The Grimm Reapers

By luna17

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Most teenagers like to say that their life is hard, and that everyday is hell. Try doing it when your own dad... More

The Grimm Reapers
Chapter Two: Am I really ready?
Chapter Three: The Reaper's smile
Chapter Four: I am a reaper.
Chapter Five: Someone's gonna pay
Chapter Six: The protection seal
Chapter Seven: What are you hiding?
Chapter Eight: How is he alive?
Chapter Nine: I want my brother back.
Chapter Ten: What draws me to her?
Chapter Eleven: What are you?!
Chapter Twelve: He doesn't know?
Chapter Thirteen: You knew? And you never told me?!
Chapter Fourteen: I know what he wants
Chapter Fifteen: I won't be second best
Chapter Sixteen: I'm proud of her
Chapter Seventeen: You are not just a reaper!
Chapter Eighteen: She did it...or did she.
Chapter Nineteen: The Grim Reaper's Wrath
Chapter Twenty:The new Grim Reaper.
Chapter Twenty-one: Lenore's pain
Chapter Twenty-two: I'm almost free
Chapter Twenty-three: I'm losing control
Chapter Twenty-five: I am back!
Chapter Twenty-six: Re born
Chapter Twenty-seven: Let's get started
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A mother's secrets
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The decision
Chapter Thirty: The pain of knowing
Chapter Thirty-one: A father's past
Chapter Thirty-two:Their decision
Chapter Thirty-three: Just two more days...
Chapter Thirty- Four: Just a little longer.
Chapter Thirty-Five: My life is already complicated
Chapter Thirty-Six: learning about his past
Chapter Thirty-Seven: What happened to Teresa?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: I remember
Chapter Thirty-Nine: An angel is born
Chapter Forty: Watch your back
Chapter Forty-one: I'll save a friend, but kill a b***h.
Chapter Fourty-Two: Don't keep me waiting
Chapter Forty-three: A mother knows.
Chapter Forty-four: One step closer.
Chapter Fourty-Five: Bringing down the house

Chapter Twenty-four: I understand now

515 22 3
By luna17


I am so tired. Having to restore my mother's lover's life counter back to normal takes up so much energy. She is with him every chance she gets, so having to put it back to normal takes so long. That guy should already be dead if I didn't fix it each time.

"Thank you sweet heart." 

"Mom it's fine, I get it. I would do the same if I was in your shoes. Just do me a favor, take it easy OK? Having to fix Esteban's life counter takes to much energy."

" I know Blake, but you know how things are with your father. I can't stand to be with him, but I can't leave him. And it's not just because I still love him." 

"Mom its cool OK? I love you, I just want you to be happy."

"Thank you Blake, I love you."  

"I love you too mom." I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. I placed my arm over my eyes, and took a deep breath. My body has never felt so heavy, it was like something was pushing down on my chest. If I wasn't immortal the pressure would have affected my breathing.

"Blake."  I sat up once I heard that voice. A voice, I have not heard in a long time.

"Grandfather?" I heard his laugh, and it was so warm and loving. Nothing like mine or my father's, who's laugh causes who ever hears it to shake with fear.

"Blake my boy, how are you?" 

"I'm, fine. Grandfather how can this be? I thought once I became the grim reaper my soul was tainted, and unable to reach you."

"It is hard, but not impossible. We must meet from time to time to agree on the state of a soul, didn't your father ever tell you that?" No. Father never liked talking about grandfather, even after he found out we meet him.

"It doesn't matter. What made you want to talk with me?" 

"It is about your sister." That really caught my attention. I sat at the edge of my bed, blocking out all other sounds so that I can listen to him. "My angels believe that we have found a way, to wake Lolita up from your father's eternal slumber." 

Those are the words I have waited to hear, and the ones I feared I never would. I was finally going to get my sister back, and I didn't need my father to do it.

"What do I have to do?"


I changed into my full reaper form, and entered the gates of limbo. Just like grandfather told me to. There, souls wonder until there time to transfer comes up. If a soul can't be placed as soon as I collect their soul, then this is where I leave them until a place can be decided for them.

As I walk trough the cold, foggy path, countless souls look at me. I walk pass them with an air of power and confidence, it actually causes them to stay away from me. What most people don't know is that limbo can actually be a hell of a lot more scary than hell it's self. Here, souls are empty, and some have even been here for so long, they lose all memory of who they once were. They crave any form of life, and if you show any sign of weakness, they will be drawn to you like moths to a flame. And if by some chance they get a hold of you, they will take over your body until it becomes theirs. 

As soon as I was deep into the center of limbo, I stopped and took out the message that my grandfather gave to me. He said once I was there, that I should open the message and it will let me know what I need to do next. I pulled out the piece of holly parchment from my robe and opened the seal. A warm light flashed, and all the wondering souls disappeared. I guess the warmth of heaven is to much for even them. I checked my hand and saw a small red mark, the light burnt my hand. It was already starting to heal anyway.

