Dream a Little Dream // Danie...

By AutumnsFl0wers

27.4K 1.1K 728

"Who's Daniel Howell?" You've never really been interested in YouTube. Quite frankly, you don't really care f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39*
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Biggest News!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: Turning Point

Chapter 29

396 22 8
By AutumnsFl0wers

The harsh winter spell had finally broken after one long month of dreaded frost, the sheltered beings now emerging from their hibernation. The streets were alive with mixed chatter, the sight of emerald grass sparking joy in the hearts of the London people. Children giggled jovially as they raced across the sidewalks, chasing one another as they leaped into muddy puddles; they emerged sopping wet, but happy nonetheless. The twittering songs of park birds filled the air, their collective voices melting away any remaining source of snow. The world was now alive, inviting all living creatures to bask in its warm glory-

-and Dan couldn't think of a more perfect day to stay indoors.

Sat in front of the television, Dan laid sprawled across the couch as he waited for his friends to stop their school girl gossip in the other room. He could make out bits and pieces of what they were saying, all of it just casual banter between the two. Before their Netflix viewing, Phil had decided to show (Y/N) some of his favorite belongings, some of which (Y/N) had most definitely already seen in his videos. Speaking of, (Y/N) was officially caught up with all their videos, her dedication to understanding their career heartwarming. She was now quite knowledgeable to their personalities and had a good understanding of what they liked. Though despite this, Phil felt the need to show her everything he held dear to his heart; thankfully (Y/N) was eager to learn more.

"-and this is Lion; my dear companion! He's been through a lot with me over the past few years. He's got a heart of gold, trust me. And this is one of my plants... wait, nevermind. That was one of my plants..."

(Y/N)'s chuckles quietly drifted into the room. "Oh my God, Phil. That poor plant..." Phil let out a defeated laugh, only to be comforted by (Y/N). "Don't worry, the cactus you watered at my place is doing very well!" The two of them snickered in unison, the humor of the situation lighting their moods once more.

Dan grinned, shaking his head as he let out a scoff. "Seriously, Phil? Another one?"

Phil's voice rose to meet Dan's. "It wasn't my fault! It just happens sometimes! Now where was I... Oh! (Y/N), these are my bed sheets. As you can probably tell, they are the more lively sibling of Dan's gloomy ones. I've had them ever since I started my videos. All green and blue, they look very nice..."

Letting out an impatient groan, Dan rolled his eyes and hung his head over the side of the couch. "Come on guys! We've got Netflix to watch!" He stared surfing through the suggestions, mindlessly scanning the options. "If you don't come out soon, I'll start watching without you."

"Wait, no no! Okay okay! We're coming! Don't you dare start yet, Dan!"

Both Phil and (Y/N) emerged from Phil's room, quickly shuffling towards the couch. While (Y/N) waited patiently for Dan to move a little, Phil immediately sat himself on top of Dan, earning a loud "oof" as the wind was knocked out of Dan's chest. He forcefully shoved his flatmate off of himself, shooting him a peeved glare. "At least wait for me to get up first! Fucking hell."

Phil shrugged, grinning mischievously. He took his spot on the couch in between Dan and (Y/N), acting as the comfortable barrier separating them. Whether he did this on purpose was still a mystery, but Dan wasn't going to ask; he was pleased with the decision in the long run.

Over the last month, Dan found himself reaching relaxed territory with (Y/N). Just like he had hoped, the feelings he had developed for their friend had become manageable, no longer intruding with a flustered blush or scrambled thoughts. Granted, from time to time something would sneak through, but he was fairly confident in his ability to dampen these emotions. If all went well, he would be able to get rid of any and all thoughts towards her. Then everything would work out perfectly, nothing more than friends.

Speaking of, Dan leaned over and poked (Y/N)'s arm playfully. "Alright miss, what are we watching?"

Another thing; (Y/N) had also settled in well. Her nervous demeanor around him was virtually gone, her wit and sharp tongue surfacing like a tidal wave. "Pssh, I don't have a preference. As long as it's not one of those baking shows again. You guys know I can't bake worth shit."

Dan laughed, thinking back to the time (Y/N) had tried to bake by following one of their previous holiday baking videos. She had chosen a Halloween baking video; a little out of season, she admitted. Yet somehow her pumpkin spice cookies had become spiced bricks, their exterior more of an ashy black than a vibrant orange. When she took pictures of the aftermath, He and Phil were so cracked up that they begged her to bring them to the flat. From there they sampled the creations, only to gag at how horrendous the blocks tasted. Phil swore he couldn't taste anything else for 3 days.

Dan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, God knows how you almost poisoned us with your last attempt." This earned a swift punch to the arm, a scowling (Y/N) squinting up at Dan.

"Whatever. You're the ones who wanted to try them. You guys should've guessed what you were getting into based on the pictures." She shrugged, bringing her attention back to the television. Dan was about to make a sassy remark until (Y/N)'s eyes went wide, her quick reflexes reaching for her phone. As soon as she looked at her phone, her shoulders sunk, a sullen look on her face.

Phil leaned over, tilting his head in concern. "Why so sad, (Y/N)? We'll find a show to watch soon, trust me."

(Y/N) let out a long breath, shaking her head. "No, I know we will. It's nothing, let's keep browsing."

Even when she said this, Dan noticed how she was clutching her phone tightly. "Hoping someone will text you?" By the look (Y/N) gave, Dan guessed correct.

Phil's interest peaked. "Oh! Is it a family member? Everything alright?"

(Y/N) sniffed, cracking a smile. "Nah, Mom is real busy this time of year and Dad's probably at work. And I highly doubt the cat can pick up a phone."

Phil inquired again, perhaps a little too much. "Is it a boy?"

Dan felt himself bristle slightly at the comment, "Hey Phil, let's not be so intrusive, shall we? (Y/N)'s personal life is her own." he growled, possibly a little too harshly.

Phil shrunk back at his friend's tone. "Oh, you're right. Sorry, I like asking questions a little too much."

"No, no! No boy, trust me on that. Definitely no boy..." She sounded sad. "Actually, it's Hailey. See, I've been waiting for her to text me for some time. Or call. Or give me some sign that she is alive at the very least..."

A spark of hope flashed in Dan with the first comment, only to be extinguished at the mention of her friend Hailey. "Ah, Hailey... Your friend." As much as Dan hated to admit it, he could feel himself harboring some negative emotions towards her so called friend. For the past month, (Y/N) had been waiting for some sort of communication between her and her overseas companion. She kept her phone close, eager to hear something. Whenever (Y/N) came to visit, he and Phil could tell when she was a little upset, the cause most often due to the person who had up and vanished from her life.

"Yeah, I'm still waiting. I know she's busy; trust me, I know life gets busy and hectic. But if she's so busy, then how does she have the time to post endlessly on social media yet can't even send a single 'hello'?" (Y/N)'s lips twitched into a frown as she sighed, putting a hand to her head. "I don't know. I honestly thought we'd still connect while I was gone. But I guess I was wrong..." Her voice sounded strained and tired. Dan was impressed by how faithful she was towards Hailey, but even a saint's patience could run out.

Unable to see (Y/N) so upset, Dan quickly stood up and ran towards his room. In a flash, he stuffed his bed sheets into his arms and clumsily tottled towards the couch, dropping the blankets unto the girl with as much grace as a wounded giraffe. "We can't have you thinking about that right now. We're here to make you feel better, so don't keep thinking about the one who's left you in the dust." His words may have been harsh, but it's what he truly felt about Hailey's shitty excuse for a friendship. Any mention of her made his skin crawl in irritation. (Y/N) was a sweet girl, an amazing one. Anyone who couldn't see it didn't deserve her.

"If Hailey isn't willing to keep up with you, then it's better for you to speed ahead with us. (Y/N), we are your friends. Phil and I will always be here for you, we promise you this. Right Phil?"

Phil nodded sympathetically, coming over to give (Y/N) a coddled, blanket hug. "Yep, we'll be here for you! As long as you'll have us lanky, awkward giants as your friends."

From beneath the blankets, (Y/N) gave a tiny nod, a shaky smile across her features. Her eyes were beginning to water, he gaze shifted downwards unblinking as she tried to hold back tears. Feeling powerless, Dan suddenly wrapped his arms around the shaky girl, surprised by his own action. Frozen in place, Dan's mind raced at what he was doing. Was he allowed to do this? Was this okay? Well, Phil had hugged her so there's no reason why he couldn't as a friend. Was he over thinking? He might be overthinking. But what can he do now, seeing as he was currently hugging the girl he had grown to love, but maybe a little more than a friend would. What was he doing? What was happening? What was he thi-

(Y/N) returned his embrace, clinging to his shirt as she let the tears flow on his shoulder, quiet sobs racking her shivering body. Loosening his grip, Dan looked to Phil for help, unable to fathom what was happening. Phil's gaze bore into Dan, giving him a message that he didn't understand. Yet somehow, Dan knew. He held the sobbing girl close, Resting his chin on her shoulder as he whispered comforting words to her. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Please don't cry... Please..." Dan sighed, his heart plummeting as he listened to her cry.

With enough room on the couch, Phil wiggled his way on the other side of (Y/N), pulling the blankets up around her arms. "(Y/N), don't be sad. It's okay.. Is there anything you want us to do? I can make you some hot chocolate if you want. Maybe I can get you sweets? Though probably not cookies, I still can't eat one without gagging..."

On Dan's shoulder, he could feel shakes not of sadness, but slight laughter as a smile formed on her obscured face. Dan and Phil smiled, quickly thinking of more ways to cheer her up. "C'mon, I haven't seen you cry this much since you spilled fries on me at the convention. Everytime I put them on, some salt pours out of the legs."

(Y/N) snickered some more, lifting her head as she wiped her watery eyes. "You must not be washing them correctly. It's not my fault you weren't looking where you were walking."

"Oh whatever! You totally ran into me. I still have bruises, I'll have you know!"

"Bruises huh?" (Y/N) began to laugh, rubbing her face clear of streaks. "You're more delicate than the Queen of England. And she's ancient!"

