The Downfall Of Grace Griffin

By LJMay03

293K 12.7K 662

(Hey all. I've merged them together, sorry for any inconvenience.) Grace Griffin Roman Parker They are nothin... More



3.5K 165 1
By LJMay03

"Good morning. How may I help you?" A young brunette asked me as she waited patiently for my answer.

"Uh, hi. I'm checking in." Came my uncertain voice.

"Of course," She smiled at me. "Under what name?"

"Uh, Roman Parker."

I watched her eyes go wide as she blushed. I frowned. Does she know Roman? Of course she probably does. This is a fancy hotel! A lot of business deals do get done outside of the office. At hotels, bars, golf courses, snap it together Grace!

"And you are?" She asked me suspiciously.

"Grace Griffin." I answered her.

Her eyes went wider. "Oh. Em. Gee!" She quietly squealed, leaving me aghast. "The Grace Griffin? As in its Gracie Griffin?"

I nodded my head. "Yes." I just want to go to my room.

"Oh my! I never thought I would meet you!" She smiled widely at me. "Are you and Roman back together? Are you seeing him again? Will you be getting remarried?" She bombarded me with questions as I felt shocked.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She giggled. "I just, adore you! All that you do!"

I frowned at her. "The drunk parties? The nightclubs?" I asked in disgust.

"Oh no!" She shook her head. "The work you do with Roman Empire! I follow it on twitter and Instagram."

That shocked me.

"Plus the charity work you do! It's so selfless of you. No wonder -"

"I'm sorry." I had cut her off. "I don't mean to be rude, but, can I please go to my room?"

"Oh I'm sorry!" She smiled apologetically at me. She tapped at her keyboard and then produced a card for me.

"Here you go, Miss Griffin." Her smile wider. "You are on the seventieth floor."

So high?

"I have to tell my friends about this!"

That snapped me back. "Sorry, um..." I read her name badge. "Clarissa. Can you hold of on that till after I've checked out, please."

Clarissa's face dropped.

"Please." I repeated my beg.


I smiled at her. "Thank you." I went to the elevator but then went back to her. "Actually, Clarissa?"

"Yes, Miss Griffin?"

I offered to take a selfie with her. "But please, wait till I check out." I pleaded again. She was so happy as she nodded.

I went to the elevator and once it opened I stepped in.

The small room filled with low classical music as I waited for my floor.

It was a long ride and my legs were starting to hurt from standing still.

Finally the door opened and I stepped out. There was no hallway to my room just a small foyer and a large double door.

I swiped my card through the lock and it turned green, unlocking the door.

I opened it up and lost my breathe.

The place was two storeys high. The walls facing the city on the south side were just glass.

The whole place was so open. I noticed the marble steps that led upstairs and followed them. It was a massive bedroom. The walls were also glass, one looking out to the city, the other out on to the open planned room I entered.

It was gorgeous. Why am I being spoilt like this if I think I'm about to meet Roman's love interest?

The room was gorgeous. Everything in the past two days have been filled with exquisite furniture, designs, even more breathtaking than any designs I've ever photographed when I worked under Roman.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on the doors.

I raced downstairs and opened it, a maid pushing a trolley came in. "Good morning, Miss. Here is your lunch." She smiled before leaving.

Lunch? I didn't order any lunch.

Roman must have. But he won't be back till four and I'm meeting him downstairs.

I looked at the dishes. There was enough for a few people. Am I expecting someone else?

No, I don't think so.

I picked up a plate that was just salad and settled for that.

I sat alone at the table, eating, in a slow manner as I picked at the food.

Why am I here?

I heard another knock on the door and I went to it, hoping it was someone I know, like Roman, to cure me from my boredom.

But it wasn't. A tall skinny male fluttered in, followed by a small brunette hidden behind large glasses. Then another lady pushing a rack of something in. Are those bags for clothes?

"Ah! Miss Griffin!" Said the tall man. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! I've been seeing you on my wall for about three years now. Look at you!" He said, flamboyantly. "Now I get to dress you!" He waved his arms around as I stood back, quite stunned with what was happening around me.

"Dress me?" I asked quietly.

"Yes yes, darling." He said as I watched the small brunette open her large chest on the table.

"I'm Daz, this is my hair and make up specialist Hilary."

"Uh, hi." I muttered out. "I don't mean to be rude, but why are you here?" I was so lost.

"To get you ready!" Daz smiled widely as he placed me on the chair and Hilary came forward with a large hair brush.

My hair got tugged left and right, curlers being put in and pinned.

"I don't know what's going on?" I cried out as I was being taken hostage by Hilary.

"Darling, you need to be ready for tonight."

