The day after

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It's nine thirty, in Jen's kitchen, we can smell coffee and toasts. Jen and Brad are on the deck, having their breakfast, Brad reading The New York Times and Jen reading Architectural Digest.

Jen: hey baby...

Brad: Yep

Jen: Do you have any plans today?

Brad: Yeah, gotta be on set at twelve then pick up the kids. Why?... You wanna do something?

Jen: well yeah, I thought we could go and have lunch, dinner or something... well I have a press conference at 4 so probably dinner, and anyway you have the kids so it's okay we'll find another day.

Brad: No, we'll have dinner at my place with the kids, and you'll finally meet them!

Jen: Brad it's too soon

Brad: For who?

Jen: Them... Us... And it's even more complicated cause I'm not just your new girl-friend, I'm your ex-wife Brad. Their reaction is really really sensible honey

Brad: Okay then I'll present you as my friend...

Jen: Ex-wife...

Brad: And now friend, look I'll explain them the situation...let me handle it baby okay?

Jen: Well...okay baby...please make it easy for them, it really matters to me.

Brad: Don't worry...ooooh look at you carrying for them, they gonna love you, I'm sure of that.

Jen: hahaha let's pray for that

Brad: Don't worry, so dinner at my place? 7 p.m? I'll cook...

Jen: You? You will?

Brad: Hey I was a single man, had to learn how to take care of myself...Well, it's not like my wife was a chief but you know...

Jen: hahaha well, we'll see that mister, don't worry I'll cook for you

Then she gets up kisses him, touches his crotch...

Brad: Hmmm...honey...

Jen: Hey... don't worry...You have to go take your shower...

Brad: I do...

Jen: Come on... go get ready honey

Brad: Yeah... but I'm getting these pretty butt tonight...

Jen: hahaha... We'll see that mister!

The truth about love (the story of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin