By Bossforlife75

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You are the son of Vergil, the dangerous older brother of the famous devil hunter Dante. After your village i... More

(Definitive) Prologue.
Bio (slightly updated)
Part 1: Welcome to vale
Part 2:The Shining beacon
Part 3: The initiation
Part 4: The badge and burden
Part 5: Jaunedice
Part 6 :Forever fall, but never forgotten
Part 7 :The Stray
Part 8: Black and White and Demons awaken
Vol. 2 Part 1: Best Day Ever
Vol.2 part 2: Painting the town red, pasts can't stay buried.
Vol.2 Part. 4: The Boogeyman's Tale.
Vol.2 part 5: Breach (The Showdown) pt.1
Vol.2 part 6: Resurgence (The Showdown) pt.2
Vol.2 part 7: Retribution (The Showdown Finale)
Vol.3 part 1: Round One's New Challengers.
Vol.3 part, 2: It's Brawl in the Family.
Vol.3 part, 3: Never miss a beat.
Vol.3 part, 4: Fall.
Vol.3 part, 5: Destiny.
Vol.3 part, 6: PVP.
Vol 3. part, 7: The battle of Beacon.
Vol.3 part, 8: Heroes and Monsters.
Vol.3 part, 9: The Beginning of The end.
Vol.3 part, 10: Don't say goodbye...
Vol.4 part, 1: The Next Step Is Always The Hardest.
Vol.4 part, 2: Long time no see.
Vol.4 part, 3: Two Steps Forward, Three From Hell.
Vol.4 part, 4: Against All Odds.
Vol.5 part, 1: The Menagerie.
Vol. 5 part, 2: Keep Walking The Line.
Vol. 5 part, 3: The Approaching Storm.
Vol. 5 part, 4: Don't Fear The Reaper.
Vol. 5 part, 5: Restful Reunions.
Vol.6 part, 1: Argus Unlimited.
Vol.6 Part, 2: Alone in Darkness.
Vol.6 part, 3: The Grimm's Reaper.
Vol.6 part, 4: Dead end.
Vol.6 part, 5: Something wicked this way comes.
Vol.6 part, 6: This Is The Way.
Vol. 7 part, 1: The Greatest Approach.
Vol. 7 part, 2: Ceremonial Circumstances.
Character Bio and Announcement.
Vol. 7 part, 3: A Cordial Night Out.
Vol. 7 part, 4: The Road to Hell...
Extra Chapter 1: Tale of the Fallen Swordsmen.
Extra Chapter 2: Eclipse
Special Chapter 1: The Devil's Rose.
Special Chapter 2: The Ice Queen's Service.

Vol.2 part 3: Extracurricular Field Trip.

788 11 4
By Bossforlife75

(This is for those confused, Ozpin calls you by your father's name in private and your mother's name (L/n) when around others. The same goes for some teachers aka. Ms. Goodwitch, Doc. Oobleck, Professor Port and Ironwood. Also sorry for the month of editing.)

3rd POV.
Ms. Goodwitch's class.

(Y/n), Ruby, Weiss and Yang were all watching Pyrrha effortlessly defeat team CRDL, Pyrrha using her spear to grab Cardin by his neck slamming him into the ground as he bounced up Pyrrha kicking him away when he did.

Ms. Goodwitch: "And that's the match." Glynda said walking past Cardin who was on his knees.

Cardin: "Lucky shot. Ugh" Cardin says dropping unconscious.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Well done miss Nikos. Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?" Ms. Goodwitch asks scanning the room for willing participants, focusing on Blake.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Miss Belladonna?" Blake closes her book turning her attention to Glynda.

Ms. Goodwitch: "You've been rather docile for the past few classes." Which made Blake turn away from the professor.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Why don't you-" Glynda gets interrupted by a sudden volunteer.

???: "I'll do it." A boy says raising his hand, Glynda adjusts her glasses looking closer at the volunteer.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Mercury is it?" She said looking at the grey haired boy.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Very well. Let's find you an opponent." Goodwitch says tapping on her tablet.

Mercury: "Actually, I want to fight... Her." Mercury pointing to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Me?" Pyrrha looking surprised at the volunteer.

Ms. Goodwitch: "I'm afraid miss Nikos has just finished a match, I'd recommend you choose a different partner." Glynda instructing Mercury.

Pyrrha: "No! It's fine. I'd be happy to oblige." She said to Glynda.

Pyrrha: "I'd be happy to oblige." Pyrrha turning back to Mercury.

Mercury walking down to the arena, and across the floor smirking at Pyrrha stopping a good distance away between the two, Mercury raising his fists.

Mercury running at Pyrrha going for a kick, Pyrrha blocking with Akouo, using Milo to sweep Mercury off his feet causing him to fall to the floor spinning himself back to his feet, flipping away from Pyrrha gaining distance.

Pyrrha rushes Mercury kicking her blocking each strike with Akouo creating a soft clang when Mercury's foot connected with Pyrrha's shield, Mercury goes for a high kick Pyrrha ramming Mercury with Akouo pushing him back, creating sparks sliding back a few feet.

Mercury shrugs raising his eyebrow at Pyrrha, both waiting for the other to attack.

Ruby: "Hey your friend's doing pretty good." Ruby said looking back at Emerald, giving Ruby a fake smile as her and Ruby return their focus on the fight.

Mercury running at pyrrha aggressively going for high and low kicks overwhelming her, as she rolls out of the way of another kick, Pyrrha bracing for Mercury's next attack, bicycle kicking Akouo, the impact causing Milo to flip in the air breaking Pyrrha's guard, Pyrrha blocking with her forearm spinning around and grabbing her spear blocking Mercury's kicks, Milo being kicked into the ground Mercury going to spin kick Pyrrha using her polarity to shift his boot upward making Mercury lose his balance falling to his knees his back turned to Pyrrha

Mercury thinks coming up with a plan, Pyrrha picking up Milo using Akouo as a ram Mercury launching himself off her shield landing a good distance away.

Mercury: "I forfeit." Mercury turns to Glynda, Pyrrha running past Mercury

Pyrrha: "You, don't even want to try?" Pyrrha turns to him confused, completely dropping her guard.

Mercury: "What's the point? You're a world renowned fighter, we're obviously leagues apart." Mercury shrugs admitting defeat as Pyrrha puts a hand on her hip raising an eyebrow at him.

Ms. Goodwitch: "In that case, Pyrrha Nikos is the victor. Well done Miss Nikos, you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament." Ms. Goodwitch congratulates Pyrrha on her performance.

(Y/n) POV.

Ms. Goodwitch: "As for you. Next time you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent." Ms. Goodwitch scolding him, Mercury walking away.

Mercury: "I'll be sure to do that." Mercury waved, putting his hands in his pockets walking off.

Ms. Goodwitch: "It looks like we might have time for one more match, any students willing before class ends?" As I stand up walking down to the arena, a Ninja dressed in a bone type armor, his katana mounted on his back jumps from the bleachers and slowly walking towards me, he pulls his sword off his back advancing toward me.

Taunting the guy with my right arm I notice it starts glowing like the night at the docks while he starts slowly walking toward me disappearing like I had done but appearing infront of me reacting swiftly I block a strike with Fox as we clash together before sweeping my legs and hitting me in the chest with his sheath slamming me into the ground I look back at guy pointing his sword at me, knocking his sword away he uses the momentum to spin around putting the sharp edge on my neck I drop Fox and raise my hands up in surrender as Ms. Goodwitch calls the fight.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Alright! That's quite enough Mr. Ryu. As you can see Mr. (L/n)'s cocky attitude caused him to underestimate his opponent and lose the match. Please Mr. (L/n), focus more on the fight at hand." I get up grabbing Fox, I look at the guy returning to Mercury and that girl Emerald, looking back at me his eyes glowing red behind his mask, the buzzer ringing signalling the end of today's classes.

Ms. Goodwitch: "That is all for today. And remember the dance is this weekend, but you all have your first mission on Monday." I look at my team seeing them preparing to leave.

Ms. Goodwitch: "I will not accept any excuses." She said as I join the girls, walking out the room passing by Emerald and Mercury.

Walking out of the building, me and Blake slowly falling behind the others.

Sun: "Hey Blake! You uh, doing okay?" Sun asks stopping her, turning her attention to the monkey Faunus.

Blake: "I'm fine." Blake says putting her book back down looking at Sun.

Sun:*Clears throat*"So I hear there's a dance going on this weekend. Ah, sounds pretty lame but, you and me I'm thinking not as lame huh?" Asking out Blake, scratching the back of his head.

Blake: "What?" Blake asks looking skeptically at Sun.

Sun: "The dance, this weekend, you wanna go or what?" Waiting patiently for her answer.

Blake: "I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that." Blake said storming off to the dorm.

I look back to Sun sighing in defeat.

Timeskip Night, RWBY dorm.

The girls sat in their respective beds, Logan asleep on Yang's lap, leaning against the wall I continued to stare out the window contemplating on that Ryu guy from earlier today.

Me: 'Seriously who was that guy? He not human that's for sure his presence was familiar like I've sensed it before, nor have I talked to any of the girls since our stakeout, so I haven't told any of them about the information I got out of Sundowner.' I thought while looking at the girls.

Blake: "You what?" Blake giving her teammates the same look she gave Sun.

Ruby: "We want you should go to the dance." Ruby says concerned for the cat Faunus.

Blake: "That's ridiculous." Blake objecting the suggestion from Ruby.

Yang: "Blake we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head." Worried for the Faunus.

Weiss: "You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering." Listing off Blake's behavior recently.

Blake: "You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake." Snapping at Weiss pointing in the direction to Vale.

Yang: "We know and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to." Yang tells the Faunus putting her hand down.

Ruby: "Thanks to you, Sun and (Y/n), we know they're operating somewhere out of Southeast Vale." Ruby tells Blake.

Weiss: "And the Schnee company record singled out Vale as the primary target for dust robberies over the last few months." Weiss adds to the conversation.

Yang: "Don't forget about their missing military tech too." Yang pipes up.

Blake: "But there's still unanswered questions." Blake says as Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: "Blake you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open." Ruby looking at the bags under Blake's eyes.

Yang: "All we're asking is that take it easy for one day." Yang said to Blake who was looked at the ground unsure of what to do.

Weiss: "It will be fun. Yang and I will make sure of it." She says looking for approval from her teammate.

Yang: "Yeah! We're planning the whole event." Yang says pumping her fists in the air, waking Logan covering his ears with his paws.

