Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

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What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
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Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
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Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

Semi-Finals - Rewritten

44 5 0
By Crasieiness

 Aana’s POV

I instantly realised I wasn’t home and the events of yesterday came flooding back to me. I was still wearing his clothes which was always a plus. It was so warm in his bed and comfortable but then again he was a millionaire so if he didn’t have an amazing bed I would question how he was spending his money. Joe wasn’t in bed for some reason; he had probably woken up early. I checked my phone for the time and it was nearly twelve, I must have been tired. If I’m honest I haven’t been sleeping great these few past days, my sleeping pattern had become so messed up and last night was great, I slept properly after ages.  I checked the few texts and notifications and quickly replied to anything important. I rolled out of bed which wasn’t wise because I landed on the floor, normally when I role from my bed I land on carpet so it’s all good but this guy had hardwood floors in his bloody bedroom. Who actually had wood flooring in their bedrooms? It was absolutely beyond me. When I had recovered from my stupid moment, I walked over to the balcony but the doors were locked and I didn’t know where he kept the keys so I stood on my tip-toes and peeked out to the front of the house. Joe’s car was gone and I didn’t have a clue where he was. That’s when I spotted a small folded card on the bedside cabinet next to Selfridge’s bag. I picked up the small card which had my name scribbled on the front and read it through, giving up on hiding the massive grin that was slowly appearing.


Good Morning, I didn’t want to wake you up but if you remember it’s the semi-finals today. Look at everything in the bag and follow the instructions. A taxi will be with you at one. Hopefully, you’ll be awake by then. It will take you back to your house. Get ready with the girls (they’re already round your house) and then a car will pick you up and bring you to the game at three. I hired the cook for a couple of hours today, go down and get whatever you want made.  

Yours always,


P.S. You looked so beautiful when you were asleep.

P.P.S. Make Karla (the cook) do everything you need, I’m paying her enough.

I laughed and placed the note back on the desk, picking up the yellow Selfridges bag. I pulled out the first thing which was a small envelope that had a pink post it note stuck on the front. I noticed it was the same envelope with the tickets from yesterday. The post it note read ‘You’ll need these to get in.’ I picked up the next thing which was a basketball jersey, which had his number and name on the back. There was another post it note on the jersey which read ‘Wear this please’. I laid it out on the book and pulled out a pair of jeans. They were just plain light blue skinny jeans with another post it note. ‘Wear these with the jersey. They’re bloody Diesel but only the best for you baby.’ I laughed and shook my head, hoping he was joking. I quickly checked the tag and gasped. He wasn’t joking when he said they were Diesel. He paid nearly £300.00 for a pair of jeans. I reminded myself to slap him later but something inside me couldn’t help but grin. The next thing from the bag was a lace black dress. I opened it up and it was beautiful, I looked at the label and nearly choked. I’m pretty sure I had to take ten looks to confirm. He had brought me a two grand Valentino dress. The post it note read ‘For the after party. I imagine you’re screwing right now, don’t hate me. It’s all love.’ He was spot on because my face was all screwed up; it managed to fade after a few seconds of reading the note. I sighed and moved on to the next thing, it was a Christian Louboutin shoe box. At this point I wasn’t even surprised. ‘What’s an outfit without shoes?’ I laughed and stuck the post it with the other ones. The shoes were black patent platforms with the signature red sole. They were beautiful. There were only two things left, I pulled out the first thing which was in another bag placed to side, and I gathered by the size of it, it was bag. It was a plain black tote bag which had the metal lettering on the front. These Michael Kors bags were in fashion at the moment and I’ve been dying for one so this is one thing I can’t hold against him. I picked out the last thing from the bag which was a small Ann Summers bag. I didn’t really want to know what it was but I had a good idea. I pulled it out and exactly what I thought, it was a bright red corset and Basque. I ripped the post it note from it which read ‘For later’ and put it with the others, putting the lingerie back in the back along with the other stuff and the note. I grabbed my phone and I realised it was only half twelve so I had half an hour to eat. I had no actual clothes here so I gathered the bags he gave to me and my clothes from yesterday and left them by the door. I quickly cleaned up the room and got fresh then made my way downstairs, leaving the bags in the hall. I walked straight into the kitchen to meet Karla, who Joe had hired. He was so cute but I was capable of getting some breakfast.

“Good Morning Miss.Aana, what would you like for breakfast?” She smiled. She was ever so pretty and young; I wondered why she was working as a cook. “Mr.Luxton got an all in one coffee maker installed this morning Miss.Aana. Just call me Starbucks.”  She laughed, turning the radio higher. I liked her already; she was funny and was obviously a really happy person.

