The Downfall Of Grace Griffin

By LJMay03

295K 12.9K 663

(Hey all. I've merged them together, sorry for any inconvenience.) Grace Griffin Roman Parker They are nothin... More



4.6K 213 7
By LJMay03

Instead of letting boredom hit me, I decided to go for a walk. I had a bag with my phone, camera, wallet, water bottle, room key and a towel as I walked down the path. I held on to my hat from it blowing off and fixed up my sunglasses.

The path turned from bitumen to dirt then sand. I could smell the salt water and hear the waves crashing as I climbed up the little hill.

The beach was a distance away, but I could see it from where I stood.

I dug in my bag and pulled out my camera, snapping up a couple pictures.

I put the camera strap around my neck and continued, walking on top of the small hill. Sand met grass at some points and I followed, walking towards the large cliff. I saw the waves crashing against it and from there till only a few metres away, I took more photos.

Retracing my steps back, I went to the base of the cliff, following the man made footpath of dead grass.

The hill was steep in some parts and smooth in others, making me strain my calf and thigh muscles. But the top was worth it. The view was gorgeous.

The top of the cliff was fenced, signs stating no jumping, no diving, no loitering. I placed my bag down and took photos, slowly turning in a circle. I went back to my bag and swapped the lenses around, did more photos before trying my new lens.

I clicked that in and zoomed in, the camera to my face as I snapped away at the horizon, the waves crashing below me.
I turned and took a photo of the hotel I was staying in. I didn't realise I had walked so far. I slowly zoomed in, taking a photo at each frame.

There were people, families on the path I walked on, some riding bikes, others walking their dogs.

I snapped up the photos, and moved down the path more.

That's when I saw him. In khaki shorts and t shirt. I zoomed in as far as I could go and confirmed it was who I saw.

Frowning, I saw him look up. I lowered the camera, my eyes on the same spot. He was pretty far away and I wasn't sure if he saw me or even know if it is me.

But I pulled the lenses of the camera and put my original one on and shoved everything in my bag. I took a quick drink of my water and slipped the bag on my bag as I fixed my hat and sunglasses.

I climbed down the trail, and instead of head back to the hotel, I followed the other path for nearly a kilometre. I was on the other side of the cliff, the water not as rough as I placed my bag on the ground and pulled out my towel, wrapping it around my bag.

With my camera, I left my canvas shoes on and steadily, I climbed the boulders, looking at the small rock pools that get left here through low tide.

It was getting hot and I took my shirt off, revealing a lime green bikini top as I scrunched my shirt in a ball and threw it at my bag.

I'm kicking myself I didn't bring sunscreen. I don't want to burn. I played up against a boulder, my camera against my face as I saw sea stars. I took photos of the little coral fish swimming by.

Eventually, I took the camera off my neck and rolled over on the boulder, exposing my stomach to the sun but making sure my hat covered my face with shade.

If I tilted my head slightly to the left, I could still see my bag wrapped in the towel. I was there for a good hour before I sat up and snapped a couple more photos before getting up.

I brushed the dried sand of me and went back to my bag, placing my camera back over my neck.

I took a good gulp of water and picked my things up, my shirt still off as I slowly made my way back to the hotel.

The sun was real high above me, making me guess it was anywhere between twelve and two as I flicked through the photos on the camera.

I enjoyed the time I had with myself and as I got closer to the hotel, I stopped to put my shirt back on. I went straight to the restaurant and ordered lunch.

The waiter just left with my order as I continued through the photos. I heard a chair and then felt a presence as I paused before looking up.

"What exactly are you doing?" I asked him as Roman looked comfortable.

Roman raised his hand and suggested for the waiter to return.

"Well, I was thinking of getting a seafood basket." He said to me as he smiled.

"And you couldn't do it at another table? I see plenty that are empty." I frowned, placing my camera down.

"I see that you're still taking photos." Roman pointed to my camera.

"Uh? Yeah." Came my absent answer as Roman told the waiter his order. "Why are you even here?"

"Well, if I'm eating alone and you are, why not two people just eat lunch together?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "That's not what I meant."

I watched Roman grinned. "Oh, you know. Business."

"Didn't that summit finish yesterday?" I asked him.

"Oh, it did, but I'm booked in for a few days. What about you?"

The question sounded innocent enough to anyone listening, but I knew him better than this. I waved my hand at the waiter and he returned. "You know what? I might take that Sav Blanc you offered." I told him and he nodded.

"Actually, We will have a bottle of the finest Shiraz." Roman said to the waiter and I dropped my head in to my hand.l

The waiter returned, a bottle of wine and two glasses as he poured it in for us.

"Since when did you start drinking wine?" Roman asked me.

I glared up at him. "Very recently."


Our lunch was delivered and I stared at my grilled salmon and salad.

"You didn't answer my question?" Roman broke my thoughts.

I looked at his plate and saw the shellfish on it.

I quickly shoved some food in my mouth and started chewing, showing him I couldn't talk, giving him an apologetic shrug.

Roman smirked at me as I continued to pile food in my mouth, avoiding any conversation I could.

But I was running out of food and I picked up the wine glass, chugging that down.

I went to top it up, but Roman took the bottle out of my reach and I pouted at him.

"My question?" Roman repeated again.

"What question?" I asked him innocently as I put my camera in my bag. "I don't know what question you asked.

I got up and straightened my shirt, not looking back and smirking to myself as I went and paid for lunch.

"Table 15." I told the host.

The host looked in his book. "Ah, yes. It's already paid for." He told me.

I narrowed my eyes as I turned to where I was sitting but found the table empty. Shaking my head, I went to the elevator to go back to my room.

The doors opened and I waited till they emptied before stepping in. But as I turned Roman glided in, pressed a button and turned back to me.

"Are you trying to avoid me?" He asked in a playful manner.


Roman looked away before turning his eyes back to me. "I don't see why we can't be friends." He smiled.

I stepped back and tilted my head. "Have you forgotten our history, Roman?" I asked him meekly. That's when I remembered, I didn't hit the button I needed for my floor.

I couldn't. Roman was blocking the way.

"Can I just get in there?" I asked him but Roman ignored me, his eyes boring in to me.

I slumped. I know that look. I spent the first two months with Roman with that look.

The elevator doors opened and I stayed where I was. This wasn't my floor.

"I'm well aware of our history." He said between gritted teeth.

"Then what are you doing?" I asked him in confusion. I had no idea what we were doing.

The elevator doors closed but it didn't move.

"You weren't complaining last night." Roman snipped at me.

I felt myself blush from last night and this morning.

I bit my lips together as I felt the elevator move again, going down.

The tension in the air was thick. "That's not fair. We were both intoxicated." I finally told him. "I was filled with champagne, you had god knows what."

"Fair point. But in my defence, I actually thought it was your wedding."

I frowned at him then let out a small laugh. "What gave you that idea?"

"I happened to see the ceremony as I went past. I saw you and Dean, dressed up a priest or whatever between the two of you."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. "I wasn't marrying Dean! Oh! He is like a brother. I was his best woman!" I howled out, holding my sides.

Roman didn't like the fact I was laughing at him in an elevator, but his face softened as he smiled.

The doors opened and a couple walked in, making Roman stand back, next to me.

They smiled at us as they turned, the man pressing a button. He held the woman's hand as they giggled, waiting for their floor.

I stood there, awkwardly waiting when I felt a breathe on my neck, making me still.

"I found out you didn't get married. Plus also you spending the night was a give away."

I blushed again and told him to shush, trying not to laugh or smile or even looking at him.

The elevator went up a couple more floors before Roman spoke again, a whisper in my ear.

"I'm really happy to hear that you aren't married."

My heart was thumping in my chest as I turned my head away even more.

The couple stepped off and it was just Roman and me again. I stepped away, looking at him.

"How would you know if I am or not?"

Roman smirked at me. "You're hand. You're friends warnings. The gossip."

Fair enough point. "Fine. But I could be in a serious relationship." I bit back at him.

Romans face turned serious but for only a brief second as he leaned real close to me, pushing the buttons behind me. "I just know." He whispered. Roman's face was so close to mine. Very close. Close enough that if I pouted, I could touch his lips with mine.

Lean back, Gracie, I told myself. Lean back.

I could feel myself getting lost in his eyes as Roman stared straight at me.

"Aren't you in a serious relationship?" I asked him, my voice barely visible.

"No." He said instantly.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure. Black hair, olive skin, supermodel body, big tits?" I teased at him.

"Rachael?" He asked me and I nodded. "No." Roman repeated himself.

I tried shuffling across, away from his intense glare just as the door opened.

I stumbled back, slightly surprised as Roman stepped out of the elevator.

I stood up straight, giving my surroundings a quick look around. We were on the roof. I could smell the chlorine from the pool.

Roman continued coming closer and I felt a deck chair behind me. But he just walked past me and sat on one of the chairs.

I watched him wearily and told myself to leave. Just go to the elevator and leave.

"How have you really been?" Roman asked me, making me pause in my tracks. I peeked back over to him and decided it was just talking. It can't be harmful.

I sat down near him, but not too close and slipped my bag off, placing it on the ground next to me.

"Good." I nodded with a small smile. Roman tilted his head slightly.

"Are you going to answer that without the fake smile?"

I sighed, slumping my shoulders. "What do you want me to say, Roman? The truth? It took me a long time to get over you. I missed you. I still do some days, but that's natural, isn't it?"

Neither of us spoke for a little while. We just sat there in silence as I picked at my nails. They were polished and pretty and I was picking at them. I flexed my fingers and resisted the urge to do it again.

"What have you been doing?" Came his next question.


But Roman didn't probe me any further with that answer.

"Who's kid were you with this morning?" Came the third question, surprising me.


Roman's POV

I saw how her faced changed at that question.

