Family moments

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" Daaad Jen needs you in the kitchen!" I walk to the kitchen where Jen is making a cake with Shiloh and Mad while the chief is cooking for the diner. We decided to invite my parents and Jen's father with is wife so we can announce them the pregnancy with the kids too. " Baby I need you to go get some Ben and Jerry's icecream to eat with the cake" "Why Ben&Jerry's??" "Because this is what I've been craving..." I take some keys on the counter then walk to the door. "Hey...what are you doing!?" "I'm gonna get you your icecream Jen!" " No no no take your car..." "Why can't I take yours?" " Oh oh oh hell no man, so you can crash it? Take your own" " Your such a kid Jen ...." " I love you too".

Jen's POV

Knox and Shi come sit next to me. " What are you watching?" "It's called shades of blue and it's with JLo" " Who's Jlo?" I realize I'm talking to a twelve year old so I smile, then Shiloh respond to him. " It's Jennifer Lopez dumb ass" "Hey Shi! Don't talk to him like that..." " But everybody knows her..." "Not everybody does and still it doesn't justify you talking to him like that." "I'm sorry....what time are grandma and grandpa coming? And you parents too? "

"They should be here in about an hour so you guys should go get ready..." They all run to the room then Brad comes back followed by my father and his wife. I go on the alley to welcome them. "Hey papa!...Hi Sherry, how are you guys?" I give them both a hug and walk them inside. "Hey baby, we're pretty fine but you lost weight, what's going on?" "Yeah Jen are you okay?" "Oh yeah I'm fine Sherry I've been working a lot lately so I don't really have the time to eat, but don't worry I'm done now... I'm getting back to shape" " You better sweetie otherwise I'll feed you like when we were in Athens and you were sick, do you remeber?" " Oh my god...I do haha, you won't need to do that."

" So where are the kids?" " They are getting ready...Sherry you want to come with me check on them?" " Sure sweetie"

Sherry follows me to the kids rooms while Brad and my dad have some whiskey. We get the kids to come down say then at the same moment Brad's parents park in the hallway. The kids run outside to welcome their grandparents they haven't seen in a year. " Hey my babies! Oooow I missed you so much." " Hi grandma, we missed you too! Hey Grandpa!" "Hey monsters, oh my gosh you guys are twice bigger since last year!" They hug them, then take them to the living room where Brad my parents and I are talking. I walk to Jane who gives me a huge hug. " Hi Jen, it's been so long, how are you?" " Hii Jane, I knoow I've been doing really great and you? You haven't change at all" " Oooh please, look at you not aging at all haha" " Thanks...Hi William!"

"Hey Jen-Jen how are you.?" " Haha I'm fine thank you, and you look so fine too...come, well that's my father but I think you remember him" "I sure do Hi John" "William it's great to see you again!"  We talk for an hour then comes the time to eat, so we have a wonderful dinner talking about me being back with Brad and how beautiful was our wedding in Asia. We laugh a lot then decide to play a game with the whole family. "I wanna be in Jen's team!" Vivienne screams running to me then Knox decides the same. "Me too cause she always wins!"  Brad laughs then reorganize everything " Hey okay let's divide, Knox and Viv and  Zee  with Jen...Shi with me, Pax with John and Sherry and Mad with mom and dad...sounds good?"

" what do we play?" Asks Sherry. I look at Brad to check if it's the good time then he signs me back. "Okay let's play Pictionary..."
I sit on the couch with the twins while everybody gets ready. We start playing then at the 4th round everybody seems annoyed because the twins and I are winning. "Okay let's do one last round guys" "Jen baby you keep winning..." " Yeah but dad come on, it's gonna be fun, you know what, I'll draw and you all guys are gonna try to guess it" "...Okay let's do that"  I first draw what seems to be a woman  with a belly. " It's a woman! A...a pregnant woman??" Knox screams.  I continue drawing then draw six little characters next to the pregnant woman. Then my dad proposes something. " Well it's a pregnant woman... so they might be you guys..." Out of nowhere Zee screams. " It's the six of us and there's going to be another baby...Oh I know ! You're having a baby!!!!!"  I smile and nod "Yes you got it!" "That one was a little hard but funny" Jane stays quite for a while then looks at me and Brad and finally realize. "Wait...You are really having a baby!!! Oh my god you're expecting!!" The kids faces illuminate then Shi looks at me so excited. " OMG OMG are we really having a brother??" Brad comes next to me then touches my belly. "Or a sister..." The kids jump of happiness then Jane gets emotional and starts to cry which gets me in tears too. "Oh my god Jen I'm really happy for you guys, I mean everything happened so quickly you're married and having a baby oh my god...I'm really happy for you..."

" Oh thank you so much Jane, I am so excited to meet this baby and see it around with the kids and everybody" My dad really touched, hugs me for almost two minutes, whispering me how proud and excited he is and how I'm going to be a good mother. " I can't believe you're giving me a grand child honey...I would've love your mom to see this." " I know dad... I know sometimes I'm going to miss her and would want to ask her advices but she won't be there, it's crazy... but it's surreal ... I'm so excited to welcome my baby " Sherry hugs me too " Let me look at you, that's why you lost weight you keep throwing up?" "Well yeah...this baby is making it hard for me... but I'm actually okay now, I haven't throw up since yesterday" Brad comes next to me, the twins excited are running everywhere with the oldest making fun of them. Zahara comes to us then hugs her dad. "Do you know if it's a boy...? Or a girl??" "Sweetie we don't know yet, but I'll make sure your dad doesn't find out before the gender reveal haha" "Yeah! We're doing a gender reveal!!" Shiloh screams. " Okay guys we're walking your grandparents to their car, and I want everybody showered and in bed when we're back..." We walk outside the hallway with my parents and Brad's, with Sherry and Jane asking me more about the pregnancy while Brad talks with his father and mine. " Well, when is your due?" Sherry asks.

" I due in February like middle February but if it comes early, maybe January..." "Oooh maybe on your birthday, it'll be so cute..." " Yeah... "
" And are you delivering in L.A?" I start thinking as I never thought about that and where would it be if we wanted to leave. " We haven't think about that but...I sure will" " Well I can't wait to see you being a mom, you're already doing great with those six..." " Uh...this guys, not easy hahaha, but I do my best and so does Brad"
They hug us again then congrats us before leaving.

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