"What's tonight?"

Hilary looked at Daz and he shook his head.

"Just sit there and enjoy being pampered." He giggled as he took my hand and started filing it.

I was speechless. I was getting a manicure, a pedicure, my hair and make up done.

What is happening?

Once everything was done, Daz grinned at me.

He unzipped a bag as he looked at me. "Right. Now the dress!"


I blinked several times in the hand mirror in front off me.

My make up was soft and natural except for my eyes, an ice blue lined the tops of them.

My fake eyelashes were long and so black. My cheeks looked like a natural blush.

My lips were stained a natural pink as I blinked again.

My hair was down in soft curls with a braid cascading across.

My nails were glowing in a natural clear polish as Daz slipped on my blue heels. The tops were open and I could see my toes as I stared down at them.

"Stand up, darling." Daz called and I obeyed.

He went behind me and tightened the corset on my dress.

I huffed out some air as I felt the dress closing on me, going tighter.

Hilary took me to a floor length mirror in the downstairs bathroom and I gasped.

I looked amazing. Was that me? I moved my left hand at the reflection, making sure it copied me.

My dress was a sweetheart trumpet dress. Along the top of the breasts were sewn in tiny diamonds that glittered when it caught the light.

The dress hugged to me till the tops of my knees then flowed down to the ground.

It was a dazzling light blue, but not light enough to blend in with my complexion. If anything, it complemented it. It's also the shade of blue I tend to avoid because of my complexion.

"Why am I dressed up?" I asked them.

"Look at you! Like a flower!" Daz smiled and I noticed he ignored my question.

"Uh, it's nearly four." I heard Hilary as I turned to her. Already? Were we doing all this for that long?

"But why am I dressed like this? What is going on?" But Daz and Hilary left the room with the rest of their stuff, pushing me out too.

In their haste, I didn't have my wallet or phone or even my key card.

They pushed me into the elevator and pressed the 2 button.

The second floor? Wait, I'm meeting Roman on the second floor.

I looked up at Daz, his bald head and stubble looking up. "What is going on?" I asked again, this time I was more annoyed then anything else.

"It's a surprise!" He grinned with excitement.

I sighed. That's all he would let out. He took photos of me preparing for whatever this is.

I had begged him not to post them, but he shushed me and did that. I grumble again, crossing my arms.

This was a long elevator ride.

"Why am I not getting answers?" I asked them both. Daz kept a straight face as I wanted to reach for his scarf and strangle him with it.

Hilary looked nervous. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Hilary, what's going on?"

She looked surprised that I was directing my question to her.

"Uh," She looked like she was biting her tongue. She knows something.

"Don't harass my workers, Miss Griffin." Daz teased. "Let me say, it has been an honour to be hired to work with you tonight!"

"Hired?" I quickly eyed him off.

He looked like he just slipped something out. "Yes. I was hired to work with you tonight. I am honoured! To be a low level designer, I hardly get noticed. So thank you! You have helped boost my business and reputation."

"Don't thank me. Thank whoever hired you." I snapped as I crossed my arms again.

When will these doors open? I want out!

I sighed as I dropped my arms and nervously, I sunk my teeth in to my lip.

"Don't!" Hilary gasped. "You'll ruin it!"

I turned to her. What? The make up?

"I want to know what is going on!" I demanded as I stomped my foot.

"You'll see soon enough." Daz answered.

"Who hired you?" I asked him, but all I got was silence. Stupid question, Gracie. You know who.

I blinked profusely. Why am I all dolled up? What is on the second floor? I'm too fancy right now to be introduced as an ex wife to Roman's new girlfriend.

What did he say when I asked? Something like that, was that it?

Suddenly I had a bad feeling. I felt it in my stomach and the goosebumps started crawling on my skin.

I turned to Daz again, looking desperate and scared.

"I don't want to do this." I shook my head as I took my fingers.

"Nonsense darling. You are and you will. And you will be fabulous."

I looked at the screen. We were on the eighth floor.

"No." I stuttered. "Just take me back to my room."

Daz frowned. "No, we are nearly there."

"I don't know what's behind those doors. I don't know what's going on." I looked at the screen again. Third floor. Oh God. Panic attack.

"Don't make me do this!" I pleaded as the doors opened for the second floor. Daz took me out off the elevator and it looked like a large entry room. Hilary stayed on the lift as the door closed and I looked at where the doors shut, longingly.

Daz took me to the large double doors at the middle of the room and pushed me forward.

I watched as the doors shut and gulped. I turned around to find a huge hall. The grand stairs wrapped around the room as they descended down. I placed a shaky hand on the railing and started following the steps slowly.

