The call

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It's been almost a week since Brad and I have talked. We are both busy with working on movies and did not have time to see each other. When I finally get a minute to myself , I decide to call him to have some news. So I get in my bed and call him.

Jen: Hey Brad!

Brad: Jen, hey how are you?? I'm happy to hear from you, I'm sorry I've been so busy this last week with a movie and the kids, that's why I didn't call...

Jen: Oh noo don't worry, I was busy too, that's actually the only moment I've had since last week so I decided to call you and see how you were.

Brad: That's really nice thank you... well I'm fine; exhausted but fine haha. and you your week wasn't too rough?

Jen: It was really intense but so interesting and inspiring. I think the movie is gonna be great honestly... I mean the character is really deep and you know I have to challenge myself for it. It's awesome!

Brad: What's the name of the movie?

Jen: "The Eyeless love"

Brad: Oh wow, well I can't wait to see it.

Jen: Yeah, we'll invite each other to the premieres!

Brad: Absolutely hahaha... Hey, do you have plans for tomorrow night?

Jen: Well, I had a date...with my bed and my dogs but I can cancel it. Hopefully, they will understand...

Brad: ahahah well please ask them to pardon me okay?

Jen: I will aha. So you wanna go somewhere?

Brad: Nobu? Or Broken Spanish? Or anything else...

Jen: Actually, I've been craving sushi lately so definitely Nobu...

Brad: The Malibu one?

Jen: Yaaaas

Brad: Then Nobu it is. Alright, I'm gonna get back to work now...

Jen: Sure... actually what are you doing?

Brad: Sculpture... I love that

Jen: Daamn, you should show me some day

Brad: It'll be my pleasure...

Jen: okay I'm letting you work bye!

Brad: Okay see ya

Brad hangs up. Jen tries to go back to work on her character but she can't. She is surprised by her lack of concentration, as soon as she tries to put herself in the skin of the character, she is distracted.

"This is not what you're supposed to do Brad!... Oh fuck James it's James for god's sake!!"

She can't believe it. She keeps seeing Brad in everything she does and that feeling starts to scare her. She feels like 20 years ago, and it's something she doesn't want. She was married to Brad 15 years ago, it ended and it's over. She doesn't want to allow her self to have those feelings again for Brad, but she can't help it. So she gets annoyed and decides to go to bed.

The truth about love (the story of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant