The Downfall Of Grace Griffin

By LJMay03

295K 12.9K 663

(Hey all. I've merged them together, sorry for any inconvenience.) Grace Griffin Roman Parker They are nothin... More



4.3K 213 6
By LJMay03

I was sitting at the kitchen bench, lost in thought. We had both arrived home and Roman excused himself to work in his study while I planted my butt down on the stool.

I didn't realise how much time had passed until Roman pulled me put off my thoughts. I was still dressed in my work clothes, my teal skirt and white blouse when Roman spoke.

"You look very distant."

I set my eyes on to him. "Uh, yeah. I was just thinking." And I was.

"What about?" Roman asked cautiously.

"Pregnancy." I muttered. I was, just not mine, but Roman didn't know about Macy. "Hope is due any day now I think. I'm about eight weeks and I'm still so scared. Then I had lunch today with Macy, as you know and don't say anything, but she got herself knocked up as well."

"Well that's great, I think. You can have support from each other."

I gave Roman a pointed look that had him regretting his words.

"I didn't tell her." I grumbled. Roman sat next to me as he listened. "Macy had enough on her plate without me adding to it because I know my friends will flip when I tell them. She was in enough stress as it was. The man she was with left her, refuses to acknowledge the pregnancy and she is alone."

Macy liked kids, I know that much.

"I know she is shocked about it, but I told her the shock will wear off."

Roman was looking at me with a small grin.

"This isn't a funny moment, Roman. I'm worried about Macy."

"I know. I love that you care for your friends, I really do but you can't stress too much yourself."

I screwed my face up. "Why not?"

I saw Roman was trying to say something but as soon as he dropped his jaw to say it, he snapped it shut again. Instead, he leaned forward, kissed my forehead and got off the stool and left the room.

I didn't tell him about what I purchased today. I picked up a new pair of heels, gorgeous and they were part of something I was planning in my head. The other item was something I spotted in a store window I was walking past on my way back to work from after lunch.

A teddy. I had walked in to the shop and looked at the teddy bear. My fingers hesitantly touched the soft fur and I picked it up. It smelt like lavender. Without a second thought, I purchased the bear and shoved it in my handbag I used for the day. That's where it still is.

But apart from worrying about Macy, I know I still had Georgia to deal with. She was the other reason why I decided to have lunch with Macy today. She was kissing me off. She has been since I find out she was running back to Roman.

She did it today as well. I screwed up, porpusely and made a big deal out of it and within twenty minutes Roman was on the phone, asking me was everything okay. I had played dumb, not knowing what he meant and that I did make a mistake but it was so minor and Georgia was blowing it out off proportion. Hence, the new heels.

Dinner was a quiet affair as I picked at my food, not really hungry, moving the meat around in the gravy. I still wanted to confront Georgia and Roman but in a way, I also wanted to play about, screw around with their heads.

So the next day, I had a plan. I went to work with Roman, went to my office and slipped my flats off and put on heels. When it got closer to our usual lunch time, I rang Roman, told him that I'm too swamped for lunch and I had a report I desperately needed to do.

Then I hung up and called out to Toni, making sure Georgia heard, telling her I won't be out for lunch. She had asked me if I wanted anything ordered in and I said no, I'm skipping lunch.

Then I got up and went around my floor, going between studios and offices, flashing off my heels. They were new, I loved them and even To I noticed them.

"Oh! I love your heels, Miss Griffin." She cooed from her table, next to Georgia's opened office.

"Thank you, Toni. Aren't they gorgeous?" I grinned at her.

"I don't even know how you can walk in them?" She laughed. "The heel curves!"

I admired my new pumps. They had purple straps and the outside was a zebra pattern. It went well with the rest of my outfit. "Oh, easy." I pretended to blush. "They are Walter Steiger. These pups set me back four hundred dollars, but so worth it. They are soooo comfy." My voice was slightly higher than usual. The truth, they were comfy because I have a few of these brand names at home, but right now,they weren't comfortable. It was pinching my calf muscles. Hurting my back, the souls of my feet and my toes felt cramped. Maybe my feet are swollen? I thought to myself.

I stayed by Toni's desk chatting away when I heard the elevator. I gave myself a small grin but continued, telling her dates for next week.

I felt the eyes on my back as I straightened up, thanking Toni and without even looking behind me to see who it was, I went straight to my office. I knew who it was because it was written all over Toni's face. I stood by my door and held it open, waiting for Roman.

He came in and I closed the door, waiting for him to blast me a new one but he didn't.

"Cone on, I'll take you to lunch."

I blinked, trying to comprehend what he said. "Uh, I'm busy."

"No. Now."

I could feel my mood getting darker but I suppressed it knowing this would have happened eventually and I had brought it upon myself. I went to my desk and snatched up my bag before Roman cleared his throat.


My heart sunk. I looked down at my new pumps, they were gorgeous, but I obeyed, leaning against my desk with a sigh and unclipped them.

