Trouble With Us

By AlwaysLoveMe2

4.6K 248 33

Life is so often sculpted by circumstance and missed opportunities. Are we in control of our future or subje... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Preview The Trouble With This (Book 3)
Preview Love Me

Chapter 5

219 13 4
By AlwaysLoveMe2

Chapter 5........knock knock

Despite the fact the kids were only gone four days I was positive it felt more like a month. The times Will had the kids I often found the house to be far to big and quiet. That and it actually stayed clean which was a bizarre concept compared to its usual controlled disaster.

I was just making cookies when I watched Wills Land Rover pull in. As pathetic as it is I held my breath watching to see who got out of the drivers seat. I knew it was probably one of the henchman but a small part of me hoped it would be Will. I watched as everyone but the driver got out and started grabbing their bags from the back. Finally the drivers side door opened and Will stepped out.

Quickly I tossed the last batch of cookies in the oven. Checking my appearance which was far more composed than the last time Will saw me I waited for them to open the door.

"Hey mom," the girls said in unison as they gave me a hug.

"So how was it?" I asked still watching the doorway for Will to come through.

"Good," they wondered off towards the smell of the baking cookies. "Can we have some?"

Taking Logan from the nanny I kissed the top of his head drinking in his new baby smell. Since Will still hadn't come in I went to the door to see what the hold up was.

Glancing around the door I could see he had his phone tucked in the crook of his neck completely captivated by the caller on the other end if the line. When I pushed on the door Will glanced up at me with almost an annoyed look that I was disturbing him. Without pausing his conversation he walked towards me placing Landin's carrier at my feet. With a quick kiss to the top of both babies heads he turned and walked away. No acknowledgement, no nod, no goodbye......nothing. It was in that nothing I was left feeling defeated.

Closing the door I returned to the kitchen to find the girls fully emerged in cookies and milk. I sat bouncing the babies on my knees as I listened to the girls babble on about what a wonderful time they had.

"Did you know that Will is going to Paris ?" Kayla asked between gulps of milk. "He said he would bring us something back. I asked for one of those funny looking French hats."

"No I didn't, when's he going?" I did my best not to sound to overly interested even tho I was.

"Right now he just had to go pick someone up." While Kayla didn't put two and two together or the more likely answer that she was choosing to ignore the facts I couldn't. I wished I could but my beaten down heart just wouldn't let it go.

I tried like hell to convince myself that I didn't care that Will was going to Paris. That the fact he was obviously bringing some woman to one of the most romantic places in the world didn't upset me. Forget the fact that I was now positive that's who he was talking to on the steps based on his part of the conversation I overheard. Never mind that I wasn't important enough to say goodbye to.

"Well I hope he has fun," When in truth I hoped he had a terrible time. I know I'm being jealous and petty but at the moment I didn't give a rats ass.

My jealousy and pettiness didn't exactly improve over the fallow days either. It may have hid but it was always bubbling just below the surface. Laying in wait to rear it's head and swallow me whole. The provocation came when we were all at Macs and Vanessa's for supper. I had ran to the bathroom and on my way back I overheard Mac talking to Will. I knew it was wrong but still I held my breath as I stood just out of view.

"Oh so you have managed to leave the bed long enough to see some sights," Mac laughed. "If I was single and had a little Asian honey like that I would be between the sheets. Screw seeing the sights.,.Paris will always be there."

"I bet she would be good in bed."After laughing some more Mac paused listening to Will, "Lucky bastard."

That was more than I needed to hear. Once again I picked up the discarded pieces of my heart and carried in numbly through the rest of my evening. I was so tired of constantly setting myself up for a beating when it came to Will. It wasn't until I went to bed and in the quiet of the night what Mac had said truly dawned on me. He had said "little Asian honey."

The implications hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh god Will had moved on. Not just moved on but had now obviously started something on going with the Asian girl from Macs birthday party. Will never aloud things to move past the first or second date with a woman ever. As soon as he slept with you he always moved on to his next conquest. Now a month later after the party he was obviously still seeing her and took her to Paris. Uncontrollable sobs tore from my throat as I realized Will was in a relationship with her. The relationship that I so desperately wanted with the man I loved.

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