Save ME // New comers {Bucky...

By lunarbxrnes

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[SEQUEL OF SAVE ME] So, you think it's all over? You killed Nickolai, and everyone of the Avengers are thrivi... More

*1* Timeline
*2* Box
*3* Crack
*4* Dome
*5* Sample
*6* Nightmares
*7* Training
*8* Spring
*9* Never Forget
*11* Secret Room
*12* Goodnight
*13* Attack
*14* Blade
*15* Liar
*16* Lost
*17* Change of heart
*18* Lifted
*19* Snack
*20* Try again
*21* Explain
*22* Fatigue
*23* Blood
*24* Diamond
*25* Formation
*26* Duel
*27* Choice
*28* Black hole
*29* I do
*30* Epilogue

*10* Assassin

202 7 4
By lunarbxrnes

You heard a knock on your door and you look up, Bucky's arms were wrapped around you so you carefully wiggled your way out of his grasp. Standing up from your bed you make your way to the door and open it to see Kile.

"You ready to go?" He asks and you smile at him.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling 100%. Maybe another time?" You look behind him to see Daniel tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed over his chest impatiently.

"Are you ok?" Kile frowns and you nod your head.

"I'm sure I'm fine, just go do what you need to do." He nods his head.

"We'll come back tomorrow to check on you."  You give him a reassuring smile as you begin to close the door.

"Alright." You close the gap between you with the door and lock it, you walk over to a desk and look through the draws loudly forgetting Bucky was still asleep.

"What are you doing?" Bucky's voice was husky and slightly muffled from sleepiness making you jump.

"Bucky, I forgot you were there." You place your hand to your chest and laugh at yourself.

"But you never forget?" He looks at you confused and you look away, it's happening faster than you thought. You pick up a notebook and a pencil, bringing them over to Bucky you sit next to him and open up the first page. "What's this for?" He sits up straight and leans in to look closer.

"We need to write everything we remember from our real lives into here, just in case we forget." You begin writing names and a brief description of who they are, you pass it to Bucky and he does the same, a scratch at the door rings through the small hut and you look at Bucky curious. He puts the book and pencil down and gets up from the bed with you following suit, he slowly opens the door and you look out through the crack but see nothing. You hear breathing below you and look down to see a small puppy, it was skinny and had its tongue sticking out at you as it breathed through its mouth. "Awe it's so cute." You bend down and hold your hand out, it walks over to you and curls into itself between your legs wanting attention. Bucky bends down and smiles at you.

"I think it likes you." You giggle and sit on the floor, the dog stands up and walks over to your lap before laying down on you.

"Oh dear. I don't wanna move." You tilt your head and look at its face to see it sleeping. "Is it a boy or a girl?" You try and look but you could barely move with it on your lap.

"I think it's a boy." He laughs and you hush him.

"He's sleeping." You whisper trying to hold your laughter back. Bucky rolls his eyes playfully and carefully closes the door trying not to hit you.

"Does he have a name?" You look up to Bucky then down at the dogs neck.

"Nope." You softly stroke the black fur on the dog and you can feel it's rhythmic breathing. "Can you check if there's any food in the cupboards?" Bucky nods his head and walks over to the small kitchen, you watch him as he rummages through the cupboards.

"I found some biscuits and dried out... bacon?" He looks into a jar with dried strips of meat.

"They don't have pigs here. It's probably sarish." He walks over to you with furrowed brows.

"What's sarish?" He asks and you hum in thought.

"Sarish is this animal, think of it as like a chicken mixed with an owl and a hawk." You try your best to describe it but he just shrugs it off.

"Oh well." You hold your hand out and he gives you the jar of meat, you open the lid and the puppy's head jolts up and looks at you curious to what you have. You giggle and take a piece of the meat out, it goes to sniff it and you look up at Bucky.

"What should we name it?" He gets down onto the floor in front of you and pets the dog but it's eyes were fixated on the food in your hand.

"Sparky?" He looks closer to the dogs fur to see it had a few hairs that were white.

"Looks like your new name is Sparky, huh?" You gently put your hand under his jaw and he barks at you as he wags his tail. You give him the treat and he eats it happily. "It's a shame this isn't real." You frown when you stroke Sparky's head.