"Why are you even wearing them? You know you're not suppose to."

I frowned at him. "They are cute." I told him. "Besides, they match my outfit." Came the lie. Well, part lie. They did match but I wasn't going to tell him I was baiting him up.

"Gracie," Roman said softly. "You know you can't wear them."

"Why?" I didn't understand. I was having a blank moment.

He leaned closer to me as I slipped back on my flats. I felt his breathe on my skin and it gave me goosebumps. All I wanted then was for him to take me right now.

"You're pregnant, remember?"

Just like that, every emotion I had about wanting to be taken on my work desk ran away.

Talk about a mood crasher.


Roman's POV

Yesterday during lunch and at home was like skating on thin ice. My patience was running a bit thin with Grace and her testing me.

She was in a sour mood last night and went to bed after dinner. I had work I had to finish and did that in the study while she slept.

I didn't bother waking her when I got to bed, but I did lay next to her, watching her for what felt like hours.

I loved that she was so naive and innocent. I do, but sometimes, it gets me. Grace is only twenty. I on the other hand, I am twenty seven. Still a young age, but that's seven more on top of her.

But the one thing that's been annoying me is her temper. I get it that she is extremely hormonal right now. That's pregnancy. I know she has been trying so hard not to unleash it as well, but it's the small things that are setting her off.

She refused to eat at lunch, making me irritated. She whined about her shoes. She barely ate through dinner.

Georgia had rung me shortly after Grace did at work, telling me that Grace is skipping lunch and she was bragging about spending four hundred dollars on shoes. The price figure didn't bother me at all. But when I asked if Grace was wearing heels, she stated when isn't she, thinking it was an odd question.

No one but Grace and I know about the pregnancy and as much as I want t o scream it to the whole world about it, Grace was still feeling negative about it.

She told me she is trying to come around to it, that it's a problem one can't wish away. I don't see it as a problem. Yes, I agreed it was far too early in the relationship for a baby but these things happened. I told Grace that condoms weren't 100% effective and that she was also at fault for forgetting to start her pills.

But our relationship wasn't something that everyday couples have. We were married first, divorced, then dating now engaged with a baby. Things were a bit backwards at first and we will always have that taboo there.

Grace let out a small snort of a snore as I smiled. I found myself sleeping a hell of a lot better with her next to me. I ran my fingers through her hair and I'm still surprised that I had fallen in love with her. I don't like blondes. I before raven coloured hair. Darker complexion to Grace's. Dark eyes.

But Grace was my breathe of fresh air. Champagne coloured hair, fair skin, gold eyes that changed to green when emotional. She is also a lot skinnier to what I usually like. I preferred large breasts, thick hips. Grace doesn't have them. But I have noticed that she is getting that way. Pregnancy weight.

Last I heard, Grace was sitting at fifty nine kilos. She wasn't impressed and instead of screaming about it, I noticed she held her breathe for about ten seconds, her face going red then she stomped her foot and stormed away. Only a couple minutes later I heard the smash of glass and her yelling son of a bitch.

That was the reaction I was waiting for so it didn't surprise me at all.

Grace said she liked the fifty mark and after checking up on her weight and height, I noticed it was borderline with being underweight. In my books, that is way under weight. Grace looked like she could snap in half at times.

I felt a shuffle in the bed and Grace rolled over, snuggling her back in to my chest as her hand went to her hair, grabbing my hand, pulling it away from her hair.

"That's annoying." She mumbled.

I held her tighter to me. "I can be even more annoying." I teased as my hand glided over her hip.

"No. I don't feel good." She whispered.

"What's wrong?" I stilled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Came her groan. "Just not feeling good. Probably more morning sickness."

We both knew morning sickness wasn't just in the morning.

Some days, Grace is good, others, I hear her dry reaching or she has forced herself to be sick then some mornings, the minute she wakes, she is out of bed and spewing. I also noticed it is through the day and evening as well.

She has told me a couple times through lunch that she was sick and I've seen it as well through lunch, her rushing to the private bathroom in my office and bringing food back up.

"Okay, baby." I whispered, kissing the top of her head.


I had let Grace sleep as I got up and got ready for work. It was Friday and it felt like the day was dragging on. I looked at the time and saw it was only 9:15am.

I groaned, wanting to bang my head on the table. I felt uneasy today and maybe I was getting a bit sick myself. I felt like something was wrong and I wasn't sure what it was. But what ever the feeling was, I didn't like it.

Packing my things up, I decided to head home and placed a finger on the intercom to Katie. "Katie, I'm heading out. I'll see you Monday."

"Oh sir, there is a call for you, I'm on the phone right now to them. It's the hospital."

I frowned as I told her to transfer me to them.

"Good morning, Mr Parker speaking." I snapped out as I placed the phone against my ear.

