy looked to him for support. Alec was never one to support murder, but I have learned to read him over the past two years. He, like myself, would do anything for his family. I guess we really are twins. Trey, on the other hand, looked me in the eyes trying to figure me out, I stood still and I waited for his imput. 

"There's no one better than you when it comes to brutality Jordyn, especially in the name of revenge. Do what you need to do but don't you dare get yourself even scratched, understood?" I smiled at his support and he mirrored my grin, his however was laced with worry. Alec went to say something and I was worried he was going to tell Trey the truth, so I practically sprinted out of the Institute before they could catch up with me. 

He thought she was me. He went after my sister, my family, in some sick revenge fantasy that he's become obsessed with ever since he watched his younger sister die in front of him. It was never my fault, but he's hell bent on blaming me for it. And he just made his last mistake besides still being able to breath.


I searched for hours, looking all over the city for him, scowering every dirty alley and every small corner a rat like him could hide in. Nothing. I was still furious with rage and I couldn't see clearly. Maybe Iz and Alec were right. If I go hunting for him then I'll be at a disadvantage and he'd beat me. 

No. He won't. And I will find him before this night's over. I'll burn every street in New York to the ground before he makes it out of here alive. This was my family he fucked with this time. 

The conflicting thoughts were rattling around in my brain and I was overwhelmed with anger and a sense of pure violence running through my bones, I was itching to hit something and I only had one target in mind.

"Looking for me Lightwood? Or did I not send a clear enough message earlier today?" his voice sounded behind me and I turned around in a sharp turn to see his mocking smile, he was proud of what he did. I grabbed a dagger from my boot and tossed it, and watched it strike him in the shoulder. "That was rude." he said and I lunged.

Within seconds I was punching his smug grin off of his face and kicking him to the ground. I let every shred of anger inside of me build up and explode all at once. He attempted to grab me by my long black hair and I gained the opportunity to plunge another dagger in, this one wound up in his right thigh and it was at that point he screamed and landed with a thud on the ground. I wouldn't even give him an opportunity to grab his stele before I sent a blow to his chest with my foot. I sent blow by blow in his direction and landed enough hits to make him shrivel up on the hard concrete bed below him. I grabbed one final dagger from my back pocket. Bit by bit I sliced his flesh.

Stab. "That was for blaming me for the crash." 

Stab. "That was for Izzy." 

Stab. "That was for screwing with my family, again. And this-" I went to send one last cut into his heart, "This is for every soul that you've slaughtered in the name of this fucked up idea of justice." 

Then I felt an agonising pain in my right side. 

I dropped the blade and held onto my bleeding abdomen tightly. Chase, who was now nearly dead, laughed one final time, "At least my revenge was worth it." he said before I grabbed the blade from my side and plunged it into his heart. I collapsed to my knees as he died beside me. Then I realised what had happened. 

He'd stabbed me. He'd stabbed my unborn baby. 

I screamed in agony and despair as I came to terms with the blood seeping from my side. I didn't notice Trey picking me up until I'd reached the Institute doors. 


I ran with her in my arms at a pace unimaginable, I held her close to me as she maintained the pressure on her wound and continued to scream. It broke my heart that I couldn't ease her pain, again. The Institute doors sprung open as Alec must've noticed me running. "Trey pass her to me." he said in urgency. 

"It's okay I've got her." 

"No. Trey. Give her to me, I need to take her to Magnus." Alec said in a knowing tone and I didn't consider the possibility until I heard Jordyn's voice, cracked from screaming. "Trey I'm so sorry." 

"Jordyn it's okay." 

"No. Trey. I didn't tell you this morning. I should've told you this morning." 

"Tell me what?!" I asked frantically as her eyes began to close, "Jordyn? Jordyn what did you need to tell me?!" 

"Trey I need you to trust me." Alec said slightly calmer now. I was still in a state of panic even more so now she was unresponsive, "Alec I can take her to Magnus! Tell me what she meant! What did she need to tell me?!" 

"SHE'S PREGNANT TREY!" Alec screamed and grabbed her unresponsive body from my arms and passed her on to Magnus and Jace. I collapsed to the ground as I watched her being taken away from me as if in slow motion. Alec said it again whilst placing his hand on my shoulder...

"She's pregnant with your baby Trey, now let Magnus save both of them." 

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