SuperFamily 101

By deadroosterdonoteat

10.8K 260 87

Peter Parker, an innocent child awkwardly gets tossed into the already hectic lives of the Avengers as the ad... More

One a.m.? Drunk? Me?
I mean, sure, go ahead.
Greetings, my frien-
I always have a reason.
I promise.
What do you mean break- aaaah!
It's you and me against the world, buddy.
Long way home.
Chicken gobbling?
That felt oddly like one of our missions.
How hard can it be to find a 3-year-old in New York?
Thank god, they are dead.
Fvck, I almost shot you.
Stop guilt-tripping me!
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.
Good thing I'm not a cat then.
At least I'm not balding.
Screeching pterodactyls.
Clint felt extremely uncomfortable.
I've known you for most of your pitiful life.
Who are you?
You can't touch us child. No one can!
It's not him.
Just, die already.
Well, there goes that idea.


299 10 2
By deadroosterdonoteat

I'm pretty sure that this is called sneaking away from a party to write a chapter but *cough* It doesn't matter. Since none of you commented a name for the chapter, honestly I'm hurt (stifles a fake tear) I will just torture you by giving this chapter 'Loki.' as its name. Ha. I'm so EVIL. 

<Edit> I'm kidding. I'm rereading my chapters and changing the names and crap. God, I was so cringey when I wrote this. 

Chapter 9 - Low-key. 

After a bit of an awkward introduction, everyone got off on a good foot and Tony, Thor and Peter gave him a tour of the tower.

"These are the sleeping levels," Tony said pointing to floor 60 and 61, his version of a tour was opening a hologram of the tower. "My room, Peters room, Natashas room, Clint's room are on level 60. Bruces room, Thor's room and your room are on level 61. We all have our own bathrooms except for me and Peter. We share a bathroom.  Level 77 and 78 are off limits for everyone except Bruce and me. The Living room and Kitchen are on this level 59. Hangout room, level 58. The suit-up rooms are on level 62 so you can put your suit and other accessories (Tony glanced at the horned helmet Loki was holding) in the last empty room which ironically has a green door. That's pretty much everything you need to know. Questions?" Tony finished.

"Do you have a meeting level?" Loki asked.

"Yes, level 76." Tony said, "Not that you need to know, right?" He said looking inquiringly at Thor with eyebrows raised.

"I have said that he may join us for missions." Thor said proudly.

"What?!" Tony shouted causing Peter to squirm in his arms.

"Indeed. He shall be fine. Cometh Loki, let us go to your rooms." Thor said happily oblivious to Tonys discomfort at the thought of Loki joining them.


Loki walked along the hall closely following Thor who pointed to a door.

"Brother, that is my room." He boomed then pointed to the door next to his. "That is your room!" Loki looked questioningly at Thor's door with his eyebrows raised. In capitals across the door was painted 'THOR.'. Thor laughed and patted the door almost breaking the hinges in the process.

" I may have forgotten my room many times. Bruce did it after I had walked into his room and fallen into slumber on his bed a few times." He said sheepishly. Loki rolled his eyes. At least he always knew which room was his. He headed towards the black door and slowly opened it revealing a large spacious room. Noticing that Thor tried to come on after him he quickly shut the door in Thor's face much to Thor's dismay and locked it.

