Just an Ordinary Girl

By dev_curr

20.3K 235 165

Devan and Steph have been best friends forever, and raised as normal girls, but one night at a One Direction... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Sara - please read so you get her character!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
What Happens Next

Chapter 18

529 5 6
By dev_curr

* Harry's POV*

"What?"  My smile faded and my stomach dropped, I thought everything was going so well.

"They were so obnoxious, and all over you guys!" She said to me, I was still in shock.

Everything had gone so well, I don't know what happened. The girls introduced themselves, they agreeded on the movie, joked around and hugged goodbye. What could have possibly gone wrong?

"I thought everything was going great!" I said back "What happened?"

"I just don't like them, okay just drop it!" god she sounded like Kailey.

*Stephanie's POV*

"And we're here!" I said lowering the music as I pulled up in front of Devan's house.

"Thanks Steph! You're picking me up tomorrow right!" She asked me through the rolled down window.

"Yeah!" Like I would really let Adam pick her up. "Don't be late!" I yelled as I began to pull away.

*Devan's POV*

"Hey guys!" I said to Will and Jacob as I was taking my shoes off by the door.

"What's up?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing, just tired" Okay that was a lie, I hadn't told either of my brothers about my break up, they both loved Adam, and now he was all I could think about after Emily brought up relationships. Now I was going to have to see him in school tomorrow.

I plopped down in the chair and started watching tv with the boys, about ten minutes later Jacob's phone began to ring so he left the room to answer it. It was probably one of his friends asking if he wanted to hang out or something.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Will asked  lowering the volume on the tv a little.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking over at him.

"Don't do that" Before I could defend myself he started talking again  "and don't say nothing, I've known you your whole life Dev, just tell me."

"Okay, I'll tell you." I said quietly "Me and Adam broke up" 

"Aw Dev what happened?" 

"Remember those guys from One Direction I introduced you?" He nodded his head yes "Well Adam said that I cared about them more than him, and all this stuff"  He could tell I was getting upset, but I just kept talking. "So I said if he couldn't trust me than I wasn't going to stay with him, and it pretty much just went downhill."

"But you guys have been best friends since you were little" 

"Well if he can't trust me then he's obviously not my friend."

"Look I think he was just a jealous that you have been spending so much time with your new friends, he just doesn't want to be left behind."

"God if you were going to take his side in all this then I wouldn't have told you!" I stood up and started to walk away.

"Dev wait! Where are you going!" he yelled from the couch, lucky for me he still had his cast on so he coudln't follow me upstairs. I just ignored him and went into my room, I needed to sleep anyway.

-The Next Morning-

I walked downstairs, actually on time because I didn't want to hear it from Steph, and suprisingly Will was up and sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey" I said to him as I walked into the room, one thing that I was never good at was holding a grudge. I forgave people for everything, which is good and bad.

"Hey! Look I'm sorry about last night, I just don't think you should lose your friendship because of one fight." I could tell he meant it, and I knew he was right. We were friends for too long too end it all after one fight, but that doesn't mean it wasn't going to be awkward as hell before we could even be friends again.

I heard Stephanie honk outside and ran out to meet her

"Bye WIll!" I yelled as I shut the door.


"Boys we aren't going to miss another flight! Let's go!" Paul yelled to the  boys and Emily as they sleepily walked down the hotel hallway.

"Paul please stop yelling" Niall said rubbing his eyes, as they entered the elevator.

They were greeted by fans outside the hotel, they waved and signed a few things while Paul was rushing them to the car.

The same thing happened when they arrived at the airport, fans crowded around them yelling and taking pictures. Luckily they were on time.

All the boys phones buzzed, they took them out of their pockets to see what the message said.

From: Stephanie Hamilton 

Have a safe flight! Text us when you land! - Steph and Devan

Harry showed Emily the text and she just rolled her eyes.

The boys, Paul, and Emily all boarded the plane getting ready for the long flight ahead of them. They were going to Texas for about a week then to Florida for  another week, and Emily was going to fly home from there.

 Later that night all the boys had sent some sort of message to both of the girls letting them know that they had arrived at the hotel in Dallas.

They made it through all the shows in Texas having a great time at everyone, thousands of fans screaming as they ran on stage until they ran off.

The week had passed quickly for the boys, and they were already on their way to Florida Emily still with them, all of them excited for the shows they were going to be performing up until Friday which was when they were leaving to go flim there newest music video in California. However the week did  not go so quickly for Devan and Stephanie. They were in school everyday, and if homework, tests, and stuff going on at home wasn't enough they still had drama at school with Sara and everything was still pretty awkward with Adam. What they needed was a break, a break from all the stress and drama.