"Mr Parker, I'm Doctor Finley. I'm calling on behalf of Grace Griffin. She has been admitted...."

I froze as I listened to the doctor on the phone. I don't think I even hung up. I know I dropped the phone and I ran out off my office to the stairs, jumping down two to three at a time till I was in the garage.

I couldn't think straight. Something has happened. I don't know what but I hoped everything is okay. Please, let it be okay.


Grace's POV

I lounged out like a cat in bed. I felt slightly better and then my brain registered that my phone was ringing.

I leaned over to see who was calling me.

Hope. It was only about 8:25am and I answered the call as I stayed in bed.

"Hey Hope." I yawned.

"Guess what?" She sung out to me?

I was still partially asleep and had no idea what was going on. "What?"

"Did I wake you? Get over it, you should have been getting ready for work. But today is the day! I can feel it in my bones. The nagging pains have started. Im in labour! You get to meet your new niece or nephew today!" I could feel how happy she was, it was radiating through the phone.

"Oh that's great, Hope!" I smiled at her. "Have you got everything?" I asked as I threw the blankets off me. I froze at what I saw. With my phone still in my hand, not listening to Hope I couldn't comprehend what I saw.


Hope didn't hear me. She kept blabbering on how she wished for weeks that the baby would hurry up.

"Hope!" I snapped.


"Something isn't right." I whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm covered in blood." I felt the tears starting to fill my eyes. Im not sure what this meant, I have a feeling, but not exactly sure.

"Are you having a heavy flow?" She asked me. My breathing hitched as I gingerly climbed out off bed.

I shook my head. "No." I cried out as I looked down at myself then the bed. There was blood everywhere. I could feel myself pale. "I think I need a doctor." Came my weak voice. My heart was beating so hard. "Roman. I need Roman."

"Grace what's wrong? What is it? You have me all worried." Hope stressed out.

"There is blood everywhere, Hope. Im covered in blood. Im bleeding. This isn't right is it? Did you bleed? Oh no. Roman!" I was panicking. "Hope, I need a doctor." I sobbed.

"Okay. I'll call an ambulance. What's happened? Why are you freaking out over blood? Maybe it's you're periods, maybe you are having a really heavy flow."

I shook my head again, knowing it wasn't that. "I'm not suppose to have them!" I cried as I rushed to the bathroom.

Hope was silent for a minute as I grabbed a towel and soaked it in the sink.

"Why not?"

Oh god, I'm gonna have to admit it. Im gonna have to tell somebody. "I'm... I'm... pr..." That was all I could get out. The blood had finally gotten to me as I collapsed on to the floor.


It was the niggling pain in my back and stomach that alerted me. I groaned but squeezed my eyes shut even more as I curled myself in to a ball.

The pain I'm feeling now was similar to the pain I was feeling last night. I didn't feel so good. I had minor cramps in my stomach, my lower back was hurting.

I could hear a constant beep and I immediately knew where I was. I could smell it. I was in a hospital. I felt the small tag around my wrist. I recognised the cannula in my hand. I could feel it all. I dragged the blanket over my head, staying in my foetal position.

"What happened?" I heard a familiar voice. Roman. He was in the room. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Are you the doctor?" He asked. There must be someone else in the room.

"Mr Parker? I'm Doctor Finley. We spoke on the phone.

"What happened?" Roman asked again.

"Miss Griffin was admitted in fifteen minutes ago. It seems that Miss Griffin has experienced a miscarriage." Doctor Finley explained.

I pursed my lips together till I sucked them in, biting down on them.

Then I heard a commotion nearby.

"Will, I swear to god, I'm going to see her or I will clobber you!"


I heard her stomping up, picturing it all in my head.

"Oh, Roman." She gasped out. "What happened?"

Roman didn't answer her and if he did, I didn't hear it. I heard more footsteps that disappeared from my hearing.

I felt a hand on me, rubbing my arm. "Grace?" Came her soft voice. "Gracie? What happened? You were on the phone to me and the next thing I hear was a bang and a thump."

I kept my lips together, silent tears pushing out of my eyes as I tried not to cry. I had a miscarriage?

Hope didn't say anymore, but kept rubbing my arm. I heard a little grunt then I heard Will whisper out to Hope.

I heard Hope walk to him and in hushed tones they spoke and someone gasped.

"Oh no." Hope said.

I kept still, not wanting to move.

Hope had returned and I felt her next to me. "Oh Gracie, I'm so, so sorry." She whispered. She stayed there for a while, in a way she was comforting me. But after a long time, she stood up as I heard more grunts and noises that sounded like she was in pain.

"Gracie, I have to go now, okay."

I wanted to nod my head but I didn't. I knew where she was going and I knew she didn't want to say it. She had to go give birth. Her baby was coming and it was time.

I heard her leave then everything was quiet. I didn't hear anymore footsteps or noises as I silently laid still, holding myself, tears rolling down my cheeks.

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