In the middle of the room against a light grey wall was a large king size bed with a grey blanket and black pillows, the grey blanket ha a large dark green stripe at the top of the blanket which causes for Loki to smile. He quite liked the effect. On the farthest wall was a large glass window with light grey blackout curtains. Opposite of the bed on the opposite wall stood a large brown closet which Loki opened to reveal a large abundance of clothing. All Midgard clothing like t-shirts, jeans, 'ooh' he thought delighted as he saw a very nice black suit (Thor Ragnarok). He immediately stripped of his Asgardian outfit and carefully pulled on the attire. Then he explored the rest of the room. Next to the exit door was a fogged glass sliding door and when he presses a large white bitten the door slowly slid open revealing an excellent bathroom. It had a tub and shower built in one and a large mirror. Pleased he stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the crumpled costume and helmet lying on the floor and remembered Tony's words all of a sudden ' The suit-up rooms are on level 62 so you can put your suit and other accessories in the last empty room which ironically has a green door.' He stood up and walked silently out the room hoping that Thor wouldn't hear him. He rushed to the elevator and hurriedly pressed the button 62 and the elevator quickly rose up. As soon as the door opened Loki realized he was in an empty hallway with many doors on the right and windows only on the left. As he passed the door he say familiar signs marking the doors. On a red door was Iron Mans reactor painted on in light blue. On a blue door was Captain Americas shield, on a black door was a black spider with a ghostly white outline painted with a red cross on its back. On a dark grey door was a Bow and Arrow and on a light green door was the word 'Doc.' painted on and on a light grey door was Thor's hammer and on the last door was nothing but it was a dark green. Loki quickly muttered a spell and a golden helmet appeared on the door. Smiling Loki stepped into the room. He looked around apprehensively to find quite an empty room. All there was was a glass cabinet with a mannequin in side and a helmet stand. In the middle was a large, dark green pouf. Loki sniffed and gently tugged his costume onto the mannequin and carefully placed his golden helmet on the helmet stand. Suddenly he felt a tug on his pant leg. He jolted looking down only to find a little boy staring up at him with his big brown eyes. Loki pulled an awkward smile before tugging his pant leg away from the curious child.

"Low-key." the child said slowly pronouncing Loki's name out. Loki raised his eyebrows but nodded staring confused at the child. Then the child pointed to himself and said,

"Pee-ter." He grinned up at Loki and his smile dimmed a bit when he noticed the horrified expression that Loki had on his face. He reached his hands up signaling for Loki to pick him up and Loki obliged carefully handling the sick child. Loki had been told by Thor about Peter and Loki had thought that the child might be in an hospital and the little boy who had previously been in Tony's arms was either a sibling or Peppers kid who Tony had been babysitting. Peter carefully stroked Loki's face causing the young man to smile at the little boy. He looked at him for a while before realizing that Tony was probably having a panic attack in the living room trying to find Peter. Loki rolled his eyes. Tony was a smart man but sometimes he forgot he had created installations to help him and not for him to ignore when they should be needed and use them for useless things. He carried Peter towards the elevator and pressed the button 59 and as the elevator went down JARVIS was heard through the speakers,

"Red alert. Peter is missing. Peter is missing." Loki groaned and Peter looked up at the ceiling in curiosity. Where was that sound coming from? He had heard it quite often. In the living room everyone had already gathered,

"I'll search level 60 to 62." Natasha said.

"I'll do 77." Bruce offered.

"78 is mine." Tony said and the started to head towards the lift when Loki calmly walked into the living room and nonchalantly ignored them. He carefully set Peter on the sofa and sat down next to him. Peter immediately started playing with Loki's hair. Once he realized Natasha and Tony were there he pointed at Loki.

"Nah-at, Dad, Low-key!" He said happily. Tony gasped. Peter said Loki! They already knew that Peter could say Dad, Nat and his own name but Loki! Bruce coughed awkwardly and Natasha said,

"Lunch will be ready soon." The rest nodded and walked out the room except for Tony, Loki and Peter.

"Hey buddy, time for your nap." Tony said softly. Peter shook his head vigorously but his eyes were dropping. He threw himself on Loki's lap and hid his head in his arms. Sighing Loki hoisted him up over his shoulder and walked to the elevator swaying slightly to lull Peter to sleep. He reached Peters room and gently lay him down on his bed with Peter deep in sleep by then ducking his thumb and his chest rose and fell rhythmically. Loki let a small smile slip but quickly composed himself walking out of the room. Tony stared at Loki in shock. How had he done it? It would take both him and Natasha's combined efforts around thirty minutes before Peter decided to sleep and even then he would stand up and go to the bathroom and mime for a drink. Tony followed Loki quickly,

"How did you do that?!" He demanded, " You got him to sleep so quickly! How?" Loki shrugged but said calmly,

"If you would like I could put him to bed for you." Tony nodded.

"Yes please." Tony said gratefully. Loki nodded and smiled softly staring at his hands.

Beautiful chapter is it not? I'm sorry, but I had to add Loki is as one of the good guys in this story. It would have been a crime if I had not. No clues to the next chapter though cause I'm not so sure myself. Ooh, I know! How Loki got sent to Midgard in the first place. Or a bedtime story of Steve. No wait... I could do both! That would be perfect!


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