The Downfall Of Grace Griffin

By LJMay03

293K 12.7K 662

(Hey all. I've merged them together, sorry for any inconvenience.) Grace Griffin Roman Parker They are nothin... More



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By LJMay03

Grace's P.O.V

My nerves were getting the best of me. The redness in my legs long gone from the wax, my hair felt healthier, but I stared at myself in the mirror.

I had gotten it straightened yesterday. It bloody didn't look like it. It didn't work. Why didn't it? Last time I got it straightened from the same place, my hair was straight. Now it looked slightly frizzy.

I got a trim as well, about two inches cut off. Roman wasn't happy. It was another argument that happened. I, for some reason, wouldn't let it die yesterday though.

"Stop bringing it up." Roman groaned at me as he came out of the closet.

"No. If I want to cut my hair I will. It was only a couple inches."

Roman sighed then kissed the top of my head. "I just like you with the length you have."

"I trimmed the dead ends off. Nothing more." I glared at him. "Why are you so particular about this?"

"I told you. I love the way you are right now."

"What about when I'm old and wrinkly?" I pouted at him.

"I will love you the way you are." Roman smiled. "Besides, I doubt you would let a wrinkle appear on your face."

I arched an eyebrow. He has a possibility of being right.

"What do you want to do today?" Roman asked me.

"I want to try a new restaurant." I boldly stated.

"Okay. What one?" Roman asked me as he went to the bedroom door.

I took a deep breathe. "It's a vegan one." I stuttered.

I heard Roman growl. "No."

I knew he would say this. "I'm not converting to being a vegan. I just want to try it." I snapped as I got up.

"I thought you said you were craving meat."

I pouted. "Whatever. I'm not arguing with you over this."

I left the bedroom and went to the kitchen and turned the kettle on. I need another coffee. Roman made me one this morning, but it just wasn't right. Maybe the brand I use changed. It just didn't taste right.

I could always try that vegan restaurant through the week, get Macy or Dean in for lunch.

Macy was pretty distracted the last time I saw her and I wanted to know why, but she just shook her head and smiled, telling me it's nothing.

I bit my lip as I stirred my coffee. I should give her a ring. See if she wants a visitor or just a chat. See how she is doing.

Roman came out and sat at the bar stool. "How about bowling?" I asked him.

Roman looked me over with a weird look. "No."

I puffed my cheeks out.

"Rock climbing?"


I groaned. "I don't want to be stuck inside all day!"

"We will do something, just nothing like that."

"You're losing your fun." I grumbled at him. I saw he went to speak, but decided not to.

"I'm bored." I told him flatly. "Or I could go shopping with Macy. I had so much fun the other week with her."

"Alright. Go shopping." Roman said as he got up. I stared at him. He came over and kissed me. "Have fun. I'll see you in a few hours."

"What are you up to?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Nothing." Roman kissed me again. "I just have to learn to share you." His kisses were quick and after a few more, he released me and walked up the hallway.

It left me confused. Since when did Roman accept the fact he has to share me?


"Roman!" I called out as I entered the large house. I carried my handbag and shopping bags with me as I went to his study.

I opened the door. There he was staring at his screen. "Roman?"

He lifted his head, a frown on his face, but smiled when he saw me.

"Hey princess."

"Just letting you know I'm back." I told him softly.

"Have you eaten?" Roman asked as he got up and walked to me.

I nodded. "Some little restaurant in the mall." I kissed him before turning to the bedroom. "I'm gonna go put this away."

"Just two bags?" Roman teased as he followed me.

"Yes!" I answered him in a sarcastic manner. I opened the bedroom door and went straight for the closet. It was starting to fill up, my clothes on one side, Roman's on the other side. I hung up the new dress I bought before pulling out some leggings from the other bag.

I folded the bags up and placed them with the others. I went to the love seat and sat down. "My feet hurt." I whined as I slipped off the shoes. They were only low heel wedges, and they were cute, but they were hurting me.

Roman sat next to me and picked my feet up. "Lay down." He gently spoke. I did as I was told as I felt his hands massage my feet. It felt marvellous.

"Thank you." I said to him as I closed my eyes. "I think we walked up and down that mall about four times."

"So, no gym tomorrow?" Roman asked me.

"Nah. Not tomorrow."


I answered him, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Since you are making me do the whole romantic side of a proposal," I couldn't help but smile. "When do you think the best time would be for that?"

I opened one eye and looked at him. He wasn't looking at me or my feet, he was just staring off in to space.

I closed my eye and thought about it. "Whenever you want. You don't have to do the whole thing Roman." I mumbled out. This felt so good.

Roman didn't speak after that, and if he did, I didn't hear him. I drifted asleep with his magic hands relaxing my feet.


Roman's P.O.V

I sat nervously about what I was doing. I don't think I've ever been this nervous.

Screw it. I'm doing it. I thought to myself as I got up. I went to the elevator and once it opened, I hit the twenty first floor.

