Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 7

6.6K 220 111
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

We were all sitting in our desks the next day as we listened to Mr. Aizawa tell us what we were going to to day.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Everyone gasped as Mr. Aizawa explained what we'd be doing. Turns out we were going to be dealing with natural disasters and rescuing people. Everyone started talking about how cool this was going to be and Mr. Aizawa spoke up.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes..." He pressed a button on a remote and  the wall with all the costumes moved bringing them out again.

"But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." And with that he left the room and everyone started talking again. Well everyone but Shoto. He just sat there quietly to himself.

Once we were all outside I noticed Shoto sitting on a bench by himself. So I went over to sit beside him.

"Hey Shoto, why the long face?" I asked and he looked up at me. 

"Just tired."

"Okay, well I hope we all do good!" I said excitedly. Then Tenya blew a whistle getting everyone's attention.

"Gather around. Class 1-A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently." He said and then blew his whistle again. I heard Deku talking to Ura.

"Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?"

Ura nodded and we all got onto the bus. I laughed once I saw the inside and Tenya basically melted. 

"The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy." He moped around in his seat. We still sat beside the people who had the next student number by us. And I was sitting beside Shoto who had no emotion on his face at all. His eye's were closed to I decided to poke his cheek. He freaked out a bit and looked at me.

"You're always so stoic Shoto! Lighten up a bit!" I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

Before we knew it we were at the place where we'd be training for the day.

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!" A person in what seemed to be an astronaut suit called to us once we got out of the bus. Everyone gasped and Deku called out.

"It's the Space Hero. Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!"

"Woo-hoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Ura called out. I stood there kinda oblivious to what was happening because I didn't even know who she was. I guess being stuck in the house for most of your life will do that huh?

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" She said as she moved her arm to her side wanting to show us the building. Everyone but me and Shoto called out.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

Everyone walked into the building and our eyes went wide. Or well, I know mine did.

"Holy crap!" I said along with Kirishima. 

"It looks like some kind of amusement park!"

"A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. etc! I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters." Thirteen called out.

"I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it USJ!"

"Just like Universal Studios Japan." Everyone said as I said,

"I was just about to say that it was too long." 

Everyone looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Guess we think differently. Huh?" I said and everyone laughed. I even think I saw Shoto laugh a bit. I looked over to Mr. Aizawa while he was talking to thirteen. She held up three fingers while she was talking. I looked over to Shoto and he still had no emotion whatsoever. Then thirteen got all of our attention and gave a big speech about heroes and what our quirks could do.

"Right, now that that's over..." Mr. Aizawa started when the lights around the USJ sparked off. We all gasped and then I saw the fountain flicker off and on. What came next sent shivers down my spine. Some sort of black whole started to form and Mr. Aizawa seemed scared. He quickly turned to us.

"Stay together, and don't move!" 

We all gasped. We must be in some serious danger!

"Thirteen. Protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa said and turned around to see what was happening.

"Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima gasped and I looked over at the dark purple black hole thing.

"People are coming out of it!" I yelled getting the attention of Shoto. He looked at me then quickly back at the black hole.

"Wait, has the training started already?" Kirishima asked as he put his hand over on his forehead looking down at the black hole thing. "I thought we were rescuing people."

"I- I don't think this is part of training Kirishima." I said backing up. Deku stepped forward and Mr. Aizawa yelled at us to stay back. We all flinched and stepped back. I stepped back so much I crashed into someone. I looked at the person who's arms I was in to see Momo. She looked at me and helped me up. But she still had a grasp on my shoulders, like she didn't want to let go.

Mr. Aizawa put on his golden goggles and Deku gasped.

"This is real. Those are villains." Mr. Aizawa called out to us and I fell back again.

"Wh-what?!" I yelled along with some other students.

"What? Real villains? No way. How could so many of 'em get in a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima stated. Momo then stepped forward to the front of the group.

"Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?" She asked.

"Good question. I'm not sure." Thirteen replied.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?" Shoto asked, then stated, then asked again. Everyone gasped and I slowly walked over to him.

"Thirteen, get them outta here. And alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block out sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too." Mr. Aizawa said. "Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school."

"Yes, sir."

"What are you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help with a group." Deku stepped in and told Mr. Aizawa.

"Your can't be a pro if you only have one trick."

