XiYou Deal Chapter Story

By XiJia_Pinay

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A lengthy one-shot fanfic. Novella-like. Premise: What if Meteor Garden 2018 followed the ending in the manga... More

Deal: Chapter 1
Deal: Chapter 2
Deal: Chapter 3
Deal: Chapter 4
Deal: Chapter 5
Deal: Chapter 6
Deal: Chapter 7
Deal: Chapter 8
Deal: Chapter 9
Deal: Chapter 10
Deal: Chapter 11
Deal: Chapter 12
Deal: Chapter 13
Deal: Chapter 14
Deal: Chapter 15
Deal: Chapter 16
Deal: Chapter 17
Deal: Chapter 18
Deal: Chapter 19
Deal: Chapter 20
Deal: Chapter 21
Deal: Chapter 22
Deal: Chapter 23
Deal: Chapter 24 Part One
Deal: Chapter 24 Part Two Excerpt Only
Deal: Chapter 25
Deal: Chapter 26
Deal: Chapter 27
Deal: Chapter 28
A Second Once In A Lifetime
Deal: Chapter 29
Deal: Epilogue

Deal: Chapter 30

1.1K 16 6
By XiJia_Pinay


Chapter 30

Act One: I, Dong Shan Cai

Have you ever wondered what will happen to you in the future? At least the 18-year old me never thought something like this would happen in real life. My name is Dong Shan Cai. I'm just an ordinary 18-year old girl. ...

I, Dong Shan Cai, am ready. I'm going to work hard at Ming De University and start this new chapter in my life. ...

Who would have thought? This person in front of me stirred up my peaceful life, gave me the courage to overcome so many obstacles, and let me step closer and closer to him until today. ...

Seven years ago, I was a young woman with ambition of succeeding and expanding my mother's catering business. I was full of hopes and dreams. I only wanted to live a peaceful life surrounded by my family and friends.

But all my plans were messed up because of a broken phone. It got messed up by an arrogant, green shoe-wearing, pineapple head. The big jerk who made my first year at Ming De University very miserable.

However, this I can say now: my encounter with him was a blessing. We used to hate each other's guts but now we deeply love each other. We can't imagine what our lives would be without the other. No matter how many times people attempted to separate and pull us apart we always find our way back to each other. Because we belong with each other.

My name is Dong Shan Cai, happily married to Dao Ming Si. (Yes, Dao Ming Si.) I've graduated Ming De University with honors and has succeeded in my family's Dong Squid business. I've also continued the catering business my mother used to do.

I'm proud of what I've become and my accomplishments to this day. But what I'm most happy about and proud of is the gift of life. Dao Ming Si and I were having problems conceiving and so when I finally found out that I was pregnant my joy couldn't be contained. And you know what's even more exciting? To not just have one baby but two. Yes, twins!

It wasn't an easy pregnancy though. At first I didn't know I was carrying twins but I was worried how I gained weight all of a sudden. Then in one of my check ups the doctor informed me about it. I kept it a secret for a while hoping I'd surprise my husband. Instead, I was the one who got surprised when he told me he had to leave for London for a few months since his work required him to be there. I was so upset that I had to leave the engagement party of my best friend Xiao You to Xi Men.

Dao Ming Si and I managed to solve our problems. I finally told him the reason I was mad at him. He promised he'd try to be there when the time comes for me to give birth. And he didn't break his promise. Thanks of course to Zhuang-jie who put sense into his younger brother and took over for him the negotiation deal. He arrived just in time to witness the birth of our twin boys. They stayed in the hospital's NICU for a few weeks until the doctor was sure that they could survive without the assistance of the incubator. I'm so relieved that they're both normal and healthy.

Twins. Boys. I'm so outnumbered. We've decided to name them Dao Ming Zhen and Dao Ming Di. They're like miniature versions of their father. And guess who adore them so much? My mother-in-law! Yes! Dao Ming Feng returned from her vacation trip in the Middle East to welcome the new addition to the Dao Ming clan.

More good news came. Zhuang-jie called and shared with us that the hotel merger negotiation deal was a triumphant success! Then she told Dao Ming Si that for now she would take care of business. "Just stay put in Shanghai. You take of Shan Cai and your babies and I'll take care of the business." We owe her so much. And we can't wait for her to visit us in Shanghai. I know she's gonna spoil like crazy her new nephews.

I, Dong Shan Cai, couldn't be more happier in life.

Act Two: The Good Place

Am I dead?

That was the question that flooded through my mind. I don't know where I am. The last thing I remember was that I was in so much pain. I heard people shouting frantically, "She's losing too much blood!" Maybe I was dying then. Maybe I am really dead now.

I don't feel pain anymore. Nor do I feel weak. In contrast, my body feels light. It's like I am waking up from a long slumber and I can't remember anything at all.

I tried recalling what happened. What was I doing before? Where was I before?
In spite of the feeling of lightness in my body, my eyes felt so heavy. I squinted. Where am I? Why is it so bright in here? If I'm really dead then this must be heaven. Right?

Wherever I am now, it's not some place I belong to. I wanted to get out and leave this place. I'm suddenly mad at myself. I'm scared.

"Help!" I touched my throat. Why is there no sound? "Help!" I tried again. I must have shouted myself hoarse and still I hear nothing.

I'm panicking already.

Please, somebody, help me. Please. Help me. Help.

Then the world slipped away.

Five days ago...

I'm nearly nine months pregnant. Unlike my first pregnancy I didn't suffer from preeclampsia. At my last check up the baby and I were both fine and healthy. So I was calm and relax, worry-free on this one.

Xi Men on the other hand was so stressed out. Mainly because I kept having food cravings in the middle of the night.

Flashback on my fourth month of pregnancy...

"Xi Men," I kicked him.
Xi Men stirred in his sleep. "Whaaa....what?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"I'm hungry."
"Okay, I'll get you something to eat." He rose from the bed, donned his night robe and left the room.

Five minutes later he returned with a plate of sandwich.

"Here." He handed it over to me.
I made an ugly face as soon as I saw the sandwich. "I don't want that."
"You said you were hungry." Xi Men put the plate on the side of the bed.
"I am. But I think I want to eat a grapefruit." I said. "Yes, a grapefruit. That's what I want to eat."
"But we don't have a grapefruit." Xi Men replied.
"Then go out and buy some."
I nodded. "C'mon! I can't go back to sleep unless I've eaten a grapefruit." I demanded.
"But it's three in the morning, Xiao You." He tried to reason out with me.
"I don't care. Just buy me. I'll be waiting for you."

Since this was Xi Men's first time to experience pregnancy with me he was starting to lose his cool with my ungodly hour and highly unusual food cravings. And an unsatisfied pregnant Xiao You is not someone to be messed around with. So he had no choice but to go out and hopefully find a twenty-hour convenience store which sells grapefruit.

I never really liked grapefruit as a child and even as an adult. So it came as a surprise for me that this is what I was craving. Good thing Shanghai has a good supply of this or else Xi Men would have to look elsewhere. Because I'm not gonna be satisfied and full until I've eaten one.

Xi Men wanted to know early on what our second child will be. He has been saying over and over again that he wanted a girl. To make it even. One boy, one girl. Since we're both an only child we are in agreement on this. But whatever the sex of our new baby really is I don't mind. As long as it is healthy and normal. This child will grow up loved and cherished.

So when it was possible to tell what the sex of the baby was, Xi Men was so excited. Even more so when the doctor told us we are having a girl. I guess Xi Men gets his wish fulfilled after all.

Seventy-two hours ago...

We were having a pleasant family dinner when I felt a terrible pain in my abdomen. I knew at once that I was having labor contractions. I breathed and counted. It wasn't long but it was painful. I managed to get through the entire dinner without anyone noticing my predicament. Fortunately, we have a hot pot so my breathing was well timed and well placed. As we finished desserts however a sudden pain shot up and I couldn't help but winced.

Xi Men heard it and asked me. "Are you okay?"
I gave him a forced smile. "Ah yes. Just the baby kicking, that's all."
"Really?" He said excitedly. He hurried to my side and touched my belly. "Wow! That was a strong kick."
"Yesss." I whimpered as another contraction started.
He looked at me worriedly. "Did that hurt?"
I nodded because I couldn't speak when the pain was too much to bear.

It's not yet my due date. Why am I having these labor contractions so early? Xi Men removed his hand on my belly and offered it to me so I could rise from my seat. Thankfully, the contraction had ended. Unluckily, as soon as I got up I felt water gushed between my legs. Oh no! My water just broke!

And Xi Men saw it. I don't know which of the two of us looked dumber. We were both surprised by it.

"I think my water just broke." I said quietly. "And I think I'm about to give birth now."
"MA! PA!" Xi Men yelled. "MRS. LU!"
These three people ran to us at once.
"What's wrong Yan? Why are you yelling?" My mother-in-law asked.
"Xiao You's about to give birth now." He informed them.
Soo Lin gasped. "Let's get Xiao You to the hospital right away."

Forty-eight hours ago...

I've been in labor for almost twenty-fours now. I'm really tired. I thought second pregnancy happens fast and is easier compared to a first pregnancy. So why am I in so much pain and laboring these long hours? Even Xi Men is tired too. He hasn't left my side since we've entered the delivery room. Without him, I don't know if I could still make it. According to my doctor, I'm still at five centimeters dilated. Seriously?!

We also opted for a Lamaze childbirth delivery. So I couldn't ask for induced labor although that seemed really like a very good idea now.

I'm also hungry. But all I can have are ice chips.

Please, baby girl, come out of mommy's tummy already. Mommy is tired and hungry. And I wanna sleep already. Please. Daddy is also eager to meet you already. Please my darling little princess come out already.

Twenty-four hours ago...

"One more push." Xi Men encouraged me. I inhaled deeply and with all the strength that's left in me I gave one big push.
Then a baby's cry was heard.
"Baby out!" Somebody yelled.
Xi Men let go of my hand and took in his arms our baby girl. I smiled at the sight of them. This was his first time to hold our baby. And I wanted to cherish that moment. Then my vision became hazy and blurry and it went totally dark.
"XIAO YOU!!!" I could hear Xi Men calling my name. "XIAO YOU!!!"
"She's losing too much blood!"

Present time...

I don't know how long I was gone. I'm still confused whether I'm dead or alive. It's just so bright wherever I am now. I still can't quite open my eyes. But I know that the place I am at is very bright. Sunshiny bright.

I felt a touch on my hand. I wanted to see who it was but I couldn't. I felt something moved. Then a voice. A man's voice.

"Xiao You." I recognized at once that it was Xi Men's but he sounded so different. Like he has been crying. "Please wake up. Please, please, please." He cried. So he was really crying.
"Xi Men, I really want to wake up already. But I can't. My eyes won't open. And even though my body feels light I just can't seem to move it. I don't know what to do. Help me." I tried saying to him. A part of me felt relieved that my husband is near me. I can hear him.

"You need to wake up already. Xiao Tian is looking for his mommy. And you need to see our baby girl. She looks like you by the way." He said smiling. I knew him by heart already that even though I can't see his face I knew he was smiling as he said that.

"Everybody is here waiting for you to wake up." He went on. "Our parents. They're really worried, you know." He stroked my hand. "Dao Ming and Shan Cai are here too. Just like how they were there for you when Xiao Tian was born. They're cheering for you."

"Mei Zuo came with Xiao Qiao last night. They were out on a date and came here. You have to wake up. We can't miss their wedding. It's gonna happen soon like I told you." He laughed. And I think I laughed too. Well, I wanted to laugh along with him.

A few months ago, Mei Zuo began dating Yin Xiao Qiao. He was opposed at first but he has been seeing her for quite a while now. And even though he kept telling us that his mother made him do it, Xi Men and I thought that he was doing it on his own free will now.

I remember a conversation the two men were having while we were celebrating Shan Cai's birthday.

"I haven't seen you lately, Mei Zuo. You're so busy dating."
"Who says I'm dating? I, Mei Zuo, is a chauffeur. At morning I fetch her to work. At evening I drive her home."
"Whatever. You're still dating."
"C'mon! I'm just doing my mother's bidding so she won't keep nagging me."
"Oh really?"
"Auntie Mao has probably arranged your wedding."
"What wedding? I won't marry someone who does not love me."
"Yin Xiao Qiao doesn't like you? I thought it was the other way around."
Mei Zuo was speechless.
"Caught you this time!"
"Eh Xiao You, is Xi Men this nosy?"
"Don't evade my question. You have fallen in love with Yin Xiao Qiao, but you're not sure if she loves you. Eh, does dating make one grow dumber? Every one can see that she so desires to marry you. Of course, she loves you."
"It's because we are both rich."
"Are you an idiot?" Lei interjected. "And you'd gladly be her chauffeur?"
His two other friends were dumbstruck.
"What I mean is, you should ask her directly. Why play guessing games?"
"You're saying this because of what happened between you and Jing, right?" Xi Men asked Lei.
Lei didn't respond.
Meanwhile, Mei Zuo looked like he was pondering what Lei told him.

"Lei is here as well. I don't know where he is right now. But he must have found a quiet staircase where he can sleep."

The weirdest of them all. I'm not particularly close to Lei even now but I know if ever you needed a friend, Lei will always be there. It takes a while though getting used to his savage tongue. He's just speaking the truth out of love, that's all.

"See, we're all waiting for you. We're all cheering for you. We need you. I need you. Xiao Tian and our baby girl need you. They've been asking me what name we should give to our girl. I told them to wait because I want to know what name you want. We haven't really decided yet so I want it to be both our decision. Or else I'm gonna start calling her Baby Fish since you're my Little Fish." He smirked.

This guy! He really does love me. That knowledge warmed my heart.

"Chenglin." I murmured.

I felt his hands let go of mine. "What did you say?"
"I said Chenglin." I repeated.
I nodded. And I could feel that my head moved a little bit. Wait! I can move?! I attempted to open the lid of my eyes and they moved too. Ever so slowly I opened my eyes and the bright light hurt them. I raised my left hand to block the light that was coming in from the windows. I saw that the curtains were parted. My eyes scanned the room and I realized that I was in a bed. Inside a hospital room. And there was Xi Men sitting on a chair by my right side.

"Xiao You!!! You're awake!!! Thank goodness!!!" He hugged me. His tears staining my face and shoulders. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Xi Men..."

He pulled away and wiped the tears on his face. "I'm sorry. I'm just really happy that you're awake.

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse.

"You've been asleep for three days."


Then he told me everything that happened. So I almost died because of fatigue and blood loss.

"But you're awake now. You're still alive and please promise me you'll stay alive always?" He said.

"No one stays alive always. But I promise not to scare you like that again." I said.

"Thank you." He kissed my hand.

He left the room so he could tell everyone that I was awake.

Everyone he mentioned was really there waiting for me to wake up and were giving comfort and support to Xi Men through the whole ordeal. The doctor and a nurse came in and checked me. I was told to stay for a couple more days at the hospital until my wound has healed and I've regained my strength.

I also finally met my baby girl. Or Baby Fish as my husband has nicknamed her.

"Hello Chenglin." I cooed. "I'm sorry I only get to meet you today. Mommy was sick. But I'm okay now." I said while trying not to cry.

"Hey!" Xi Men put his arm around me.

"I'm just so happy." I told him. Chenglin does look like me. A miniature version of me. Xi Men must really love me this much because all our children looked like me. If ever we're blessed with another child, this time I would wish that he/she would look like Xi Men.

That night, Xi Men decided to stay with me. He just wanted to make sure that I was alright. His parents took Xiao Tian home with them. My little boy has been crying unceasingly during the entire time I was unconscious. When he saw me awake, he ran straight to my arms.

"Mommy." He cried.

"Hush, Xiao Tian. Mommy's okay now." I said trying to calm him and reassure him.

He can speak a few words a little and he was trying so hard to tell me about his little sister.

"Sister... 'by fish!"

We all laughed. Kids say the darnest thing.

Before I closed my eyes, I pictured the sight that greeted me when I regained my consciousness. Everyone I loved and who mattered to me were all there. And I may have wandered in realms unknown but this right here with all of them present is the good place. The good place to be alive. The good place to be loved. The good place to be happy.

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: January 1-5, 2019

1) To get it even with Chapter 28, this one is written from the point of view of our female leads - Shan Cai and Xiao You.
2) The twins names are taken from Jerry Yan's full Chinese name Liao Yang Zhen and if you've probably guessed Dylan Wang's full Chinese name Wang He Di.
3) The inspiration for Xiao You's near death experience is Julia Quinn's The Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever.
4) The flashback conversation of Mei Zuo and Xi Men is taken from Meteor Garden S2 E28.
5) XiYou's baby girl is named Xi Men Chenglin after Rainie Yang or Yang Chenglin; so this makes Xi Men and Xiao You's children being named after Ken and Rainie the original XiYou couple from Taiwanese version of Meteor Garden).
6) Honestly, if chapters 9-12 were the hardest to write for me, I think this one is even more tougher. I had the idea in my head but I just can't write them down as I wanted to or imagined. The beginning of another writer's block. And it sucks! Down to the last two chapters and I have to experience so much difficulties this time. I hope I can really get through this.

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