I did see her this morning, talking to a toddler. The same one I saw her holding at the wedding. How she was very maternal with him as she spoke to him, the affection she showed him.

I also know she saw me watching her.

"Kid?" She asked in a blank manner.

"The one you were holding this morning. The same one you were holding at the wedding." I said in a calm manner.

Grace stayed quiet.

"How old is he?" He looked nothing like her but I was curious.

"Seventeen months." She told me. "His name is Leo." She frowned slightly before looking back at me. "That's Macy's boy."

Macy? Oh yes, she was pregnant when Grace was.

"Why? Were you thinking I hoodwinked you or something?" I heard the sharp tone in her voice and the hurt. I looked at her to see her face was screwed up.

I shook my head at her, just to placate her. The thought did occur to me but I had quickly dismissed it. I had seen the bed it happened on.

"That wasn't what I was saying at all." I told her as I stood up. I saw her about to snap something out but she stopped herself, closed her mouth and leaned back.

My past few weeks have been extremely intense and stressful and I have been finding a release in Rachael, but last night, that just was, completely different. I felt younger, like I did last time I was with Grace. It may have been only two years but right Now, it made a hell of a difference.

I took my shirt off and slipped my shoes off as well, before ruining and jumping in to the pool.

I went to the surface and shook my head, flicking water everywhere as Grace screamed.

I let out a laugh as she looked at me, glaring. "Come for a swim." I tried to coax. I had to admit, it was a hot enough day and that walk took it out of me.

Grace pouted and I could she was over thinking. It amazed me to still know these little traits of hers.

She took her shoes off and rolled her socks in them, surprised they weren't heels but flat sole canvas shoes.

I treaded the water and waited as she slowly frowned at me before taking her shirt off. Then it was I how was frowning. My eyes zoned in on something, right by her hip bone. It looked to be an arrow and bow.

I watched as she hesitantly took her denim shorts, revealing the two piece teal bikini. It was actually, very skanky, but yet her. Yet something I didn't notice last night was her breasts.

They looked bigger. Bigger than what I was used to with her. Her bikini bottoms were kept together by two strings as she stood there very uncomfortably.

I went to the edge of the pool and Grace stepped back, away from my reach.

"Actually I might just stay on the chair." She said as she went to the deck chair.

I climbed out off the pool and smirked at her with a shrug as she watched me wearily.

I lounged out on one of the chairs, letting the air and sun dry my clothes as I closed my eyes and placed my hands behind my head.

After a couple seconds, I slowly opened my eye closest to Grace and peeked at her.

She was sitting back, her sunglasses on her head, her hat on as well. I wasn't too sure if she was watching me but I tried to surpress my grin.

I knew she was still tense by the way her fingers gripped the deck chair.

I closed my eye and waited a bit longer. With that quick peek, I discovered alot more about her from the past two years. I knew she got another tattoo on her left hip. But I noticed the amulet on her right foot. The toe ring on one of her toes. She was a lot smaller then she used to be. Her stomach actually caved in a bit.

I could also tell that Grace spends alot of time in the sun, seeing her skin slightly tanned, leaving white lines from what ever she wore from that.

Her hair was the same colour, which I was pleased by. I never really liked blondes, but Grace had always been an exemption. For alot of things.

I don't know why I was doing this, maybe I missed her more than I thought. When we were together, life wasn't boring. It was chaotic and dramatic but definitely not boring.

I peeked again to see her head had turned away, no longer being able to see me from her angle.


I slowly got up and crept over to her. She was humming to herself, tapping a finger against herself when I quickly picked her up, a hand under her legs, another on her back as she screeched and holding her tight, I jumped in to the pool, letting her go.

I swam to the surface and broke for air as she came up as well. I couldn't help it. I let out a full blown laugh. Grace looked like a drowned cat. Her huge sun hat was floppy around her, hanging over her face and her hair was a wild mane all through the water as she coughed, pulling the hat off.

She gave me a pouted look as she splashed, then placed her hat on the side of the pool.

"What the fuck?" She cried out.

"You looked hot." Well, yes, she always does to me. "You looked like you needed to cool down." I grinned.

Grace screwed her face up as she held the edge. The pool was pretty deep, I could barely touch the bottom so I doubt she could.

"That was uncalled for." She snarled as she turned around, giving me her back. The first ling I noticed was the lotus tattoo. Underneath a new one.

Curiously, I swam closer to look at it. It was very colourful. But just when I got close enough to read the words, Grace climbed out of the pool.

I watched as she gathered her stuff and went to the elevator. "So you're just gonna leave? Without a good bye?" I teased her, laughing.

Grace turned around after hitting the elevator button and flipped me off which surprised me, but I kept my goofy grin on my face.

"Just like you did this morning." It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"Yep. Like a thief in the night." She called out as she stepped in to the elevator.

I didn't bother chasing after her. I knew she was mad and needed time to cool down so I stayed a bit longer, lounging in the water.

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