"It's alright. If you want, we can get a dog?" He puts his hand on your shin and you look up at him.

"That's if we get out of here." He sighs and clenches his jaw.

"We're going to get out of here, I know it. Tony and Bruce are probably figuring out something right as we speak. If they can't do anything about it I know you will be able to fix this. You always find a way to get us out of these situations." Your heart hurts and tears threaten your eyes.

"But what if I don't." You mutter when your throat hurts from refusing to cry.

"There's no buts," he moves closer to you when Sparky gets up from your lap and walks around the room, "I believe in you Y/N, you're the strongest person I know. Not just physically but mentally, we can get through this, together." He cups your face and a tear escapes your eye, he wipes it away and gives you a reassuring smile.

"I love you Bucky. I don't want to lose you." A sob comes from your lips and he pulls you into his arms, you move around so you could curl into his chest.

"You will never lose me. I love you." He kisses your forehead and you hold onto him, you weren't going to let him go. You shut your eyes tight and lights flash, a dark image shows itself, blood dripping from stone and candles surrounding the room. Screaming and crying from every corner sounded familiar, your body twitches and you see tears on someone's face, it was your face, you were crying and screaming while being dragged away with force. "Y/N? Y/N!" Bucky calls out to you when you started to grow restless in his arms, your eyes shoot open with a screech from your mouth. "What is it? What happened?" He asks and you sit up straight.

"It's them. It's-... now... right now, where we are. This time. I think... I think they're trying to show me something." You say out of breath, you jump up but everything spins, you hold your head and shut your eyes.

"Hey, it's ok. Take it easy. What are you talking about, doll?" He gently holds your shoulders as you slowly regain yourself.

"What's today?" You look around and Bucky follows your line of sight.

"I don't know." His brows furrow and you see a page nailed to the wall. You walk over to it and look at it.

"We need to go, come with me." You run to the door and grab Bucky's wrists.

"Where are we going? I'm so confused." He whines and you look back into the room before shutting the door.

"Be a good dog, ok?" Sparky wags his tail and jumps onto the bed, he lays down and shuts his eyes. You smile and close the door.

"What are we doing?" He asks when you grab his wrists again.

"You'll see." You take him out onto the dirt road, thunder roared in the distance and you took a deep breath. "You can do this Y/N. You're Yaclorian." You mumble to yourself, you turn around and take Bucky's hands in yours tightly. You close your eyes and concentrate. You can do it, think hard. Think clearly. You feel a tingling sensation through your body and you instantly feel lighter, Bucky's hands slowly went cold and you held onto him tighter. Think clearer! You imagine crowds, rain, and a ceremony. A breeze picks up around you before you shoot your eyes open, you were in an empty street with tall wooden buildings that had shops below and homes above. "I did it!" You jump in excitement.

"Did you just- I thought you said you didn't have your powers?" He smiles at you and you grin up at him.

"I just had to think hard, change the rules." You wink and he lets a soft laugh out. You turn around to see a crowd of people, linking your fingers with Bucky's you walk towards the crowd, it began to sprinkle and everything slowly came together. Trumpets rung through the air accompanied by drums, you had a thought to what was going on. "Go this way." You whisper to Bucky and walk out of the crowd into an alleyway.

"What's happening?" He asks you as you look up at the roof of the building.

"I believe," you paused as you bagan to climb, "we're about to find out." You grab onto a window sill and pull yourself up. "Start climbing." You look down to Bucky and he nods his head and follows you, there wasn't anything to grab once you came closer to the top. "C'mon." You grumble in frustration trying to get your powers to work, a spark of blue comes from your finger tips but they disappear. "Please let this work." You look up and hang on as you bend your legs, you jump and push yourself up, you grab onto the edge of the roof and yelp when your weight pulls you down and your left hand slips. Your shoulder aches and you lift your left arm up quickly so you don't fall, you hold on tight and look down, it was about an 11 foot drop from where you were and you would for sure break something if you fell.

"Y/N! What the hell!" Bucky's voice cracks and you could tell he was anxious, you growl when you use all your force to pull yourself up. You lay down on your back and squeeze your eyes shut when you hold your right shoulder, you move to the edge and look down to where Bucky is, he's in the same spot that you jumped from. "I don't think I can jump this!" He yells up to you and you breathe out tiredly.

