Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts D...

By xchloeeex

677K 12.4K 5.3K

Pandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thank... More

The Start
The Cruciartis Curse
The Journey + The Sorting
Fifteen Year Old Delinquent?
Detention, Then Death?
The Seventh Floor...
Death Eater
Suspicions Already
Being Followed
Like Father, Like Daughter
Meeting Moody
Before The Match
Slytherin Vs Gryffindor
Being Suspended
Shouting Won't Help Now
Back To Normal.. In A Way
Trying To Keep It Secret
Department Of Mysteries
Back Home
The Effects Of Anger
The Truth Is Out
The Chamber Of Secrets
Trying To Help
No Getting Out Of This
Oh That's Your Form Of Torture
Say Goodbye
Safia Green My Childhood Enemy
Safia 1 - Pandora 0
The Fall
Bomb Shell x2
The Explanation
You Lie. I Hurt- Literally
Dead And Gone
I Don't Even Think She Cares.
Prove It.
Beside The River
Mood Rings
I Love You
First Date Disaster.
Elliott Blood
The end- of this book

A Baby?

14.1K 248 261
By xchloeeex

'I better go pack I have to leave the castle in 15 minutes' I said and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek 'Cya soon' I said and walked out of the boys dorm and into the girls dorm. 'Pack' I said flicking my wand starting to worry about how dad will react about me being suspended from Hogwarts. My things soared into my trunk and disappeared. Probably down to the Hogwarts express. I decided to leave Draco part of plan to give Dumbledore hell...


Please do this for me...  

Give Dumbledore hell...Imperious first, second and third years don't bother with fourth, sixth and seventh years they are too difficult to Imperious for your level. Tell them to stun and torture other pupils, teachers. Do it as soon as you can make sure you don't get found out. Try torture some Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor;s like Luna Lovegood or Lavender Brown they're both scum suckers. Make sure you remove their memory when your done with them.This will help my mission from my father. Thanks in advanced  


P.S. see you soon I promise  

P.S.S. burn this

I flicked my wand so it should make its way to under Draco's bed covers so when he goes to bed he will find it and read it. I walked down to the Great hall entrance where Snape was standing on his own. He watched me with a slight twisted smile on his face.  

'What you smiling at?' I asked sourly  

'You're not going to like this in the slightest' he said with a bigger twisted smile on his face.  

'You're staying round my house for the two weeks in which you are being suspended from this place Dumbledore-'  

My eyes widened in shock and anger 'Wha- No!' I nearly shouted 'I want-'  

'No need to shout Miss Riddle' said a calm voice from behind me. I turned on my head my fists clenched tightly by my sides. I felt my hair turn red as I saw Dumbledore walking swiftly towards me. I ignored him and turned on my heals to face Snape again. 'Im not staying round yours, anywhere but yours' I said stubbornly.  

'I would suggest Sirius's house, I have already asked him but he was strongly against the idea of having Voldemorts daughter in the presence of his home' Dumbledore said now standing next to Snape.  

'I don't want to go to his, I don't want to go anywhere, Im going to fail my owls because of ' i turned to Dumbledore 'you' I said in the most bitter tone possible. Dumbledore's expression stayed calm.  

'That's the bonus of staying round Professor Snape's' Dumbledore said smiling 'He will be giving you daily potion lessons and he will bring you transfiguration, charms, history of magic and more work to do so you will get the benefit of learning there too'  

My eyes turned red now 'why can't I stay here?' I asked coldly  

'Because you broke rules and rule breakers need to be punished-'  

'So you thought sending me to stay at Professor Snape's house, being kept inside the damp groggy house for two hole weeks will benefit me?' I asked my knuckles turning white.  

'It should do, you haven't really been in many lessons this term so staying at Professor Snape's you will be doing almost triple the amount of work you would do here for the next two weeks and also you will be safe'  

'Safe from what?' I asked him frowning at him in anger  

'Voldemort of course, he tried to kill you if you do not remember' he said sternly  

'Of course I remember, but im loyal to him now, why would he have any excuse to kill me now?' my voice rising  

'I do not want to discuss this any further Miss Riddle' Dumbledore said looking quite stressed  

As he finished speaking and glaring into my eyes Montague, Ginny and Fred walked towards us.  

'Well you all know why you are here, im sure' Dumbledore said to us. We nodded. 'Very well, off you go, you're return journey will be on the 14th of November at 11'o'clock on platform 9 and 3/4, I hope you learn you're lesson while you are gone, not to use violence in Hogwarts because it resolves in this or worse' Dumbledore kept his eyes on me the whole time he spoke.  