At least it was the weekend so they could hang out, Stephanie went over to Devan's to watch some movies, they could always find the weirdest stuff on netflix and it would actually be good.

"Please just push me off a cliff, it would be easier then staying in school" Devan told Stephanie as she plopped down onto the couch in her basement.

"I know. oh my god. School has fucking sucked." Stephanie told Devan agreeing with what she had ' said.

"We need to do something" Stephanie suggested.

 "Let's go on a roadtrip!" Devan suggested sitting up quickly.

"Shut up" Stephanie replied laughing.

"No! I'm serious!" Devan continued.

Stephanie stopped laughing when she realized Devan was being completely serious.

 "And where are we going to go?" Stephanie asked.

"I don't know! What about next weekend we can go down to Florida, one of my family friends lives down there im sure we could stay with them for the weekend we have a long weekend anyway" Devan explained hoping Stephanie would say yes.

"I have to ask my parents" Stephanie answered.

"Yes!" Devan yelled.

Stephanie went home and begged her mom to let her go. Telling her she would be careful and telling her where they would be staying. Devan had sent her all the information about the people she would be staying with. Her mom called the family the next day to make sure that's where they would be staying.

New Message

Devan picked up her phone off the couch.

From: Anti Social Troll 


A huge smile spread across Devan's face when she read the text, her parents were still out of town and she knew WIll wouldn't mind her going. The only downside was that the girls were getting to Florida on Saturday and the boys were leaving on Friday.

They made it through the rest of the week at school and couldn't wait for the weekend to come, they were going to stay longer then they first decided but they both hadn't missed much school anyway. They kept in contact with the boys telling them how it sucked they couldn't see them and Emily, which Harry soon confessed that the them that they shouldn't be upset about not seeing Emily because she really didn't want to see them. 

Finally it was time to go.

"Bye guys!" Devan said as she hugged her brothers.

"Bye have fun!" Jacob told her.

'"Be safe Dev! And text us when you get there!" Will said to her as Devan walked to Stephanie's car.

"I will! Bye guys!" She yelled out the window as they pulled away from the house. Almost 16 hours in the car was going to be interesting, the girls were taking turns driving because they didn't want to have to stay at some sketchy place overnight.

"I'm so tired I'm going to die!" Stephanie whinned from the passanger seat.

"I know! Only like two hours left, we're not stopping now!" Devan said back.

Stephanie turned the radio up flipping through the stations trying to find something good, when they heard it.

No matter what you say you can't hurt me!

Played through the speakers both girls just looked at each other and started laughing. They turned the volume up just in time for Perrie's solo. They danced like idiots laughing at the song, which definitely woke them up enough for the rest of the drive.

 Finally they got there late Friday night early than expected . Stephanie called her parents letting them know she arrived okay, and Devan called her brothers. Right now they didn't want to do anything but sleep right now, they could go out tomorrow when they weren't going to be as tired.

Harry dropped Emily off at the airport friday morning, she was flying back to the UK because she had to go back to work, and the boys we suppose to leave for California later that night.

"Boys I have some good news and some bad news" Paul began to tell the boys as he walked into the hotel room where all the boys were watching tv. "The flights have been over booked so we can't fly out until next week, it won't affect the video shoot though, and this means you will have a few days off to hang out." He finished explaining to the boys.

The boys were upset that they couldn't go, but were excited they got a few days off.

The net morning the girls woke up later then usual because they were tired from the long drive. Devan checked her phone and saw she had a new message.

From: Harry Styles 

Hey! Me and the boys are in florida for a couple extra days, maybe we could all meet up?

To: Harry Styles

Yeah! I'll call you after I shower!

The girls called them and they planned to meet up at a club that night. Luckily Emily had left already so there wasn't going to be any drama. 

-That Night-

"Let's do this!" Niall said as the walked out of the hotel room.

They arrived at the club, they could all get in but only Louis was old enought to legally drink in the US since December. The girls left and were on their way there, excited they were going to finally see the boys again.

"I'm going to get a drink! Want anything?" Harry yelled over the music to the other boys.

"No I think we're good!" Liam yelled back.

Harry pushed his way through the crowd and finally made it to the bar. He was looking around the club as he was making his way back to the boys. He just laughed when he saw girls hooking up with random guys, he thought it was funny that they were that desprate, well at least he thought it was funny until he recognized one of the girls. The face that had a smile just moments ago now showed a shocked epression.


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