I waited impatiently as it went down. I stepped off and went to Julian's office.

I tapped on the door and Julian looked up to see me. He was surprised.

"Mr Parker." Julian stuttered out.

I need to tell him to call me Roman. I took a deep breathe and stepped in, closing the door. I know everyone around this office would be curious to see me in his office, let them wag their tongues.

"Julian, call me Roman." I finally let out.

That made Julian surprised even more. "Ah. The day has come."

Now I was surprised. I sat down and waited for Julian to continue. "Gracie had warned me weeks ago."

"Julian. I want to formally ask you. Before asking Grace."

"How is she?" Julian asked me.


"I feel like I haven't seen her in ages. She doesn't really talk to me any more. Not like she use to."

Grace did say she wasn't on the best terms with her father. I know it's over me. "I want to apologise about everything." I wasn't sure where to start. I've now started two different points and I need to continue. "Grace has told me about it, she is stressing herself over it."

"You have to understand, from a father's point of view." Julian said.

"I do. I have given it great thought about your point of view for a while now. But I won't let her go."

Julian nodded.

"Grace is so much like you. More than she realises. I genuinely care for her."

I saw Julian take a deep breathe. "I know she loves you. She is very passionate about the people she loves. She may be a very social person, but she does guard her heart."

I know that.

"Do you love her?"

This felt like the proper talk a father should be giving to his daughters lover.

"I do." I told him. "I love her."

Julian sat there in his chair as he thought it over. After several long minutes he finally spoke again. I gave him this scenario, letting him know he was the one calling the shots. Not me.

"Very well. Ask away."

I felt a ball of happiness slowly come up in me. "Julian, may you please allow me to marry your daughter."

Julian let me sit in suspense a bit longer.

"I will take on what ever you give me." I added. "But I won't leave her. I won't abandon her. I will support her in every way. Please."

Julian stared at me. I felt like the lesser man. Is this meant to feel correct? Am I meant to? I didn't want to face Julian as his boss. I wanted to face him as a man that loves his daughter.

"Grace wants me to do this the proper way. She has been telling me for weeks. She wants your approval and blessing. But the other night she told me not to worry about all that. I didn't want to do the traditional proposal, but I am, for Grace."

"I really don't want to." Julian started. I couldn't blame him over it all. But I'm prepared to do this every day if I have to. "But, knowing my Gracie, she will do it anyway."

"But she will be miserable." I added on.

"Does Grace know you are here?" Julian asked me.

"No. She isn't in today." I answered him. She had sent me a text earlier this morning stating she won't be in, she ate something bad. When I asked her what it was, I didn't like her answer. Sushi. I told her not to eat any raw fish and she reckons she didn't, she had chicken and avocado. So she is blaming the chicken.

I'm having my doubts it's the chicken.

"Julian," I started. "Please." I can't believe I'm resulting in begging.

"I just want Gracie happy." Julian grumbled. I could tell he was torn about this.

"As do I."

"I know five out of seven days she is, I want her to be happy seven out of seven days."

"I do admit, it is touch and go some days, but I want her happy too."

"Even when she no longer loves you, are you willing to let her go?"

My eyes widened. What? No! "I won't allow her to get that far. I promise. I will make her happy."

Julian sighed. He was folding. "I know you are sleeping with her, it's a fact I can't ignore, especially since she has been staying at your place on weekends."

Talking to Grace's father about sex with his daughter wasn't a topic I wished to discuss.

"I guess you better do it before she falls pregnant." He groaned out. "Tell her that you have my blessing."

I smiled at Julian. "Thank you."

I left Julian's office and back to mine. I took my phone out and rang my cook. Grace wasn't happy the other day stepping on the scales as I heard a wail come from the bathroom.

It had me concerned and when I saw the problem of her distress, I saw her weighing herself. I saw the numbers on the digital scale. Fifty four point eight kilos. She is gaining weight, despite what she is eating.

"Good afternoon sir." The cook, Mrs Fennel answered.

"Mrs Fennel. When you get in today, can you remove all the scales in the bathrooms."

I know it sounded like a weird request, but I needed it done now before I forget again.

"Uh, sure."

I thanked her and hung up. What's been happening over the past four weeks with Grace have been small and very minor effects, but I think I know what it all means.


Today's the day. I thought to myself as I woke up. I smiled at myself. It took a while, but I had wrapped my head around it.

I'm moving in with Roman. And despite what he reckons, I am doing it out of my own free will.

I'm not connected to him by a business deal. My father doesn't owe him anything. I'm not sacrificing a single thing this time.

I am happy. Happy about everything. About myself, my status, my work, my life.

I rolled out of bed and showered, getting dressed, pulling on my black and white snow leopard print skirt and zipping it up.

I pulled on a black blouse and tucked it in to my skirt and then clipped on an orange belt. I slipped on some heels, a nice orange pair and grabbed a matching jacket.