There were people everywhere, dressed like me. That made me feel a bit better about my attire.

Some people were standing and others sitting at large round tables. I was near the bottom when I remembered Roman was suppose to meet me here.

I searched the large room to find him.

He was at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes locked on to mine as I tried to breathe.

I had never seen him in a tuxedo before, but he looked... I swallowed.

And for the first time since knowing Roman Parker, I had finally understood the constant feelings that plagued me.

He looked hot.


Roman's P.O.V

I kept an eye on the time. It was just before four and I was nervous as all hell. I haven't done this for anyone or myself before.

I shook hands of people that introduced themselves to me and made light small talk. I looked at my watch. 4:01pm.

Okay, it's four. I'll give her a few more minutes. This technically didn't start for another thirty minutes.

I was trying not to have a panic attack. I felt very open and public and I didn't like that. Is this what Grace feels? Why does she like that?

My heart raced in my chest as I smiled nervously at someone talking to me.

Okay, 4:09pm. Where is she?

I excused myself to go get her. I told her don't make me drag her down here, and as I put my head up to walk up the long stairs, an image of blue caught my attention. She looked nervous as all hell as she looked around the room.

She looked exquisite. The designer I hired picked well on the dress.

Grace's gold eyes went to mine and I froze. I've never froze like this before. It took a couple seconds until I recomposed myself as I lifted my hand for her to take.

Grace was more than gorgeous.

She nervously took my hand as she stepped down the last step. I felt my breathe had fled me as I weaved my arm with hers.

"Roman?" She looked at me. She looked scared. Afraid. She doesn't know about any of this. "What is this? What is going on?" She asked me softly.

"We are at an event." I answered her softly as I patted her hand with my free one. She looked up at me in surprise.

"An event?" She repeated me.

"Yes. Where is that wide smile?"

But all she gave out was a small nervous one.

"I'm the one that should be nervous, not you. Besides," I smiled down at her as she looked around the room, holding me tightly. "I'm your plus one."

Grace gasped as she turned to me completely. "My plus one?"

"Gee!" I heard the voice before I saw him. Grace's eyes went large. "Dean?" She whispered before turning.

Grace let me go and hugged Dean. "What are you doing here?" She gushed at him. "I was told you had something on this weekend with...."

I watched intently as Grace's face changed. She blinked a couple more times and turned to me then looked at Dean.

"This is the event I whined to you that I didn't get invited to!" She hissed at Dean. "Why didn't you tell me I was invited!"

Dean smirked at her. "I couldn't. I wanted to, trust me I did. But I couldn't."

"Why ever not?" She said in a hushed tone.

"I promised someone I wouldn't." Dean stated.

Grace looked furious. I went on high alert, ready to snatch her away.

"You're my best friend! Who made you promise not to tell...."

Then her angry green eyes flew to me. "You. You did this, didn't you?"

I smiled down at her. She looked rather cute when angry. I've seen her angry so many times before, but I never thought it to be adorable.

"What if I didn't go to your office? What if I didn't do what I did?"

I shrugged, looking quite smug. "I still would have gotten you here. Macy just gave you that push you needed, and it worked."

Her brows went together. "Macy?" she turned back to Dean. "Who else is in on this?" She asked us angrily.

"Don't think too much on it." I told her as I took her hand. She hesitated while looking at me.

"You set all this up?"

"Not just me." I answered her honestly. I had help.

"You did all this? This dress and hotel? Me turning up to your office? Asking somewhere to hide for the weekend? Getting Macy to try and get me to attend a party, after I told you I promised Hope I - oh, not Hope too!"

I smiled wider. Yes Hope too. I had a rather interesting chat with her after she met up with Grace at the Cafe the other weekend. She wanted to know why I was still around and I simply told her. Why can't I tell Grace though?

"Is there anything I can do that you don't know about?"

I gave her a stern look. As if I wouldn't have eyes on her.

"Are my parents in on this too?" She demanded from Dean and I.

"As far as I know, no." I answered her.

"You did all this for me?" She whispered to me. I took her by the hand. "What is this? What is it for? But why am I here?" She asked me softly as I led her away from Dean towards someone else I had already been introduced to.

"Gracie," I spoke to her and her eyes snapped to me.

"Did you just call -"

"This is Frances Devon, the Director for Stopping Hunger."

Grace looked surprised at me then Frances.

"That's one of the charities I work with." She whispered to me. "How do you know..."

"Ah! It's finally nice to meet you, Miss Griffin. I just want to personally thank you for your large donation." Frances said as he gently shook a shocked Grace's hand.

" donation?" She stuttered. "What donation? Did I donate recently?"

"Yes. The one million dollars."

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