Blake: "Excuse me?" Blake looks at Yang.

???: "(Y/n)..." I hear someone call out looking around for the source, seeing the girls chatting amongst eachother looking back outside.

???: "(Y/n)..." A voice calls out again whispering my name.

Me: "Did you girls say anything?" I look them as they shake their heads no, which confused me as I could have sworn someone said my name turning back to the window.

???: "(Y/n)..." I hear again which starts to piss me off.

Me: "WHAT?! What do you want!?" I yell at my girls startling them while my eyes turned red.

Ruby: "(Y/n), no one was talking." Ruby said trying to calm me down.

(Y/n): "Whatever. I'm going for a walk." I scoff walking out the room slamming the door on the way out and down the hallway, as I walk up the stairs that lead to the roof.

POV change 3rd.

Watching (Y/n) storm out of the room, slamming the door on his way out.

Ruby: "Does anyone know what's up with (Y/n)?" Ruby Looks at everyone else in the room.

Yang: "Maybe, he's angry about losing today? Let him go, give him sometime to calm down." Yang suggests as Ruby looks at the door.

Ruby: "It's possible, but he kept asking if any of us were talking to him." Making her sad at (Y/n)'s laid back attitude being replaced with a stern cold one.

Yang: "I'm sure he's fine Ruby. He probably just needs fresh air." Ruby and Yang look back at the door wondering where he went.

Weiss: "Anyway. Once it's all over we'll return to our search, rested and ready." Weiss said to Blake, smiling.

Ruby: "So what do you think?" Ruby asks her waiting for Blake to make her decision.

Blake: "I think this is a colossal waste of time." Blake frowns walking to the door opening it.

Blake: "I'll be in the library." Blake said closing the door behind her.

Yang:*Sigh*"Great." Yang says turning back to Ruby and Weiss.

Weiss: "We all know she can't keep going on like this." Referring to Blake, someone knocking at the door Weiss opens it revealing Jaune on the other side, holding a guitar.

Jaune: "♪Weeeiiisssss♪" Jaune sings strumming a few times, winking at the heiress, closing the door on his face while Weiss facepalms, shaking her head at Jaune's attempt to ask her out.

Jaune:*knocks*"Oh come on.*knocks again* open the door." Jaune asks Weiss muffled by the door, after a moment of silence.

Jaune:*Muffled*"I promise not to sing." Jaune says on the other side of the door, Weiss rolling her eyes reluctantly opening the door.

Jaune: "♪I liiieed♪" Weiss facepalms even harder than before as Jaune continues with his song.

Jaune: "♪ Weiss Schnee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday? ♪" Jaune sings trying to remember the words.

Weiss: "Are you done?" Weiss asks him arms crossed, as he thinks for a second.

Jaune: "Yes?" Jaune says with hope in his eyes.

Weiss: "No." She simply says closing the door on his face again, looking back at Ruby and Yang.

Weiss: "What?" Weiss asks looking at Yang as Ruby leans over her bed.

Yang: "And that is why they call you the ice queen." Yang said pointing at Weiss and Logan barking at her, as Ruby falls off her bed.

Weiss: "All my life boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides I already have a date in mind." Weiss closes her eyes smiling at who she had in mind.

Ruby: "Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go." Ruby said standing back up.

3rd POV.
Dormitory rooftop.

(Y/n) walks up to the dormitory rooftop passing Jaune on the stairs, exchanging a wave as they pass each other.

(Y/n): "Hey Jaune." (Y/n) says walking past Jaune.

Jaune: "Hey (Y/n)." He waves walking downstairs.

Opening the door walking outside, and sees Pyrrha looking depressed, Pyrrha turning attention to (Y/n) sauntering over to her.

Me: "Pyrrha, you okay?" He asks looking concerned for the gladiator.

Pyrrha: "Oh, hello (Y/n). I'm fine, it's nothing." Pyrrha said giving me a obvious fake smile.

Me: "Pyrrha, you wouldn't be standing out here looking depressed if there wasn't anything wrong." Looking at her very skeptical, letting out a sigh of defeat.

Pyrrha:*Sigh*"You know (Y/n), you're too clever for you're on good." She gave me a genuine smile.

Me: "See? that's the Pyrrha I know. Let's train together, can you multitask?" Asking Pyrrha with a smile on his face nodding to his question.

Standing a few feet away from eachother, Pyrrha rushing me with her shield up, jumping over her.

Pyrrha: "It's Jaune, I don't know what to do." Pyrrha says looking back sadness in her eyes (Y/n) swinging at her jumping over (Y/n) just in time.

(Y/n): "Why? What did he do?" (Y/n) raising an eyebrow at the red haired warrior backing away giving her distance.

Pyrrha: "I've tried everything to get his attention, but he seems more interested in Weiss even though she does not feel the same way. He's the first person who hasn't put me on a pedestal, he actually makes me feel like I'm just like everyone else." Clashing weapons, Pyrrha thrusting her spear at (Y/n)'s head.

(Y/n): "Trust me, if he doesn't see it now he'll come around eventually. Just need to give him time, a little honesty never hurt anyone." (Y/n) smiles while dodging Pyrrha's spear as she goes for a thrust attack which counters by redirecting her spear into the ground as she stumbles forward (Y/n) sticks out his foot tripping Pyrrha, catching her before she hit the ground.

Me: "And besides, if he doesn't. You'll still have someone who won't care about status." (Y/n) says looking into Pyrrha's Emerald eyes, slowly helping her back to her feet.

(Y/n):*Clears throat*"Umm, good talk I'll leave you be. Imma go to the library." (Y/n) said scratching the back of his head, walking to the stairs.

Pyrrha watches (Y/n) leave the rooftop, putting her hand over her heart looking back at the moon.

Cinder POV.

Emerald: "And finally, Pyrrha Nikos." Emerald gives me her and Mercury's report.

Cinder: "Ahh, the invincible girl." I say sewing my dress.

Mercury: "She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible." Mercury scoffs lying on the floor reading a comic book.

Cinder: "Do tell." I stop sewing being intrigued by this.

Emerald: "Her semblance is polarity, but you'd never know it just by watching." Emerald informs me.

Mercury: "After she made contact with my boots she was able to move them around however she wanted. But only made slight adjustments." Mercury said sitting up throwing his comic to the side.

Emerald: "Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her powers so it puts her opponents at a disadvantage." Emerald adds, looking at her scroll.

Cinder: "Hmm, people assume she's fated for victory when she's really taking fate into her own hands. Interesting... Add her to the list." I tell emerald, smiling as Emerald did as I instructed.

Mercury: "You should be able to take her no problem." He says smirking.

Cinder: "It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." Glancing at a file on (Y/n).

Mercury: "Hey, what about Mr. dark and brooding over there." Mercury points to 'Ryu' looking out the window with his arms crossed.

Ryu: "I'd recommend you shut your mouth, I could kill you in a instant." Ryu said glaring at Mercury through his mask.

Ryu: "Cinder? How long must I keep up this charade? You know how much I hate waiting." He asks me, his pupils burning through his mask.

Cinder: "Don't worry 'Ryu' we have a fun weekend ahead of us. you'll be able to fight him in time." Receiving a low grunt when calling him by his 'name' looking at the needle and thread between my fingers.

Ryu: 'Hmph, I only have to keep this up for a little while longer... after that Cinder will be of no use to me, and finally have my revenge.' Ryu thought Looking out the window at the shattered moon.

Timeskip, next day.
3rd POV.

Ruby was sitting in the ballroom resting her head on her hand still wondering how to convince Blake on coming to the dance, as Weiss slams two pieces of cloth infront of Ruby.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth." She smiles pushing the two tablecloths toward Ruby.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?" Asks confused, since they both looked the same.

Weiss:*Exasperated sigh*" I don't know why I even asked." Weiss sighed walking off, Yang setting up a giant speaker behind Ruby dropping it on the ground with a thud.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?" Yang asks putting her hands on her hips.

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares if Blake and (Y/n) aren't going?" Ruby says still resting her head on the table.

Yang: "Oh don't worry. They'll be there. Weiss! I thought we agreed! No dollies!" Yang yells at Weiss.

Weiss: "If I don't get dollies, you don't get fog machines." Weiss points at Yang stomping over to her, right as Sun, Neptune and (Y/n) walk in.

(Y/n): "So I'm taking a guess that it's Yang's idea to have smoke machines?" (Y/n) asks walking over with Sun and Neptune in tow.

Weiss: "We were thinking about it." Weiss greets (Y/n) walking toward him.

(Y/n): "That's cool, it'll be really nice seeing as you and Yang are setting it up." (Y/n) said looking around the ballroom.

Sun: "You ladies all excited for dress up?" Sun says jokingly pointing at Weiss, Ruby and Yang.

Ruby: "Pfft, yeah right." Ruby Sputtering at Sun's joke.

Yang: "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night." Yang says winking at (Y/n).

Weiss: "What are you three wearing tomorrow?" Weiss asks the three boys.

Sun: "Uh, this." Sun said looking at his normal clothes.

(Y/n): "Actually, I might not even come." (Y/n) smiles scratching the back of his head Weiss, Yang and Ruby looking sad at the Samurai's response.

Neptune: "Ignore them, for they know not what they say." Neptune hushing Sun and (Y/n).

Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place." Sun says proudly pointing to himself.

Yang: "Yeah, we've noticed." Yang crossed her arms looking at Sun.

Sun: "So, uh... What does Blake think of all this? She still being all Blake-y?" Sun asks raising an eyebrow.

Weiss: "Obviously." Weiss replies snobbishly.

Ruby: "I still can't think of a way to change her mind." Ruby said resting her head on her hand again, as Yang gets everyone's attention.

Yang: "Trust me. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow." She smiles walking toward door.

Yang: "And I need to talk to you later." Yang says pointing to (Y/n), walking out of the ballroom.

Small timeskip,
Dormitory rooftop, still 3rd POV.

(Y/n) and his doppelganger clashing swords, (Y/n) hears the door open instantly swinging as the blade stops inches away from Yang's neck.

Yang: "Whoa! (Y/n) it's me, jeez a bit jumpy much?" Yang asks pushing Fox away.

(Y/n): "You could say that." Exhaling, turning back to his clone.

(Y/n): "What do you want?" (Y/n) says coldly looking at the blonde, blocking swings from his doppelganger.

Yang:*Sigh*"I'm just going to tell you what I told Blake. (Y/n) you need to slow down you can't keep this up. All you've been doing is training! You don't eat or sleep, you won't talk to anybody other than that outburst the other day." Yang says worried for the young samurai, but distracting him from clone stabbing him in the arm knocking off a piece of the shoulder plating.

(Y/n): "You don't understand, Yang. I COULDN'T PROTECT ANYONE! My family! My friend! I have nothing left to lose!" (Y/n) snaps at Yang looking at his demonic hand clenching it tightly.

Yang: "What about us? Do we mean nothing to you?" Looking hurt by his comment.

(Y/n): "Whatever." He says coldly turning his back to Yang, as she walks over to (Y/n) hugging him tightly from behind.

Yang: "I'm not telling you to stop." Yang whispers to (Y/n) hugging tightly.

Yang: "Just please... Get some rest. Not just for you. But for the people you care about." Yang says calmly walking to the stairs (Y/n) watches her open the door.

Yang: "And if you feel like coming out tomorrow, I'll save you a dance." Yang winking at (Y/n) leaving him alone on the roof.

(Y/n) watches the door close picking up the piece of his armor, pondering for a few moments before going back to the dorm.

When (Y/n) opened the door, he seen the girls sleeping as he begins sneaking through the room, trying not to wake up the girls, grabbing a sleeping Logan and quickly sneaking out walking off to Vale, messaging Sun to devise a plan.

Next day, Beacon courtyard.

Blake is seen walking to the dance, reading her novel as she bumped into Sun.

Sun: "Oh, uh... Hey Blake, (Y/n) told me that I was supposed to accompany you to the dance until he arrives." Blake closes her book when (Y/n) was mentioned.

Blake: "(Y/n)? Have you seen him? Where did he go?" She began asking a bunch of questions about (Y/n).

Sun: "Um, he didn't really go into detail. Just said that I need to keep you company until he shows up." Sun shrugs, telling Blake all he knows putting a damper on the cat Faunus' mood.

Blake: "Oh, I see..." she said in a monotone voice, staring at the ground.

Sun: "So... Should we get going?" Blake looked back up, nodding as they make their way to the dance.


Yang stands behind a podium wearing a white dress greeting the guests as they arrive.

Yang: "Oh, you look beautiful!" Yang squeals at Ruby, struggling to walk almost falling several times.

Ruby: "Ugh. Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?" Ruby scratches her head, walking to Yang trying not to trip over her heels Yang laughing at her younger sister's attempt to walking in high heels.

Ruby: "Anyword on (Y/n)?" Ruby asks looking around for the swordsmen.

Yang: "No, I haven't seen him since last night." Immediately answering her question on the whereabouts of their boyfriend.

Weiss: "I haven't seen him either." Weiss says walking over to the siblings turning their attention to the heiress.

Yang: "I'm sure he's still training by himself." Yang says irritated by their boyfriend's need to get stronger.

Ruby: "Well, let's go enjoy ourselves in the meantime." Ruby chimes in breaking the tension walking as Yang and Blake follow suit.

A few moments pass, while more and more students arrive, slowly filling the ballroom with guests everyone beginning to slow dance with their partners.

Yang and Blake exchange a quick bow Yang gesturing Blake to sun for a dance accepting his request, Yang joining Weiss and Ruby.

Yang: "I told you she would come." Smiling at Blake.

Weiss: "Mission accomplished." Weiss says as her and the RY in RWBY watch Blake enjoying herself laughing as her and Sun dance across the ballroom.

Ruby: "So... What do we do now?" Looking at Yang and Weiss for their opinions.

Yang: "Just have fun!" Yang says as her and Weiss walk off to enjoy themselves.

Ruby: "Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?" Looking at Yang as she walks off.

Ruby: "Stupid lady stilts." Having to waddle to turn her body as she watching everyone else dance.

Prof. Ozpin: "Not enjoying yourself?" Ozpin asks walking over to Ruby.

Ruby: "Oh! No. Everything's fine. It's just I thought (Y/n) would be here" Looking back to the crowd of people, upset that he hasn't shown up yet.

Prof. Ozpin: "(Y/n)... He's a 'complicated' individual a prime example of living his life on the battlefield. But he can't even if he may want to." He says looking at Ruby as she was listening intently.

Ruby: "Yeah, that lessons been floating around a lot lately." Crossing her arms looking back to the ballroom.

Prof. Ozpin: "It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds. But it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. It's nights like these are ones we'll never forget. I'm sure he'll be here." He said walking off, the door opens grabbing Ruby's attention.

Yang: "You guys are just in time." She greets Emerald and Mercury as they walk through the door.

Mercury: "Wouldn't miss it for the world." As he and Emerald both smile at Yang.

Small Timeskip.

While the night progresses further indistinct chatter fills the room, Oobleck and Port laugh and drink punch, Ozpin and Goodwitch overlook the room as Ironwood asks Goodwitch for a dance, rolling her eyes before accepting.

Ruby stands by the punch bowl drinking her glass as Jaune slides next to her holding his own glass.

Jaune: "I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too." Eyes straight forward as an awkward moment starts setting in.

Ruby: "Yup." Watching the dance with Jaune.

Jaune: "To the socially awkward." Jaune toasts making Ruby giggle raising her glass as well.

Ruby: "Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss." Feeling generally sorry for the blond swordsmen.

Jaune: "Meh, it's fine; (Y/n)'s pretty cool. I get why she went with him." Looking around for the samurai.

Ruby: "What do you mean?" She asks Jaune confused on what he meant.

Jaune: "Well, you know. Not many people can pull off multicolored hair and besides he's your boyfriend and all." He says taking another sip of his glass.

Ruby: "No, I mean Weiss came to the dance alone." Making Jaune cough almost choking on his punch.

Jaune:*Coughing*"Uh,what?!" Looking up and seen Weiss placing a bouquet in a vase.

Ruby: "Yeah, she said she had to much to focus on to worry about boys." Jaune watching Weiss fixes a bouquet of lilies only for it to Immediately wilt as tears well in her eyes, Jaune looks around and seen Blake sitting in a quiet part of the ballroom reading her book looking very disheartened with tears swelling in her eyes, turning his attention towards the door seeing Yang furious her eyes crimson with a single tear sliding down her face.

Jaune notices (Y/n) on the balcony chatting with Sun and Neptune laughing, telling jokes while Logan was curled into a ball at (Y/n)'s feet.

Jaune:"Hold my punch." Grunting in frustration, handing his glass to Ruby storming over to the trio as Pyrrha walks by to the stairs leading up to the balcony door, quickly taking a look at (Y/n) still laughing with the two boys, before choosing to follow Pyrrha instead.

(Y/n) POV.

After convincing Sun to watch Logan, I decided to go for a walk to clear my thoughts walking up to the balcony passing Pyrrha on the way up and seeing Jaune sulking.

Me: "Hey, Jaune. Great party huh?" I ask Jaune walking over to him.

Jaune: "Yeah." Jaune sighs Looking down at the ground.

Me: "Ballroom dancing, hehehe... not really my forte." I said Looking into the night sky.

Jaune: "Yeah." He mutters, turning his back to me.

Me: "Pretty cute girls though, huh?" I say jokingly, slicking my hair back.

Jaune: "Is that all you think about? D-Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on?" Glaring at me like he wants to fight.

Me: "Now that's a look you shoot your enemy. Jaune where's this coming from!?" I say trying to calm down Jaune.

Jaune: "How could you turn them all down like that?" Giving him a look of confusion unsure of who he meant.

Me: "Jaune, who are you talking about?" Asking for more information, still unsure of who he was referring too.

Jaune: "Ruby! Weiss! Blake or Yang! Any of those names ringing a bell?! Their all sitting down there with tears in their eyes! They're all crying because they believed you'd be here! They put they're trust in you yet " Jaune shouts at me, turning my head in shame.

Me: "It... It's complicated, let's just say it didn't work out." Staring at the ground my hair covering my eyes.

Jaune: "What? You think you're too cool? Too many other options? They all asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly-" shooting my head up grabbing Jaune with devil bringer and lifting him by his throat.

Me: "It's because of me!" Yelling at Jaune immediately shutting him up as he gasps for air, dropping him on the floor taking a deep breath.

Me: "Jaune... I-Im sorry." Giving him a hand, being hesitant to grab it at first but took it none the less.

Me: "This is why Jaune. I'm a weapon, nothing but a brutal killer. Whenever I get close to someone they die..." I say turning to the wall while Jaune stayed silent listening closely to what I have to say.

Me: "I'm afraid that, if I'm not careful. I won't be able to protect them.... My family, my brother, even my closest friend were all killed because of me." I press my head against the wall, Punching the wall as it craters around my fist.

Jaune: "You would rather break four girls hearts? You're the strongest person I've met." Looking shocked at me and my reasoning for not going with any of the girls.

Me: "If needed... Jaune, people are still after me and if they knew that. They'd use them to get to me." Pulling my hand out of the wall, turning back to Jaune.

Me: "But I thought of a way I could protect them." Pulling out four small different colored boxes from my back pocket, opening each box revealing four separate rings corresponding to each member of team RWBY.

Jaune: "(Y/n) are you proposing to me?" Jaune says giddily and me face palming so hard it created a small shockwave.

(Y/n):*Sarcastically*"Yes, Jaune I'm proposing to you." I say with genuine sarcasm lacing my voice which thankfully he caught on.

Jaune: "So, what do these rings have to do with protecting Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang?" Jaune asks Looking at the rings, the gemstones colors corresponding to each of their owners.

A dark red ruby for little red, light blue diamond for the Ice queen, obsidian for kitty kat and finally last but not least a Yellow sapphire for my blonde bombshell.

Jaune: "I still don't understand how these little rings are supposed to protect them." Curious about what they're purpose is.

Me: "I had these specially crafted from a piece of my own armor and imbued them with some of my demonic power. So I'll always be able to sense where they are and if need be they can summon me or a doppelganger of myself. Whether or not I'm still kicking. I'm going to ask them marry me after we finish our time at this school, but if not at least they'll have something to remember all the good times we've had." I explain closing the black rectangular box, placing it back into my pocket.

Jaune: "Wait a minute. You're marrying the whole team?!" Jaune shouts as I covered his mouth, shushing him before taking my hand off his mouth.

Me: "Yes, Jaune. I love them each and I want to protect them. You Pyrrha, Nora and Ren are like my new family. Please Jaune... I don't want to lose another." I say seriously as I possibly can while walking back to the doorway overlooking the party seeing Pyrrha amongst the crowd.

