Beach day

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It's been a month we're here, I'm now eight months pregnant and Andrea and Court have joined Brad and I. We are sitting on the deck having a great dinner "Court could you pass me some bread, please?" "....I really wanted to go to India but I had a problem with the movies schedule"

They are all talking but I'm not listening. All I keep thinking about is how my due date is getting closer, and I'm scared to death about giving birth "Jen...can you hear me??" I'm surprised by Andrea who puts her hand on my shoulder "What? Oh sorry, I was just thinking" "About what?" "Uhm...nothing important just stuff"

"Okay...well I was just saying to Court that I didn't go to India because of the movie, and Laila was really mad at which I don't understand since it's not my fault" I try to follow what she says and get back in the conversation. "I think you should call her to explain better or wait till you're back in L.A" Brad gets up then leaves the table looking pissed at something.

"Is he okay?" I check on him from my seat not really knowing what's wrong with him "He's on the phone with someone.." We keep talking for a while then hear Brad's voice getting louder through the seconds. I decide to go check to see what's going on. I get to him then whisper "What's wrong ? Who is it?" He ignores me then tells the person to fuck off before hanging up.

"Who and what was that Brad?" He sits on the couch obviously really pissed

"Angie...she was supposed to put the kids in a plane yesterday so they could be here by now, I texted them an hour ago to see if they were on their way here and Mad told me she took them to London yesterday and she's taking the girls to a refugee camp."

" I'm sorry honey...don't you want to call her back and try to figure it out? I mean I don't want to get involved between you two but try to call her"

" No Jen I'm sick of that shit, Angie always does that and it's because I don't say anything but now I'm done" He gets out of the living room excuse himself to the girls then leaves the house.

As I get out, they're all shocked about his reaction "What is going on with him?" Court asked confused. I sit next them " Problems with Angelina, she was supposed to send the kids here yesterday and she didn't and now he's pissed"

"Is he right to be pissed?" Drea asks not really knowing what to say " Well kinda cause this is not the first time...oh well I wish they could really get along"


" I'm so excited to meet him!" Courtney says as she's stroking my belly "Yeah me too, can I ask you something, does it hurt that much?" Andrea smiles as she knows I must be scared "Honey you choose a natural birth so I'm not gonna lie, nothing hearts more than delivering but as soon as he'll be out you won't even remember the pain"

"Wow okay..." "But you're gonna make it and it will be fine" they both hug me and try to make me feel better. As we continue talking, Brad comes in much calmer. "Are you okay?"

"Yep, they'll be here tomorrow" We look at each other a little scared of what he could have possibly said to her "tomorrow? How...what did you do?"

"I told her I was going to call my lawyer, anyway I don't want to talk about it right now, the most important is you and the kids. What were you guys talking about?"

"We were talking about the fact that your wife is a little scared of giving birth, which is understandable" he pulls me closer in arms before kissing me. "Really? Baby, you shouldn't be scared I'm sure it's going to be amazing, even if it's a little painful"

I gently slap him " hmm look at you talking, but I don't think you've ever pushed a baby out of your vagina so don't say that to me" he laughs then kisses my forehead. " Dr... called me and she's coming here in two days"

" Yeah, So is the doula. I can't believe he's coming in three weeks, gosh it's getting so close"


I wake up hearing voices from downstairs so I guess they're already up. I put on my bathrobe as this is the only thing I'm comfortable in now, then wash my face and brush my teeth.

As I get down to the kitchen, I'm surprised by what I see. "Jeeen!!" Vivienne runs to me and gives me a big hug "Hi sweetie! How did you get here oh my god" I'm beyond happy then the other kids come and hug me.

We get on the deck where everybody is having breakfast. "Morning guys" I kiss Court, and Andre "What a surprise baby? When did they arrive?" I kiss Brad sitting on his laps "Early this morning, I went to take them at the airport"

"I missed you so much Jen, and I'm so happy we're staying with you" Zee says as she sits next to us " Me too honey, and I think your brother missed you too for how hard he's kicking now" I put her hand on my belly so she can feel him. "Why isn't Coco here Court?" Vivienne and Shiloh ask as they look disappointed "She went on vacation with her dad, I wish she could've been here too but I'm leaving in a week, so I'll come back with her if you want"

They nod, excited about it "Can we go to the beach?" "Why not? We could go now since the sun isn't high yet" Brad agrees, so do Court and Andrea so we get ready then leave. " I know a small private beach down those rocks, I used to go there when I was little with my cousins, we would have so much fun" I take them to the beach and it hasn't changed a bit.

"WOW, it's so nice Jen! The sand is pink I love that" Vivienne screams as she runs in the water with the other kids "I'm glad you like it baby" we set up our towels and umbrella then lay on the sand watching the kids

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"WOW, it's so nice Jen! The sand is pink I love that" Vivienne screams as she runs in the water with the other kids "I'm glad you like it baby" we set up our towels and umbrella then lay on the sand watching the kids. "Your country is so nice Jen I can't believe you don't come here more often," Courtney says as she's sunbathing "I know, and I should come more. My dad was already so happy with me coming back, and seeing my family here reminded me how much I missed them" "Do they speak English?" "Some of my cousins, yeah, but not my aunts and uncles so I have to speak Greek"

"I was about to say you're really good" "haha thanks, I try my best not to forget" Brad gets up and pulls my arms making me get up. "Where are you taking me?" "In the water, it's good for the baby" we get in the cold water then he puts my legs around his hips before kissing me. "hmm is it good for the baby or yourself?" I laugh as he starts stroking my butt through the water. "Maybe, both honey" we kiss again, our kisses are getting more passionate. "Yaks! It's gross" Shiloh screams as she sees us, making me laugh.

I whisper in his ear "maybe tonight baby"

The Writer: Sorry guys for not updating sooner, but I was really busy with school and exams. I hope you like this chapter cause I wasn't sure about it at all, so leave comments, so I know what you thought of it.


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