The Downfall Of Grace Griffin

By LJMay03

293K 12.7K 662

(Hey all. I've merged them together, sorry for any inconvenience.) Grace Griffin Roman Parker They are nothin... More



4K 203 3
By LJMay03

Three Months Later

Roman's POV

"But sir, sales are dropping. I know we have expanded the business three fold in the past two years, but the figures don't lie. For every thousand dollars you make, you are losing eight hundred." Roger, my financial adviser told me as I groaned.

"I make enough every year for it to be classified as a profit so why does this matter?" I growled at him as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"All I'm saying his, the social media department."

My eyes flared at him. "What about it? I shut that down nearly two years ago." I couldn't handle knowing that it was Grace's project and her not doing it. Plus also the fact of Georgia and her hitting on me at every turn. "I'm not reopening that."

"I'm not saying you should. All I'm trying to suggest is hire a business that does it for you. A small one. Small fees. Small commissions. They do all the work and send it through. No work from you. Just web designs."

I gritted my teeth. I pulled that plug for a reason.

"Mr Parker. I know that you know your sales have been slipping slowly since that department closed. I'm not saying do the social media. Just hire someone to do the photos. Hire someone to advertise."

"Look, Roger, I'm all for new ideas, but I'm not sure about this."

Roger rubbed his chin and nodded. He wasn't that much older than me. He had taken over for Grace's father since he retired.

"How about supporting local businesses? New local businesses?"

I suppressed the groan. I'm all for that, but it was an uneasy decision.

"Just think about it, Mr Parker." Roger placed a business card on my desk. "This company does everything you need. Right down to web designing if you want, obviously no, because well, you have twenty people alone hired for that, but yeah." Roger laughed nervously.

"Thank you Roger. That will be all." I told him and waited till Roger left before picking up the business card.

I don't mind supporting new businesses, what I don't like about them is they promise the world, through all their funding in and then go bust and leave clients dry.

I read the card. The writing was very feminine. All it had was the business address, the number and the name.

Flawless Perfection

I pursed my lips together.

"Mr Parker?" My phone buzzed and I answered it.

"Yes, Katie?"

"Ms Armytage is here to see you."

I groaned as I banged my head on the desk. What am I doing? "I'm about to head in to a meeting." I said over the phone. Rachael just won't get the hint.

After that weekend up north, I ended up calling it quits a couple weeks later with Rachael, but she just seems to think we are having another break.

"She is quite persistent, sir." Katie stuttered. Katie has been working for me for five years now.

I took a deep breathe. "Katie. Remember what I told you?" I said in a calm way.

I heard Katie repeat what I said about being in a meeting. I could hear Rachael whine through the phone.

"Nice job Katie." I sighed. "Let her in, go to lunch." I've been trying to get her to up her game on Rachael. She did say Rachael scared her.

The doors opened and Rachael strutted in. Her short black hair hung just under her ears, she had it chopped of a few weeks ago. I don't like to it. Her heels slapped on the floors, the sound echoing through the office.

Her olive skin shined and she stopped before me, a hand on her hip as she smiled at me.

"Roman, baby. How are you?" She cooed as she stepped around the desk.

"Rachael, I'm really busy." I told her as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I know, baby. Otherwise you would answer my phone calls. I won't keep you long." Was it just me or was her voice a little bit more high pitched than normal? I thought to myself.

Rachael came to a stop before me and tugged at my tie. "I'm in the city for a few hours, I was just wondering if you want to do lunch?" She asked me. "I want to talk."

"Rachael, I don't have time for lunch. I've got a pile of work to do." Which I do.

Rachael pouted at me, her full lips covered in lipstick.

"Rachael. Not today. Please." I stood up and took her hands.

I could see how she was looking sad and it made me feel bad.

"Okay." She sighed out.

"I'm sorry, I'm just swamped. I have so much work to do, I don't have the time."

Rachael nodded as she slipped her hands out of mine and slid them up my chest.

"I miss you."

"Look, how about dinner. Tonight. We will talk then, okay?"

Rachael nodded as I put my hands on her waist and kissed her forehead.

"I promise." I told her. "You book a place and I'll pick you up at seven." I placed another small kiss on her head.

I heard someone clear their throat and we both turned to the doors of my office.

There she stood. I haven't seen her since we were both up north. She had skipped out of the hotel later that night, I had learnt the next day. She had changed her number which I learnt and after a couple days of fighting myself over it, I decided it was for the best that we did separate our ways, Grace cutting loose first.

"I'm sorry." She stuttered. "Katie let me in. This was a mistake."

And just like that, she left again.


Grace's POV

The past three months have been going so smooth lately. The business up and running, I even had an assistant that helped me.

Plus my own set hours, 9am till 4pm. Monday to Friday. Anything else and they were looking at a triple rate fee.

I advertised, I already have a couple clients, one of which needs fresh prints every week. It was great. Apart from the paperwork, I was loving it.

I sat proudly at my desk, my hands together with a wide smile. My baby. This place is my baby.