Me: "Hey Jaune, you've got a beautiful woman waiting for you. She's a good catch don't let her go, or I might have to steal her." I say jokingly looking at Pyrrha chatting to some guests before.

Me: "I'm sure you've talked with Pyrrha on why she came to the dance alone right?" I ask looking at him again and nodding yes to my question.

Me: "You like her don't you?" I ask him raising my eyebrow.

Jaune: "Yeah, I mean, I don't think she'll want someone like me." Frowning as he says this I rest my right hand on his shoulder.

Me: "Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves and definitely no guitar. Just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go." I tell him taking my hand off his shoulder.

Jaune: "Yeah, but that isn't-" was all he managed to say before I cut him off.

Me: "Hey, you don't have to look cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could try to be a little less cool, I'd really appreciate it man." Jaune thinks it over for a few moments before giving me a cheek to cheek grin.

Jaune: "Yeah. Okay." Which made him smile at my advice.

Me: "Go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night." I say crossing my arms, giving him a small smile.

Jaune: "You know you're a pretty cool guy." Extending his arm for a fist bump.

(Y/n): "Same to you Jaune." Fist bumping Jaune as he walks back to the party.

(Y/n):*Exhale*"Alright. Only one thing left to do." I whisper to myself, looking at the black box before making my way back to the dance, I start looking around for Pyrrha needing to ask her where the are and finding her chatting to a few other guests.

Me: "Hey, Pyrrha." I greet startling her, unaware I was behind her.

Pyrrha: "Ah! (Y/n), I'm sorry you startled me. What is it?" She says giving me a warm smile.

Me: "Oh, sorry about that Pyrrha. I just wanted to ask you if you seen any of the girls?" I look around the room quickly.

Pyrrha: "No sorry (Y/n). But I thought I seen Weiss sitting over there." Pointing over to a row of chairs with the heiress sulking over a lily.

Pyrrha: "I think I had seen- Jaune?" Jaune saunters over to us wearing a dress making me barely able to contain my laughter.

A few moments ago, 3rd POV.

Ruby finds Yang leaning on the balcony watching the guests.

Yang: "Y'know, I think we really needed this." Yang says relaxed watching everyone else enjoying themselves, Ren and Nora dance together, Penny standing between two bodyguards as she does the robot one of the guards tilting there head at the android.

Ruby: "And you did a great job planning it, too." Ruby praises her, as she grabs Ruby in a one arm death hug.

Yang: "Aw, thanks! But it wasn't all me though. Weiss did a lot too." Yang let's go of Ruby looking down seeing Weiss as fiddles around with the lily she got from (Y/n) the other day shedding a single tear, then look back at each other.

Yang:*sigh*"Tomorrow, it's back to work... I really just wish that (Y/n) would've came." Yang sighs to Ruby looking back to the crowd.

Ruby: "Well. I'm sure, he has a good reason for not being here. Besides we'll be able to handle anything that's thrown at us. Except for that." Everyone besides Ruby and Yang started laughing, the girls shifted their attention to see Jaune making his way through the crowd people laughing at him while he passes by, walking up to Pyrrha and (Y/n) stopping their conversation.

Jaune: "Eh, a promise is a promise-" being cutoff by (Y/n) bursting out laughing with Pyrrha slowly joining in.

(Y/n): "Ahahahaha. Okay where's the hidden camera." (Y/n) manages to say through his laughter tearing up and having a laughing fit.

(Y/n): "Hoo. Okay, okay. I'm done. Good job, Jaune!" (Y/n) waves wiping a tear from his eye as he walks off to regain his composure and off to find Sun and Neptune to complete his plan, (Y/n) finds them talking to one another as Logan wakes up from his nap running over to (Y/n) catching the attention of the two.

(Y/n): "Hey, Logan! Getting big aren't ya?" (Y/n) says kneeling down to Logan's level, petting the still immature Grimm which made him start wagging his jet black tail with his hind leg scratching the side of his small body, indicating he was enjoying the affection.

Sun: "Jeez, (Y/n). We were beginning to think you ditched us. Anyway, are we still going to do this?" Sun asks (Y/n) as he stands up while cradling Logan in his arms.

(Y/n): "Yeah. I feel like it's the only way to prove that I'm sorry." He says putting Logan back down as Neptune walks over to the two.

Neptune: "Hey, guys. Are we still good to go?" Neptune and Sun look at (Y/n), waiting for the rest of his plan.

(Y/n): "Yeah, let's go. And just follow my lead. Let's watch this first." (Y/n) Referring to Jaune's elaborate apologie.

(Y/n): "Alright, Jaune!" (Y/n) cheers, clapping for the performance stopping when he looked around the room and seen Ruby and Yang chatting together Looking depressed, on the balcony in the middle of the room, Weiss sat alone in a remote corner of the room still toying with the lily while his gaze shifted to Blake her head buried into her book.

(Y/n): "All right, time for the biggest apology anyone has ever seen." (Y/n) gestures to the two guys, following him to the stage at the back of the ballroom.

The trio make it through the crowd and Overlooking the fleet of guests before them.

(Y/n): "Okay, here read these." (Y/n) hands them both a sheet of paper.

(Y/n): "Okay I'll be the lead singer/guitarist, I also need back up vocals." He says scanning over the sheet of paper.

Sun: "I can be the timekeeper!" Sun says enthusiastically hopping behind a nearby drum set.

Neptune: "Well, I guess I could be the bassist." Shrugging his shoulders, picking up a bass guitar.

(Y/n): "Alright, let's get the show on the road." (Y/n) says turning off all the lights in the ballroom causing a commotion amongst the crowd.

Then the lights switch back on focusing on (Y/n), Sun and Neptune behind each of their instruments.

(Y/n): "Hey, I'd welcome everybody to Beacon and thank my beautiful girlfriend Yang for setting this thing up and would like to apologize to all of my girls." (Y/n) says picking up his guitar looking down as he plays a couple notes while tuning it, gaining the attention of team RWBY.

(Y/n): "One day the shadows will surround me Someday the days will come to end Sometime I'll have to face the real me Sometime I'll have to learn to bend."

(Y/n): "All this time I simply stepped aside I watched but never really listened As the whole world passed me by All this time I watched from the outside Never understood what wrong or what was right I apologize, whoah I apologize, whoah."

(Y/n): "One day I'll face the Hell inside me Someday I'll accept what I have done Sometime I'll leave the past behind me For now I accept who I've become And now I see clearly."

(Y/n): "All these times I simply stepped aside I watched but never really listened As the whole world passed me by All time I watched from the outside Never understood what was wrong or what was right I apologize I apologize."

(Y/n): "One day the shadows will surround me."

(Y/n): "All these times I simply stepped aside I watched but never really listened As the whole world passed me by All this time I watched from the outside Never understood what was wrong or what was right I apologize I apologize."

Y/n/Sun/Neptune: "Whoah, I apologize Whoah, I apologize Whoah, I apologize I apologize." (Y/n) looks back up to the crowd finding Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang smiling with tears streaming down each of their faces before the entire building erupts into applause and cheers.

(Y/n): "Thank you! Thanks everybody and now time to turn it up. And please join in!"

(Y/n):*Panting*"Ho-Okay I'm going to go now. Talk to these guys and the dude in the dress." (Y/n) says pointing to Sun, Neptune and Jaune as he hops off the stage walking through the crowd, as he comes face to face with team RWBY.

(Y/n): "Look, girls I just want to apologi- Woah!!" (Y/n) couldn't finish his sentence before being tackled by the four nuzzling their head into (Y/n)'s chest, Squeezing as hard as humanly possible.

(Y/n):*Strained*"Okay, I that's enough, can you let go now girls?" (Y/n) kindly asks as they slowly increase the pressure of their death hug.

Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang: "Uh uh/Not a chance/*Slight Purring*/No way." Squeezing (Y/n) harder if even possible, (Y/n) smiles shaking his head at their show of affection embracing the four in a huge hug.

POV (Y/n).

Weiss: "So, what made you change your mind?" Weiss smiles at me as we watch Jaune and Pyrrha dancing.

Me: "Huh?" Looking at her a bit confused.

Weiss: "Well, you've been behaving similarly to how Blake has these past few days." Weiss directs her smile to me, making me laugh at the comment.

Me: "He he. Granted I did do that. Well, you're looking at him." Turning my eyes back to Jaune and Pyrrha.

Me: "Oh here. I forgot to give this to you." I hand her a white box with the Schnee family symbol printed on the

Weiss: "Uhh, thanks for the dust (Y/n)." Confused about the contents of the dust box.

Me: "I got to talk to Ruby and Yang, and have you seen Blake? I'll talk to you later." I kiss her forehead, walking over to an empty table where Blake was reading her book quietly with a small smile, an seen Ruby and Yang talking to each other by the entrance.

I sneak up behind Blake unnoticed and began rubbing her ears through her bow which made her jump on contact but slowly eases into it and starts slightly purring again.

Me: "Good, Grief. I knew you were a cat Faunus, but I never actually thought that I could actually make you purr." I whisper into her ears, scratching the bottom of her chin embarrassing her even further, as she tries her best to conceal her flustered face only made me laugh harder at Blake's attempt to hide herself behind her novel.

Me: "Blake, I want to apologize. I didn't mean to snap like that, I've just been having a tough time

Blake: "Oh. Thank you (Y/n), I suppose?" Like Weiss, she was confounded on why I would give her this seemingly useless item.

Me: "You're welcome. Just do me a favor?" Turning to walk away.

Blake: "What is it?" Tilting her head curiously at the box.

Me: "It's a "Secret".Don't open that until after the dance." I smile, then walk off to find Ruby or Yang.

On my way to find them I bumped into Yang, catching her before she hit the ground.

Me: "Hey, how's my firecracker tonight?" I smirk raising my eyebrow.

Yang: "Hey there, tiger. I'm doing fine, better now that you're finally taking a break." Locking lips with Yang for what felt like an eternity, when I pulled back I place a yellow box in her hands.

Me:*Sigh* "Yang... I'm so sorry, for yelling at you last night. I've just been dealing with some "stuff" for the past few days. I'll take that dance now, if that offer still stands?"

Yang: "Well, no one here seemed like my type, and I did say I'd save you a dance." She smiles taking my hand as she leads me to the dance floor.

We start slow dancing to the music as the other around us couples do the same.

Yang: "Oh, who knew the brick wall knows how to dance." Yang giggles, making me grin.

Me: "Well, believe it or not this "Brick wall" has been on a few missions that required it." Spinning her while my thoughts drifted to the woman claiming to be Yang's mother.