The parchment was now a bright gold ribbon pointing ahead. I took one step, and it moved even further. I guess that I was suppose to follow it to where ever it wanted me to go. I summoned my scythe in case one of these souls was ballsy enough to try something. You never know what kind of soul you're gonna find here.

I followed the ribbon to the deepest part of the limbo world. It was so dark here, the only light was from the ribbon ahead of me. Suddenly it stopped and pointed ahead. I took one more step, but it didn't move anymore. I kept walking until I hit something hard, but I couldn't see what it was since the ribbon didn't follow me. I summoned my dark flames, and I was able to see a wooden frame in front of me. I looked down and I could now see a handle with a strange symbol drawn of the top of it. I reached for the handle, and before my hand even touched it, I felt it. The handle, felt like it was breathing. I could feel a warm air around it, and once I healed it I was able to feel it. The handle was strangle warm, and smooth. I turned it, and as soon as the door cracked open I felt a soft light. 

"Whoa." That is the only thing that was able to come out of my mouth. on the other side of the door is a room coated in nothing but light. It's so bright it hurt me, I am not used to so much light. And this light is of the purest nature.

"Blake." That must have been the most amazing thing about this place. I was in my full reaper form, and I was crying. I should not be able to cry, especially in this form.

"Blake." I was crying more and more, I couldn't stop them from coming out. What was going on, how was this possible. 

"LOLITA!" I was hearing her, I was able to hear her voice. The sound of it was so warm and familiar, how could I hear it? What is this place?

The ribbon appeared in front of me. It stopped right in front of my face, and I saw writting on it that I didn't notice before. The letters were written in a light blue color that could not be seen unless you really look up closely to it. I grabbed the ribbon and read the words written on it. 

"In mediis tenebris et non est lumen mundi. Ibi  potest esse animae, et arcanissima quae egrediuntur." Latin, one of the lost languages. It is so pure that it is used in a lot of god's work. I rember my mother had some journals written in Latin, it's how I am able to read this.

The words actually made me understand why grandfather sent me here, and why I had to come here. I may be death, but I am not dead. I am living, and I have feelings. Our father placed Lolita in a state were she cannot feel anything, even time. She is in her own personal limbo, and even then, I should be able to get to her.

"You finally understand." 

"Grandfather! What do I do?" 

"My angels figured this out. They found it strange that after having given up her reaper powers, and not yet learning to use her holly powers, she is still able to stay alive. Even in eternal slumber, others have shown sign of aging. Yet she has still remained the same in four years, they realized that only souls can stay that way."  I finally got it. The reason why none of us have been able to fine her soul, is because she has been here the whole time. When father hit her with his scythe, he, in a way, flipped her inside out. Her soul was on the outside this whole time, while her conscious body and mind have been trapped inside her.

"So that's how my father's eternal slumber works. A soul trapped in this world will remain the same forever, no matter what we may try. She was never dead or gone, just inside out." That actually sounds a lot stranger than I thought. "So grandfather, what do I do to change this?"

"Make her feel." 


"Right now, she is angry at your father. Normally that should have been enough to have set her free, but because he is constantly enhancing the power of this spell, she can't. What you need to do, is make her feel something so strongly, she won't be able to hold back anymore."

"What do I make her feel? What emotion is strong enough to make her snap out of it?"

"That I am afraid I don't know. While I may be stronger than your father in a lot of things, this spell is all his. I do not know how he does it, or what makes it so strong. But at the very least we know a way to break it without him knowing. This way, he is not involved in any way."  He has a point. All my other options involved giving in to him, but I know she would never be happy if I did that. I thought for a while, what could make her feel something so strongly, that she will wake up?

"I GOT IT!" It finally hit me. I know that this is gonna suck on both ends, and I may end up getting my ass handed to me because of it, but I know it's the one thing that will work perfectly.

"Blake, what is it?" 

"I'm sorry grandfather, there's no time. She has been in there long enough, and I know we are all waiting to get her back." 

"Thank you Blake, I love you son." 

"I love you too grandfather, please look after her once this is done."

"You have my word." I've know for a while that this was going to happen once she woke up. Since she is no longer a reaper, grandfather wishes to take her to heaven and make her into the most powerful angel heaven has ever had. She will be able to train and fight with heaven's worries, for the day the great war breaks out, and all the souls meant to go with god will be taken up to him. I saw it just before she was placed into her slumber. My eyes were opened at the very last second, and I saw it. Her long blond hair flowing behind her, next to her bright pure white wings. Her blue and green eyes looking so powerful and fierce. She looked strong and beautiful, just as she would have had she been the Grim Reaper instead of me. My little sister would have been amazing either way, but one thing always stayed the same. No matter which path she choose, she always fought for the benefit of helping other, never for herself or power. I can see what the world has in store, and I also know that the world will need someone like her in it.

"Just hold on a little longer sis, It's finally time for you to come back"

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