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Sequel to Issues Meer



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Setting: Demi's House, Calabasas, CA

Would it be ridiculous to take off makeup only to put more makeup on? Her Grammy look was a bit much for an 12am hangout. By the time she got Muse dropped off to Kim's house, made it back to her own house, and showered, that's what time it was. Wilmer had texted her and asked if just grabbing a bite to eat was okay, so she didn't need to be super fancy to do that, right? Or should she look fancy because this was their first time hanging out outside of an event and he had only seen her all dolled up? Or should she say fuck the makeup and force him to accept her as she was? Or did it even really matter considering the fact that this wasn't a date? She didn't know Wilmer. They were just hanging out and getting to know each other better. So concealer, mascara, and lip gloss should suffice, right?

"What am I doing?" Demi mumbled as she shifted through her drawers of makeup, trying to find her essentials. It took her a while but after twenty minutes, her under eyes were concealed, her lashes were volumized, and her lips were glossy. Now onto finding something to wear.

It wasn't a date, it was almost the middle of the night, and she had just spent all night in a dress that was hardly even comfortable. Ugh, she missed the days when Cristo had her closet organized by event. Now she was left trying to find clothes on her own. Instead of stressing over it, Demi decided to keep it simple, just like her makeup. Kris had recently dropped off a box of "comfy clothes" for her after an impromptu shopping trip, so Demi picked out a gray Balenciaga hoodie with black Lululemon leggings and the Yeezy's that Kanye had dropped off the other day. It was simple but it was cute and her butt looked good. She gathered her hair into a messy bun on top of her head and put her favorite hoops on before deciding that she was ready to leave. Wilmer had texted her the address of the restaurant they were meeting at, so she put that into her GPS before taking off. It wasn't a date, so why were her palms sweating like crazy? And what were with the never ending swarm of butterflies that had been flittering around in her stomach since she saw him?

tmz: Demi Lovato spotted with actor Wilmer Valderrama after attending the Grammy Awards. Lovato won Best Pop Solo Performance and it looks like she celebrated by going out for a late night dinner with Valderrama. More on Lovato on our website.

Setting: Kim's House, Calabasas, CA

Kim: Last night after the Grammy's, Demi dropped Muse off with me to go out with this guy that my mom and I have been trying to hook her up with. It's been twelve hours and she's just now coming back, which is for sure a new record because usually her ass is in bed by 10pm.

Kim watched Demi with a smirk on her face as she entered the house in the same outfit that she had been wearing in one of her insta stories last night, but Demi completely ignored her and the sly look on her face as she went to greet Muse, leaning over to kiss her daughter on her cheek before Muse turned around and shared an identical grin with her mother.

"Hey princess," Demi greeted as Muse took a sip of her coconut water.

"Hi mommy, did you win last night?" Muse questioned, prompting Demi to pull out her nearly dead phone to do a quick google image search of her name to show Muse the pictures of her accepting the award while she slept in her arms.

"Oh, I don't remember that," Muse said with a confused look on her face, causing Demi and Kim to laugh.

"Of course you don't. You were sleeping. You're so goofy, Muse," Demi teased, causing Muse to giggle before she turned back around to face the counter and went back to interacting with her cousins.

Kim had a full house last night because Kylie had decided to take Travis on an impromptu vacation, and since Kim had Chi, Stormi, and Muse, she decided to let True stay over as well so she didn't feel left out. Their kids were so cute together.

"So, what'd you do last night...or this morning?" Kim asked, unloading the takeout boxes from iHop to give to the kids. Kim wasn't much of a cook and her chef didn't work on weekends, so she had to improvise.

"We went to dinner at this restaurant that he co-owns, we went to the movies and saw like two movies, we drove around a bit, got some food again, watched the sunrise, and now I'm here," Demi answered, tapping her ombre nails against the countertop as she glanced at her phone, seeing a text from Wilmer pop up on her screen.

"I can't even remember the last time that you stayed out with a guy all night long. You had to be a teenager the last time you did that," Kim gushed as Demi rolled her eyes towards the ceiling a little bit.

"Why are you being such a weirdo? All we did was hang friends," Demi clarified as Kim just waved her off.

"I never said it was a bad thing and I'm not being weird. I know how you feel about dating right now. But, it has been a while and it wouldn't kill you to-"

"Nope. All I care about right now is myself and my daughter. I don't need to find someone."

"Has Cristo found someone?"

"If he has, he hasn't said anything to me. Besides, he knows the rules."

Demi: Cristo and I made a rule in our divorce that we have to be dating someone for at least three months before we can introduce them to our daughter. I wanted it to be six months because the rule doesn't really apply to me...Cristo is the one with the rich dating history.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Are you still going to look at cars tomorrow while Muse is at school? And did you still want me to come with you?" Kim asked, finishing putting all of the food on separate plates before she took them to where the kids were sitting at the circular dining table.

"Um..." Demi trailed off, picking her phone up and seeing the text from Wilmer. She typed out a reply before Kim came back over to her then put her phone down. "Nah, it's good. I found someone else to come along."

Setting: Demi's House, Calabasas, CA

"So...I saw the pictures," Trey said after he had finished rummaging through her refrigerator like he hadn't eaten in a week. Demi had come home from Kim's house only to see Trey sitting in her driveway whining about being bored. It wasn't weird for him to randomly pop up at her house because she did it to him all of the time, usually after she dropped Muse off at school and needed someone to go to the gym with.

"What pictures?" Demi asked, tucking her knees underneath her body as she continued to flip through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

It was either KUWTK reruns or a "Law and Order: SVU" marathon, but she tried not to watch those shows unless Muse was asleep or out of the house, but she wasn't. Last time Demi had checked on her she was messing around in her playroom.

"You know what pictures I'm talking about," Trey said, feigning annoyance as Demi gave up on trying to find something to watch, opting to mindlessly switch through the apps on her phone instead.

She did know what pictures he was talking about because she had been getting tagged in them all day. Someone in the restaurant they had decided to eat at had taken a picture of her and Wilmer. It wasn't anything suggestive. They weren't even looking at each other, but everyone was having a field day with it for some reason. She didn't understand the freak out everytime she was seen with someone new. She was in her 30's, she was single, and she was a woman with needs. God forbid she be seen with a male – or female for that matter.

"What about them?"

"What's going on there? You didn't tell me you met someone. And we just-"

"I'm not dating him. I met him like over a month ago and I literally just agreed to go out with him last night. That's it," Demi shrugged.

She liked hanging out with Wilmer. Well, they had been together for at least seven hours; of course, she liked hanging out with him. There was just something about his aura and his charm and his personality that made him super easy to talk to. And Demi couldn't remember the last time that she had laughed so much in one night. Even during the movies, his little commentary made her giggle, making her thank God that no one was at the Grove for a 2 am showing. There was just something so easy about being around him and she liked that. She didn't know if it would go any further. She couldn't say that right now. All she knew was that she wouldn't mind hanging out with him again.

"He's a little old for you...don't you think?" Trey questioned, but Demi didn't get to answer because Muse came into the living room wearing an apron and holding one of the pink notepads that Demi had bought for her to take orders at her fake restaurant. Cristo had a whole custom made kitchen set built into one side of her playroom at her house and at his house so that's what she was into now, and everytime Muse made Demi sit down and eat at her restaurant, it was a whole production.

"Good afternoon mommy, good afternoon Trey. Are you guys hungry?" Muse adorably questioned as Demi playfully rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, but she played along anyway. What type of mother would she be if she didn't?

"Yes, we are, but I think we're just going to order carry out today," Demi said, causing Muse to reciprocate her eye roll, but she pulled a pen out of the pocket of her custom designed apron anyway. That was Cristo's idea too.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Hmm, let's see. What do you have?"

"Mommy, you've been here enough that you should know the menu by now," Muse huffed, causing Trey to chuckle in amusement.

"Hey Muse, can we have a pineapple and bacon pizza?" Trey asked, causing Muse to raise her eyebrow. She looked just like Demi when she did that.

"Pineapple doesn't go on pizza, but I'll see what I can do," she said before going back to her playroom.

"As I was saying, he's like what, 12 years older than you? Didn't know you were into that," Trey commented, causing Demi to scoff a little bit.

"Into what? You're seven years older than me and I still married your old ass," Demi retorted.

"I'm just messing with you. I'm assuming that y'all haven't even slept together yet but you're already defensive as fuck," Trey teased, but Demi didn't say anything else. "Are you going to go out with him again?"

"I'm going to look at cars tomorrow so he's gonna come with me...then we'll probably grab coffee or something. I don't know," Demi shrugged as Muse came back into the room holding a tiny little pizza box.

"Okay, I have your pineapple and bacon pizza so that'll be one hundred seventy five million forty two dollars," Muse rambled off, causing Demi to giggle as she watched Trey pull his wallet out.

"Do you accept cards?"


Trey grumbled as he handed one of his cards over to her, causing her to leave the room again after handing him the small, plastic pizza box.

"Do you actually want to order in?"

"Are you staying the night? Are we having a sleepover?" Demi squealed as Trey chuckled at her antics.

"You have no food in your refrigerator!"

"Because Madison has been eating me out of my house. Just order postmates but tell me what you're getting," Demi said as she stood up to go into the kitchen and get her takeout menus.

"Trey!" Muse called as she ran into the living room.

"What's up?"

"Your card was declined," Muse told him, and he heard Demi's loud laugh from the kitchen echo throughout the house. "Do you have cash?"


"Oh, well I'll be taking that. Thank you," Muse giggled, taking the pizza box back before going back to her playroom. Trey could still hear Demi laughing from the kitchen.

Setting: Hornburg Land Rover Los Angeles, West Hollywood, CA

"Hi, I'm Demi Lovato. I have a 10:30 appointment," Demi greeter the salesmen that approaches her as soon as she and Wilmer entered the Land Rover dealership. After going back and forth about it for a few months, Demi decided that it was time for her to treat herself to a new car. It wasn't like anyone else was going to buy it for her, so why not do it for herself? Actually, Kris had offered but after Kourtney whined about favoritism and being regifted a vintage Louis bag, Demi had politely declined her offer and said that she would just buy the car herself. It's not like she didn't have the money for it.

"Hello, Ms. Lovato. What's your appointment for?" Randy was his name. He had short spiky hair that he obviously used some kind of gel product in, a sparse mustache, and a polite smile.

"To test drive the new autobiography," Demi stated, combing her fingers through her hair as Wilmer stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Okay, no problem, just follow me."

They wove through the dealership until they reached a desk towards the back where Randy grabbed a set of keys before leading them out to the car lot. The car that he was letting her test drive was all black with a black interior and slightly tinted windows. She was thinking that she wanted a frosted white one like Kylie but seeing the all black kind of changed her mind.

"The drive time is about 30 minutes but for you, we'll extend it to an hour. When you come back, just pull in up front and come in, and if it's something you want we can get some paperwork signed," he explained before passing her the keys.

"Okay, thank you so much," Demi said before he walked away. Wilmer opened the door for her and helped her inside before going to the passenger side, both of them closing the doors and putting their seatbelts on before Demi started the car up.

"This is a nice car but you don't want a convertible or something?" Wilmer asked but Demi shook her head. She actually had another car, a Rolls Royce Phantom that Cristo had gifted her for her 30th birthday, but that car was way too nice to be driving around in all of the time.

"No, I want an SUV and I'm tired of my Tesla," Demi said as she tried to locate the nearest Starbucks. They had passed one on the way here; she just had to remember where it was.

"I enjoyed my time with you yesterday...or today," Wilmer fumbled with a confused look on his face, causing Demi to giggle a little bit.

"Me too. I had fun. It was nice to not worry about anything and just live in the moment. I haven't done that in a while," Demi admitted as Wilmer cleared his throat.

"I know you're not looking for anything serious-"

"I'm not," Demi reminded him as he nodded in understanding.

"I know...but do you think it'll be the worst thing in the world to hang out again? Maybe we can go to Disneyworld with Muse or something," he suggested, but Demi shook her head.

"We can hang out again, but it can't include Muse. Not yet. I don't want people coming in and out of her life, even if we're just friends. I think we should hang out alone some more before I include my daughter in anything," Demi explained. There were a few beats of silence in the car before Wilmer spoke up.

"You're a really good mother, Demi," he complimented with a light smile on her face, which caused her to smile as well as she stopped at a red light.

"Thank you," she responded before reaching over to turn the radio on.

"Oh my gosh, I love Coldplay!" She squealed as she turned the volume up a little more.

"Me too. They're playing a concert at the Rose Bowl in a few weeks. Do you want to go?"

"YES! I have been begging Kendall to go with me but she's booked. I love this song!" Demi exclaimed, turning the radio up even louder until she was sure that all of Los Angeles could hear "Yellow."

"I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh what a thing to do. Cause you were all yellow. I drew a line, I drew a line for you. Oh what a thing to do. And it was all yellow," Demi softly sang, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel until the music picked up again and she started moving her whole body to the music.

"Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones. Turn into something beautiful. You know for you Id bleed myself dry. For you I'd bleed myself dry," Demi finished off, laughing as she saw Wilmer get into it some more, so she turned it up some more.


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