Flames Of Fire ✗ (A PaNi FF)

Od parthxniti

59.3K 5K 2.7K

[ abandoned since 2020 ] What happens when electrifying chemistry isn't actually coincidental? Meet Parth Sa... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

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Od parthxniti

*Pic above is not mine, I got it from Instagram: infinitymanan*

Heyyyyyy! It's January, happy new year! Hope y'all had a great one, being with your significant others, hehe. I was with my papa at the Air Force, playing with his friend's pup! It was awesome!

There's a lot to this chapter and all I can say is... hang in there! Parth and Niti are eternal and beautiful! :") Hehe! It is gonna get better! Embrace the shades. Happy weekend! <3



"Parth Samthaan, a reservation was made. We need a table for 10..." He was the tallest of us all and standing at the podium talking on behalf of all of us, he looked like the leader of the pack. There was an exuberant vibe about him, that made him look importunately hot for me. He was compelling and under full command, taking the lead over several people in the group, even those who were older.

"Welcome to Min Yang! This way please..."

We were taken into one of the dimmer spots in the authentic restaurant, possibly away from public mobbing or anything. Lights hung like mini-Chinese lanterns over every dining table. The walls looked salmon peach under the lights, with white Chinese letters printed on them indicating their gothic history. One thing I noted was the furniture in the room was perfectly symmetrical and straight cut, enhancing the medieval Chinese ambience. Just approaching the wood would whisk out a strong mahogany scent, while the air around smelt like oranges. There was something about the restaurant that I appreciated, but couldn't put a finger on.

I took the couch seat, I don't know why but I love the luxury of couch seats in a restaurant, after which everyone wanted to sit on the couch! We shifted to a more high-end ranged table, where I voluntarily squashed myself into one edge and Parth sat opposite to me across the table on the corresponding edge.

Apparently, Parth, Charlie and Fenil worked together in a show called Best Friends Forever, and Ayaz, Vikas and Fenil also knew each other through Fanaah. She was a mutual friend to everyone but Veebha and I, which was why I chose to sit next to Veebha. Fenil sat opposite to Parth, with Ayaz on one side. Utkarsh jammed himself in with Veebha and I, and together we three were more jovial amongst the squad. Charlie sat next to Ayaz and Pam Di sat across the table. Vikas and Mangesh sat at the ends of the table, right where the orders could be taken. We were a total of ten people, as counted per head.

Let's skip the ordering part and get to the details.

It all started when Parth and I wanted the same dish, the infamous Min Yang tender chicken! Only God knew what it was but I was always up for the signature specials.

"Oho! Manik and Nandini are redefining couple goals, haan?" came Ayaz's voice. He was the only daring one of the lot who could pass such comments regarding the two of us. In a more private environment, it would've been Veebha too.

There was definitely no harm getting two of the same, but after last night... I didn't want to be actually paired even the slightest with Parth. There was already a lot going on about MaNan and 'PaNi' being a real thing. We were strictly professional in the eyes of everyone else and for some unknown reason, I was glad to keep it that way for public at least.

I sacrificed my choice for something else and read it out to the waiter when my phone pinged.

*You can have a bit from mine.*

As far as I knew, especially with matters concerning food, Parth was a selfish little toddler. Food was his first priority, always and he wouldn't dare trade it for anything else. I pressed my lips together in a line, to avoid showing off the growing smile after flicking through the text. I glanced at him from over the table, while he was awkwardly huddled towards the edge, so that nobody would peek into his phone. Every now and then he was throwing in random 'haan, I'd like one of those too', while I just exhaled at the haywire ordering going on.

If he bothered to take a second to organise the team dinner like he'd started off with, the waiter wouldn't be shedding blood off his forehead. He sultry-eyed me a couple of times, especially my tinted reddish-brown prepped lips, before anyone else caught our gazes.

"Oh haan, starters jaldi laana, bhook lagi hai." He asserted, to which the waiter politely complied. We were all celebrities, not big stars–I agree–but we weren't ordinary commoners. We were even spending a couple of thousands each that night for food alone, we better deserved some attention. Anyhow, while food was being prepared, each of us had formed a little group at the dining. Veebha, Utkarsh and Pam di; Ayaz, Charlie and Fenil and Vikas was on the end, on his phone. Parth and I occasionally popped into conversations, but we were a small company of our own.