"Yes-" Your voice was raspy and quiet so you coughed. "Yes you can!" You regain your strength. "I believe in you, you can believe in me? I can do the same for you! I did it, you can do it!" You yell when thunder roars louder and longer. "The only thing stopping you is your mind, break through that barrier that's telling you, you can't! This isn't real, we can change the rules Bucky! Jump! I'm right here!" He takes a deep breath and you can see him bend his knees and tense his muscles, he takes the leap and you smile, your smile disappears when his hands slip. You quickly grab him with your left hand and try to stop yourself from sliding with your palm dug into the roof, the both of you growl and grunt, you felt him slipping but you wouldn't let go, you'd never let go.

You move slightly causing your heart to skip a beat in fear, change the rules, change the rules, change the damn rules. You think over and over in your head as you move backwards and pull him with you, he grabs the edge with his left hand and you help him up. You fall on your back and he falls on top of you, your breaths were uneven and deep, your chest rose fast and you opened your eyes to meet his. He breaks the space between you two when his lips crash onto yours.

"Never, do that, again." He says sternly after pulling away and resting his forehead on yours. You laugh and he joins in, you tilt your head back when you hear a thump of a drum.

"Come." You slither out from under him and run across the roof, he follows suit before you reach a gap, it was small. "We can jump this." You look to your right to see him looking down.

"You," he points at you sternly, "you have a death wish." He couldn't keep himself from smiling when you smirked. You move back and start running before something caught your peripheral vision, you stop when you see someones head pop up at the edge of the roof you were about to jump onto.

"Get down." You say quietly to him as you pull him down with you, you both lay on your stomachs when the person comes into full view. They wore long black pants and a black hooded cloak, you couldn't see their face when they began running across the roof, you caught a glimpse of their ankle when their boots slipped slightly. There was a black skull tattooed over a red flame. "It's an assassin." Bucky looks at them with parted lips, you could tell it was a woman from the way she moved, elegant, soft on her feet, and mostly the shape of her body.

You get up and move back ready to jump again, you run and jump over the small gap, it was only about at least 2-3 feet but if you missed, you would be falling 11 feet to the hard ground. You look back to see Bucky doing the same thing, you smiled when he slowed down and stood next to you.

"You did it." You nudge him with your elbow and he chuckles.

"I just did what you told me to do." You smirk before running again, jumping and swinging onto buildings after buildings you stopped when you came closer to the assassin. You heard Bucky's heavy breathing behind you and you hid behind a chimney when she turned around, Bucky stood still as you brought your finger to your lips and hushed him. You look around the other side of the chimney to see her gone, your heart races and you look back to Bucky.

"She's gone." He looks around before you feel warmth behind you, you look up to see her jump down onto you from the chimney, you saw a blade in her hand and you dodged her attempt to slash your throat. Bucky joined in on the fight and grabbed her wrist causing her to yelp and drop the blade, she spins and knees him in the gut freeing her wrist from his grasp. She steps back and you could see her face, she was slightly tanned but very pretty with bright green eyes and dark eyelashes, she had faint freckles on her nose and rosy plumped lips. She looks at Bucky then to his arm.

"Who are you?" You look to Bucky's arm and see your reflection, it was you. You smile and look back at her, she created a ball of fire and threw it onto the wood below you. The roof began to cave in and you saw her run away through the smoke, there was no fire but the once dark brown wood shrivelled into black and began collapsing.

"Run!" You yell and begin to sprint, Bucky runs ahead of you but grabs your wrist in the process pulling you with him. You both jump over onto another building and roll when you hit the flat surface underneath you, you feel something rough but soft under your palms, you open your eyes to see stone. You knew where you were.

"Well, what now?" Bucky sits up and you brush the gravel mixed with dirt and sand from your palms. "We lost her." You look up and squint your eyes when the rain began to fall harder. This was it, you knew what she was going to do, and you knew who the target was. You didn't want to watch it again, this time with a clear mind. "You alright?" He gets up and lends you a hand, you take it as he pulls you up onto your feet.