“Good Morning, please just call me Aana.” I smiled and she nodded. “I’ll have the mint mocha and the Oreo waffles please.” I grinned, reading through the little menu she had on the counter. I took a seat at the bar. Just as I was about to call Joe, my phone began to ring. Surprisingly, it was Joe. I grinned and answered.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hi Joe. Thank you so much for all of this, it’s so perfect but you didn’t have to.”

“Of course I had to; I have some making up to do. That was just the start gorgeous. So, are you going to come and wear my jersey?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Luxton. I’ll see you there” I grinned and hung up, sipping at my coffee that Karla had left in front of me. I thanked her and quickly ate. The coffee and waffles were so perfect; I don’t know how she did it. I would have to tell Joe to hire her more often. I told Karla she could go and she thanked me and passed me a small envelope on her way out, saying Joe left it for me. I opened it up and it was key with a small key ring attached which had my name etched on it. I was confused so hopefully the small note would explain it to me.


The key is for the house. You’re welcome whenever, I’ve altered the security details so you can get in and out. When you leave just activate the security system using the keypad by the door.

See you later,


This guy was unbelievable; he had actually given me a bloody key for his house. I didn’t think he meant this when he said that was just the start. A few minutes later the taxi pulled up, bang on one. I grabbed my bags and activated the security system before slamming the door behind me and climbing into the taxi. I was slightly embarrassed because of my clothing; I still had Joe’s baggy clothes on. I’m just glad I don’t have to walk home. It was literally five minutes away but I have an imaginary reputation to keep up.

“I don’t have any money on me but wait here for a second and I’ll grab my purse.” I said and climbed out of the cab, grabbing my bags from the side.

“Mr.Luxton has already paid Miss. Thank you.” He smiled and drove off. As soon as I walked in, I greeted my parents in the living room and made my way to my room to where the girls were. I pushed the door open and all three of them were sprawled out across my bed, watching re-runs of Gossip Girl on Netflix.

“Hi Girls.” I grinned, dropping my bags by my bed and jumping onto the bed next to them.

“Oh, you’re back Missy. Tell us everything.” Gabby grinned. I explained everything to them from being mistaken as a prostitute to getting my own key to Joe’s house. I showed them the stuff he had brought along with the post it notes. If I knew they were going to bloody squeal this much, I would have kept it to myself.

“Aana, he spent over four grand on stuff for you to wear just for today. You lucky bitch.” Lottie smirked. “Anyway, we have to get ready. The game’s at three and Joe said the cars going to be here for half two. So you have an hour to get ready. Oh yeah, after Joe’s bold jersey requirement, Mark and Nate made the same ones. So we’re all wearing their Jerseys. Ron’s wearing Chris’s, much to her disapproval.

“Oh my fucking god Aana, what a kinky perv.” Ron screamed, eyeing something in the bag. I raised a brow and looked in the bag at what she was holding, at the same time as Lottie and Gabby.

“OH MY GOD, ‘FOR LATER’. HE BROUGHT YOU A FREAKING CORSET. So tell us Aana what’s happening later?” Gabby screeched, howling with laughter. I felt my cheeks go hot and I’m sure I was full on blushing.

“Shut up Gabriella, nothing will be happening!” I scowled, getting up and walking to the bathroom so I could shower. When I had finished I threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on and made my way to my room so I could do my hair.

“You did shave right?” Gabby asked.

“I always shave, I’m not that stupid.” I countered, shrugging. She was looking at me weirdly, like she was trying to get at something else.

“Have you shaved everywhere Aana?” she winked, grinning at me. It’s only after I said it a few times in my head that I realised what she was saying.

“GABRIELLA APRIL GREENE, CAN YOU NOT!” I growled, grimacing. She was doubling over with laughter and the other two were doing their hair, shaking their heads in disapproval. I curled my hair and left it out in loose ringlets and applied light make up. I curled Lottie’s hair quickly did her eye liner for her because she’s been sat there for about  ten minutes trying to get the perfect line, after her cursing at the liner, I decided I should interrupt and do it for her. After everybody was ready, I threw on the jeans he got me and the jersey. Somehow the jeans were my exact size. The jersey was abit big and displayed my bra from the side so I put on a boob tube thing on underneath.

“Shoes girls?” I asked, looking through my shoe cabinet.

