A Descendants Story

By ZoeSaunders0

91K 1.1K 213

What if, rather than four, there were five descendants that had the chance to go to Auradon? Mal, Jay, Carlos... More

The Proclamation
The News
Their Parents
The Arrival
The Museum
The First Day Of Lessons
The Love Potion
The Tourney Game
The Date
The Family Day
The Coronation, Part 1
The Coronation, Part 2
The Coronation, Part 3
The Coronation, Part 4
The Coronation, Part 5
The End
Author's Note

The Video Call

3.2K 50 5
By ZoeSaunders0

Megan's POV:

It has been a few weeks since my date with Alex, and we are still going strong. We have been on many dates and I have been dressing in more dresses recently. Audrey had found out that we were dating, and she did not take it well. She began to ignore Alex, I felt bad but he said that he didn't mind and that she will come around in the end. Mal and Ben have also become happy, I can see that Mal is falling in love, but I have chosen not to mention it.

Right now I am sitting in 'Remedial Goodness 101' in front of Jay and Carlos. Fairy Godmother walk through the middle of the aisle of desks. "Children, excuse me. Um... So as you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, um.... distance. We've arranged for a special treat." She then walks back down the aisle to a TV screen, where she presses a button. Up on the screen pops mom's face.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." mom states, they were obviously having technical difficulties on the other end. Fairy Godmother calls us over, we stand in front of the screen and mom backs away to show us Cruella, Evil Queen and Jafar there too. "Is it.. Is it... Can I please see that remote." mom shouts, getting annoyed. "Is it on? I hate electronics..." They must have got it working because they stop arguing.

"Oh. Evie it's mommy" Evil Queen says and waved to Evie, she returns the wave. "Oh isn't she beautiful. Well you know what they say, 'the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree'."

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Mom retorts.

Cruella then points at the screen, "Who's the old bat?"

Here I speak up, "This is Fairy Godmother."

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" mom asks, with a smirk.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother replies, getting angry.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1am. I mean, really? What did the hamsters have to get back to their little wheels?" Mom replies, giving a fist-bump to the Evil Queen.

"They were mice. They were not... they were mice."

"Okay, thank you so much." Mal says to the Fairy Godmother, gesturing her to leave. When she left Mal and I step up.

"Hi Mom." we say in unison. Mom gasps "MAL! MEG!" she shouted I jump and grab Jay's hand, he notices my discomfort and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, "I m-m-m-m-miss you." mom says.

"You children are never far from our thoughts." Jafar says.

"How long must mommy wait to see you?" mom asks.

"There's a big coronation coming up." I start

"So sometime after that." Mal finishes.

"When?" mom asks.

"Friday, 10am" We reply in unison, snapping.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hand on that magic w-" she receives a hit in the head from the Evil Queen, "You, you little nuggets, that I love so much."

"Yes, I understand mother." Mal replies.

Jafar puts his head up to the screen. "Are you two an item? Do I hear wedding bells?" He asks. Mom then looks to mine and Jay's hands, she looks angry.

"No." Jay replies, dropping my hand. Mom looks to me, her eyes turn green and she begins to sign language to me. She says 'You better not be with him. If you are I will personally hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and you will be sorry. But I doubt he loves you, after all who would love a mistake?'

I gasp at her words, and fight to hold the tears in. I nod to her, "Yes mother, I understand. No need to worry." The others look to me confused, as they hadn't understood her signs.

"Besides she has a boyfriend." Mal says, I glare to her and mom glares at me. Mom looks to Mal, as if asking for an explanation. "Yeah, his name is Alex. He even asked her to the coronation and together they will be standing right at the front so they can see the amazing moment when Ben is blessed with Fairy Godmother's wand." Mal says, trying to emphasise my role in the plan to make mom proud of me.

"I see." Mom replies. She looks to me, and begins sign language again, she says 'perhaps I judged you too fast. But make sure you don't fall in love with him. Love is weakness, evil is strength. Do not disappoint me. Or there will be consequences. Believe me.' I nod to her and she leans back on the couch.

Cruella then puts her head right up to the screen, "Carlos, is that a dog?" Dude whimpers in Carlos' hands, "Yes, I do understand. He would make the perfect size for earmuffs." And she laughs evilly.

Carlos then steps up, "He's the perfect size for a pet. This dog loves me and I love him. and FYI your dog is stuffed. So give it a rest!"

Jafar then chuckles, "Oh. Burn."

"Oh, why don't you go and sell a toaster you two-bit salesman!" Cruella yells at Jafar.

"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones!" Jafar retorts.

"Well people sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors!" Cruella yells.

"ENOUGH!" The Evil Queen yells, but Jay reaches forwards and turns of the signal from this side.

"I'm so sorry." Fairy Godmother says to us in a small voice.

"Thanks for the special treat." Jay says to her.

We all then turned to leave, grabbing our bags. I run out of the classroom, and run to my room. And begin to cry. Was I really a mistake? Doesn't mom love me? What if I've already fallen in love?

I continue to think, until I fall asleep laying on the floor with a tear stained face.

Carlos' POV:

We watch as Megan runs from the room, we look to her and then look to each other sad. As we leave the classroom Evie speaks up. "M?" Mal turns to her. "What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?"

"I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately proud at us for doing our best." Mal replies.

"Really?" I ask, in a hopeful voice.

"No, I think we are definitely goners." Mal replies.

"Do you know what your mom said to Meg?" Jay asks Mal.

"No, I never saw a point of learning sign language. I guess I was wrong about that." She replies, trying to joke. "Let's go to the room and go over the plan.

Together we walk to Meg's room, as we knock we notice that there is no answer. Mal uses her magic to open the door, as we walk in we are all shocked by the sight. There laying on the floor was Meg with a tear stained face. We walked up to her.

"Meg?" Mal says softly, shaking her. She wakes up and looks to Mal. "We were about to talk about the plan, you alright to listen in?" She nods and sits up.

Megan's POV:

We begin to go through the plan. I'm still quite tired but I know that we have to do this, for our parents.

"Okay, so we all know what this looks like." Mal says, pointing to a picture of the wand.

"So, it'll be on the dais, under the Beast's spell jar." I add. "And we will be coming in from here." I say, pointing to the map.

"I will be in the very front, along with Meg." Mal says, pointing to the map, "You will all be up on the balcony. Carlos?"

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand." Carlos clarifies.

"Perfect, Evie?" Mal says, giving a bottle to Evie. "You will use this to get rid of the driver, two sprays and he'll be out like a light."

"Okay." She replies with a small voice.

After we finish the plan Mal and I begin to look through Mal's spell book for the anti-love spell, we didn't realise Evie was watching us.

"Mal, Meg? You wanna break Ben and Alex's love spells?" We look to her, and Jay and Carlos look to us.

"Yeah, you know for after." Mal replies, Evie looks to us confused.

"We've been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful." Mal starts.

"Ben and Alex being in love with us just seems a little extra... cruel." I finish. We look to each other and I can feel the tears in my eye. I just walk out, ignoring the calls from behind me.

Carlos' POV:

"Ben and Alex being in love with us just seems a little extra... cruel." Megan says, I look over and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes. She suddenly walks out.

"Meg?" Mal and Evie call out, but she doesn't turn around. I walk up to Mal and Evie.

"She really loves him, doesn't she?" I ask, they turn to me and nod solemnly. