Looking Through Your Soul (RO...

By BlueLondon612_42817

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100 years has passed since the Guardians has seen or heard from The King of Nightmares himself. It had been a... More

Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: A Spark of Hope
Chapter 3: Forgotten Prophecy
Chapter 4: The Chosen Guardian
Chapter 5: A New Friend
Chapter 6: Bad Beginning
Author's Note:
Chapter 7: Being a Guardian
Chapter 8: Truth of the Lantern
Chapter 9: Somehow
Chapter 10: Disappearance
Chapter 11: Hidden Moments
Chapter 12: Adventures in Burgess
Chapter 13: Connecting Hearts
Author's Note
Chapter 15: Hold On
Chapter 16: The Sea of Memories
| Update & Author's Note |

Chapter 14: Guardian of Love

518 22 15
By BlueLondon612_42817

If you saw your dead relative or friend, the most obvious thing to do was to be frozen in fear, cry or crush them in a big bear hug. You stood in fear as the owner of the voice stepped into the light. Fear and guilt filled you inside as you gazed into the sickly yellowish orbs of the former Guardian. 

"Kyle? Is that, is that you?" You whispered under your breath, your e/c eyes shined with unshod tears.

You took a shaky step forward with your eyes shining with hope. Hoping that Kyle was not an illusion, that Kyle would forgive you, that Kyle was alive. You were holding on to that spark of hope, even if it was just a spark. 

"It is, Y/N. It is me, Kyle, Cupid, the Guardian of Love." Kyle said in a cold and distant yet familiar voice. You were hanging by a thread.

"Kyle, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. Please forgive me. I never meant to do what I did. Please..." You pleaded as a tear fell from your eyes.

"Stop crying, Y/N. Dry those tears of yours. Don't act sorry in of me, you fake!... I hate you. I hate you, Y/N L/N. You're the reason why I was gone for so long. You're the reason why the world is falling apart. I hate you!" Kyle said angrily. His words were like sharp knives as they came out of his mouth. Your heart shattered as he said that he hated you.

But you shook your head. It didn't matter if he hated you. It didn't matter if he never forgave you. The most important thing was that he was here, alive and well, reunited with you and the Guardians.

"I don't care... I don't care if you hate me, if you don't ever forgive me. As long as you're here with us, I don't care... But how? How are you alive? I watched you die." Y/N said as a soft smile appeared on your face.

"With Pitch's help, of course. He helped me become the person I am now. And I swore on my life that I would serve him, and only him, for the rest of my immortal life." Kyle said smirking.

The smile on your face disappeared as shock took its place. You heard numerous gasps from behind you. Your shoulders tensed as the new information sunk. Your string of hope snapped into two as the words came out of his mouth. But your shock was soon replaced by boiling anger and great hatred for him and Pitch.

You pulled out your bow and took an arrow. You swiftly shot it at him, missing him by a few inches.

"Y/N! What do you think you're doing?!"Bunny said, shocked that you would almost kill your friend.

"You're not Kyle...", Y/N said as she ignored Bunny and shakes her head, "The Kyle I know would forever hate for what I did. But he would never ever pledge his allegiance to Pitch! You're not Kyle!" Pure rage was seen in your e/c pupils as it moved to Pitch's figure beside Kyle, who was smirking as the scene played before him. Your fists were clenched and your jaw tightened as you tried to suppress your anger. You could almost feel your skin burning from your boiling blood.

"What the heck did you do to him?" Y/N asked as you glared at him, the white in your eyes started to turn a bit black. Anger and hatred dripped in every word you spoke.

"Do you like it? It's my present to you all, after all it is Christmas. It's the season of giving." Pitch chuckled evilly.

You gripped your bow tightly that you almost heard a crack. You were tempted to reach for another arrow from your quiver and shoot it between Pitchs eyes. But it seemed that Bunnys patience ran out as he threw his boomerang at Pitch. He jumped from his position, dodging the attack. 

At the corner of your eye, you see Tooth fly to his direction, while Sandy creates golden sand whips as he tries to grasp Pitch by his ankles. Jack and North lung to Kyle with their weapons at hand. Kyle makes black and purple sand horses and they charge at you and Bunny,

"Shoot them at the heart! It kills them faster!" You commanded at the others, snapping back to reality.

You pulled an arrow from your quiver and shoot it at the center. More black and purple sand creatures lung at you. Strands of your h/c hair gets on your face as you run to the second floor while loading your bow. You hear hooves of the horses behind you, so you halt and shoot the arrow within its chest, shooting the horses behind it as well.

You stop as you view the battle from below. Pulling an arrow from your back, you shoot the horses that attack the elves and get too close to the toys. You were so distracted protecting the elves and shooting horses that you didn't notice someone creep behind you.

They kick your leg, making you miss your shot. You turn around to see it was Kyle.  A wave of anger swam from your eyes as you transformed your bow into a metal rod, and used it as a weapon against him. He dodged every attack that you threw at him until you kicked his ankle, making him stumble and fall flat on his butt. You turned your rod into your bow again, pulled out an arrow and aimed it between his eyes.

"Oh, come on Y/N. We both know that you won't release the arrow." Kyle said.

Your face was cold and unreadable but your eyes betrayed you. It was filled with conflict and sadness as you contemplated whether to release the arrow or not. You let out heaved breaths as you glared coldly at him. But it didn't matter because at the corner of your eye, Jack was shooting ice beams at two horses in front of him but what he didn't see that another horse was behind him. 

"Jack! Watch out!" You yell as you directed your bow to the horse behind him.

Hearing your shout, Jack finished the two horses and turned around to see another horse behind him but before it could attack him, an arrow shot it as its center swiftly and the horse disappeared. He turns to you with a grateful smile but frowns quickly when he sees Kyle raise a black and purple dagger and stabs you at your leg.

 "Look out!" He shouts across the room.

You bit a cry of pain back as you drop your bow and fall to your knees. You hiss in pain as you glare at the former Guardian. He grabs your bow and snaps it in half. You let out a cry of pain. 

You clutch your stomach painfully as you were somewhat stabbed by an invisible sword. He smirks evilly.

"Did you honestly think you could win? You're a fool, Y/N L/N." Kyle sneers.

Then he gets hit by an ice beam at his left side and thrown back to the wall. Jack appears in front of you as black dots fill your sight. Worry and concern was swimming in his beautiful blue eyes. Horror struck his usually carefree fair face.

"Y/N, hold on, okay? You're gonna be okay..." His distant voice said.

You wondered why his voice seem far away when he was just in front of you. Your head started to throb a bit so you lie down. Jack's blue eyes widens slightly, then everything goes dark.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I've been really really busy with school and at home. I grow tired everyday and I don't actually know if I can keep up with writing anymore. But don't worry, I'll try to update ASAP when I come back from school. Comment on what you think, bye :) 

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