While looks and subtle smiles were shared across the tables, actual conversations took place on phone screens. Every time I sent a message, his phone would buzz right before me. It was challenging for me to not smile and act all aloof instead. I would engage in talks with Vee and Uttu, while he texted me.

*Only a bit?*

It's hard to explain how weird we had to behave to cover up our professionalism. It would just be a shame to anyone who knew about us that we were never friends, but either more than that or nothing at all. Co-stars who sign a contract to work together don't have personal business flooding around too.

"Niti, iss paagal ki baatein suno..." Veebha nudged her elbow into me, laughing her guts out without turning my way. I quickly peeked in, placing my chin on her shoulder, to which she cupped my cheek affectionately. I can't explain girl friendships, they are just so warm and nurturing and lovely. I raised my eyebrows at Utkarsh.

"Astronaut ki biwi kyoon pareshaan hai?"

"Which astronaut?" I had no clue about what was going on.

Veebha pat my cheek playfully. "Arre... koi bhi... jawaab do?"

I thought for a second, but nothing clicked. Through the corner of my eyes, I noticed Parth eyeing me with a smug smile. "Nahi pata? Arre because uska pati iss duniya main nahi raha!" They both began giggling like idiots, while I just looked like: ab main kya karu inn dono ka! I made a couple of faces at the idiocrasy. This is just a glimpse of how mad people on sets are.

"That's so la..."

"Wah, bhai! Nice, haan!" My hair flew off my shoulder as I turned around. Through his gestures, I could tell Parth was silently taunting Utkarsh. Utkarsh was always a man of decent morals–he never spoke rudely to anyone, had high regards for the people he met and was one of those flirty best friends on sets who'd casually pass some flattering remarks in appreciation, nothing that was too offensive though. For reasons best known to the two of them, there was some discreet beef between the two, they just never got along. Anyways, their discomfort was none of my concern, where was I again?

Oh, he messaged me.

*Take how much you need, hum extra order karlenge!*

Hum. Hum order karlenge... Why so many butterflies?

I wouldn't say we're dating yet; I just think it's a phase. We both were just single and fooling around, considering the highest regards we have for each other–we respected each other greatly. We understood each other's professions, and for me, he was anyways romancing me only on television, I had nothing to even be worried about. Sometimes it made me feel like I was exclusive to him.



"Bhaiyya, paani." PaNi... I plopped myself on the stool with Veebha, adjusting the tight black dress that wasn't even mine before turning over to the crew who was doing all sorts of moves.

With the consumption of a little food, I was a little too big for the sewed fabric. Do you have to guess who is responsible for this? Chandni lent me one of her dresses the minute I said I was going out for dinner with the crew. I had to admit, it was a beautiful dress she gave me, but I was just a little plump around the spots she was leaner in.

"...na mujhko koi rokke, na kisine roka..." His hair flicked adorably when he jerked his head to the music of some Honey Singh beats along with Ayaz and Vikas. I sipped my glass of water while slyly eyeing the carefree soul that was liberated. On the other side, Charlie was on a roll, spinning and bouncing with her limbs thrown everywhere. There were hoots and screams echoing while the bass dropped several times in the mashup.

The song changed, and Parth's steps lost momentum. The excitement in him faded slowly, as his ever-so-perfect head looked around for an exit. His eyes locked with mine for a nano-second, while a smile reached his eyes. "There's something about tonight, something very special, here we go!" He mouthed while staring at me intently. My jaws grazed the floor at his absurd teases.

He dragged himself to the bar counter, after making some excuses. My eyes bulged out, he couldn't be serious; Veebha was sitting right there. He pushed himself in the space between us, and while leaning over the counter top, he confidently extended his hand to Veebha. She gave me a glance and then smiled and hopped off, while Parth watched me until her exit.

"Tumhe kya laga? I was talking about you?" I puffed my lip up with a small smile that I couldn't control. He left off with a Manik Malhotra smirk, only to return two minutes later when everyone was too carried away to bother about him.

His jacket-clad elbow glided over the marble table. Even the slightest movements of his reflected some chivalry. "Hey! Vodka?" He breathed violently, whiffing out the alcohol smell. He raised the glass to his nose. I looked into his eyes to check if he was drunk yet, but they were clear.