"Yep." You lie to him and look around. You saw the crowds of people below facing in one direction, you look further to see figures walk onto a platform. Bucky turns around and looks in that direction, there you were, the young you.

"Hold on, that's-that's you?" He steps closer to the edge to get a better look, yep, that's right, it's you, but not actually you. You take Bucky's hand in yours and look up at him, his hair was back to normal and that was the only thing you were happy about. You teleport him onto a building that was closer and you duck behind a chimney.

"This is where my," you pause and sigh, "my father died." You feel him looking at you but you refused to give him your attention knowing you'd cry. You watch closely, your hand was linked with your ex's, he was smirking evilly. You moved slowly like a puppet, eyes wide with a faint red glow.

"You don't look like yourself." He sits down next to you and dangles his feet from the edge, you take a seat too and sigh.

"That's because he put a spell on me." You swallow the lump in your throat as you watch everything from your position, it was definitely new to you. There was nothing you could do to stop what was about to happen, you had to watch everything again. Your mother walked in behind you with your father, their arms were linked together and your heart skipped a beat. "I'm sorry dad." You mumble under your breath.

"Ugrarath! I welcome one of the highest of families from Yaclore! And my sweet, sweet sons new fiancé!" The king, Eliore, declared. You hated calling yourself his fiancé and so you refused to speak of it ever again, if you did, you never mentioned that part.

"Fiancé? I thought you said boyfriend?" Bucky looks at you confused and you look up at him.

"It wasn't my choice, I didn't want to." You look down at the crowd when your chest hurts, don't cry, don't cry. You forced yourself to look back up at the scene unfolding in front of you. Claps from people below rang through the air and a strand of wet hair swung in front of your face, the rain was still pouring but not as much as before. You saw tears on your mother's face but you were emotionless, you were glued to your ex's side not leaving him without command.

"Conner, come forth." He gestures his son to bring you towards him by bending his fingers, Conner looks at you but you keep your head facing one direction. You could see Bucky watching intensively in your peripheral, 'I guess it's time for him to know.' You think to yourself. You slowly make your way over to Eliore when Conner gives you a slight nudge with his hand on your shoulder blades, you could feel his touch making you shiver in thought. Bucky looks at you and places his hand on yours, you feel the cold hard metal on your skin and you look away.

You heard mumbles from the people below, looking back up to your younger self you see Eliore holding the back of your hand with your palm facing the sky. He held a sharp dagger in his other hand, he held it over your palm and looked into your lifeless eyes.

"The blood of the youngest, the purest, and the one to keep the peace between our worlds. Y/N L/N. We claim you... ours." You feel a tear roll down your cheek, Eliore brings the dagger down to your skin and steam comes from the impact. A long, deep cut was sliced into your palm, blood dripped down onto the stone that you were standing on but you had no reaction.

"Y/N." You hear Bucky's soft voice next to you and you look at him.

You take your left hand from your side and show him your palm. A long scar appeared and a sob left your lips, after that happened, after he marked you with that dagger. You were never the same, you had that dark side inside of you that you hid from everyone. You couldn't heal the scar but your mother taught you to hide it, even though Ugrarath was gone, you still felt you were trapped, you were still haunted by them. And now that they're back, you could feel their claws pawing at you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He frowns and you fall into him.

"I couldn't, they kept haunting me. I was scared." He holds you tightly in his arms.

"It's her." You hear Bucky whisper and you look at the building next to the one you were on currently. The assassin was crouching down and watching the younger you, she made a blade of fire appear in her hand and your heart tugged. You looked down to your father to see his eyes on the assassin, she threw the blade down to your heart and your father teleported in front of you. He pushed you to the floor and the blade stopped when it dug into his back, he froze and fell to the ground. You hold your mouth as Bucky wrapped his arms around you, you watched yourself slowly regain your own mind back from the contact of the floor. You get onto your elbows and look to your father in front of you, his lifeless body, pupils constricted, the blade glowed with flames and you ran to him.

"Dad!" You try and shake him awake as tears fall, you heard the screams and cry's of your mother as she watched her daughter try and wake her husband.

