The Oscars part 2

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Jen tries to relax and have a nice evening with her friends. The evening is in full swing and she's having a great time. But after been to two afterparties she decides to go home. As soon as she arrives, she is so tired that she lays down on her couch and falls asleep till the next day. Jen wakes up licked by her dogs. She looks at her phone, it's already 11 am. So she gets up, goes into the shower and feeds her doggies. While she's having a coffee, Jen remembers that she has a yoga class with her friend Jane but as she is too tired, she decides to cancel it.

Jen: Hi honey...

Jane: good morning sweetie... aaaw what's that voice? hmmm, I can see someone had fun yesterday! 

Jen: Oh my god tell me about it... I'm so fucking tired but it was awesome really.

Jane: yeah so we should cancel the yoga class. it's better if you just relax and recover from last night.

Jen: Yeaaah that's what I'm gonna do....oooooh honey I'm so sorry for the yoga

Jane: come on Jen who cares? it's just a damn yoga class. please get rest okay?

Jen: okay thank you, Jane, I'll talk to you later, now I'm gonna sleep. 

Jane: okay bye sweetie.

Jen goes back to her room and falls asleep for two hours when she is wakened by her phone bell. She looks at it and sees that someone is calling her. She is surprised as she doesn't know the phone number so she peaks up.

Jen: hello...

Brad: hey... hey Jen it's Brad

  Jen's face changes as soon as she hears the voice of Brad. She is first scared cause Brad never calls her and she is worried.

Jen: hey brad how are u ? is everything alright?

Brad: hum yeah ...yeah I'm alright. You seem like you were sleeping, I'm sorry;I woke you up I guess?

Jen: ooh no don't worry I was gonna get up soon anyway...

Brad: sure? I'm really so sorry

Jen: yeah sure don't worry. So ...

Brad: Yeah I'm sorry to bother you but there was something I wanted to talk to you about, something I'm working on and that is really important to me.

Jen thinks that Brad certainly wants to talk about a movie or a project, which she finds amusing cause it will be the first time they'll be working together since FRIENDS.

Jen: yeah sure I'm listening 

Brad: well you know I got a divorce with Angelina and all that shit...

There's a minute of silence between Brad and her, then she realizes what Brad is about to talk about, which gets her sort of uncomfortable.

Jen: Yeah I know... by the way, I'm sorry, it sucks.

Brad: It's okay you know... I guess it's just life...

Jen: Yep...

Brad: Anyway, I've been working on myself and I've been through some difficult moments that made me realize a lot of things...

Jen: Brad we don't have to do that you know...

Brad: No Jen it's really important to me, please

Jen: Okay...

Brad: I realized a lot these last two years... I realized that I was turning into someone I wasn't. I was always drunk, not there for my family... not there for my children, at least not all the time. I had problems and I just didn't want to face them... I maybe needed Angelina to ask divorce to realize what was happening to me. It made me realize the horrible husband I was to you when we were married. You were insanely in love with me and I was in love with you too but I just wasn't there. I wasn't there for you Jen, mentally. I was selfish, and all that mattered to me was me and my feelings. I should've been there for you like you were for me. I feel so bad for all these moments you needed me, your husband, but all my attention was on a movie or a damn movie star I was working with. For all those signals you were sending me cause you were in pain but I wasn't seeing them. For all those unnecessary fights, when I could just try to understand your point of view. But above all, I'm sorry I didn't fight for us. I let things go, I let us go, cause I wanted to figure out things I haven't figure out till now....We... We were supposed to start a family and I told you I needed to find out what I really wanted. And less than a year later, I was the father of three.... I can't even imagine what it was for you to deal with that and in front of the world. You always defended me, you were always so classy about the whole thing, and I never responded back. You did everything and I was too stupid and selfish to at least say thank you. I swear there are so many things I would've done differently starting getting a divorce from you cause now I know that I was the problem; you or our marriage wasn't. You are one of the most amazing, gentle, smart, loving and funny people I know and you always believed in me after all. God I'm so sorry Jen.... Sorry for everything I've done or said. I truly am and it kills me that it took me that long to realize that I fucked up. And I lost the love of my life. But I want you to know that I know I fucked up and I wanna apologize for that.

Jen doesn't say a word all the time as Brad speaks. We can only see huge tears rolling down on her cheeks. This is the first time that Brad makes himself so vulnerable to her and confesses entirely. She has the feeling of hearing someone else and is overwhelmed by all the memories that come in her mind, all the sadness and anger she always had in her... All the nights she cried because she was lost without him by her side, all those moments when she thought something was wrong with her or she wasn't good enough, all the confidence she lost... It was just too much for her at the same time. She doesn't say anything for two minutes then finally answers.

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