"Just water."

"You don't drink?" I shook my head. "Just paani gets you high, huh?" He wasn't even low-key flirting, just straight up in my face commenting about us. His smirk obviously indulged a blush on me. Ugh, this man and his charm!

"Okay no but seriously? You're missing out big time! What about a margarita, on me?" His little smile made it very hard for me to deny his offer. "Waise, you're wearing my favourite colour, I must treat you, haan?" He teased, cleverly sliding closer to me. I was feeling too many things, things I thought I could never feel being high on just water like he said. H2O, our compound.

Our fingers brushed against each other shyly, as his eyes drooped while he still looked holy to me. Never in a million years did I think Parth Laghate, an actor I met just a few months ago, could captivate my heart. The chemistry was so evident even if we weren't committed to each other. None of his gestures were ever inappropriate, and he was the only exception. That was how high he stood before my eyes, at a level of supremacy that no other man could match up to.

His fingers kneaded my knuckles, playing with the spaces between my limbs as his eyes didn't cut off from mine for even a second. My heart couldn't stop singing!

I gathered some frolicking parts of myself together and embraced his scent, while shyly withdrawing my hand. "I have an early morning flight to catch. I don't want to be hung over in front of my family!" I reciprocated the warmth that shone out of his supple pink cheeks, but his face just dropped instantly. His smile faded and his chiselled jaws popped.

He was retracting and an urge to touch his contours stuck my brain, I wanted to feel him. It was a natural feeling to me, I was going to miss him and I wanted to make every moment count.

"Oh... you're actually going..." Within a second, he cleared his throat and his smile hopped back in. This time, I couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. His body language made me feel slightly uncomfortable. Don't tell me this is ending... "...when will you be back?" His words were dry, just like my throat was.

"After Diwali, 24th."

"Hmm..." He nodded to himself as if he was deciphering something, while completely avoiding any form of contact. Watching every part of his body shift uneasily away from me made me feel miserable. Please... don't let this pass like this... "One beer, please." He ordered the bartender and looked me in the eye for a second blankly before he grabbed the bottle, shoving his ID instead of money.



"So let's just tell ourselves tonight, to fuck the whole universe, because I wanna feel things I've never felt before. I wanna get so drunk tonight that God and everything beautiful seems closer to me than reality... and by the end of the night, when God decides, I meet the person that defines me." A soothing voice preached our heavy-headed souls while an instrument played in the background. It felt like therapy of some form, for troubled humans like me though every word in that speech linked back to her. I am not gonna lie, I was four bottles down on beer–way under my limit but considering I had work the next day, I had to stick to my professional tabs and not get easily wavered by the choices.

Oh wait... what professional? She's leaving anyways, fuck that, tomorrow's gonna be a holiday for me on the show! I craned my head backwards to see the woman who was dressed in a flashy dress that made her look nothing but divine. She wasn't only the sexy that boys drooled over; she was at that standard she'd created for herself, a trademark class of her own where she shone even when no limelight was on her. She was a goddess of another kind, who beamed with the glory of being her true self.

I could do nothing to stop her from leaving. All the struggle to get her a toy she'd love, and all the pacifying to ensure I'd see her smile every day collapsed right before me. It was selfish of me to want her to myself but drunk Parth was not guilty. In my heart, only the purest of emotions took over.

We were actors at the end of the day. If we ever dated even, public could never know about it. It would be breaching the system and its rules. That was when it hit me that maybe no matter how much I tried to hold her back with me, she would only fly away to touch the sky and fulfil her dreams. An independent woman like her would never do a relationship. Hell, she didn't even need a man to support her; she was just perfect on her own.

Yearningly, I studied her grace. My balance was stable and I was miles away from passing out, but the drugging effect she blew over me every time I saw her had the capacity to knock me out of my senses. She was a sin.

I need more beer to handle her.



The strong alcoholic mist in the air made me want to puke my guts out. I'm so done with this party. I'd come there hoping Parth and I could catch up, but he just rejected me and walked out as if I wasn't worthy enough of his time.

I walked past Utkarsh without even noticing him, grieving to myself. "Oi, Niti... Kidhar?" He jumped in and snapped his fingers before me.

"Uh... I have an early flight tomorrow back home, so I'm gonna head out now."