“Eh, I’m not sure. Keep it classy but simple? I’m just going to wear flats.” Gabby replied, throwing on a vest under her jersey. Stilettos were too much to wear to a game and converse seemed too casual. We had about ten minutes before the car came and I was a minute away from lying across the floor and crying. This was the first time I would be there as his girl, after the whole publicity thing about me being bloody homeless. After Gabby jumping on me and kicking my feet I finally decided to get up. I chose heeled ankle boots and my leather jacket. When we were all finally done we made our way outside to the car. When he said car I thought he meant a taxi not a bloody limo.

“He’s a keeper.” Ron muttered, whilst sipping on a can of coke from the mini fridge. The stadium wasn’t that far, we got there in about half an hour. The limo pulled up out front and I nearly died. There were so many people gathered around outside and there was paparazzi everywhere. I was confused because we always go round the back and if we got out here there were cameras everywhere and we would have to talk down the red carpet alone.

“Um excuse me, why are we at the front?” I asked the driver, trying to keep breakfast down.

“Mr.Luxton’s orders Miss. You are all to get out here; you’ll have security escorts to walk you through and to your seats. So ladies are you ready.” The driver grinned, god he looked bloody evil. Before I could say no the door of the limo opened and the first escort was standing there with his arm out. I climbed out first and took his arm, it happened so fast that I don’t think I had time to faint. The cameras were flashing, the escort just told me to smile and wave, which I did, whilst trying not to trip. I glanced back for a second and the girls were following. When we finally got inside the escorts lead us to our seats which were the front row where family sat. Our names were written on little cards and placed on the seats next to each other. There weren’t as many cameras in here as there was outside but there were a few in each corner of the court.

“This is crazy.” Gabby mumbled, looking around the bleachers which had started to fill up. The stadium was absolutely massive and there were thousands of people all around us. I quickly pulled out my phone and realised the game was about to start any minute. When nothing had started, we all just sat there talking to each other. A few reporters came up to Lottie and Gabby to ask them about their status with the guys. My questions were normally ‘so you’re not homeless?” I think I just glared and shot back some kind of sarcastic comment.

“Miss.Forrester.” A guy said to my right. He was dressed in a black suit and looked really formal. I don’t think he was a reporter.

“Hi, can I help?” I replied, looking up at the guy.

“Yes, you’re needed by Mr.Luxton. Please come with me.” he said sternly, not cracking a smile even once to be polite. If I’m honest he was kind of bloody scary. I followed him towards the back straight across the court so everybody could see me. The first person I saw was Mark who was doing something with the wheelchair. It was weird seeing them in wheelchairs after ages.

“Oh Aana, thank god. Luxton’s PMS’ing or something.” He laughed, pointing behind him to where Joe was stood, pacing up and down. I nodded and Mark and walked over to him.

“Whoa, what’s up? You ok?” I asked, taking his hand in mine.

“Thank fuck Aana. You’re here.” He frowned, pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead.

“Yeah, of course I am. Is everything ok?” I asked. He looked so nervous and scared.

“Lauren texted me, saying you wouldn’t get here today and she should be wearing my jersey. I just got scared plus I needed my good luck charm.”

“Don’t worry about me silly, I can take care of myself. Where’s your good luck charm, is it at home? Shall I go and get it? I haven’t got my car but I can grab a taxi.” I mumbled, thinking of ways I could get home.

“I know you can. Let’s not forget your little showdown at bowling. I haven’t actually praised you for that yet. No silly, it’s right here in my arms. Now give me a kiss so I can get my good luck.” I laughed and crashed my lips to his. I’m sure we could have kept it going for at least another ten minutes but I don’t think the team would  be happy if we were getting it on whilst they were supposed to be playing.

“After the game, feel free to get kinky whenever you want but right now break it up love birds.” Nate shouted from behind us. Joe stuck his middle finger up at him and kissed me on the cheek.

“Good luck Luxton.” I smiled, squeezing his hand and turning back to the seats. I quickly hugged Mark and Nate and walked back out through the court. The seats were all full and I felt like everyone was staring at me. I took my seat back next to Gabby who was scrolling through Instagram. I quickly filled them in with the Lauren thing and grabbed a coke from the little trolley on the side. A few minutes later both teams made their way to the court and shook hands with each other. I think it was time to take off my jacket so I slipped it off and hung it on the back of my chair. We all had our jerseys on and the names were on full display. I grinned at Joe and quickly spun around showing him the back. He winked at me and I sat back down, slightly blushing from the cameras that had just caught the whole ordeal.  