Hope had dropped by with Vinnie, her stomach at growing with her second child. "A little business warming grand opening present." She said at me, giving me the little pitted plant.

"You're three months late." I teased as I hugged her.

Hope laughed. "Well, I brought one three months ago and the bloody thing died. And the next one. And that ones replacement."

I smiled as I took the plant off her. "Thank you."

She kept Vinnie close to her so he didn't run off. "Come for lunch." Hope begged. "Please. I'm so bored."

I nodded as I grabbed my bag.

We found a little cafe and had lunch. Hope went for a sundried tomato and ham mini pizza and I had chicken and avocado with salad. We both shared with Vinnie who ate what he was given, except the avocado, he scrunched his nose up to that. I didn't blame him either. I don't like it all by itself.

After lunch, I went back to my office and Hope took Vinnie home for a nap. The poor thing, Vinnie has hit his terrible twos according to Hope, he is getting some teeth plus she is trying to toilet train him as well.

I felt for Hope, she looked stressed and over loaded, but there wasn't much I could do for her. As much as I love my nephew, I wouldn't offer to take him for the day. An hour or two, yes, but not for the day.

I was sitting at my desk when I felt suddenly cramped and full, stretched and my stomach was becoming uneasy.

I rubbed at it, huffing out air, groaning. Oh no. I don't feel good. I didn't understand. I felt fine before lunch. Did I eat something bad at that little cafe?

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, letting the cool water soak in to my skin. I took a few deep breathes as my stomach started to hurt. Before I could assess anything else, I turned to the toilet and brought my lunch up.

I felt slightly better after my toilet visit so I stayed at work, continuing on with what I was doing before Hope came.

I finished up, said goodbye to my assistant, Sarah and locked up, heading home.

I had just pulled out a microwave meal from the freezer since I still hadn't bothered how to learn how to cook when my phone buzzed.

I looked down at the message. Mum. She wanted dinner tomorrow night. A farewell dinner.

I agreed. Mum and dad are really enjoying their retirement. They were going on a five day cruise in a couple days this time.

I heated up my dinner and did my nightly routine, eating alone, watering the plants, checking my social media accounts, shower then bed.

The next morning I had my coffee and was out the door, racing to my car.

I got in and turned the ignition but got nothing.

"No, come on, baby. Start for me." I whispered as I tried again but all I got was clicking sounds. "No, no, no, no." The car wouldn't start at all. I knew nothing about cars and called my insurance company.

They sent out one of their mechanics and I waited till he arrived. "So, what's the verdict?"I asked nervously.

"Well, ma'am, the battery is dead. I will put a new one in, but your alternator is heading out, see these here, they...."

He had lost me. I gave him an empty stare as he babbled on. After another twenty minutes, I had a new battery in but he recommended for me to put it in the shop to get fixed. My car was on its way out. "I've had her for five years, she was brand new. Surely she isn't dying already?" I asked the mechanic.

The mechanic shrugged. "Some just last longer than others." He said. I went by him because, well, he is the one that goes under the hood of cars, not me.

I arrived at work thirty minutes late, apologised to Sarah and let her in as I went searching online for a nearby mechanic.

I found one and dropped the car off, walking back to work. I felt a lot better than I did yesterday and I went to a different cafe and ordered a salad sandwich with chicken and stopped at a corner store and picked up a chocolate milk and a couple oranges.

I ate my lunch at work, sticking the milk and oranges in the staff fridge. Bit twenty minutes later, my stomach was at it again.

A repeat of yesterday happened and I didn't know why.

After work, I went straight to mum and dad's, where mum cooked a large roast pork and vegetables and we chatted while I rubbed my stomach. It was still quezy and unsettled.

"Is everything alright?" Hope whispered to me.

I gave her a smile and nodded. "Yeah."

I felt the familiar feeling of my stomach turning again and I groaned, excusing myself. I went to the furthest bathroom away from the dining room and knelt on my knees, bringing up what I just ate.

"Oh god." I groaned.

Then there was a knock on the door. I quickly flushed and rinsed my mouth out before opening it to find Hope there, looking worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked again.

"Yeah, upset stomach." I told her. "It started yesterday after lunch."

Hope rubbed my back as I stayed near the toilet. "Vomiting? Are you tired? Are your feet swelling? Headaches? Peeing alot? Backache? Are you craving anything?" She asked me.

I gave her a pointed look. "I'm not pregnant." I told her. I know the symptoms to that one now. "Besides, one has to have sex to fall pregnant." I whispered harshly.

"Yeah I know." Hope pointed to her stomach.

I smiled when it suddenly faded. "I've gotta go." I told her before racing downstairs and saying goodbye to everyone else, rushing out the door to my car.


The quote I got back from the mechanic was high, but I couldn't afford a new car after investing everything I had in to my business.

So I had the car booked in for Friday, today and took an extra long lunch, booking myself in to the doctors.

