Till death...do us part

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Brad all smiling comes to me then takes my hand before pulling me closer to him and the boys while the girls join us. As I don't really know what is happening, my eyes start getting wet with tears. He looks at me in the eye, then I can see he is about to cry too. He catches his breath then finally speaks.

" Baby... two years ago I would've never thought...that I would be happy again in my life. I was broken and you taught me somehow how to enjoy life again... You came in life at a moment where everything was sort of falling apart...the first time we ever met in 1998, and then one year ago. You welcomed me back in your life despite our past and you were there to listen to me...."

Now tears start rolling on his cheeks and he can't control it. It gets me even more emotional as Brad never cries and the last time I saw him cry was when his mother almost died.

"......I started something that I thought would be a beautiful friendship, and instead, I've fallen again for my first great love. And I've turned back and forth, to see what is happening to me, but I can't help it. When I look at myself in 30 years, with my kids and my grandchildren, the old woman I see next to me is you, Jen.... You're my home, you're my healer, you're my best friend. I'm so happy to have you back in my life and I'm never letting you go again. I love you more than I ever thought I could love a woman because you're there for me whenever I need you. You love me with all my shity habits, you love me for who I am and the most important thing, you love my kids as if they were yours. Tonight.....I want to celebrate you, and I want to celebrate us, our love. I don't need a piece of paper to know that I'm married to you. To me, marriage is a celebration of us and that's all that matters. That's why I want to marry you. I want to marry you here right now with only my kids and this beautiful place for witnesses...if you want to of course..."

My heart is racing, tears are falling down on my cheeks. I can't believe what is happening to me. I'm in the most beautiful place ever with the man I love and amazing kids and he is asking me to marry him. I gasp for air then I finally take a deep breath to calm down; I deeply look at him trying hard not to cry again.

" Honey, I don't even know where to start. You were my best friend it's true, and I lost you for a while. And now you're back, my lover, my best friend and yes the Great Love of my life. I'm beyond grateful to be lucky enough to wake up next to you again, and I want to believe that some things are just meant to be. You are my person Brad...You truly are and I love you more then you could imagine. Being welcomed with that much love in your family, your beautiful kids, it's way beyond my happy place, and I'm so so happy about that. So, of course, I want to marry you now"

He leans to kiss me passionately as tears are falling from the both of us now and the kids also emotional give us a hug. "I love you"

" And I love YOU, mister"

The man comes closer to us and explains how the ceremony will be going. " In Vietnam, when two people want to celebrate their love, they entrust it to nature which will keep it forever. So I'm going to give you each a flower which symbolizes your family, and the candle on it symbolizes your love and your marriage. When I will tell you, you will put these flowers in the sea then will let it go and you'll watch them leave. When there won't be any lights, it will mean that the sea will keep your love and your family forever as no one will ever find these flowers to destroy them. Your marriage and your love will then be indestructible.

" Wow...that's beautiful how do you know about this tradition baby?" I get closer to Brad who kisses me again then we walk down to the beach. " I have a friend who did it 20 years ago with his wife. One morning he decided to take her in Vietnam and they got married. I thought it was so beautiful and so much more sincere." The man hands us the flowers with the candles on them, one for Brad and I and each for the kids to represent the family. He lights them all, makes a prayer and asks us to put them in the sea while thinking really deeply about what we want in our family. We do then we watch our flowers going far in the sea.

" I can't see them anymore dad" Viv gets closer to us and Brad kisses her on the forehead before pulling me closer to him " Hey... that's it...we are married baby" " It's surreal...wow... we are married" The man congrats us then live us alone with the kids. They are all so happy and excited. "Well guys we should go dinner cause I'm really hungry, what do you want to eat sweetie?" I follow Brad and the kids as we're going to the car. " I would love some grilled prawns with noodles, something like that" " Well there's a guy at the hotel who told me about a great restaurant not far from the hotel, we can go there. Sounds good honey?"

" Yep as long as I eat prawns..." We get to the restaurant where I have the most amazing prawns I've ever eaten in my life. Brad takes a grilled fish and the kids have different varieties. " Dad, Are you guys going to tell people you got married?" " No Shi, not for the moment. I want us to be able to enjoy it as much as possible before telling the world."

"Yeah, sweetie only our really close friends will know about that" I look at Shiloh who seems to agree with what I said. " Well, I'm so excited for you guys! Does it mean that you're going to have a baby?" When Zahara talks about babies, I'm confused and so surprised that I look at Brad. He starts to laugh so I don't feel too uncomfortable." No honey, it's not because we got married that we have to have another baby. Don't you think you guys are already enough?"

" You know it's never too much with me dad..."
" Hahaha! No sweetie the thing is that now I'm a little old to have a baby... I tried tho... but it didn't work." Zee's face turns all sad and I can feel she regrets her question. " Jen I'm so sorry..." " Oh sweetie don't be.... today is a good day and you know what? I'm not sad, cause I'm in a really happy place, I love your dad and even if I'm not you guys mother, I love you so much! That's what really matters to me now, nothing else! »

The atmosphere relaxes and we spend a wonderful evening laughing with Pax insane stories. About three hours later, we get back to the hotel. As the kids are exhausted, they
immediately go to bed while I'm taking a shower and Brad is watching TV.

Brad's POV

I put some jazz music as I'm really annoyed by the movie I don't understand at all, then I decide to get in the bed and start reading while waiting for my wife. It's still surreal to me. I can't believe Jen is my wife and this time it'll last till death do us part...

« Babe, what are you doing? » She comes out of the bathroom completely naked then goes in the dressing where she gets in her sleeping robe. « I'm just thinking about how everything changed since we talked at the Oscars. It's amazing. » She comes over then sits on my lap before kissing me passionately and laughing. « I know right...we're married! Again... »

She pulls the book out of my hand then throws it away, and bites her lips before kissing me again. I kiss her back but more passionately. She then pulls off her robe, leans over to kiss me and lets her tongue inside my mouth. I gently grab her ass before flipping over her.

I start kissing her in the neck, then my tongue starts playing with her beautiful, hard nipples. Her breath gets heavier as she starts moaning, then I go further down her body kissing every corner of her body.

I then pull off her panties and I can feel she's going crazy. She can barely breathe as she tries to speak. " Brad...don't... do this please" I then I use my fingers as a tease, causing her to go weak under me. I get back to her lips introducing my tongue in her mouth, and to show me what I'm doing to her, she gently passes her hand in my boxers and grabs my hard bulge. I start moaning deeply as she strokes it.

Since I don't want to explode of pleasure, I flipped again, she's now under me her legs wrapped around me, I can feel her heels pressed against my back. Before she even notices, I'm inside her moving in synchro with her. Her moans get louder as she grabs my back.

This time it's different; I'm making love to her, my wife, and there's no such feeling. She kisses me more passionately and presses my back with her legs which means she wants me to go deeper. She strings my back then whispers " I love you". I answer back and kiss her gently.

We have an orgasm at the same time then I fall next to her. I'm laying on my back she then pulls herself closer to me, lays her left leg on my naked body while her hand is playing on my chest as we are both trying to catch our breath. We end up sleeping in each other's arms.

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