The game was in full play and the boys were rolling up and down the court. We were all standing and cheering. I was shouting ‘Luxton’ every time he had the ball. At one point of the game he completely lost focus and the ball was snatched from him, allowing the other team to score. The other team were winning and they boys looked like they were slacking. I looked at the girls and they just shrugged. Then I remembered the banners the girls had made. When I came home earlier on the girls had told me they were bored in the mornings so they used Gabby’s old art stuff to make banners. They weren’t very appropriate so we decided we wouldn’t use them unless it was absolute necessary. I think it was time for absolute necessary, I mouthed the word banner at the girls and they instantly nodded grabbing the individual banners from their bags. At the same time we all held up our banners which caught the attention of the players and the media. Lottie was full on blushing with Ron but Gabby was smirking like she didn’t have a care in the world. I laughed and waved the banner above my head. When they boys had noticed and read the banners, I’m pretty sure their jaws had dropped and momentarily they had started to imagine some kinky shit. I laughed and pointed to the score board. My banner had ‘LUXTON: GET THE TROPHY AND I AM FOREVER YOURS. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS OUT ON THE R-RATED STUFF DO YOU?’ written across it in massive red lettering. Gabby had even drawn a girl in a corset on the side and a winky face. Gabby had always been a good drawer, she took art for years so the drawing of the girl was obviously me. The girls’ banners were all similar with stuff that would hopefully get them abit more enthusiastic. Instantly, they all started to up their game. In ten minutes, all three of the boys had scored and the score was at a tie. There was a minute left in the game so it was now or never.

“COME ON HYLTON, LETS MAKE THAT PROMISE RING AN ENGAGEMENT RING!” Lottie screamed. Even I was abit surprised at her comment. Nate looked at her and grinned before snatching the ball of the opposite team and rolling straight through everyone to the basket. I was dying in suspense as he threw the ball to the net. The ball circled the net before falling through in the last second before the buzzer went off. The crowd had erupted in screams along with us. The boys had all circled Nate praising him. The next thing I know he had ran up to us and took Lottie in his arms, which soon lead to a full on snog. We all cheered along with the rest of the crowd. The cameras were also on them so they were on the big screen in the middle of the court.

“What do you say Lottie, shall we make that promise ring an engagement one?” he asked, grinning. I’m guessing that was a yes because she had sucked off his face almost instantly. I laughed and shot a thumbs up to the boys who were shaking hands with the other team. Nate went back to join the guys and take the trophy for the team. Each of them took the trophy in their hands and waved it above their heads causing the crowd to cheer on each person. When the team was about to walk back inside and they were waving to the crowd. I was cheering and the next thing I know a crazy girl had run on to the courts and literally leaped onto Joe, sending them both to the floor. The minute she crashed lips with him, I froze. It was Lauren. I’m pretty sure I would have gone up and slapped her if there weren’t bloody cameras everywhere. Luckily, Joe had thrown her off him. He got straight up, straightening his kit and talking to security that were already there and dragging Lauren away. The guys dragged her past me but when she realised it was me, she launched herself at me, breaking away from the security.

“What the fuck you crazy bitch, get off of me.” I screamed, attempting to push her off. I managed to get her off with Gabby’s help, but she had hold of my hair and was pulling it. She wouldn’t bloody let go. Within seconds Joe was by my side, prying her hand off my head. When she was finally off, I managed to straighten my hair our and my jersey which was hitched half way up my chest. I blushed and quickly pulled it back down.

“He’s mine Forrester, I will get him!” She screamed from the stairs, causing the crowd to boo. What a creep. She managed to land one of my freaking eye and it looked like it’s going to bruise.

“Jesus Aana, I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” He said. He had worry and guilt clear on his face.

“It’s not your fault Luxton and I’m fine. Well done by the way.” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

“Come on, let’s get you some ice.” He said taking my hand and taking me to the back. “Girls, come with me. The boys are at the back.” He smiled, ushering the girls to follow us.

“Aana, I’m pretty sure you attract trouble.” Mark grinned, shaking his head. I laughed and walked off with Joe. He pulled out an ice pack from the freezer and placed it on my cheek. I thanked him and smiled, laying my head on his chest.

“She’s freaking crazy; I told security not to let her in. Somehow, she managed to pass them. I forgot to tell you how perfect you looked in my jersey and those boots are sexy as hell.” He smirked. “Oh and I’m sure you’re going to put that corset to good use later.” I playfully slapped his arm and nodded. After about thirty minutes of him sitting with me, he removed the ice pack. Luckily, she had a shit punch so it didn’t bruise. The guys got changed into normal clothes again and lead us back outside to the limos where the paparazzi were still standing around. As soon as we got outside we were all pulled in separate directions to talk to different reporters. Joe was still right next to me which was reassuring.

“Miss.Forrester how are you feeling about the win today?”

“I’m really happy and proud of the guys.”