Dan huffed, "What! Comparing me to the Queen? We all know that the Queen is way stronger than I am." This was the joke that brought (Y/N) back to life, the girl beside him beaming happily as she huddled over with laughter. Phil was chuckling to himself as well, practically leaning into (Y/N) to keep himself steady. Looking over at (Y/N), Dan felt himself smiling when he took in her features. The previous sullen, depressed and heart wrenching scene had evolved into one of laughter and friendship. He gently nudged (Y/N), flashing her a genuine smile. "Feel better?"

With a sniff, (Y/N) nodded, letting out a watery laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling much better. Sorry, I, uh... I don't know what happened. It was just all bottled up, I guess." She lowered her head as if ashamed of her outburst.

Phil chimed in immediately. "Don't apologize, we aren't robots! Everyone feels something, and sometimes you just have to let it out. I'm sorry about why you were upset... but I'm glad we were here to help."

Dan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's what friends are for, you know?"

(Y/N) grinned, giving one last sniff to rid herself of any lingering sadness. "Yeah, it is. Thank you guys. Really, thank you so much."

Phil flashed her a smile, wiggling himself closer to her. "I still have no idea why you want to be friend with us. We have to be the weirdest people on the planet."

"Weird isn't bad," (Y/N) huddled into her blanket. "I find that weird makes the days together even better!"

"I can vouch for this. Well said, (Y/N)." With the atmosphere cleared up, the three of them sat close on the couch, basking in each other's company as they mindlessly browsed Netflix for something entertaining to stream. After the heartfelt moments the three of them experienced, Dan could feel the closeness between them. Not just in how they were sitting on the couch, but in terms of relations. While the whole ordeal with Hailey was no doubt upsetting, the least he and Phil could do was help her out in this situation. (Y/N) didn't deserve to be unhappy over this, so Dan made a silent promise to always keep her happy, to never see her sad again. If he could do that, then he would forever be content.

As they sat on the couch huddled together, Dan felt something stir; a familiar feeling. No matter what, he would always be (Y/N)'s friend, by her side in anyway he could. Keeping her smiling was all he wanted, but there was something buried beneath that he also wanted.

Yet he couldn't reach it, so it was best to forget it.


You couldn't believe that you had cried like that in front of the boys. It was so humiliating.

Yet it was also a huge relief on your part, as if a crushing weight had been lifted from your shoulders. The feelings you had been harbouring with the whole Hailey debacle had been plaguing you for weeks, the constant checking of your phone driving you crazy and causing unnecessary anxiety. Always scared you would miss a call, yet what was the point, seeing as she never called anyway. Maybe letting your heart bleed for once was the remedy you needed.

Being with Dan and Phil had made you realize how awful Hailey's lack of communication had made you feel. While it was sad to think about, maybe this friendship was meant to fizzle out. There comes a time when people move on, so maybe it was finally your time to do it. It would hurt, but you had new friends to help you along the way.

The three of you sat huddled together on the couch, watching a new Netflix original that had just been released on the platform. So far, it was pretty good, capable of making the three of you laugh. You could feel Phil's quick snorts and Dan's rumbling giggles beside you, reminding you of how close you were to them. Not only in a physical sense, but an emotional sense too.

They had both come to your aid when you were at your lowest, wrapping you in warm hugs, the kind that instantly made you happy. Even though crying on Dan's shoulder was embarrassing to think about, you had to admit that it was something you desperately needed. Oh, and hugging him wasn't that bad either.

Over the last month you had developed a pretty good cover for yourself; no indication of how you felt was coming through. Well, the feelings you had for Dan were definitely still there, just kind of... hidden. With any luck, you would be able to lock them away for good, solidifying your friendship with him. It wasn't ideal and it was definitely a struggle sometimes, but you managed quite well.

Unfortunately, this was the way it had to be. There was no way you were messing this up. You wouldn't risk losing another friendship, just like the one with Hailey...

No! Enough about her. I'm with my friends, the ones who are here for me. I can't think about it and hurt myself more. Just move on, (Y/N)... You directed your attention towards the television, just in time too. The scene sent the whole room into a fit of cackles, the only tears present were ones of joy. As you sat wrapped in Dan's blanket, tears of laughter streaking down your cheeks, you couldn't help but feel the happiest you've been in a while. You felt lighter, as breezy as a feather. Carefree and-

Beneath your thigh you felt the buzz of your phone; a continuous vibration. A call? Curious, you diverted your attention from the show towards your phone, immediately feeling like your breath was caught in your throat. "Oh my God, are you fucking kidding me?" A wave of excitement, confusion but most importantly, rage washed over you.

Both Dan and Phil looked over, with Phil tilting his head to the phone. "What's up? Telemarketer?"

"N-no... it's- Goddamn it-"

It's Hailey 

A/N: Hello there! Hope ya'll are enjoying it. While I don't update every week, I'll try my very best during this busy time! Hope you guys are ready for a little "something something", because it'll be coming your way soon. I've got many ideas that I want to use :)

Hope you're having a great day/evening/night. Thank you for reading!


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