Thomas Sangster Imagines

By gladergreenie

46K 695 95

Thomas Brodie-Sangster X Reader Imagines from his roles including: ~ Thomas ~ Newt ~ Donald ~ Lampwick ~ Simo... More

Imagine 1: Thomas ~ The Sister (Part 1)
Imagine 2: Newt ~ Jealousy
Imagine 3: Donald ~ The Project
Imagine 4: Lampwick ~ Theif! (Part 1)
Imagine 5: Simon ~ Troublemaker
Imagine 6: Jake ~ Something Wrong (Part 1)
Imagine 7: Casey ~ Fairground (Part 1)
Imagine 8: Whitey ~The River
Imagine 9: Jojen ~ Lifeline (Part 1)
Imagine 10: Jojen ~ Lifeline (Part 2)
Imagine 11: Jojen ~ Lifeline (Part 3)
Imagine 12: Jojen ~ Lifeline (Part 4)
Imagine 14: Paul ~ Gone In A Flash
Imagine 15: Thomas ~ The Sister (Part 2)

Imagine 15: Thomas ~ Laser Tag

1.5K 33 7
By gladergreenie

{Your POV}
I was so excited for today, we were going to comic-con to do some interviews for 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials' and I heard that they had a laser tag arena there which I was so excited to do. I was currently in a car with Kaya and Rosa as we made our way there.

"Hey, (Y/n), are you excited for today?" Rosa asked from the backseat. 

"Yeah. I'm really looking forward to it, especially getting to meet the fans." I explained.

"Me too!" Kaya added, "Have you heard about the laser tag arena?"

"Yeah! I hope we get to do it!" Rosa stated.

"Well, I'm sure Dylan, Ki, Thomas and Dexter will find some way to do it." I added.

"They better and then we can show them how good we are at it!" Kaya exclaimed.

"We would so beat them!" I agreed.

"I can't wait!" Rosa squealed.

"Well the turning's just up here so we're nearly there." I pointed out as I turned the steering wheel.

"Yes!" Kaya squealed. I carried on down the road and saw the main entrance but kept going as the celebrity entrance was further up. I had find out where it was before as they don't label it for safety reasons. When I saw the turning, I went down it and we reached a barrier. The guard asked for our access cards and I showed them and he waved us through. I drove through to see a car park filled with expensive cars and celebrities I fangirled inside when I saw Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner that were obviously here as part of the marvel cast.

"Oh my gosh, guys! Look who it is!" I squealed.

"Who?" Rosa and Kaya asked in sync.

"Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner!" I exclaimed.

"No way! We have to meet them!" Kaya said.

Rosa agreed, "Absolutely!"

"Let's go!" I called, we headed over to the VIP entrance. They were just behind us as we walked in, so Rosa held the door for them. Scarlett thanked us.

"You're welcome. Can I just say, we are huge fans of you guys." Rosa said.

"Well, it's always great to meet fans. You're from the maze runner, right?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you know us." I said in shock.

"Of course! It's a great movie series!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"You wouldn't mind giving us a photo, would you?" Kaya asked politely.

They laughed, "Not at all. Only if we can get yours?" Jeremy replied.

"Wow, sure. Thanks!" We all exclaimed.

"How about you take our numbers? We should hang out sometime." Scarlett suggested as they got their phones out so, we followed suit. We all exchanged numbers before we went our separate ways.

As we made our to the green room before our first panel, we quickly grabbed a coffee. When we got I noticed that Dylan, Thomas, Ki and Dexter were already sat in the room. I sat next to Thomas as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I leaned back against his chest. 

"Hey." He said as he pecked me on the cheek. I smiled up at him as we all started to chat about random things before we headed off the to the panel.

After we had we finished the panel, we were all sat around, just chilling. Apart from Dylan whom had seemed to run off somewhere. Speaking of Dylan, he just burst through the door;

"C'mon everyone! We're going to do laser tag!" He exclaimed. 

"Told you." I said as we all started to make the laser tag arena. 

It was decided we would do girls vs guys. Since there was only three of us, we got a ten second head start. From my experience of playing Call of Duty, I knew I was a good sniper so I found a high platform with a bit shielding as my place to shoot from. The ten seconds were up so the guys started to run in and not even thirty seconds later I heard Ki shout,

"Aw, c'mon Kaya!" At least we were even now. 

It wasn't long before Rosa and Dexter were out and then I noticed Dylan walking below me on the platform in front. I noticed him raise his gun. I quickly pulled mine and aimed it at him but he managed to get Kaya first so I shot at him and managed to get him, which I was very proud as I knew he was very passionate about games like this. Now it was just Thomas and I left and I figured that I wouldn't be able to snipe him so I made my way around the arena and leant against the wall to peek around the corner. Noticing it was clear, I went to move, but before I could, an arm appeared in front of me. I looked back around and saw Thomas' tall figure looking down at me whilst I was trapped in his arms. He leant his head down and I could feel his breath fanning my face;

"Hey love." He said just above a whisper. His lips ghosted over mine, before he attached them. kissing him now was just like the first time. However, I knew what his game was and it was going to backfire. He squeezed my waist, making me gasp as he pushed his tongue in, them fighting for dominance. We were kissing for a good few minutes before we pulled apart. I pressed my hands against his chest before resting my head in his neck and gently pressing my lips against the skin. I kissed up his neck, jawline and up to his ear before I gently bit on the lobe before whispering in his ear,

"I win." as I pulled the laser gun up and shot the light on his vest that beeped, signalling that he was out.

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