“Everybody saw your banner and your brawl, the game was televised and had over ten million viewers just in the U.K. How do you feel about that?”

“That’s crazy, slightly scary but I displayed that banner knowing it was going to be seen. That wasn’t the point of it, the point was to encourage the guys and I guess it worked. As for the brawl, I can’t really say much. She’s an ex and probably mentally unstable so no harm done.”

“You really are good for him Miss.Forrester. I think you might be the new perfect couple in the eye of the public.”

“He’s good for me too. Haha, I doubt it.”

“You know, the public has already thought about a ship name for you and Mr.Luxton. It’s trending on Twitter right now.”

“Really? That’s crazy. Should I be expecting loads of notifications then?” I laughed.

“Definitely! Do you want to know your ship name?”


“So together guys, you’re Joana!”

“Oh my god, that’s awesome.” I grinned and looked at Joe who looked just as amused. “It was nice talking to you.” I smiled, taking Joe’s hand and climbing into the limos.

“That was bloody crazy.” Joe muttered. “I think they forgot I won the match, not you.”

“Aw, is somebody abit jealous?”

“Yes, along with the millions of girls who are probably jealous of you too.” He laughed. I shook my head and lay back in his arms. “I’m going to drop you home and I’m going to go home to get ready. I’ll pick you up in a few hours for the after-party.”

“The after party?”


Joe’s POV –

The party was in full swing and everyone was pretty pissed. Aana looked beautiful as usual, she was wearing the stuff I brought her and she looked amazing. The party was held at Mark and Nate’s place so luckily I could escape upstairs when it got too much. Aana was dancing with Nate and the girls, I was so lucky to have her. She got on with all of my friends, she managed to always keep it classy and always look beautiful. She was so nice but she wasn’t afraid to speak out and kick ass. It’s like she was everything I wanted in one person. I walked over and took her hand so I could dance with her.

“Hey, you look so beautiful.” I muttered, keeping her on me.

“You look beautiful too.” She replied, cocking a smile.

“I look beautiful? You’re ruining my manhood woman.”

“You’re beautiful to me Luxton. You can tell me about your manhood later. Right now, just dance with me.” she grinned. She knew exactly what she was doing and it was driving me bloody crazy. I was going to take her right now if she didn’t stop grinding on me. That little smirk didn’t move off her face throughout the whole song.

“Get off my man Forrester.” Someone hissed from beside me. We both looked around at Lauren who was stood there with her hands on her hips. I knew Aana only held back later because there were cameras and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop her now. Almost straight away the other girls has joined us and stood around protectively. I have to say she has amazing friends.

“What do you bloody want Harding?” Aana growled, removing her hand from mine and standing in front of me.

“I want Joe. I deserve Joe.”

“Joe doesn’t want you so why don’t you do yourself a favour and move.”

“You bitch!” she growled, launching for Aana again. As if she knew what was coming she slid out the way which left Lauren on the floor. She got down to Lauren’s level and whispered something in her ear before punching her right in the face and muttering ‘That was for earlier.’

“Jesus that was hot, by the way I can see your lace pants.” I grinned, pulling down her dress.

“Shut up Luxton.” She glared at me and walked out. I was about to walk out after her but Lottie stopped me and told me she’s fine. So I continued to talk to a few people around the party and dance a little with Gabby. This was her threatening me about Aana. I laughed and continued to sway along with the song. When the song finished I walked to the kitchen to get a few tablets for the splitting headache which was coming on.

“Yo Joe, what’s up?” Sean said, crashing his fist with mine.

“Splitting headache man. You not drinking?” I asked, eyeing his cup of coke.

“Nah, I’m driving Ron home. How’s Aana. She looks like the devil when she’s angry; it’s kind of sexy in a weird way.”

“Shut up Sean.” I shook my head and pulled out my phone which was vibrating in my pocket.


Meet me at yours ASAP.


I said bye to Sean and told the guys I was leaving. I had hadn’t been drinking because I was aware I had to drive Aana home so I drove back to mine. The guys didn’t live that far from me so I got there in five minutes. Aana’s car was parked in my drive and I have to say it looked so cute next to mine. I unlocked the door and walked in, shouting her name but she didn’t reply. She wasn’t in the kitchen or in the living room. So I made my way to my room. Weirdly, there was a big sign on my door which read ‘LATER’. I didn’t understand it until I walked in. My jaw dropped and I’m sure I died a little. Aana was lead on my bed with the red corset on that I had brought her and black stockings. Her hair was all curled and out and she had re done her makeup. She looked so beautiful.

“Are you ready for ‘later’ Mr.Luxton?”

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