Deku and I gasped.

"I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." Mr. Aizawa said and then jumped over the stairs and into the group of villains. He jumped right into battle and grabbed three villains with his scarf right off the bat and threw them to the ground. The other villains seemed caught off guard and Mr. Aizawa used this to his advantage and attacked again. 

Me and Deku stayed standing in one spot watching Mr. Aizawa as I heard everyone's foot steps get farther away.

"This is not time to be analyzing. We have to go!" Tenya spoke out and got Deku's attention. He started to run over to him and I followed. When we were running we got stopped by the black hole person.

"There's no escape for you." It started. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello."

I grabbed onto Shoto's right arm.

"And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. "

I felt Shoto tense up and saw other students do it as well.

"Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

Right then Bakugo and Kirishima jumped into the villain yelling. Bakugo blasted some explosion and I heard Kirishima.

"Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let your tear this place to shreds?"

I covered my eyes from the blast and looked around. Luckily I was still holding onto Shoto's arm so I still had him around. But I couldn't see anyone else.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt." The dust faded and the villain was unfazed.

"You two, get out of the way, right now!" Thirteen yelled while holding out her finger.

"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades, and your deaths!" The black mist flew around everyone sucking them into it. I held onto Shoto's arm for dear life and he held onto me. Before we knew it, we were getting thrown out and into another area. Turns out we were in the landslide zone. 

We were met face to face with some villains already and Shoto quickly froze them in their spots.

"Aren't you embarrassed to lose to a child? For God's sake, you're adults. Put up a real fight." Shoto said while keeping his hand in a fist. I stepped back to give him some space.

"So the plan was to scatter us, and then kill us," He breathed out some cold icy air. "You were woefully unprepared. In fact, it looks to me as though you've had no training. You haven't the slightest idea how to use your quirks" He started to walk forward to one of the villains as I watched. I heard one of the villains say so cold and I just stood there watching it all.

"How is that kid over there not freezing!" One of the villains yelled, I guess at me. Shoto looked back and I gave a small wave. I walked over to the villain that yelled and went straight up to his face.

"You think I'm cold?" I asked. He had a face of pure fright. "Well, I'm not. But I can warm you up a bit!" I yelled and punch him in the face with a fire fist, sending him flying out of Shoto's ice trap. (using that fire dragon iron fist there Eimi) I was about to freeze him when he hit the ground but then remembered what grandma said and stopped myself. But before the villain could get up again Shoto froze him in his place.

Then a villain flew out of now where and Shoto froze him in his place as well. 

"Shoto look out!" I yelled as a villain came from behind him. I jumped over and blasted him away with a fire blast. Then Shoto froze him as well.

"This can't possibly be their master plan!" I yelled while standing up. "Most of these villains look like they're low-level thugs, just pawns!"

Shoto looked at me then down at the ground. I'm guessing he's thinking of something to do. He looked up and around at the villains.

"Listen well. if you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Luckily for you, I wanna be a hero. So I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty." He walked up to the villain in front of him, freezing his face some more.

"But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way you'll survive."

I took a step back. Man, is he ever scary. I took so many steps back I bumped into one of the villains that were frozen. But he wasn't fully frozen so he was able to grab me. I screamed and froze him unintentionally. I stepped away from him and soon felt someone behind me. I screamed and swung a kick but my leg was stopped by a powerful hand. I looked up to see Shoto and I calmed down.

"What was that about?" He asked me. "You screamed, did something happen?"

I sighed. Thank god he didn't see me freeze the rest of that guy..

"Oh, it's nothing! I just fell back into one of the bad guys that's all. I screamed because it startled me." I made up a quick lie.

"Okay, just stay by me from now on." He said and went back to interrogating the villain he threaten before. I made sure to stay beside him the whole time, continually looking back at the guy I froze to see if he could say anything of what happened.

"I AM HERE!" I heard a familiar catch phrase and voice.

"All Might's here!" I called out getting Shoto to look back at me from the villain.

"We better hurry this interrogation up. Hey Eimi could you threaten him with some fire please? It could get him to confess faster."

"Oh, uh sure!" I said and walked over to the guy, setting my arm on fire. He looked terrified, but I made sure to stay back a bit so I wouldn't melt the ice, or make the guy feel warmth. 

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