"Assassin!" A guard pointed at the woman in the cloak. You and Bucky pulled your legs in and hid from their sight, everyone below began to scream and run away like headless chickens. The woman looked at the two of you before running away, who was she? Guards shot blades of fire at her but she dodged them all and got away. You look back down to see you holding onto your father, two guards dragged him away from you. You scream at them to let him go before you're slapped in the face by Conner, you fall to the ground and your mother screeches. You angrily make blue wisps appear from your hands and throw them at his chest, he flys back and hits a wooden pole, he looked up at you and you saw the pools of honey in his eyes shine from the light. Guards engulf your space and you struggle to hold them back, they throw punches at you and you fall to the ground in pain.

Bucky holds you close to him when you start to cry harder, you heard him gasp every time he saw you get hit. They dragged you away and into a large stone building. The Ugrarath castle. You hated that place, there was so much evil lingering in its walls. You take Bucky's hand and teleport into the shadows of one specific room you knew where you would be. You think hard and hold your hand in front of you, a shimmering wall of energy appears in front of you and you drop your hand.

"What did you do?" Bucky looks down at you and you touch the wall, a ripple of waves come from it before disappearing.

"It's just to hide us." You look away and dig your face into his chest when the large wooden doors open.

"Put him over there!" Eliore's voice echoes through the large room lit by candles, there was a slab of stone in the middle of the room and loud footsteps surround your ears. Bucky watched as you were dragged into the room, your mother walked in with her head high, hands clasped together in front of her and tears staining her cheeks. Your sobs were heard from every corner, there was a thump when they threw your fathers body onto the stone slab. "Elle. Did you not teach your daughter any manners?" Eliore growls at your mother.

"I did, I don't know what happened." Her words broke your heart then and they did now, all she wanted was peace between your worlds. What was happening now, was not what she expected, she was far to deep into their contract to back out.

"You know, when we negotiated you said there would be no troubles. What do you think is happening now?" You remove your face from Bucky's shirt and look back to see Eliore standing over your mother to show his dominance, she was tall but he was taller. Bucky rubbed your shoulders to comfort you, the guards were holding tightly onto the younger you as you grew angry and restless.

"Father. I don't want to continue with this deal!" Conner walks into the room furious. Eliore holds his hand up to silence his son with a nod of his head.

"Elle, I'm sorry but, she has to go." Your mothers eyes widen and she gasps.

"No! You are not killing my daughter!" She spits at him and he scoffs.

"It's no longer just up to you, remember. She's part of us now." He smirks evilly and looks at a terrified you. His eyes glow red with flames when he glares at you, your hand burns and the guards let you go, you drop to the floor and clutch your wrist as blood runs down your hand and onto the marble floor. Your body aches and you feel every part of you constrict, your vision doubled and you saw your fathers lifeless figure in front of you, you walk to him and pull the blade from his back ignoring the flames that burned your skin into blisters. You breathed heavily and looked at Eliore, there were two of him constantly overlapping each other and moving, you threw the blade hoping you'd hit him.

You did and Conner screamed for his father, your hand stopped burning and you regained your vision. The blood dripped onto the stone and mixed with your fathers, the guards grabbed you tightly and pulled you back, you screamed and cried for your mother. She teleported over to you and crushed both of the guards necks who were holding you back with her powers, Conner stood up and threw a ball of fire at her, she blocked it by redirecting it to the empty wall on the left side of the room.

"I suggest you leave us alone." She makes a blue glowing katana appear in her hand and she points it to Conner's face, he holds his hands up in defeat and takes a step back, more guards run into the room. She makes the katana disappear and throws her hands down creating a large blue explosion of energy to block them from seeing you and your mother disappear.

"It's time to go." You link your fingers with Bucky's when Conner begins to scream for his father, you teleport back into the hut to find someone in the bed. Sparky's head pops up and looks at you from his spot at the end of the bed, he barks and runs to you, the person moves under the covers and you saw their bright orange hair. They look up and you're met with the brown and orange speckled eyes that you were disguised with, her eyes widen and she jumps out of the bed.

"Get out of my house!" She created a blade but without flames, she throws it at you and you teleport away before it made contact with your neck. You let go of Bucky's hand and look around at the buildings surrounding you, a smile slithered on your face. You were home. Cry's came from the home behind you and you look up at the highest window, a light was on and you heard your younger self's sobs.

"Y/N, Bucky. Lovely to see you again."

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