Me: "Let me ask you something Yang. What was your mother like?" I ask unintentionally, realizing what I just said.

Me: "Yang, I'm sorry it just slip-" Apologizing, but stopped by Yang shushing me.

Yang: "Shh, it's fine. Ruby and I grew up in Patch. An island just off the coast of Vale. Our parents were Huntsmen. Our Dad taught at Signal, and our mom would take on missions around the Kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose. And she was, like super mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. And then, one day she left on a mission and never came back." I pull Yang closer embracing her in a hug resting her head on my chest.

Yang: "It was tough. Ruby was really torn up, but I think she was still too young to really get what was going on. Y'know? And my Dad just kinda... shut down. It wasn't long before I learned why. Summer wasn't the first love he'd lost. She was the second. The first... was my mom." Surprising me a bit, but taking a moment to realize that her and Ruby don't really resemble each other.

Yang: "He wouldn't tell me everything. But I had learned that the two of them were on a team with Summer and Qrow. And that she'd left me with him just after I was born. No one has seen her since." Hesitantly I stroke her hair, half expecting her to punch me only for her to ease deeper into the embrace.

(Y/n): "Why'd she leave?" Still stroking Yang's hair.

Yang:*Sigh* "That question... Why?" Reciting from the hug but kept her fingers intertwined with mine as we start walking back to the main doors.

Yang: "I didn't know the answer, but I was determined to find out. It was all I could think about. I would ask anybody I could what they knew about her. Then... one day. I found something. What I thought was a clue that could lead me to answers. Or maybe even my mother. I waited for Dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon and headed out. I must've walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, was totally exhausted. But I wasn't going to let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand. But I didn't care. I made it. Then I saw them. Theose burning red eyes. There we wre, a toddler asleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it, our uncle showed up just in time." Looking back at me with saddened eyes.

Yang: "My stubbornness should've gotten us killed that night." I put my hands on her shoulders, facing her eye to eye.

Me: "Yang... I understand where you're coming from. Honestly, I do. But you can't keep holding it against yourself. Parents, do things that they think is the right choice in the moment, only for it to be a huge mistake... Yang, wherever your mother is, she's missing out on such a beautiful amazing person. And only has herself to blame for her actions." Planting a kiss on her forehead.

Me: "I love you, Yang. I'll talk to you later, I need to find Ruby." I rub her cheek before proceeding to look for Ruby.

I making my way through the crowd, I found Ruby standing alone awkwardly waving at guests that pass her by, standing beside her seemingly unaware of my presence.

3rd POV.

Ruby and (Y/n) stand together by the door smiling at people who walk by the two.

Ruby: "Stupid lady stilts." Ruby kicks the floor almost falling off balance.

(Y/n): "Hey, Rubes. How's your night?" (Y/n) ask over Ruby's shoulder which startles the huntress in training.

Ruby: "Ahh! Oh. U-Uh. Hey (Y/n), I'm doing Alright." Ruby asks (Y/n) surprised by his sudden appearance.

(Y/n): "Ah, uh sorry about that Rubes." (Y/n) grins kindly scratching the back of his head.

Ruby: "It's fine. I'm not really one for socializing." Ruby says sincerely, giving (Y/n) a heartwarming smile both walking together outside.

(Y/n): "I really wanted to apologize for snapping the other night. But I was reminded something of my past. A past I swore would stay buried. I just don't want you to be involved but I can't because I love you and I can't let myself be responsible for losing another family." (Y/n) says starring into the night sky for a moment, Ruby wraps her arms around the back of (Y/n)'s neck pulling him close.

Ruby: "(Y/n), it's okay. We can handle ourselves." Smiling sweetly at the boy, cheering him up.

(Y/n): "Thanks Ruby, oh here. I wanted you to have this. Before I forget." Handing Ruby a box with her symbol carved onto the front.

(Y/n): "Hopefully, it will keep you safe." (Y/n) says as something in the darkness catches his eye.

A figure running across the dormitory rooftops and towards the comm tower.

(Y/n) : "Ruby stay here, I'll be right back." (Y/n) tells Ruby, receiving a pouty look from her.

(Y/n):*Sigh*"Fine, let's go." Reluctantly agreeing with Ruby as they both run of into the night.


(Y/n) and Ruby are seen walking to the communications tower coming to a stop in front of the CCT to find an unconscious guard on scene.

(Y/n): "Ruby, let's go check it out." Ruby nods pressing a few buttons on her scroll, after a few moments Ruby's equipment locker crashes next to the Huntress, (Y/n) holds out his right hand as Yamato materializes into his hand.

Ruby and (Y/n) rush into the building only to find three more unconscious guards and two in the elevator, (Y/n) grips Yamato tighter as the elevator dings.

(Y/n) POV.

When the elevator doors opens I ran into the room leaving an afterimage of myself the movement blowing my hair up into a slick position.

Me: "I know your there." Hearing scuffling from behind me I instantly turn behind me to see Ruby tripping on her high heels.

Me: "Come out now. I won't ask again." I tell the mysterious woman hiding behind the desk stands up exposing herself wearing a black catsuit with a masquerade mask.

Ruby: "Umm. Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-" The womans clothing looked like it lit on fire hurtling glass toward Ruby.

I stick my demonic arm in front of Ruby shattering the incoming projectiles on contact, swinging Yamato breaking and deflecting the rest.

The elevator dings again revealing Ironwood turning our attention back to the mysterious woman, finding no trace of her.

Me and Ruby sit down defeated, as the midnight bell tolls I look to a blank terminal screen as chess piece flashes before disappearing, I rub my eyes probably just seeing stuff again.

Ozpin's Office.

Ironwood: "They were here... Ozpin they were here!" Ironwood slams his fist on Ozpin's desk as Ozpin resting his head on his hands.

Ms. Goodwitch: "We are very much aware of that thank you James." Goodwitch says stating the obvious situation.

Ironwood: "Fantastic, you're aware. Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?" The elevator door starts beeping Ozpin stands up.

Prof. Ozpin: "Come in!" The elevator doors slide open as Ruby and an unmasked (Y/n) step out.

(Y/n): "Sorry, we're late. But "someone" accidentally hit all the buttons on the way up." (Y/n) stares Ruby down, giving Ozpin an idea.

Ruby: "It wasn't me." Completely denying (Y/n)'s accusation with a suspicious smile, darting her eyes back at him, then (Y/n).

Prof. Ozpin: "Thank you for coming Ruby and (Y/n), how are you both feeling?" Greeting the two catching Ironwood and Goodwitch's attention.

(Y/n): "Fine. Hey, Ironwood how's the robot?" (Y/n) says smugly to anger the General.

Ironwood: "Just fine, (Y/n). How's the arm?" (Y/n) just stares daggers at Ironwood for his "insightful" comment.

Prof. Ozpin: "And how about you Ruby?" Shifting his gaze to Ruby.

Ruby: "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad guy catching catching record wasn't 0 for 3." Ruby giggles at her own joke everyone else except (Y/n) had a deadpan expression to it.

Ruby: "Okay, so that's the tone we're going for got it..." Ruby answers meekly, quickly looking at (Y/n) who gives her a smile of confidence.

Ironwood: "Ruby, I feel it's appropriate let you both know that I think what you two did last night is exactly what being a Hunter and Huntress is all about." Ironwood commends Ruby, walking over to her placing a hand on her shoulder and (Y/n)'s.

Ironwood: "You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could." Congratulating and commending both students.

Ruby: "Thank you, sir." Ruby thanks Ironwood while (Y/n) scoffs.

Prof. Ozpin: "Now, the General here has already informed us of the events that, transpired last night. But now that you've rested we were wondering if you have anything to add." Ozpin clasps his hands together, gesturing to Ironwood.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?" Goodwitch crosses her arms, taking a few steps toward them.

Ruby: "I...*Sigh* I don't know. She was wearing a mask. And she never said anything to me, but I know she fought with glass. I dont think that was her semblance. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked." Ruby finishes describing the woman from the night before.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby and (Y/n)." Goodwitch explains further adding questions about the woman.

Ironwood: "Embedding dust into clothing is an age old technique. It could of been anyone." Turning back to Ozpin.

(Y/n): "Wait, you think this girl is connected to Torchwick, the White Fang or Desperado?" (Y/n)'s gravely voice crackles throughout the room grabbing everyone's attention.

Prof. Ozpin: "It's possible." Scratching his chin while Ruby shifts her eyes from Ozpin to out the window.

Prof. Ozpin: "But we still lack the required evidence to link the three together." Ironwood stares back at Ozpin like he'd done something wrong.

Ruby: "Actually I-I think I remember her saying something about a hideout or something... in the southeast. Just outside the kingdom." She looks back up at (Y/n) sighing before ruffling Ruby's hair.

Prof. Ozpin: "Interesting." Ozpin squints at Ruby forming a skeptical grin.

Ms. Goodwitch: "I thought you said the intruder never-" Goodwitch's sentence was cut short by Ozpin walking by.

Prof. Ozpin: "Thank you for your cooperation Ruby. Why don't you go spend sometime with your team? You have a big day ahead of you." Dismissing Ruby and (Y/n) turns to follow.

Prof. Ozpin: "Wait, (Y/n) there's something we need to discuss." (Y/n) stops turning back to the Professor.

(Y/n): "I'll be fine. You can go I'll join you after." Ruby looks concerned at (Y/n) before slowly walking back to the elevator, waving at (Y/n) as the doors slide shut.

(Y/n): "Alright, Oz. What's on your mind?" (Y/n) crosses his arms while Ironwood stares at (Y/n) with disgust.

Prof. Ozpin: "Would you care to explain this?" Goodwitch pulls up her tablet and plays a video of (Y/n)'s battle with Sundowner.

(Y/n): "Oh. Sooo, I suppose this means I'm expelled?" He shrugs assuming the verdict of his being here.

Ironwood: "If you were one of my students you'd be expelled and banned from attending any academy in Remnant." Stomping toward (Y/n) poking his chest to make a point.

(Y/n): "Hey, Oz. You'd better tell your dog to go for a walk" Ironwood opens his mouth but being stopped by Ozpin.

Prof. Ozpin: "That's quite enough, James. You and Glynda may leave now." Ironwood looks like he's about to say something, but choses to bite his tongue instead.

(Y/n): "Bye, Iron tree." Giving Ironwood the biggest shit eating grin as the elevator closes.

(Y/n): "So, does this mean I'm expelled?" Turning his head back to Ozpin chuckling.

