I Was Reincarnated As A God ~...

Von 012Raven012

45.5K 806 307

Azrail Amara is 16 years old when he dies and meets God. God gives him power although Azrail would rather not... Mehr

Chp 1 Meeting God
Chp 2 New World
Chp 3 Entering the Academy
Chp 4 The Duel
Chp 5 First Quest
Chp 6 Esteel and Elas
Chp 7 The Forest of Beginnings
Chp 8 A Game of Truth or Dare
Chp 9 Another Fight at the Guild
Chp 11 Disguises
Chp 12 Count Petrus Wraith Escort Mission (part 1)
Chp 13 Count Pertus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 2)
Chp 14 Count Pertus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 3)
Chp 15 Count Petrus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 4)
Chp 16 Count Petrus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 5)
Chp 17 Count Pertus Wraiths Escort Mission (part 6)
Current Measurable Status for Characters (main)

Chp 10 We Named Our Group Lunas Mortem

1.8K 37 3
Von 012Raven012

We got up today and the group head back to the guild, again, hopefully no more fights occur and I can finally get a quest done. Yesterday I was able to give Miss Woods the herbs for the other day but I haven't been able to have a moment of peace since I ganged up with this lot. Well there should be some new quests today, maybe I could persuade them into one that isn't to tiresome.

Rachel was the first through the door as usual and the whole group walked up to the quest board also gaining a few states from everyone around. We all looked at the quests that looked 'fun' and my relaxing day didn't look great.

Ogre subjugation
Goblin general subjugation
Sea dungeon investigation
Giant wasp subjugation
Rare herb collection in the mountains
Escort mission- Count Petrus Wraith.

.. How do you guys think it's fun?

"I don't know which one to pick what do you guys think."- Rachel.

"I think we should do the herb one."- Shane.

Hmm.. decent.

"We could but it could take days to get there and then we have to come back, we could always take some days of school. Since we're in the top class we are allowed to leave occasionally on quests."- Matthew.

Noo.... why do it then.

"That's boring, why don't we do a monster subjugation." Luke.

"How about we do nothing. I don't want to work with Azrail any longer."- Hyxel.

For once I actually agree with you Hyxel.

"I know how about we do the escort one. We haven't done one in a while. It's right here in town as well. Escort requests are hard to come by and it would be a good experience for Azrail."- Rachel.

"I would rather not."- Hyxel.

Same. Rachel shot Hyxel a venomus glare, which made Hyxel back down. I'm not sure why they all do what Rachel wants. I think it's her energetic and innocent- like aura and her pure unwavering stubbornness that makes it hard to change her mind.

".."- rest of group.

I guess we're doing the escort one then. At least I don't have to travel that far. It says that more than one group can take this quest too so hopefully I won't have to do much. Rachel snatched the piece of paper front he board and ran over to the counter while the rest of us walked after. Rachel passed the request over to Miss Woods. She said that was fine but she also talked to us about the guild cards.

"Actually I'm glad you're here the guild cards are actually being changed and everyone has to have theirs renewed. They added a new function called party. It means you can have more people together and to be connected by a name on their cards. We had a problem with people going on quests together and then when they got the reward they refused to share and said there was no proof they were working together."- Miss Woods.

"Oh really, the guild cards are hardly ever changed, so exciting. It's terrible somebody would do something like that though, I wouldn't even think of betraying my friends."- Rachel.

"Well I'll accept your request but I think we should get all your cards renewed and put it on the new one so you don't have to change over the request to the new card mid way."- Miss Woods.

"You can do it right now actually, we called in an appraiser in for a bit, who'll be helping out since the whole guild needs a new card and crystals are quite slow. She should be down the hall in one of the meetings. If I'm correct she's with a couple of people now but you shouldn't have to wait long she is quite good at her job and should be finished quickly."- Miss Woods.

"Yeah okay we'll wait for a bit for her to finish."- Rachel.

We all went across to the bar and sat down at a table. A few pairs of eyes landed on our group of students who were praised as prodigys. I just ignored them. After a while a lady members of staff came running over to our table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Sirs and Miss, please follow me to Miss Baseera."- Miss staff person.

We followed this lady down to one of the office rooms which are located on the first floor of the guild (in case i didn't already mention it.)

The lady quickly bowed and ran off again probably back to her main duties. We opened the door to he room and saw a woman standing on the inside. She looked rather attractive and all the guys (excluding me and Esteel) were staring at her. Giving the group more reason to suspect me and Esteels relationship again. I just didn't care and Esteel is technically a wolf so..

She smiled at us and called us over to were she was. The room was very mystical if you can say that there were a lot of files and potions and stuff, I suppose she is also an alchemist.

"Well I'll just go through you one by one then. When I call you over just hold out your hand for me, you could do it without but I can get a more accurate reading that way."- Miss Baseera.

She called Hyxel over first. Hyxel held out his hand and Miss Baseera held it causing Hyxel to blush. She told him all his current stats, skill, titles jobs etc. Even though you don't have to have stats and stuff on your card just name age race level job and titles and now also what your party  is and if you have one and if you have a slave also your social status. She made his new guild card. The layout looked like this

Name:Hyxel Celcus

Job/titles: Magic swordsmen, disliked.

Party- None currently.

Slaves- None currently.

Social status- illegitimate noble child.

That 'disliked' huh, well he does act like a jerk all the time so I guess that explains it. The women was trying not to laugh and hurt his pride. It also showed his past with the social thing, I feel like that's a bit mean exposing him like that but I suppose it can't be helped.

She then called Luke, this is what his looked like.


Name:Luke Banks

Job/titles: Warrior, bringer of dumb luck.

Party- None currently

Slaves- None currently

Social status- Heir to the head of the Royal Guard.


Next was Rachel.


Name:Rachel Myers
Race: Human

Job/titles: Mage, air-headed.

Party- None currently

Slaves- None currently

Social status- Commoner.


After Rachel Matthew was called over.


Name: Matthew Brown.

Job/titles: Mage/tactician, clever.

Party- None currently

Slaves- None currently

Social status- Commoner


After Matthew Had finished she called up Shane


Name: Shane Ashwood

Job/titles:Hunter, nature lover.

Party- None currently

Slaves- None currently

Social status- Prince of an eleven country.


Then after Shane, next was Esteel.


Name:Esteel Lupus

Job/titles: Hunter, loyal, slave.

Party- None currently

Slaves- None. Master- Azrail Amara.

Social status: Slave


And then finally it was mine turn. I had been trying to make sure that I hid my status. While I was changing it the lady looked wide-eyed towards me and when she finished she looked very suspicious and confused.


Name: Azrail Amara
Level: 29

Job/titles:Assassin, Master of a slave, Gentleman.

Party- None currently

Slaves- Esteel Lupus.(Human).

Social status- Unknown.


She seemed surprised I had a slave and that she couldn't find out my social status. I had trouble trying to change that part since it wasn't originally in my status it was hard though I'm glad I kept it from saying 'God'.

She said that she was finished and we could leave. When we were exiting she called me back.

"Azrail Amara could you stay behind for a moment, it won't take long I promise. Your friends can wait out in the lobby."- Miss Baseera.

"I don't mind. Do you guys mind waiting."- Me.

"Sure no problem Azrail just be quick"- Rachel said as her and the others left me with Miss Baseera.

Esteel refused to leave and stayed to 'make sure I was safe and so nobody would try to kill me'.

"..... So what's up with your Status. For a brief moment I saw something really weird before the stats I told you."- Miss Baseera.

Through the bond Esteel reminded me it would blow our cover if I told her. Obviously i knew that but I did ask her what she saw.

"Oh really?.. what did you see Miss Baseera."- Me sounding not suspicious at all.

"Well I can create a screen like the one I  saw with a skill I have to show you."- Miss Baseera.

The screen looked like this.

Name:Azrail Amara

Health: *error*
Mana: *error*

Strength: *error*
Speed: *error*

Job/titles:Assassin/Gentle-man. Master/owner of Esteel. More titles cannot see.*error**error*

Slaves/Servants:1. Esteel(*error*).

Skills:Shadow Step, Silent, Quick kill, conceal presence, detect presence, dagger/knife mastery, poison mastery. More skills cannot see. *error**error*

"So... " - Miss Baseera started. " Do you have a skill that messes with status reading or something. If you do I must admit you're quite skilled if you could hid your skills from me. You messed up for second but for me to not notice anything strange afterwards. I'm curious. Also you probably shouldn't pretend to have so many skills, titles etc. some people may come after you if they think your especially strong and demand a fight, its quite a bother i hear."- Miss Baseera.

"Emm... yes I do have a skill that does that. It's something I had a talent for, I've had it for a long time and have apparently done very well in it. I'll be sure to kept that in mind as well."- Me.

Not really though, it's all lies.

"I see, truly an interesting gift. Would you mind if i asked you some more about it."- Miss Baseera.

"Like, a bit yeah, kinda personal, no offense but I'd rather not."- Me.

Yeah, why should I have to make up more backstory? It's stupid asking for more work... and so bothersome for me.

"I see, a bit disappointing but well I can't force you. I should probably let you get back to your friends then."- Miss Baseera.

I walked out of the room and saw a suspicious cloaked figure standing unusually close to the room. Totally not eavesdropping. Knowing my luck they will probably cause trouble. I'm not even gonna brush it of like 'probably just waiting for Miss Baseera' because I know that's not true since you get led here and according to the lady who brought us here the next session isn't for another hour so, yep... trouble.

Maybe I'll pretend it doesn't exist for now at least.

Suspicious Figure PoV

I was sent by my boss to spy on the adventurers getting they're new cards and it was so utterly boring. Most of them are young adults or teens, I saw a few formidable people but hardly anything of interest. Now I have just seen a bunch of kids go in. Miss Baseera, as she was called, had just finished appraising the group of kids just sent in. They were the top students of the magic academy and some people were waiting in the lobby for them to come back, that way they can see how strong they actually are.

Miss Baseera sent them out but called one back which I found strange so I was gonna eavesdrop, I'm very proficient in sneaking skills though so none shall notice. One of the group was annoyed at his social status of an illegitimate child. Quite strong for his age though so he shouldn't complain. The only girl was all bubbly and was talking about what they would do when the guy that I had presumed was the one who stayed with Miss Baseera came back.

"Sure no problem Azrail just be quick"- Girl.

"So hey what do you think we should do when Azrail is finished."- Girl.

"I don't know Rachel I'm more curious as to why Miss Baseera called him out. There shouldn't be anything unusual, well, except for the strength since he is a top student like us but since we weren't called back I find it strange . I wonder what it is."- Guy #1

"Yeah Matthew you're right. We should ask Azrail about it."- Guy #2

"I don't know Hyxel I feel like if it was something that would concern us he would have already told us and it's not our business to pry."- Guy #3

"Maybe you're right Shane but it's still suspicious, I won't ask him about it though . I don't really need to know I suppose."- Guy #1

"After Azrail is finished how about we go shopping. We might want to invest in  somewhat of disguises though, a lot of people have been staring. Particularly at our cards its making me uncomfortable."- Girl.

The guy who had yet to speak (looking like a musclehead though) glared at all the people when the girl mentioned that she was uncomfortable, I must admit though, it was fun to watch.

I decided to head back to Miss Baseera and that guy called Azrail.
This guy also had a slave with him which I found weird, he didn't seem like he was from a wealthy or well-known family since I didn't know him and I knew a lot of the important people being a spy and all. The slave could've just been a family slave and they just happen to be able to get their hands on a slave.

As I reached a point I could hear the conversation, I just caught the end of it.

"I see, truly an interesting gift. Would you mind if i asked you some more about it."- Miss Baseera.

"Like, a bit yeah, kinda personal, no offense but I'd rather not."- Azrail.

"I see, well I can't force you. I should probably let you get back to your friends then."- Miss Baseera.

Hmm.... Miss Baseera is actually interested in something. I should find out what it is.

Azrails PoV

I was walking back to my group, Esteel following closely behind and Rachel called out to me.

"Hey Azrail, wanna go shopping with us." - Rachel.

"Sorry Rachel but I'd rather not, it's quite troublesome. A lot of people just stare at us. It's not like we're monsters or anything."- Me.

<everyone in the group except Esteel and Azrail think, well with our strength we're worse than monsters >

"Come on Azrail, besides we're going to buy disguises anyway."- Rachel.

I really don't want to go but a disguise would be helpful when going out it's annoying getting stared at all the time.

"Fine, I'll go, your ok with it to Esteel?"

"Yes Young Master."- Esteel.

"I think it would be could if we got a logo for our group as well, when we're hunting we'll look more like a team!"- Rachel.

"Speaking of our group how about we register as a party in the guild since we now usually hunt together."- Matthew.

"Yes I believe that we should register with the guild as a party also it would be useful to be able to call our group collectively with one name."- Shane.

We all go up to the counter and register as a group. Esteel got registered too but the guild says that anything that he does would be my responsibility. Also that punishments from the guild would be harsher on him since the nobles who take care of it don't really consider slaves citizens. I decide it would be fine and they most probably wouldn't be able to seriously injure Esteel anyway if it really came down to a fight.

We named our group Lunas Mortem.


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