I knew I wasn't pregnant, I would know by now, remembering all the symptoms I had the first time. I didn't feel tired. I was only just getting sick, I wasn't hormonal or crazy feet wasn't swelling up and even though I know my boobs have stayed the same size from my last pregnancy, I did have to go up another bra size just for my bras to feel comfortable.

I sat in the waiting room at the doctors after filling out the paperwork for my records.

I did notice I haven't had my periods for a while, but I put that down to stress because of opening my business. The money I owe. I took out a loan and 40% of what I earn went back to repaying that then what was left went to Sarah's wages. I received crap all, but I know it will change soon.

"Miss Griffin?" The doctor called out, making me look up at him. I took a deep breathe and got up, following him to his room.

I sat down on the offered chair as he closed the door.

"I'm Dr Stevenson, what may I help you with today?" He asked me.

"Uh, yeah." I gave him a nervous smile. I haven't eaten anything today and I wasn't feeling ill, so that was a good sign, I think. "I'm sick. Every time I eat, I'm bringing my food back up, but between meals, after vomiting, I feel fine. It's only when I eat." The doctor nodded.

"When did this start?"

"Wednesday." I answered as he jotted it down.

"Are you on any medications or vitamins?"

I shook my head.

"Any medical history like diabetes and heart disease I should know of?"

Again I shook my head.

"Have you been tired lately?"

"No. But stressed. I just opened a new business. Can stress cause me to skip a period or two?"

The doctor raised an eyebrow as he jotted it down. I noticed he had to categories. Like a pro and con list.

"How many cycles have you missed?"

I thought about it. "About three or four. I opened my business three months ago, so that could be the answer to that."

The doctor looked up at me. "Stress can play a part in it, you're too young to be menopausal. But stress likes to skip one or two or make them late, that's it. You've had no spotting or any sign of them?"

I shook my head.

"Alright. I'll get you to do a pregnancy test."

I gave him a nervous laugh. "I'm not pregnant. I would know if I am. I've been pregnant and I had all the symptoms. Sun up to sun down sickness. Swelling feet. Falling asleep as soon as I was still long enough. I'm not doing any of that."

It wasn't that I was scared of being pregnant. I had that fear conquered. I'm not scared of it.

"Besides. I haven't had sex in like three months!" I smiled again then it clicked, my smile disappearing. "Three months ago. Oh no."

So I did the damn test and waited back in Dr Stevenson's office, picking at my fingers. I can't be pregnant. I just opened a small business. It only has me and Sarah. I can't afford to hire anyone else. I can't afford to have a baby. Not financially. Plus I don't have the time. My heart was pounding in my chest heavily.

The doctor came back and sat down. His face was like stone. No emotion. He told me the results, leaving me stunned.

"Huh." I breathed out.


I looked up at the building. I don't know why I walked here but I did. I bit on my bottom lip as I went inside.

I kept my vision straight on the elevators and pressed the door open button when I got there.

I stepped in and turned to the pad. My finger hovering over the floor button I needed.  I took a deep breathe and pushed it, stepping back.

The place so far looked the same. I fixed up my hair up, pulling the pony tail over my shoulder and played with it.

The elevator sung out the floor number and opened the door.

The place was exactly the same. It was deja vu all over again. I went to the reception desk and smiled. Katie was still here. She had her head down, furiously writing something.

"Hi Katie." I smiled and she jumped slightly as she looked up. She was surprised to see me.

"Miss Griffin! Hi." She smiled at me.

"Grace." I corrected her.

"Grace." Came her small smile. "Mr Parker is a bit busy right now." She told me.

"That's okay." I was actually relieved to hear that. I was so unsure on what I was doing. I've been in a trancelike state since lunch. I had returned to work and after a couple hours, I ended up here.

"But I'm sure he would love an interruption." She quickly added.

Please don't give me a reason to go in there, I wanted to say. "It's okay. He is busy." I took a step back but Katie stood up.

"I'm serious. I'm sure he would welcome someone to interrupt him." She said with a bit more confidence. I gave her a smile.

"Are you learning to stand up?"

Katie knew what I meant, she was one of those people other people would pushover and she would do their bidding out of guilt or fear. She nodded shyly.

I sighed. "Okay." I went up to the doors and slowly opened one, stepping in.

What I saw made me bite my bottom lip. I was witnessing a private moment and I don't think they know I'm here.

Roman was holding a woman by her waist as he kissed her head.

"I promise." I heard him say to her. "You book a place and I'll pick you up at seven." Then Roman kissed her again on her forehead.

I cleared my throat, standing there like a lost cause, unsure on what I was doing and why I was doing this.

Both Roman and the woman turned to me and she looked familiar. It was the woman Roman was seeing before we met up north. Rachael.

Roman was the last person I wanted to see since I came back home. I saw him more up north then I did in my home city. I walked away, I left the hotel because I knew it was the right thing to do. For both of us. I knew what he was doing and I had to put a stop to it.

"I'm sorry." I stuttered. "Katie let me in. This was a mistake."

I turned on my heel, closing the large door behind me and left.

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