I quickly brushed my hair and lightly applied some make up.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. Hope was here early. Her and mum were going shopping for the baby today.

Hope was five months pregnant and I hugged her as mum made me my coffee, pressing against Hopes belly.

"Thanks mum."

"Have you got everything packed?" Mum asked me. I nodded as I took the coffee.

"How much longer?" I asked Hope.

Her stomach was growing and she had a nice bump happening.

"Another four months." She answered me.

"I can't wait!" I told her my excitement.

"Baby can stay put till I'm ready, even if it's another year or two." Hope pouted. She was starting to get scared. I don't blame her. I would be too in her situation.

I laughed at her and finished my coffee. Dad quickly joined in, picking up some toast and kissing mums head, Hope's head then mine.

"Are you eating?" Mum asked as she buttered some toast. I shook my head and scrunched my nose up.

Usually I went to work with dad, but not any more. I was moving out today. I was excited about it too.

"Oh!" Hopes eyes moved to my hand. "That's pretty!"

I looked down on to my middle finger on my right hand. "Thank you." I smiled. "Roman gave it to me the other night." During dinner, and I thanked him dearly for it too. I bit my lip as I smiled at the topaz ring.

"You should go darling." Mum said to me. "You don't want to be late."

"I'm five months too late." Hope joked and it took me a bit longer then I cared to admit before I got the joke.

I kissed mum goodbye and then hugged Hope before leaving.


I smiled in a naughty manner at Roman as I sat on his desk eating out of a Chinese container.

Ever since I started back at Roman Empire, I have lunch with Roman. Every day. I love it.

Roman was telling me about a deal he was working in and I was babbling about a gorgeous chair I saw earlier today in my studio.

I noticed the time and realised Roman was going to be late.

"I've kept you." I said as I slipped off his desk. Roman took my hips.

"I don't care if I'm late. I own the company." He said as he kissed me.

I giggled under his touch as I wriggled out. "Until tonight." I called out as I walked away provocatively, smiling.

I left his office and smiled at Katie, his receptionist. "Roman is a couple minutes late." I told her as I passed and went to the elevator. I waited till the doors opened and I walked in, pressing the familiar eight button.

I had to argue with Roman about staying on that floor. He didn't like it, it was too far away from him but I wouldn't budge.

I greeted Toni and went to my office. Before I could sit down, Toni came in. "Miss Griffin?"

"Yes Toni?"

"Georgia is running a bit late today." She informed me.

"That's fine." Georgia was the temp head of Social Media until I had returned. Now I'm back doing what I was originally doing, minus the off site jobs. Georgia handles them now. "She has what? One more house?"

Toni shook her head. "No. She has another four."

I frowned. "Four?" That wasn't until next Friday. "That's on the twenty eighth."

"I'm sorry, Miss Griffin, but today is the twenty eighth."

"No, today is the twenty first." I know for a fact today is the twenty first.

"That was last Friday."

"No, today is the twenty first because I move in to Roman's today, the eight house pile up is the twenty eighth and the board meeting was the fourteenth." I looked at my phone and opened the calendar. I wouldn't have got them mixed up. There's no way I could have.

Toni didn't say anything as I saw four very important dates scattered across my calendar. The eight houses is today. Moving Day is today. The board meeting is next week and I saw the fourth pin as I scrolled back, trying to find my lost dates. My eyes widened as realisation dawned on me.

"I'm late."


I had locked the bathroom door for the eighth floor. If anyone needs it, they will have to go elsewhere or use the males.

Someone tried coming in, but found the door locked.

No! This can't be happening.

My heart pounding in my chest as I picked at my finger nails, my bottom lip between my teeth as I paced the bathroom.

No. No. No!

I heard knocking on the door, but it was only a couple taps then it stopped.

Approximately 9 steps from one wall to the other. I kept looking at the bench that held three sinks before looking away. I did another lap.

I heard the door trying to open then it stopped.

It's been 30 minutes. Okay Gracie, you can do this. Just look. There is no harm in looking. The bangles on my wrists clanged together as I dropped my arms.

Holy crap! Oh God!

Why are there so many workers on this floor? I heard another knock on the door.

My bottom lip was swelling from the pressure of my teeth. I peeked over to the bench as I held my breathe.

I can't be. If I tell Roman, he'll drag me straight to the closest celebrant he will find.

My eyes went off the floor to the bench, then so ever slowly I looked at the start of the white line I had placed on the bench.

"Gracie? Open up baby. Toni rang. She's a bit worried. You've been in here for a while" Roman banged on the door as I quickly frowned at the opposing door.

Oh great, now he is here. I went back to what I needed to look at.

Please no. No. No. No. No!

I stopped breathing. My heart in my throat as well as my stomach.

Two lines. Two lines. A plus mark. Two lines. A positive written on one and the last one said pregnant.


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