The formalization

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The writer: Sorry guys, I know it's been a while but I'm back !

While Brad is having a shower, Jen is on the couch in her room, reading e-mails from her agent and colleagues when Courtney calls her.
J: Hi Honey!
C: Hey baby, you're finally back!
J: Yeah I know...and I have to leave again  in two weeks!
C: Noo,really? Where are you going?!
J: Europe tour for the movie...
C: That movie is a real success, it's amazing. But I mean... You were awesome in it so it's normal.
J: haha thanks honey. How's Coconut?
C: Coco, she is fine we're actually on our way to Craig's. You know... a mother daughter day, we'll have lunch and then go to the SPA.
J: Great... kiss her for me. Oh! I have something to tell you! Some news !
C: oooooh I like that ! Tell me , tell me ...
J: Are you on speaker? Cause It's... you know...
C: Oh okay haha, sorry Coco, okay now tell me.
J: Well you know that I was in Sydney,
C: Uh...Jen...
J: Yeah okay You know!, anyway... Brad came to see me there.
C: Brad...? Wooow, he came for you ?
J: Yeah... We were talking three days before and I told him I was in Sydney cause he wanted to have dinner with me.So he said "Oh too bad" and then we talked about other stuff. Two days after, he texts me saying that he read a book and that he really wants me to read it....
C: That is amazing hahaha
J: I know, wait for it Court!
C: Okay okay I shut up hahaha

Brad walks in the room already dressed and comes to Jen to kiss her before leaving.

J: Court hold on...
C: Okay...

Brad: Okay I better go, I'll see you tonight with the kids then...

He kisses her and is about to leave but she grabs his t-shirt and pulls him back to her then kisses him again.

Jen: Now you can go... I'm gonna miss you.
Brad: Me too baby but don't tear my shirt hahaha
Jen: Go! haha

She gets back on the phone on her way to the living room.
J: Court? Still there ?
C: Yep ! What was that for ?
J: Sorry I was saying bye to Brad
C: Oh he is with you now??
J: That's what I was about to tell you, stupid haha. He surprised me there, we spent the night together and the nex...
C: Noooo. You slept together?
J: Uh duh! Of course we did Court.
C: Oh my god how was it ? Did he get old ? I mean...
J: Hell no! Actually stills the 30 year old Brad...
C: Hmm great...
J: A.NY.WAY Court ! The next day I asked him what are we, cause it's obvious that we have something. And he said, he wanted to be with me, that he knows we'll have to work on some things but he was sure that he wanted to be with me.
C: This is so cute. And...Do you see yourself growing old with him?
J: You know what... strangely... Absolutely. I totally see myself with him. Maybe cause I know him already. He is home to me.Oh my god it's really funny to hear myself saying this. I guess some things are just meant to be.
C: You guys are meant to be, I'm so happy for you Jen. I truly am. And I can't wait too see him again actually...
J: I know , it's been what 10 years since you saw each other?
C: Yep 10 years.
J: Woooow, oh you know , I'm meeting his kids tonight!
C: WOW, Do they know you ?
J: He said yes, that he talked about me, and that they knew he was married once before their mom. They just never saw me... like they didn't how I was like. I think they know now because of internet, magazines and phones....
C: That's a good thing that they know he was married once before. And he is going to present you as....
J: His friend for now... it's better like that. I guess it's hard enough for them already,you know... and I just got with Brad's too soon to say anything.
C: Yeah I understand completely... You're right, you guys should take the time to rediscover each other first and when you're more sure of what you wanna do then he can present you as his Mrs. hahaha
J: Yeah... Honey I'm sorry, I'm gonna let you eat with your daughter okay?
C: Okay, I'll talk to you later , see you baby !
J: Bye sweetie
Jen hungs up then prepares herself for a lunch she has with Lisa, Amanda and Reese. She puts on a khaki short with a white top and a beige jacket, then she puts white Tommy Hilfiger sneakers, sunglasses then leaves in her Bentley.

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