Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 1

17.3K 359 237
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

I've been training my whole life for this moment and today was the day. They day I was going to get into U.A High School, the best school for training future heros. As I stood looking up at the school I took a deep breath. I don't go outside much because my family said they don't want me to. I listened to them because they seemed to have a good reason for that request. The only times I ever go outside is to visit my mother, who's in a hospital for some unknown reason. She doesn't seem to want to talk about it to me though which is very confusing. But I've gotten used to the fact that she won't tell me.

I looked to my right and saw a boy with green hair, looking nervous at the school in front of us. I'd be too if I wasn't so pumped to be able to get out of the house everyday. I was also home schooled my whole life, just another reason why I know to stay home most of the time. Before going in I decided to call my grandma to wish me luck in my exam. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number letting it ring a few times before I heard her pick up.

"Hey Gramma! I'm just about to go into the entrance exam now, wish me luck okay!" I said into the phone.

"I know you'll do great sweety, you've been training your whole life for this. And I know for a fact that you'll get in." I heard my grandma say confidently. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Gramma, I'll do my best!"

"I know you will, now go in there and show them what your made of."

"Thanks, see you after I mop the floor with everyone!" I laughed into the phone before I hung up. But right before I did I heard my grandma yell at me for rude manners. I put my phone away and took my first step into the campus of U.A. The feeling of the air around me is already so different. I can feel how this school is going to go. All the people around me, with all these different quirks, it must be amazing to be able to go here.

I walked behind everyone and made my way to where the entrance exam was held. Everyone was put in separate groups and taken to different places where we would be getting examed. I soon found out that I was put in the same group as the green haired kid from earlier. He looked scared out of his mind but I brushed it off. I need to think of whats ahead of me, focus on myself and what I need to do to get in. I've never been to a school in my entire life and I wanted to change that. My family finally agreed to let me go to a real school and of course this is the one that I've set my heart on.

There was no way I wasn't going to get in. Before I knew it, it was time for the exam to start. Everyone got in their ready positions and waited for the buzzer. I looked back at the green haired boy and gave him a thumbs up. He looked a little revealed when I did that so I felt better already. Who knows, maybe I'll even become friends with him one day. I know he'll pass, I just have a gut feeling. Like something is going to happen that will change my life. And maybe, just maybe he has something to do with it.

Turns out there was no buzzer and that radio guy yelled from the top of a tower that we should go in. I quickly ran in as fast as I could to get this exam started. I ran through the streets and found a group of robots. Turns out they are all 3 pointers. I flew at them with lighting speed and trapped them all in ice. And before they could break free I blasted a huge amount of fire at them causing the ice to shatter rapidly. The robots shattered along with the ice. My long hair flew around my face and head as the area cleared up a bit.

I looked around to see some people looking surprised at me. I smiled and ran off to get more points. Running threw the streets I looked both left and right to find robots. Just as I was about to turn a corner my eye spotted that green haired boy again. He looked lost but that wasn't my problem, right? I turned around again to keep running when I heard a scream. I quickly turned my head to see it was the green haired boy. A one pointer robot just jumped out right in front of him. Probably catching him off guard. I saw that he couldn't move his legs and the robot was coming right for him.

Before I knew it my body started to move on its own and soon found myself standing in front of an ice covered robot. The boy looked at me and I smiled. Blasting it with some fire then running off. I would stay to help him but I need to pass this exam or I won't get in. And I jumped back into the battle to get more points. I blasted a robot with some fire melting it's gun at contact and saving a person. They thanked me and I looked up at the sky. It was very hard to see anything because of all the smoke and debris from everyone.

But just as I looked up I saw a giant robot came out from behind a building.

"It's a zero pointer!" I heard someone yell and I looked around to see everyone running away because there is no point in going head to head with one of those. I was about to run away when I saw that a girl with brown hair was trapped underneath some rubble. The robot was coming closer and I didn't know what to do, do I save her? Or do I run like everyone else. Being a hero is not only beating the bad guys but it's also saving the ones who need help. And there was no way I was going to stand back and do nothing.

Just as I was about to shoot some ice to stop the zero point robot the green haired boy launched himself into the air. I watched at the amazing sight. He didn't look like he had any power like that. I looked up at the boy flying through the sky and saw something that amazed me even more. Not only did he launch himself into the sky like that, he punched the robot at what seemed full power and blasted it backwards.

The blast from that powerful blow caused wind to fly backwards at everyone. Making my hair go all over the place. I lifted my arm to block some of the wind and try to see where the boy went. I soon found him falling down back to earth, it looked like his legs and arm were broken. I'm no doctor, but legs shouldn't be able to move like that, or arms for that matter. I did the best thing I could think of. And that was making an ice slide to ensure his safe return back to earth. The ice shot up and luckily caught him. He slid down the ice at a very fast pace and I didn't know how to stop him. Making an ice wall would surely brake his other arm, so I can't do that.

Before he could shoot off my ice he was brought to a stop by the girl who was trapped under the rubble. She caught him at the last moment and stopped him from sliding away to who knows where. Not soon after she stopped him she started to through up. I quickly ran over to her to make sure she was okay. I looked over and saw the boy trying to drag himself somewhere.

"I still have a chance, to get at least one point before-" He was cut off my the radio guy.

"Times up!" He yelled and then an alarm went off signaling that the exam was over. Soon everyone was told to go home and wait to see our results. I wanted to stay to see how the boy was going to be, but they said that he was taken care of. So with that I went home. 

Once I got up to my door my grandma opened it engulfing me in a hug.

"Are you okay?! Did you pass?!" She started questioning me. I pulled back and looked her in the eye with a kind smile.

"I don't know if I passed or not yet, they will send us an email later tonight saying if we passed or not."

"Oh, okay. Well dinner is almost ready so get washed up and we can eat."

I nodded and made my way upstairs to my room. Since have hero's in the family we have a lot of money so we are able to afford a big house like this. I don't know who the hero in the family is, but we get quite a lot of money every week. It's like this family member is a big hero or something.

After dinner I went back upstairs and put on some pjs. I sat at my desk and opened my laptop. I went to my emails and refreshed the page. 

"I got an email!" I said happily and clicked on it. It opened up to a video.


"Congratulations Eimi Todoroki! You've made it into U.A.!" All Might said from my laptops screen.

"Al-All Might!" I yelled and almost fell from my chair. He said a few things about my performance and what I did good on and then the video was over. I sat there in silence letting the news sink in.

"Eeeeeeee!" I squealed while jumping out of my chair. I jumped around until my cousin opened the door.

"Eimi? Are you okay in there?" My cousin Dokami asked. I quickly looked over to him and ran over squealing.

"I passed Kami! I passed!"

He pulled me into a hug and squealed with me. We both jumped around happily until my grandma yelled at us to be quite since it was getting late. I went to bed with a smile on my face, ready for what the future was going to hold.

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