Prof. Ozpin: "Hm, no. Quite on the contrary. I've got a tip that your Desperado "friends" might be operating just southeast of the kingdom. As Ms. Rose, so carefully described. I've taken the liberty of assigning you to accompany team RWBY as their professional Huntsman can be quite 'talkative' at times, your objective is to provide assistance, if necessary. As I know they'll eventually get into trouble. That is all (Y/n), you may go and join the rest of your team. Oh I've also discovered an unchecked dorm room next to teams RWBY and JNPR. If you'd like I could make that arrangement." Ozpin grins taking a sip from his mug.

(Y/n): "Thank you, Professor." He bows to Ozpin as he turns to leave Ozpin calls out to him.

Prof. Ozpin: "And Mr. Sparda, please try to be discreet about this matter. And also you have my permission to engage the enemy if need be." (Y/n) grins then gives quick nod walking back to the elevator.

Timeskip, POV (Y/n).

Walking back to the dorm, I couldn't thinking about what Sundowner said "Plan to attack the kingdom." I repeat to myself when I realize I'm already at the dorm room Logan bolts to my feet rubbing his body on my legs to show he missed me.

Weiss: "That was a risky move." Weiss says to Ruby while crossing her arms.

Blake: "No, I think you handled it well." Blake adds sitting on Weiss' bed.

Ruby: "I hope so." Ruby looks at the floor.

Yang: "I'm sure everything will be alright, Ruby." Yang smiles putting a hand on her sisters shoulder.

Me: "Are we talking about how Ruby almost gave away the plan?" I cut in sitting beside Blake Logan hops between us resting his head on my lap.

Yang: "Yeah. Oh! I know what'll cheer you up." Yang walks over to a nearby desk picking up a mail cylinder.

Ruby: "What's that?" Ruby asks turning to Yang.

Yang: "I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together." Yang says holding it about arms length.

Ruby: "Ooh! Something from home!" Ruby exclaims in a high pitched voice and speeds around the room with rose petals trailing behind her jumping on Yang's back flailing her arms at the package, Yang shakes it popping one of the ends off as a black furry cylinder fell out on the floor.

We all gather around the cylinder as it rustles a little bit then morphs into a corgi it looks at us then barks making everyone scream except me.

Ruby: "Zwei!!!" She screams clearly very excited.

Blake: "He sent a dog?!" Blake jumps in my hands hugging me.

Weiss: "In the mail??" Making me and Weiss confused on how that's even physically possible with Ruby giggling while zwei licks her face.

Yang: "Oh he does stuff like this all the time." Yang says brushing off her question.

Blake: "Your father or your dog?" Blake hugs my chest tighter.

Weiss: "Are you telling me that we're going to have another mangy,*Zwei puppy eyes*drooling,*eyes intensify* mutt, that's going to wive with us forevah? Oh yes he is yes he is." Weiss says adorably playing with Zwei Logan whimpers at Weiss' feet picking him up and cuddling the Grimm.

Blake: "Please keep it away from my belongings." Placing Blake on a bed across the room.

Ms. Goodwitch:*Over P.A*"Will all first year students please report to the amphitheater." Goodwitch voice rings out over the P.A system as Zwei jumps out of Ruby's hands.

Weiss: "Well we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for a week." Putting Logan back on the ground Zwei sniffs him both canines tackle each other to the ground to play fight.

Yang: "Look there's a letter." Yang grabs a folded piece of paper in the mail cylinder.

Yang: "Dear girls, I've got to leave the island for a few days. So I'm sending Zwei to you. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you both, Taiyang." Yang reads off the letter, turning the mail cylinder upside down spilling a mountain of canned dog food on top of Zwei and Logan.

Weiss: "What is he supposed to do with that?" Yang shakes the tube again then a can opener falls out bouncing off Zwei's head clinking onto the floor.

Me: 'How, in the hell did he squeeze the dog and all that food in there?' I thought tilting head confused.

Yang: "Well, that settles it. Come on girls and guy, Zwei and Logan will be here when we get back." Yang walks out the door.

Weiss: "Oh I'll miss you so much we're going to be best friends I can't wait to see you again." Petting Zwei on her way out, Blake jumps off her bed to a desk then out the door.

(Y/n): "Okay, come on Logan." He walks beside me on our way out.

(Y/n): "Ruby, you coming?" I turn to her before walking out.

Ruby: "Yeah, (Y/n). I'll be right there." She smiles back at me I shrug it off making my way to the amphitheater.

Timeskip, Beacon Amphitheater.

Walking to the amphitheater with Logan close behind me Ruby finally catches up wearing an oversized backpack and places it with the students luggage joining the rest of WBY and JNPR in the Vale section of students.

Ms. Goodwitch: "Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin." Goodwitch steps aside as Ozpin walks on stage cane in hand.

Prof. Ozpin: "Today we stand together, united. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, Vale. The four kingdoms of Remnant. On this day nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom. But about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self expression. And as you all are aware that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed the tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself. Color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity. Through diversity. As I said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsman and Huntress' will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress, on a mission. Aside from a few "Special" cases." Ozpin finds me in the crowd.

Prof. Ozpin: "Some of you may be taken out of the kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter what path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best." Students applaud Ozpin as he walks off the stage.

Ruby: "This is perfect. All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast." Looks me, Weiss, Blake and Yang.

Yang: "Yeah! We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip at night." Yang pumps her fist in the air.

Weiss: "Let's check Search and Destroy." Weiss chimes in, nodding in agreement while we walk over to the mission board.

Ruby: "Here we go. Quadrant five needs Grimm cleared out." Looking at her team.

Blake: "Well, it's in the southeast." Agreeing with Ruby.

Yang: "Sounds perfect." Agreeing with her teammates Ruby selects the mission and types in their team name only for it to read "MISSION UNAVAILABLE TO FIRST YEAR STUDENTS."

Weiss: "Wonderful." She says sarcastically putting her hand on her hips.

Blake: "Any other ideas?" She looks back at Ruby.

Ruby: "We mail ourselves there." I face palm at her childish idea.

Prof. Ozpin: "Well that's option." Ozpin says walking out from behind the mission looking on his tablet.

Prof. Ozpin: "Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first year students. It seems that particular is rather popular. In fact I have the sneaking suspicion that the four of you will make your way there no matter what job you choose." Everyone except me stare at Ruby with a disappointed look while she scratches her head with a smile

Ruby: "Whatever makes you say that?" She turns back to the professor.

Prof. Ozpin: "I'm still curious as to how you all found yourselves at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a "hideout" in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a night club sometime ago." I watch Ruby look rolling her eyes suspiciously while Ozpin says this.

Ruby: "Umm... well." Looks at me for an excuse to which I shake my head no.

Prof. Ozpin: "I doubt I'll find the exact answers I'm looking for. So, how about this. Instead of waiting for you to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?" He taps on his tablet approving the mission while the girls smile at each other looking back to Ozpin.

Ruby: "We won't let you down. Thank you professor." Ruby assures him, thanking the professor while the others smile.

Prof. Ozpin: "Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far, but you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all time. And do exactly what he says. He will be leading you on this mission. And he can have you sent back to Beacon, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory." Explaining the rules of engagement to the girls then walks off disappearing out of sight as the girls look at each other worried.

Prof. Ozpin: "Good luck." Ozpin says turning to us while we walk out of the amphitheater as I take Logan out of my helmet as we walk out of the building and into courtyard I look at my girls seeing them with worried faces.

Yang: "Well, that wasn't very uplifting." Yang says to Weiss.

Blake: "But it's the truth." Blake looks at Yang and Weiss.

Ruby: "It's going to be tough but I know we can do it." She reassuring us.

Student: "Hey, team CFVY's back!" He points out joining the crowd forming in the middle of the courtyard, seeing velvet walking with her team.

Me: "Hey, velvet! You doing okay?" I callout jogging up to her.

Velvet: "H-He-Hey, (Y/n). I'm fine, I had Yatsuhashi look out for me." She stutters a bit which made me wonder if she's sick. As a big guy about the same height as me walks by with a huge sword strapped on his back.

Weiss: "Your mission was supposed to end a week ago. Wait happened?" Weiss asks as the rest catch up.

Velvet: "N-Nothing happened... It was just, there were just so many." Velvet replies answering Weiss' question as everyone has a concerned expression.

Velvet: "Oh but don't worry, you first years are just shadowing Huntsman so you should be fine." Velvet glances at me which made me smile then quickly looks away with red cheeks.

Me: 'Must be sick.' I thought as she turns back to Weiss.

Yang: "Riiiiight." Yang says skeptical about the situation.

Velvet: "I should go. Be safe okay." I rub Velvet's ears and head making her face turn crimson.

Me: "Will do, Vel." I finish petting her she runs off joining her team as I feel a huge dark presence behind me I turn around to see all my girls minus Ruby smiling with a dark aura surrounding them.

Ruby: "Anyway, we can do this. We've never backed down before and we're not going to start now." Weiss and Blake look at each other for a second then back at Ruby.

Blake: "Right." Nods in agreement with Ruby as we start walking to the airstrip.

Ruby: "Besides it won't only be us out there. We'll be fighting with a genuine Huntsman!" We all continue to walk hearing the pitter patter of Logan's paws on the ground behind me.

Yang: "Yeah!" As we stop everyone besides me have a mix reaction to the Huntsman supervising the mission.

Dr. Oobleck: "Why hello girls! I see you've also brought my favorite student! So who's ready to fight for their lives?" The doc says cheerfully to me and the girls.

Me: "Sup, Doc." I reach out for a hand shake taking my hand shaking it vigorously.

Weiss: "Professor Oobleck?" Raising her eyebrow unsure.

Me: "That's Doctor Oobleck. He didn't get a PhD for fun." I correct the heiress and Blake raise their eyebrows at me.

Dr. Oobleck: "Correct (Y/n). Yes I'm afraid that those bags won't be necessary girls. Seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you that we will not be establishing a single base of operations. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland, and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I've packed all our essentials myself plotted the air course and readied the airship." Oobleck pacing back and forth in front of us while the girls just stare at the Doctor not understanding a word he says.

Dr. Oobleck: "Come now children, according to my schedule, we are 3 minutes behind, schedule." We all watch as he speeds away to the Bullhead.

Ruby: "Well alright then looks like we're going to save the world with, Dr. Oobleck okay when you say out loud it sounds worse." They all slump their shoulders and stare at the ground.

Nora: "Save the world??" We hear turning to team JNPR walking over to us.