'Follow me then' Snape said looking unpleasantly bitter 'Montague and Riddle on my left side Weasley's on my right, we don't want any more trouble now do we?'  

We walked all the way to the Hogwarts Express in the space of 20 minutes in complete silence.  

'Oh Miss Riddle I amost forgot' Snape said suddenly as I stepped on to the train with the others 'Your wand please?' he demanded  

I tilted my head at him in confusion.  

'Your wand I want you're wand Dumbledore's orders, hand it over now' he said his expression blank. I stared at him for a moment then pulled my wand out of my back pocket and chucked it violently at him but he managed to catch it. 'I shall see you in London' he said.  

I swore at him in pastletounge then stormed of to an empty compartment. I slammed open the door and slammed it shut again. I sat down in one of the long seats and said 'accio wand' nothing happened. I groaned and lent back watching outside as the train moved faster and faster. I watched a hill in the distance and a black cloaked figure was standing on it. I edged close to the window and strained to see the figure's face but it was to far to make visible. I stared for a moment longer then gave up on trying to figure out who it was. The first hour on the train passed in silence i was watching another hill and the same figure appeared on it as I fell asleep I watched the figure disappear into the darkness.

I woke up as the train pulled to a stop at a bright white station. The sign platform 9 3/4 made me stand up and walk to get my trunk. I saw Fred and Ginny depart the train and their mother shout at them. I pulled my trunk off the train with Rollo my owl. I saw Snape standing waiting for me away from the Wesley's.  

They all gave me evil glares as I walked passed them. 'Hurry up Pandora I'm on a schedule' Snape snapped at me.  

I glared at him and walked faster 'well I am the one carrying the trunk Severus so what do you expect?' I shot back at him.  

'Give them here' he snatched the trunk and Rollo from me 'we are apperating to mine hold tight onto my arm. I hesitated and dug my nails into his robes. He didn't seam to notice. There was a sudden rush of heavy wind on my face and we were inside his house.  

'Wormtail' Snape called as he dropped my trunk onto the floor. A scurrying noise came from the hall and into the room. A rat like man came in as he saw me he bowed.  

'Pandora shall be staying here for the next two weeks, don't ask questions, do as she tells you to, I will be checking up on her every evening at 4'o'clock ' Snape said 'If I find that you are causing her any inconvenience, I will personally make sure you die a painful death' he said bitterly. I looked over at the clock it was 6:25am. 'Pandora i set up a room for you it's up the stairs turn right and it's the end door, well I better be off see you later' he said. There was a loud crack and he was gone.  

'Miss Pandora, Is there anything i can get for you?' Wormtail asked his lip quivering as my red eyes met his pale grey ones.  

'No, actually yes- no- no, I'll get it myself' I was starving. I walked to the kitchen where their was a a fridge filled with food and it had been enchanted so Wormtail couldn't get in by the looks of it. I swung it open and helped myself to some eggs, even though I hate eggs I ate 3 eggs (cooked of course). Half an hour later of searching Snape shelves full of potion making books for something interesting like a dark arts book I rushed to the toilet because I felt like I was going to be sick. When I had finished being sick I felt hungry again. I walked into the kitchen and took some biscuits out of a tin and ate them slowly. I walked back into Snape's library like room and in the back of the dark room in the shadows their was a very dusty section. It reminded my of the restricted section in Hogwarts which I had taken I quick look at before. I walked to the back and picked up a book that looked like it had been thrown from the shelve. On the spine it said 'Dangerous and Dark Magic' It looked as though it had never been opened. I opened the book into the middle. The pages were blank i flicked through it and all the pages were blank apart from the very last page which read 'Pandora, stay out of the dark magic books' I groaned and dropped the book and picked up another one which on the spine said 'Evil Magic' The pages were all empty apart from the last which had the same words written in it. I slammed the book onto the floor and walked out of the Library. The sick feeling came back and I rushed to the toilet and vomited just in time over the toilet.  

'M-Miss Pandora, are you Ok please I think you need to rest you look very pale' Wormtail said still quivering as I stood back up towering over him. I spat in the toilet and flushed it.  

'No, Im going out' I said  

'B-but Severus-' he began  

'I don't care, I'm going for a walk and don't! follow me' I said coldly  

I walked out of the dark house and out into the cold fresh air. A gang of muggle boy teenagers which looked around my age called 'Alright? Come play with us babe' the tallest of them called. I ignored them and walked off in the opposite direction towards the park. Once I got to the park there was a blond woman was sat on the bench reading a muggle magazine called OK. The blond muggle woman looked confused at the magazine. She looked up and saw me, smiled then suddenly turned back to her magazine. I walked over to the swing and sat down. I was hungry but I had just been sick twice. The woman looked up again at me looking dreadfully worried. I recognise her expression I had seen the same before. I stared at her as she stood up and walked away dropping the magazine into the bin. I sat on the swing for what felt like hours. Thinking about what Draco was doing then I remembered I had once got into Draco's mind. I should be able do do it again. I tried for 5 minutes until I saw into Draco's mind. He was sitting next to Pansy eating some toast. I exited his mind and decided if i was going to talk to him i better go back to Snape's. I got up from the swing and walked back to Snape's. Wormtail rushed towards me as I walked into the house.  

'Miss Pandora, I was getting worried-'  

'I'm a witch and im one of the most powerful witch's in the world why would you need to worry wormtail?' I questioned him.  

'You've been gone for two hours without your wand, Miss Pandora, Severus told me to make sure you stayed safe' he said  

'Leave me alone Wormtail, I have stuff to do' I ordered him as I walked up the stairs and into the room which Snape had arranged for me. It had Silver and Green walls and serpents on the walls. The room was small but cosy. I noticed a note sticking to the pillow on the bed. I walked towards it and read it:

Pandora, I had to confund Wormtail to forget i was here, It wasn't easy to find out where you were staying for the next two weeks. Dumbledore won't tell me anything any more. Anyway I NEED! you to meet me at the park down the road at 10'o'clock tonight It's important and urgent don't let anyone follow you. Tonks.

What dose she want to talk to me about? I wondered. Oh well time to get back to talking to Draco. He should be in potions right now. I tried to get into his mind and succeeded the first time.  

'Draco' I said into his head almost in a whisper 'It's me Pandora, shhh don't make any noise, speak to me through your thoughts'  

'What? where are you?' he asked  

'Im at Snape's-'  

'But Snape's in the potions, with me, right now'  

'Yes I know I can see him' I said as I looked out of Draco's eyes and Snape was walking over to Draco 'Act normal just carry on making your potion and I will explain what's happen-' I cut off feeling I was going to be sick again. I rushed towards the door but didn't make it and ended up being sick in a bucket. I had lost Draco's thoughts.  

'WORMTAIL' I called as I spat into the bucket. A scurrying noise came up the stairs and along the hall.  

'Yes Miss Pandora?' He asked looking worried.  

'Get rid of this' I said handing a bucket to him. His nose wrinkled at the smell 'I can't help it, one second im fine the next im being violently sick it's horrible' I said coldly 'Get out now, I don't need you right now' I said and shut the door on him. I entered Draco's thoughts again.  

'Sorry about that' I said  

'What happened?' he asked while stirring his potion and Snape was watching him.  

'I was sick-'  

He dropped the spoon into the potion and it splashed onto Snape's front.  

'why- oh shit!'  

'Draco!' Snape said in a annoyed tone as the potion that splashed onto Snape's front turned his robes pink. I laughed as Snape walked towards his desk and away from Draco  

'Good one' I said.  

'Are you feeling ok?' he asked  

'I'm fine now, I've been sick three times this morning but never mind that' I paused 'how's Hogwarts with out me?'  

'Boring, Pansy is getting annoying, Dumbledore's tightening security and Umbridge is slowly taking over, she asked me where you were at breakfast this morning when i told her she went to Dumbledore to try and get you to come back early because she thinks your a good role-model' he said laughing.  

'Draco don't laugh' I snapped and i looked at Snape and he was now walking towards Draco 'Well done' I said laughing.  

'I felt him laugh inside his head 'Draco what is amusing you?' Snape asked while starting into Draco's eyes and past them.  

'Shut your mind! shut it!' I yelled at him.  

'Tell Pandora I said stay out of the Dark art books' Snape said at him grinning.  

'Ask him why the pages are all blank' I ordered Draco  

'She want's to know why the pages are blank' he said  

'So she doesn't get any ideas, now get back to your work Draco and Pandora has to do the work I left her in the living room and she must know I will be visiting her at 12 and staying for the rest of the day and night because i have no lessons this afternoon' He said.  

I took in all of this. 'Well you heard him, go do you work' Draco ordered me. I laughed and left his thoughts. I walked down stairs to the living room to find seven books stacked with at least 20 pieces of parchment of top. I groaned and sat down and started with one of the two easiest subjects. Transfiguration there was only one piece of parchment for this which was filled with questions. I answered them all and correctly by the looks of it. Then I moved on to DATDA there was four pieces of parchment filled with questions for that and I answered all of them. Then I moved onto Charms which I had to write a essay about the summoning charm. Before I knew it the grandfather clock in the corner of the room stuck 12 and the sick feeling came again. I rushed to the toilet and vomited. I walked out of the toilet to get a glass of water and then blackness.

Snape POV  

'Pandora?' I called but there was silence. One of the books I had left her was open and the the seven inch essay lay on top of it. I heard a thud from the hallway. I rushed out of the living room and Pandora was lying on the floor looking very pale. I bent down next to her and shook her, nothing happened. She must have fainted. I put my hand to her forehead she was warm but not to warm. I lifted her, she was very light. I carried her into the living room. I started to pace the room, waiting for her to wake. She finally woke minutes later.

Pandora POV

Why was I here lying on the sofa, why is Snape pacing? 'What happened?' I asked 'You fainted... I think, are you feeling ok you're awfully pale' he said  

'I keep being sick and the next minute I feel fine, im fine now' I said rubbing the back of my head which was sore.  

'Well If you're fine now, how about some lunch?' he said  

I nodded my head. He flicked his wand and some sandwiches came in with my favourite filling in it cheese. The smell filled my nostrils and I gagged. 'I can't eat that, sorry, I-can't' I said frowning at the floating in mid air in front of me. Snape stared at me in confusion.  

'But they're you favourite, cheese you like cheese' he said in a shocked voice  

'It's the smell I can't bare it' I said pushing the sandwich away from me.  

'You've never minded it before' he said, now frowning.  

'I know, I don't know why I don't like it today it's... strange' I said frowning at the sandwich.  

'Well never mind' he said dropping it 'there is lots more food in the fridge go pick something' he said smiling weakly but I knew he was still confused. I got up and walked into the kitchen opened the fridge and shut it again then opened the freezer and picked out a tub of strawberry ice cream slightly bigger than the size of my hand. I grabbed a spoon out of the draw and walked back into the living room. He laughed as I ate the whole tub of it at the same pace he ate his sandwiches.  

'Right lets do some potions shall we' he said and clapped his hands together and a cauldron and at least 30 ingredients came in along with a reasonable sized table to place everything on. I groaned. He grabbed the potions book which i had moved to the bottom of the pile which I hoped he wouldn't see if he came back. 'I want you to make draught of death' he said and placed the book next to the cauldron 'your last attempt was... terrible'  

I finished making the potion and stepped back to let Snape look at it. He dropped a leaf into the cauldron and at it touched the surface of the potion it burnt to a crisp. Snape looked happy ' brilliant'.  

I smiled. I spent the rest of the after noon doing the work I had been set. As the clock hit 5 I finished answering the last question about history of magic. I slammed the book shut and sat back leaning against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. Snape walked over and checked all my work which took him less that a minute.  

'All correct, well done' he said.  

I wonder if I ask him for my wand he'll give it to me? worth a try.  

'No' he said before I could even ask 'I've told you why anyway Dumbledore's looking after it'  

Oh well I'll get it back in 2 weeks, I smiled at the thought of torturing Potter. Snape was watching muggle t.v. How boring. I walked out of the room and up to my room so I could talk to Draco. I saw through his eyes that he was putting the Imperious curse a third year to charm Dumbledores office so it gets filled with dragon dung.  

'That's brilliant Draco' I said which made him jump  

'I know' he said as he walked into the Great hall Dumbledore watched him 'Blimey, I wonder if he know's you are watching' he said  

'Your eyes have turned a greyish green for some reason that happens when people contact through their minds their eye colour mixes, just avoid eye contact ok' I told him. I felt Dumbledore trying to catch Draco's eyes the whole of the time he was having dinner.  

'He was really trying to get you attention' I said 'He was thinking of making a speech I could tell' I said as he entered the Dungeons.  

'Is Snape with you, at his house?' Draco asked  

'Yer, I've got to meet Tonks at 10 she said its important, so i'm going to sneek then, can't be hard to do thought because-'  

'Pandora!' Snape's voice called from downstairs  

'Hang on one minute, I'll be back' I said and left his mind. I walked out of my room to the top of the stairs and Snape was standing at the bottom 'What?' I asked  

'I hope you're not talking to Draco like you were this morning' he said  

'No' I lied  

'Good' he said beleiveing me 'I've got to go back to Hogwarts, Dumbledore's office has been filled to the brim with dragon dung I won't be back tonight but if you need me you know what to do' he said waving his left arm up at me. I laughed 'what's funny' he said  

'Dragon dung' I laughed ' In Dumbledore's office, does he know who did it?' I asked recovering from laughing  

'No' he said 'but I need to make a potion at the school to cover up the smell, I shall see you tomorrow at 4'o'clock ' There was a loud crack and Snape was gone. I walked downstairs and entered Draco's mind again.  

'I'm back' I said  

'Good' he said 'I want to see you'  

I felt sad it's hard having a relationship like this when the whole world thinks you're cousins but you're actually not, you're just the dark lords daughter and a followers son who both have to stay away from each other for 2 whole weeks 'I want to see you too, I really do, when is Hogsmeade weekend?' I asked  

'This weekend coming' he said  

'I'll see what I can do, I'll speak to you soon, I'm hungry, I love you' I left him before he could answer because I knew he was going to say it back. I walked into the kitchen and cooked some pizza. After I ate my pizza I looked at the time and it was 9. I walked trough to the living room and watched some muggle T.V it doomed me to boredom so I decided to leave early. I walked slowly down the road and arrived at the park which was pitch black and empty. One light was flickering at the side of the park. I went to sit down on the swing which I was on this morning. Most people would be tiered if the were awake for the amount of time I have been but I felt so alive. There was a faint pop from below the flickering light and Tonks was standing below it. She looked up at it and frowned, she was holding a bag carrier bag in her hand she shoved it in her pocket and looked around. She saw me and smiled, I stood up and walked towards her. She hugged me. She pulled away quickly and asked 'how're you feeling?'  

'Im OK, you?' I asked back, she looked worried  

'mm' she sort of hummed 'I have some news, and I'm here for you whatever you decide to do, OK?'  

A sudden rush of anxiousness flushed through me I nodded.  

'You have been sick and you fainted today, It's all signs, and I've been monitoring you for the last- well since you first started Hogwarts and I've guessed, just remember Im not 100 percent -'  

'Tonks spit it out' I laughed nervously  

'You- I think-you're pregnant'  

Her last word made my heart skip a beat. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I jumped up.  

'No!- you- you're wrong- I can't be I can't'  

'You and Fred-'  

I felt sick again, I bent over and was sick again for the fifth time today. 'Oh Pandora' she said and rushed to hold my hair up. I stood back up and wiped my mouth with my muggle hoody.  

'Please tell me you're joking' I begged her.  

'Trust me Pandora this is the worst thing I have had to do ever, you're only 15-'  

'Sixteen In two weeks' I interrupted, It was now one of them natural things that just popped out of my mouth. I slid down to the floor and put my head in my hands.  

'But remember I'm not 100 percent sure' I put my head up again and stood up quickly.  

'Well let's find out, but I need one of them-'  

'I got two just in case one lies' she said pulling the carrier bag out of her pocket 'Let's go back to Snape's, he's not there but Wormtail is, I can easily get him out of our way-'  

'Aurors have been after him for years, d'you mind if I send someone to get him tomorrow?' she asked  

'Go ahead' I said blankly. Please let it say negative please let it say negative I repeated in my head over and over until we were 5 house's from Snape's.  

'Pandora stop!' she said in a whisper 'Look!' she pointed to the sky. I followed her finger to see a dark mark floating above Snape's house.  

My eyes widened even more and I noticed my dark mark on my arm was burning.  

'C'Mon I need to get you out of here now!' she said and grabbed my arm. There was a rush of hard cold air and we were at the headquarters of the order of the phoenix where I had visited at the start of the year.  

'Sirius!' Tonks yelled at the top of her voice. Sirius came hurtling down the stairs.  

'Tonks? and' he peered around Tonks and saw me standing behind her 'you!' he said angrily  

'Sirius please, she's here for a good reason-'  

'and what would that be?' he snapped at Tonks  

'There was a dark mark above Snape's house, I wasn't going to let her go back there if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is there waiting for her especially in her condition' she almost yelled at Sirius.  

'What condition?' he asked looking confused but frowning at me  

'Later, me and Pandora have stuff to talk about' She shot at him and pulled my up the stairs past Sirius.  

'Tonks? Tonks dear is that you?' A woman's voice called from a door which we were passing. The door swung open and Mrs Wesley was standing there. Her eyes widened as she saw me. Crap!.  

'Not now Molly please' Tonks said pulling me up another flight of stairs and all the way to the quiet top of the building. 'Here' she said handing me the bag 'do them both at the same time and call me when you're done' She said and pushed me into the bathroom. Once I had done what I was meant to do with the pregnancy tests I put them on the windowsill and sat down on the lid of the toilet seat ' Tonks I've done it' I called as I put my head into my hands. Tonks opened the door and walked in and quickly shut it behind her.  

'What do you have to do now?' she asked picking up the instruction sheet.  

'Wait five minutes' I said. I was shaking violently. Tonks looked over the sheet, dropped it and pulled me up.  

'Five minutes is a long time, C'Mon lets find something to take you're mind off it' she said pulling me our of the bathroom. She pulled the door shut and said 'Alohomora'.  

'How about we-'  

'You!' Ginny's voice screamed 'What's she doing here!' she screamed even louder at Tonks. Tear's trickled down my cheeks. Tonks looked at me and placed her hand on my shoulder as a comforting support.  

'Please Ginny can't you see it's a bad time I'll explain-'  

'Good, has dear daddy finally died?' she yelled.  

Tears fell faster down my cheeks I slid to the floor and put my head into my knees.  

'Ginny, leave her alone' Fred's voice came from downstairs his footsteps hurried up the stairs 'Tonks what wrong with her'  

Tonks didn't say anything. Fred put his hand on my hand which was grabbing onto my hair. I didn't bother to reject it, I just carried on crying. I looked up at Fred and opened my mouth but nothing came out. I pushed his hand of mine and nodded at Tonks to open the door. She flicked her wand and it opened. I walked over to the window sill and shut my eyes while reaching for one of the tests, took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I took a second or two for my vision to adjust and see through my tear filled eyes. It said...'Positive' I let out a gasp and dropped it to the floor and reached for the other one which also said 'Positive'. The tears were pouring down my cheeks but I picked up the test I dropped and shoved them both in my pockets. I took one deep breath to calm myself it didn't work though. I walked out the bathroom. I ran my fingers through my hair and nodded to Tonks to tell her it's positive she pulled me into a tight hug and whispered 'You need to tell Fred'.  

'I can't-'  

'OK let me tell Molly she'll tell him-'  

'No I'll tell him' I said a little to loud. I pulled out of the hug to see if they heard that.  

'Tell who what?' Fred asked. I took another deep breath.  

'I need to speak to you. Please' I said softly wiping away the tears burning my cheeks.  

'OK' he said 'Privet? or-'  

'Privet' I said quickly  

He nodded and grabbed my hand and pulled it down the stairs into a old dusty looking room the curtains were making flapping noises, I ignored them. I shut the door behind us.  

'Are you OK? You look terrified' He asked, couldn't blame him for being nice to me though Im a teenager who has just found out she is pregnant and to top it all of I am Lord Voldemorts daughter.  

'No im not OK, well im am but- I have to tell you something' the tears started again. He stepped closer and wiped them away for me. I turned to the ground and he reached for my hand.  

'Spit it out will you, you're scaring me' he laughed  

I took yet again another deep breath and reached for the tests in my pocket and pulled them out and handed them to him. He accepted them and his jaw dropped open then he looked up at me. 'no!' he gasped 'NO! this can't be right, they're wrong, completely wrong, please tell me this is a joke please!' he shouted. I looked up at him his eyes were filled with tears, I couldn't stand it so I looked down. He wiped his eyes and wrapped his arms around me I didn't try to get out of his grip instead I hugged him back.  

'What are we going' I sniffed  

'I don't know, I really don't, but what I do know is it's going to be fine, we'll persuade Dumbledore to let you stay here in the holidays, I've heard that witch's pregnancy if 3 months faster than a muggles'  

'Oh god, you're joking' I said almost in a laugh ' What'll I do when Draco find out? He'll make sure Uncle Lucius hears about it and then Voldemort will find out then he really will kill me'  

'Stay with me' he said smiling weakly at me. I thought about it, it really does seam like the only option right now.  

'OK' I said  

He smiled then it faded 'First we need to tell My mum, shes going to go psycho brace yourself' he said. We walked out of the dust room Fred had his arm wrapped around me and he shoved the test into his pocket.


Finally finished that part :) What do you think, unexpected hey :) :L MWAHAHAAHAA!  


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Y/n Riddle. Daughter of the Dark Lord. However, nobody knows. Well, until sixth year when she gets paired up with a new Death Eater, Draco Malfoy. ...
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Arya Gerasimov lost her twin sister at a young age to Death eaters and has lived in the dark for a long time, not knowing much about the outside worl...