"You sure you'll be okay on your own?" I pressed my lips into a forced smile.

"You guys are drunk, you are the ones that need help." He shrugged his shoulders and giggled before pulling me into a hug. Do not breathe, hold your breaths, I chanted to myself while closing my eyes until he let go.

I strolled out of the tiny hall and into the open air. It was pitch dark, and oddly quiet in contrast to the beaming room inside. Mumbai was never quiet. The streetlights were off and no cars drove past me in the last 4 minutes, which was strange in such a central location. I peeked to the left first and then the right but the whole stretch of the road was devoid of any rays of hope except at a distance, I could see tiny sparkles.

I pulled out the Uber app and scanned for my cabs that could help me reach home safe. Okay, I better walk the distance. I was stomping along merrily until I heard a few claps behind and then a whistle! I could feel my insides burning, what the heck is with men and catcalling?

"Oh hello there, Ms. Professional." He yelled loud enough for the sky to echo! I rolled my eyes and turned over to see the wobbly man, struggling to hold his balance while smiling. He then tripped over the curb and fell on his stomach on the road, stretching his hands as if he could get a hold of me from that distance. I couldn't help but come running to his rescue. "Thanks for wearing my favorite color, umah!" My eyes popped out, the second his lips met the black tar! I passed the most judgmental looks at him, but his senses were long shut down.

Then he lifted his chin off the ground like a little child, supporting it with both his palms while swaying his head from side to side. "Bhaagne ki koshish kar rahi ho?" His eyebrows wiggled in his sleep. God! How can someone be so cute and dumb at the time?

"Haan, kyoon? Sirf tumhara haq banta hai?" I grumbled. Even if I didn't admit, I was really concerned about what he'd be like in the morning. Who asked him to drink so much, especially when I wouldn't be there the next day to... see, I guess? What else would I do with him?

Not a word left his mouth. He seemed more than happy to just lay there and jiggle to the breeze. One hell of a man, he was! "...hmm." The joy jumped off his cheeks, that glowed. Does alcohol make people more attractive?

"What, hmm?" He and I were now in the middle of a dark, stranded road, having small talk like a car couldn't run over us any moment! "Okay first get up! GET UP!" I grabbed his wrist and yanked him up, and his other hand bumped into the road to which he didn't even protest. He swiftly pulled us over to the road median and positioned himself right behind me. Feeling his body brush against me, I was too dumbstruck to say or do anything.

His cold fingers yearned to touch my waist, snailing closer with a second delay in each movement. I didn't look around because even though I tried, my brain cells didn't operate correctly. With every rough huff, I felt a patch of my skin burn.

A second later, he moulded against me, pushing his nose behind my earlobe, trailing downwards... until he found a spot, a familiar spot. He used two of his fingers to stretch the skin there and touch the mark. His eyelashes swept south and that was when I realised his eyes were still closed.

He tugged gently, making a gasp leave my mouth while the familiarity of the situation struck my spine, jolting some sense into me. Déjà-vu.

I turned around and gently pushed his chest, and his lips latched off my skin, leaving a pinker mark. To say I was confused would've been the least accurate study of my emotions. Was there a chance he knew about those dreams? Was I in his dreams? How could EVERYTHING happen according to the dreams?

He's drunk now, ask him. I gawked at him unabashed, but he looked... shy? I noticed the growing distance, and clasped his hands urgently. He couldn't leave me high and dry, especially when I gave him consent to do something I'd never do with any other man I wasn't involved with.

"Tum... you know?"

"Just go!" He shouted, and I jumped back. He then took a deep breath and walked away backwards. "It's getting late and I cannot drop you!" He waved at his wasted body, emphasising on the 'I'. My heart broke a little with every word that left his mouth. Twenty-four hours can create history.


Parth and Niti (at least back in 2015) have been rumoured to have hated each other and since we don't know the reasons or how true it even is, imagination plays a big role.

lI've tried to show those tiffs between them, and these are really normal in early relationships. All the unbound expectations without a 'tag' on them... I've seen it happening. Abhi KYY ka 'MaNan' relationship is budding toh you'll get some good entertainment :3

Parth and Niti for life! #TeamRippedJeans or #TeamAdorkiMaa? 🙊 Have a great holiday y'all <3

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