Murder She Wrote

By fxckrauhl

13.9K 796 1.1K

A couples' good deed turns into something they have a hard time getting out of. A sadistic stranger takes ove... More

1. Veronica
3. Lunch date
4. I Watch You
5. "Shit! Fuck! Shit!"
6. Temptation
7. Till Next Time
8. Lady in Red
9. Do You Wanna Get Out of Here?
10. Calls After Calls
11. You're Sick
12. Power
13. Research
14. Yoga & Tension
15. Lets Play It Safe
16. She's not crazy, You are!
17. I, too, Am Lifeless
18. I Know What You Did
19. The Snitch
20. I Spy
21. Greater Damage
22. The Truth
23. The Truth Pt 2
Part 2: Smooth Sailing
25. Fear
26. Past Relations
27. Picture Perfect
28. It's Over
29. Impulsive Liar
30. Sick and Tired
31. You're fired
32. Divorce
33. Heavy Evidence
34. Leave While You Can
35. You're A Monster
36. The Intruder
37. Locked In
38. Sorry I Can't Help You
39. Then Shoot Me
40. Murder She Wrote
41. I'll Find You

2. Inconvenience

718 37 27
By fxckrauhl

I slowly opened the bedroom door, hoping not to wake up Sierra. But I was surprised to see she was still up with a book in her hand.

"You really didn't have to stay up for me." I said crawling onto to the bed and laying by her side. I grabbed one of her hand and intertwined it with mine. I know its only been a few hours apart but I really do miss her during the day. The only time I really have for her is night and we're both extremely tired then. Not to mention, Sierra is pregnant so it's my duty to fulfill her every need and let me tell you, the duties that comes with pregnancy isn't easy. There are times where she'd have contractions and I would have to get up and walk in circles repeatedly with her in the kitchen while holding her hand for support. Don't get me started on cravings, we cook every meal twice in our household because we're not only feeding two but three people.

"I just feel safer when you're here. Not fun, when I have to stay here all day alone you know." She said.

"I'm sorry, work really have been beating me whole," I sighed. "I promise I'll cut off less hours next week just for you." I kissed her hand and a huge grin appeared on her face.

"You don't have to do that. We can use the long hours anyways. The baby needs it." She rubbed her stomach in circular motion. "I really can't wait."

"Me too. We still need to get on with the name picking" I reminded her. We told ourselves we would brainstorm on baby names but it's difficult coming up with unique names for baby girls and Sierra is really picky when it comes to these sorts of stuff. Every name I suggest is either too long or too basic.

She groaned, "please don't remind me, I've been thinking this entire day and I just-" she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a hard object dropping on the ground. The sound was coming from downstairs.

"What was that?" Sierra sat up from the bed. I stopped her before she got up to walk out the door.

"It's probably the dog knocking down stuff. We'll find out tomorrow. Right now we need sleep."

"It sounded loud though."

"You worry too much," I pulled her back next to me. The one I'm hoping she won't make me do is go back downstairs, to probably find nothing and then waste energy to go upstairs again. Luckily she brushed it off and leaned in closer to me until she was under my arms again.

The next morning, I woke up a little later than usual. The alarm to my phone usually goes off every 10 minutes but today it was on vibration. The sunlight shining through the window blinded my eyes. "Fuck," I cursed to myself knowing there was another long day of work ahead.

"Michael!" I heard Sierra calling from downstairs, that was my signal to get up and get ready. I dragged my body out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom. One look at the mirror is all it took to make me feel like complete shit. I looked like complete shit. I stared at dark bags under my eyes, "why do you do this to yourself Michael," I heard my subconscious say. I splash some water in my face and begin to brush my teeth. After a quick shower, I laid out my work clothes on the bed.

Once I was dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast. Sierra stood by the kitchen stove, whipping up the usual, eggs and grits. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning love," I said in a playful seductive voice.

"You were supposed to wake up 5 minutes ago," she responded with an eye roll.

"A good morning back would've been nice" I took a seat at the dinning table. My coffee mug and a coffee plate of eggs were already sitting prompt ready for me. I noticed there was an extra plate sitting across from the table. It was probably reserved for Veronica. I've never met anyone who would still be sleeping around this time. It's past 11:00 am. She must've been really exhausted from last night.

"Have you checked on Veronica?" I said to Sierra.

She joined me at the table. "I thought she would've been awake by now. That's weird."

"Well I'm supposed to be driving her back today, she needs to hurry up."

"Did she mention where she stayed at?" Sierra asked.

I shrugged, "she didn't give a specific address or street but she did say it was far from here."