Nora: "You're going on world saving mission without us? I'm hurt and sad, and maybe a little hungry? That last one's not my fault, though, Ren!" Nora looks at Ren who turns his nose to the sky.

Jaune: "Sounds exciting, where ya going?" He turns asking Ruby.

Ruby: "Oh just outside the kingdom." Ruby answers Jaune's question.

Nora: "Hey! So are we." Nora tells Ruby.

Pyrrha: "Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village." Clarifying what Nora said.

Me: "Good grief. Are we all going outside the kingdom?" I cross my arms rolling my eyes.

Neptune: "Then you can party with us tonight. We're shadowing a crime specialist. All intercity stuff. We even get junior badges." Neptune says walking up with Sun making Jaune's eyes sparkle.

Me: "Nice." High fiving Neptune and Sun.

Sun: "We normally go to the city with you guys, which means stuff's always exploding and junk. So we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when its, y'know, normal." Sun does make a good point we do that a lot.

Ruby: "Well-" Ruby says being interrupted by Oobleck while Logan pulls on my leg.

Dr. Oobleck: "Four minutes ladies!" Oobleck shouts in the distance we all smile awkwardly at one another.

Ruby: "Well, uhh, wish us luck." Giving everyone a thumbs up as we all make our separate ways.

Me, Logan and the girls board the aircraft takes off Logan curls up in a ball beside my feet while I sit down and start meditating.

Me: 'All that's left of Desperado is operating somewhere near Mountain Glenn. Samuel, I'm going to interrogate him. Ask him why they killed my father and why go after me?' My thoughts keep running wild before being woken by Dr. Oobleck.

Dr. Oobleck: "(Y/n), we are arriving shortly." The doc tells me, I look outside seeing the remains of an overrun city I get up walking to the hatch walking past Weiss, Blake and Yang I stand beside Ruby watching as the LZ came into sight.

Ruby: "Hey, (Y/n). Have a nice nap?" She asks me as I jump out.

Ruby: "Oh my god! (Y/n)!!" I hear her scream while free falling to toward the ground.

Seeing a pack of twelve Beowolves, three Ursai and a King taijitu, I stab Fox into one of the King taijitu's heads to break my landing, using the momentum to run with Fox still in its body slicing open the king taijitu, leaping into the air quickly slashing its other head off landing next to the dissolving serpent as the rest of the Grimm wonder what just happened.

Me:*Exhale*"Seems that's it's for this area. On to the next." I place Fox back on my belt walking away as the rest of the Grimm explodes into black ash and blood with some splattering on me.

As I wipe off the blood on my visor the Bullhead flies over me Logan jumps into my arms setting him down next to me patting his head, I stand back up and start dusting myself off.

Ruby: "(Y/n)!" Ruby calls out grabbing my left arm while I try to dust the blood off my clothes. Ruby start inspecting my head to see if I had a concussion I don't mind the girls checking to she.

Me: "Hey. Ruby, Weiss." Turning around Weiss must've wanted to help Ruby because she immediately grabs my other arm while Blake and Yang caught up.

Weiss: "What the hell was that!?!" Weiss yells at me squeezing my right arm which made Blake and Yang look slightly angry and envious at the two holding my arms.

Me: "What are you talking about? This is just like wet work with Fox." I say nonchalantly walking away from the girls.

Dr. Oobleck: "Ladies, you still may be students, but as of this moment your first mission as a Huntress has begun. From this point forward you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?" Oobleck tells the girls nodding in acknowledgement.

Dr. Oobleck: "Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school." He turns his attention back to Ruby which made her jump.

Ruby: "But, uh you hadn't told us to listen to you yet... So I didn't." She shrugs making a pretty valid point.

Dr. Oobleck: "She's not wrong. Very well Ruby leave your bag here we can pick it up upon our return." He instructs Ruby who smiles suspiciously rubbing the back of her head and starts sputtering her words.

Dr. Oobleck: "Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important that you-" On cue Zwei pops his head out of Ruby's backpack barking at the Doctor while everyone else was peering over at Ruby and Zwei.

Ruby: "Get back in the bag" whispering to Zweis barking again.

Dr. Oobleck: "We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with deadly and hostility and you brought, a dog?" Raising his eyebrow at Ruby.

Ruby: "I- uhh... Why does (Y/n) get to keep Logan?" Pointing to me and Logan making him bark while Dr. Oobleck squints at me and Ruby behind his glasses.

Dr. Oobleck: "Genius!" Dr. Oobleck says speeding away while Ruby looks at me then at everyone else shrugging while the Doctor runs past everyone snatching Zwei out of Ruby's backpack.

Dr. Oobleck: "Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of smell. Making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!" Oobleck says swinging Zwei in the air whooshing over to Ruby putting Zwei down beside her picking up Logan looks at Oobleck tilting his head at the Doctor.

Dr. Oobleck: "Having a Grimm companion that has familiarity with this territory is an excellent idea! Well done, (Y/n)." Making Logan bark in agreement.

Me/Ruby: "We're geniuses." We smile making Weiss and Yang facepalm.

Blake: "So, what are your orders Doctor?" Blake asks stepping forward.

Dr. Oobleck: "Ah! Yes! Straight to the chase, I like it." Letting go of Logan grabbing him with devil bringer before hitting the ground.

Dr. Oobleck: "As you have been informed the southeast area has been marked as a hotspot for Grimm activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behavior. One of which being, Grimm." Making Weiss and Blake blink at each other wondering if that was his attempt at pun.

Ruby: "Uhh, what?" She asks joining in the confusion.

Dr. Oobleck: "Grimm, a creature of Grimm approximately 100 yards from us at this very moment." He says looking behind us.

Yang: "What?!" We turn to see a Beowolf walking in the middle of the street as the girls ready their weapons while I put down Logan beside Zwei.

Dr. Oobleck: "Stop." Oobleck says stopping the girls from attacking as they look back at the Doctor.

Dr. Oobleck: "There are a number of reasons why grimm would congregate in this particular area. The most likely would be their attraction to negativity. Sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred, rage, all qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent." Doctor Oobleck says everyone lowering their weapons the Beowolf in front of us sniffed around the area.

Ruby: "So, what now?" Ruby shrugs taking off my helmet making some of my hair fall in my face while I put it next to Logan stretching.

Dr. Oobleck: "We wait, we track, if the specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey." Answering her question, keeping my attention fixated on the Beowolf.

Yang: "How long do we wait?" She asks putting her hands on her hips.

Dr. Oobleck: "It's uncertain, hours, days, weeks, why lone Grimm have been known to stand isolated from the pack for months, just like (Y/n)'s companion Logan-" The Doctor explains cutting him off mid sentence by spinning which turns Fox into its submachine gun form.

Me: "Sorry to interrupt your little lesson Doctor, but the whole packs here. They've also seen us." Pointing over to the growing pack with my free hand as a sheathed Yamato forms.

Weiss: "What?" She says surprised by what I said.

Dr. Oobleck: "Amazing observation (Y/n)! They have seen us. " unsarcastically repeating my what I had said, turning back to the incoming Grimm while cracking my neck.

Weiss: "What?!" The Grimm growling as they gather.

Dr. Oobleck: "They have seen us!!" Oobleck yells startling Weiss.

Me: "Well, time for a warm up. Stay here logan." Smiling at logan then walking toward the Beowolves as more and more gather.

3rd POV.

Yang: "What's the plan then?" Yang says not noticing (Y/n) slowly walking toward the Grimm.

Dr. Oobleck: "Well, I believe (Y/n) has the right idea. Show me what you're capable of." Oobleck instructs the four readying their weapons.

Ruby: "Cover your ears Zwei!" Slamming Crescent Rose into the ground as the corgi proceeds to do so, Dr. Oobleck observes (Y/n)'s behavior.

Five Beowolves leap at (Y/n), tossing Fox into the air he sidesteps one kicking its hind legs jumping up dodging three claws grabbing Fox before landing on the downed Beowolf's head with a loud crunch shooting one of the Beowolves wondering where he'd gone, catching their attention while another starts slash violently at (Y/n) who just steps back nonchalantly dodging each attack until he swipes its legs quickly slashing up spraying blood on the ground and himself sheathing Yamato as the remaining two Beowolves try rushing (Y/n) again making him grin, using devil bringer to pull one closer stuffing the barrel of Fox into its mouth pulling the trigger, blowing its head apart and riddling it with the rest of his magazine into its body tearing it apart with the hail of bullets, spinning fox transforming back into it's original form. The last Beowolf howls running at (Y/n) tries once more to slash at his face only for (Y/n) to deflect its claw with a sheathed Yamato hitting it twice with the sword quickly slashing up and down then spins finishing it off by cutting its head clean off simultaneously flicking the blade clean.

(Y/n) gets ready for another wave, but being stopped by the girls jumping in front of him as Dr. Oobleck puts a hand on the young man's shoulder.

Dr. Oobleck: "(Y/n), I think you should take a break. Let them handle this, come. Let's talk." Walking away, Logan whimpers which catches (Y/n)'s attention, the canine pushes his helmet towards him barking at (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Thanks buddy." Smiling and praising his companion by scratching under his chin making his leg twitch with excitement, picking up his helmet walking over to the Doctor.

(Y/n): "What's up Doc?" He asks walking over to Dr. Oobleck watching the girls fight from a safe distance, (Y/n) sees Yang pummel her way through a crowd of Beowolves.

Dr. Oobleck: "(Y/n), you need to let these young ladies fight, I know you want to protect them but at least give them a chance." Watching Blake cutting a Beowolf in half using her clone to dodge a claw, kicking and slashing the second Beowolf into the air with Gambol shroud cutting through it landing on the ground using her clone again back flipping as a third Beowolf running at her, slashing down finishing it flipping away from the corpse.

Dr. Oobleck: "I may not be a Doctor of psychology, but anyone can see that you're not only physically tired, but mentally as well, maybe it's best you stay on campus. I can call a Bullhead to return you to the school if you like?" Dr. Oobleck asks, spectating Weiss running from Beowolves, she jumps into the air while two Beowolves leap at her quickly killing the incoming Grimm and landing a few feet away as more Beowolves rush the heiress speeds off straight into the crowd dispatching the Grimm with Myrtenaster similar to how (Y/n) had done a rapid slash earlier.

(Y/n): "Hmm, maybe your right. But still I can't go through that again. Not again...." (Y/n) whispers under his breath, watching Ruby shooting crescent rose at the rest of the pack thinning most of them out except one running straight for the young Huntress, using her semblance she slices the Beowolf in half.

Ruby: "Heh, piece of cake." Grinning at her handy work.

Dr. Oobleck: "Do not celebrate yet, for I am sure that this is the first bout of many. Shall we continue?" He asks turning to the girls.


(Y/n) stands next to Dr. Oobleck studying a bush, knocking away dead stray pieces of Grimm from hitting Dr. Oobleck, (Y/n) notices the girls are becoming exhausted.

Dr. Oobleck: "Excellent work girls! Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh well moving on!" Oobleck congratulates them, he turns walking off as the Grimm bodies disintegrate.

Ruby and Zwei follow the Doctor with the rest of the girls following suit.

Yang: "Hey doc you know I was actually looking forward to seeing a pro Huntsmen in action. Like fighting or at least helping us fight?" Yang asks slightly agitated at the Doctor.

Dr. Oobleck: "Ah, but I am in action, scouring the ruins of this once great city for any signs of irregularity. Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism girls and boy. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination." The doctor turns to the group of five.

Dr. Oobleck: "Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that." Answering the blond's question.

Yang: "Well, yeah." She reluctantly agreeing with his point, looking at Weiss then to (Y/n) standing beside the Doctor completely still almost like a bodyguard.

Yang: "Of course." Making Oobleck squint at her from behind his glasses.

Timeskip, (Y/n) POV.

I continue watching Yang, Weiss and Blake dispatching the remaining Grimm as Dr. Oobleck walks around questioning their reasons for wanting to become Huntresses, I walk over to Ruby playing with Zwei and Logan, she had put a chicken on the end of Crescent Rose while Zwei and Logan jump trying to get the snack on the end of Ruby's weapon.

Me: "Hey, Ruby." I wave smiling at Ruby's childish behavior surprising her, she instinctively puts away Crescent Rose.

Ruby: "Sorry! Uhh. Oh (Y/n), it's you. What's up?" She chirps, smiling back.

Me:*exasperated sigh*"Nothing much. I really wish I could help, but Dr. Oobleck ordered that I let you guys handle it. And orders are orders." Finishing my sentence with a blank expression, Dr. Oobleck walks over to us, turning I nod as a greeting to the Doctor.

Ruby: "Uh, sorry. Are we ready to keep going?" Ruby looks at Oobleck for him to look at me and Ruby for a moment before speaking.

Dr. Oobleck: "No. I believe that will have to do for today, its going to be dark soon." Throwing his pack hitting Yang.

Dr. Oobleck: "You three, set up camp in that building. Oh and please make sure that there no more of those, creatures. " He instructs, turning to the three.

Dr. Oobleck: "Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come,(Y/n), why don't you help us?" Walking past me, Ruby looking at me to which I shrug as we follow Oobleck.

We follow Dr. Oobleck to a small ridge overlooking a huge valley with a Goliath herd stomping through.

Ruby: "Whoa... What is that? It looks awesome!" Ruby asks looking in awe at the size of the Grimm.

Dr. Oobleck: "That my dear, is a Grimm." Watching the Goliaths stomp and roar in the distance.

Ruby: "Let's kill it." Ruby says pulling out Crescent Rose and cocking it, I put a hand on her weapon while shaking my head in disagreement.

Dr. Oobleck: "I'm afraid that your sniper rifle will do nothing more than agitate a Grimm of that size." He tells Ruby, putting Crescent Rose away.

Ruby: "But, what if it attacks us?" She looks back to Oobleck.

Dr. Oobleck: "Fret not Ruby those Goliaths are not concerned with us. Ruby, not every Grimm is mindless. Or rather still mindless. You see the Grimm before you are so powerful, so superior to the Grimm you fought, that they've undoubtedly lived hundreds of years. And in that time between killing humans, and attacking our borders, they have done one important thing, they've learned. They've learned that when they attack our borders, they're likely to die. What we lack in strength, we make up for in will. And that killing one human, will only bring more. " A Goliath stares at us from below with its orange eyes, I return the glare, making it walk off to join the rest of its group.

Ruby: "Then, why are they still so close to the city? What are they doing?" She asks looking at me, then back to Oobleck while I give my answer.

Me: "They're waiting... Like they're scouting for something....." I theorize, remembering Desperado's last ditch effort while Dr. Oobleck walks away following him, Ruby looks at the herd then back at us before following suit.

Ruby: "Dr. Oobleck? I've been wondering-" Ruby calls out, I wait for her to catch up.

Dr. Oobleck: "Wondering why I've been interrogating your teammates all day?" He turns, finishing her sentence.

Ruby: "A-Actually, I was wondering... Why did you want to become a Huntsman?" Ruby asks looking up at Oobleck, taking a moment before speaking again.

Dr. Oobleck: "Look around and tell me what you see." He gestures to the decrepit city around them.

Ruby: "Lots of old buildings, uhh, empty streets..." Listing off what she can see in the area.

Dr. Oobleck: "I see lives that could've been saved. As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people. And although I am capable of doing with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind. As a teacher I am able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of all, and place it into the hands of every student that passes through my classroom. I look at this wasteland and I see lives that could have been saved." Dr. Oobleck answers her question while we steadily walk down the street, reaching the end coming across collapsed building.

Dr. Oobleck: "But, I also see an opportunity. An opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy. And therefore become stronger." He says scanning the ruins that surrounds us.

Dr. Oobleck: "I am a Huntsman Ruby, because there is nothing else in the world I would rather be." Walking away, me and Ruby look at him for a moment then each other.

Me: "Come on, Ruby. Let's go, its going to be dark soon." Walking back to the others, as we caught up with Dr. Oobleck.


When we finally make it to the top, I overhear part of a conversation with Yang, Weiss and Blake before stepping into the room.

Weiss: "I don't know, he hasn't been acting like himself lately. Maybe we should-" Stepping into the room I interrupt their talk, raising an eyebrow at the three as Dr. Oobleck runs past me again.

Dr. Oobleck: "Ah wonderful! A textbook campfire." He compliments the girls while warming up his hands.

Ruby:*Gasps*"Fire! Sssooo... warm..." she exclaims, entering the room her and Zwei kneel in front of the fire, sitting opposite of them.

Dr. Oobleck: "Very good, eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode, any volunteers for first watch." Looks at me then the girls.

Ruby raises her hand, before she can speak I raise mine.

Me: "Right here." I stretch, standing up, Dr. Oobleck speeds out of the room, walking by Yang, she grabs my arm stopping me.

Yang: "Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntsman? I mean, what did he say?" Not remembering distinctly saying anything about the topic.

Me: "Hm, no, he didn't, weird. Anyway, goodnight. Go and get some rest." I tell her, walking over to a collapsed part of the room and sitting down on some rubble, monitoring the streets below, hearing the girls set up they're sleeping bags.

Logan sits beside me, whining a bit from the Beowolves howling in the darkness, calming him by patting his head.

Me: "Don't worry, buddy. Tomorrow's a new day." Having a small smile, returning to watch for Grimm.


About an hour or two in, I hear shuffling behind me, seeing Ruby waking up.

Ruby: *Yawn*" Alright, (Y/n). Time to switch." I nod, getting up, walking to the stairs that lead to the roof, making my way up.

Opening the door, it creaks obviously rusted from the years of bad weather and neglect, walking over and sat on the edge of the roof, I lie on my back resting my head on my hands, gazing into the night sky, slowly falling asleep I hear the door creak open again as Weiss walks out.

Me: "How you doing snowflake?" I ask sitting up.

Weiss: "Fine, but I should be asking you that." Raising my eyebrow at her question.

Me: "What do you mean? I feel fine." Smiling at the heiress.

Weiss: "I'm not oblivious, you've still been distancing yourself from everybody, myself included." I sigh knowing that I shouldn't keep them in the dark.

Me: *Exasperated*"Fine, I suppose you deserve an answer. Come..." We walk over to a side of the building that faces a vast field.

Me: "Weiss... I've told you about Desperado, right? What I didn't tell you is that they're still after me, and that for the first time..... I'm scared. I'm scared that if they knew about any of you, that it would be my fault. Mine and mine alone." Staring out into the black abyss that was the sky, feeling a soft pair of hands wrap around devil bringer, looking back at Weiss and seen her smiling then suddenly pulls my head into her chest hugging me.

Weiss: "(Y/n), we know you want to protect us. But, we can take care of ourselves and it's fine to ask us for help. Besides, some dunce told me that hugs make you feel better." Stroking my hair, as I enjoy the Ice queen's embrace.

Me: "Thank you, Weiss." Was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

When I awoke Weiss was curled up next to me using devil bringer as a pillow, when I try to slide my arm out she tightens her grasp.

Me: "Hah, I suppose the Ice queen can be cute when she wants too." Smiling as I try once more to pull my arm away, Weiss uses her glyphs to hold my hand in place.

Weiss: "Where do you think your going?" Also grabbing my sleeve.

Me: "Uhhh, nowhere??" I smile nervously, sitting back down beside her.

Weiss: "Good." Letting go of my sleeve, but not my hand.

A few moments pass, then a surge of pain started radiating from devil bringer.

Me: "Umm, Weiss can you let go of my hand now?" I ask while the pain keeps growing, evolving into a burning sensation.

Weiss: "No, I'm going to enjoy this time alone with you." Refusing to let go as devil bringer starts glowing different colors, from black and red, to light blue and white.

Me: "Weiss!! My whole arm feels like it's on fire!!!" I grunt, Weiss sits up and lets devil bringer free as it glows brighter and brighter with each second.

Weiss: "What's happening?!" Weiss exclaims, being forced to my knees.

Me: "I don't know!!" I say before devil bringer let's out a massive flash of light blinding both of us.

After everything settled, the pain in my arm faded as I felt extremely tired all of a sudden.

Weiss: "(Y/n)! Are you okay??" Rushing to my side, as I try to stand.

Me:*Groan*"Yeah, just fine." I stand up to immediately fall onto my back.

Me: "Sorry.... I feel like, I just fought two Armstrong's." Slowly sitting back up.

Weiss: "Jeez, (Y/n). Don't scare me like that." Sighing in relief, helping me to my feet and wrapping my arm around her neck for support.

Me: "Sorry, Weiss." Limping to the door.

???: "Mama? Papa? Where're you going?" Hearing a little girl's voice we turn to see a little girl with snow white hair like Weiss, smiling at us.

Sorry it took so long, I made sure to look for any editing mistakes twice over but I'm not totally sure I got them all so if you see any lines that cut off or don't make sense let me know and I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks everybody!!

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