The truth about love (the sto...

By Maissi02

78.9K 1.2K 158

As everybody knows, it's been a half year since Justin and Jennifer are divorced. Although, they are still fr... More

The day before
The Oscars part 1
The Oscars part 2
The relief
The call
The Dinner
The diner part 2
The surprising moment
The conversation
The Surprise
The night...
The breakfast
Back in L.A
The shower
The day after
The formalization
The meeting
The meeting part 2
The official girlfriend
The comment
The trip
Day one!
Vietnam Here we go....
The unexpected surprise
Till us part
The writer
Back to the city...
Casual days
The video
FriendsDay- Sunday
Baby Struggles
The recovery
Family moments
Random days
Getting everything ready
IT'S A.....
The name
Greek baby
Beach day
He's on the way
Pitt N° 7
A little piece of heaven
We're home!
Message from the writer
I'm back!!!
New Story On
Message to the fanistons

The official announcement

1.1K 22 8
By Maissi02

"Yeah, but can't we just keep it to ourselves?" I walk behind Brad who is pulling me to the kitchen to have breakfast. "Jen your belly is growing every day, you can't hide it forever..." "Well, I will hide it as long as possible because it is something really sensible and private..." "Yeah but it's also a happy event, look, we're married, we love each other and we're having a baby. And it's something amazing, yeah we'll be bothered by the paparazzi but it's our choice, we made this choice by becoming actors"

"But I don't want that during my pregnancy Brad! I have a dozen paparazzi every day without being pregnant so can you imagine it when we'll announce?! I don't want that stress! I don't want to put my baby or myself in danger because I'll be chased by fucking ratzis in their car!! It's my first pregnancy and I want to enjoy it..." "Honey...okay you know what do as you want, but believe me, you won't like it when someone will sell the information to a magazine for money." I sit on a chair next to the kitchen counter with my toast while Brad pours me some tea.

"I don't want anybody to announce it before us either!...ugh...I guess we have to. Then how. Do you have any idea??" "I thought about it a while ago and I wanted to photograph you, you know in the garden or the living room...then we'll write a letter below the picture and give it to a magazine, of your choice." I get up to go kiss him as I'm moved that he thought about it.

"Oooow baby, that's so sweet...thank you, I love that's why you wanted so much to announce it..." "Well yeah, kind of...when do you want to do it?" I lay on his lap then pull him closer in my arm. " the golden hour, it could be perfect and we'll give the picture to Elle Magazine" " Sounds great babe..."

Later that afternoon BRAD'S POV

I go on the deck where Jen is laying on the couch with the two dogs sleeping next to her. "What are you doing?" "Listening to music with the baby, I've got the belly's so great" "Oh, the baby hears the music?" "Ahem... it develops their senses" I laugh as I can't take her seriously with her cute little face then lay next to her. "Stop laughing! It's true Brad, read the damn books"

" I know, I know honey, I'm just teasing you...what are you listening to?" "We first listened to Etta James and now Sting...and he's gonna be happy when you'll tell him that haha" "haha that's what I was about to say..."

" Well baby... I've been really thinking about it, and...I don't want to deliver in L.A. I want us to welcome our baby away from the media, somewhere really calm and I think Greece." "Oh's a good idea..." "Yeah...I wanted a stressless place where I could feel at home, so I thought why not my hometown Crete, what do you think?" "Honestly, I think it's an excellent idea sweetie and since you can't travel at the third trimester we'll have to leave at your seventh months then? oh and will your doctor come?" "No, she'll come like 3 weeks before my due date to be it gives us less than two months to rent a great house, decorate the nurseries in Crete and here, and we haven't even started buying baby supplies..."

"Well, you know what, let me take care of the house and you can take care of baby supplies and clothes..." I get up then walk to our bedroom to get ready "Yeah well we better get started tomorrow, I'm gonna call Court to ask her to take me shopping for the baby." "Wh...where are you going, babe?" "It's the golden hour, you're taking me pictures, remember?" 30 minutes later she comes out of the room with a beautiful and simple white dress. I stare at her for a minute blown away by her beauty. She first doesn't notice me but when she does, she smiles. "What...stop staring at me baby..." "You look stunning, I mean really being pregnant is amazing on you." She kisses me then we go to the living room where I take a few pictures, then we go to the garden for some more with the dogs. "Wow baby you did a great job, they're so amazing...I don't know which one to choose honestly..."

"Me neither but I think that one is so perfect...don't you?" Jen looks at it for a while then after long hesitation, she agrees so we then decide to write our letter. Three hours later after arguing about what word to use and if it was well said, we had made our announcement, and it was perfect. Jen lays her head on my legs as I stroke her hair. "Do you think it's a boy or a girl baby?"

"I really don't know, I have Three girls and three boys so it doesn't really matter to me. Maybe it's a girl..." "Hmm, no I feel like it's a boy, I don't know why but I really have this feeling...oh my god a little guy!" "When is the baby shower then?" "Really soon cause I want to know what we're having so I can start shopping!! Oh my gosh, I'm so we're really having a baby in about 4 months..." I kiss her forehead then her nose then her mouth. "'re about to be a mom my love."

After refounding each other, and after celebrating the love that we have for each other, life blessed us again with a gift, one of the most priceless and surreal of all gifts, and that we are so eager to meet. It's been five months since you share our life and we are already drunk with love for you. Mommy, Daddy and all your family can't wait to meet you little     "Munchkin" 02/20/2020

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