Sierra raised her eyebrows giving me a look, the type of look you'd give someone when you can detect their bullshit. "What?" I said confusingly.

"Isn't that odd to you. She doesn't stay close from here so how did she end up standing at that Deli shop out of all places?" I rolled my eyes. Sierra is by far the most paranoid person I've ever met and ever since she got pregnant it became worse. Even with one significant change of events, she assumes something or someone is out to get her.

"No you're right, I've bought a killer into our house" I sarcastically said with a laugh.

"I'm serious, just be more careful next time." She responded.

I sighed, "Sierra I wouldn't bring anyone I didn't trust or have a good feeling about inside the house."

"Well all I'm saying-"

"Morning," a voice from behind interrupted. I turned around to see Veronica standing by the staircase with one of Sierra's old blouse and pair of jeans on. She looked different, more cleaned up than last night. Her face was brighter and her hair was brushed down. She was carrying her other clothes in her hands.

I hope she wasn't standing there the whole time listening to everything we just said about her.

"Good morning Veronica, did you sleep well?" I said to her with an inviting smile.

She shrugged, "I couldn't sleep that well, I think standing in the rain gave me a cold."

"I can fix you some tea with lemon, it really helps with the cold," Sierra offered.

"No I wouldn't want you to go through all that trouble. Plus Michael has to get to work isn't that right?" She stared at me with her lifeless eyes. It was a bit weird how hard she would stare at people. She holds the strongest eye contact ever.

I checked the clock on my wrist. It was past 9 and she was in fact right. If we stayed here any longer I would have to clock in late and one of the many things my job can't tolerate is lateness.

"Yeah plus I also need to drop you off home first." I finished my last bit of coffee and placed it in the sink. I walked over to Sierra to give her a kiss goodbye.

"Why don't you start off the car while I make Veronica some tea to go real quick," she said. I nodded as I made my way over to the door with my car keys and belongings. I passed by Veronica who watched me brush past her and head out the door, "I'll be back." I called out.

I jammed the keys into the ignition once I got in. When I turned the key to start it, the car made a very loud rumbling noise and shut off by itself again. "What?" I said confused at why it won't turn on. I tried restarting it again but it didn't work. After the third time of trying I gave up. "You gotta be kidding me," I groaned to myself. Out of all the days, today it decides to be crap to me. I didn't know what the issue with the car was. I remember getting it fixed a month ago. The batter isn't dead? I filled it with gas last night. Must be something with the engines. I have no choice but to call an Uber. Wait Veronica. How am I supposed to drive her home now?

I took out my wallet hoping I had some spare change so I could tell her to take the bus or take an Uber instead. Luckily, I had $10 in cash and a couple of quarters, that should cover at least one ride.

I went back inside the house. "Uh, I got some bad news" I said closing the door behind me. Both Veronica and Sierra looked at me simultaneously. "The car isn't starting up and I don't know what's wrong with it. I have to call the mechanics to pick it up and take it to the shop."

"What about work?" Sierra responded.

"I'm probably going to take an Uber or call a coworker. Veronica I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I have $10 and a few quarters to cover a ride for you." I stuck the cash out for her to see then placed it on the table.

"I really appreciate it and I'm so so sorry for your car. Hopefully it's back on its feet when you return."

"I hope so. I need to head out now." I checked the clock on my wrist once again, I was only 10 minutes close to being late. "I'll see you later honey," I said on my way out.

Just when I thought about calling someone for a ride, it occurred to me that I forgot my phone on the kitchen table. I sighed realizing I had to walk back inside again.

"You don't have the brightest memory," I heard someone say. I turned around to see Veronica standing by the door with my phone in her hand.

"You're a saver," I said in relief. I walked over to her to retrieve my phone but instead of handing it over to me she placed it on my hand but didn't let go. She took the chance to lean in closer, close enough so I can see every feature on her face and feel her breathing slowly. I hesitantly took a step back. "I hope to see you again later" she said with her voice much deeper. There it was. That same smile again but this time it exposed a tiny dimple on the left side of her cheek. I didn't know what she meant by later when it was clear that she would be leaving soon. Maybe she was implying it as running into each other some other time. Whatever her weird remark was, I tried to ignore it and get my phone back. She finally let go and turned her heel to head inside.

I tried to comprehend that little moment that just happened but it was hard to make sense of it all. She was indeed an odd girl with a very unpredictable personality and one who apparently has no clue what personal space is.


yes, the chapters are going to get longer and crazier i know what you're thinking 🙃 this is just the opening. please bare with me.



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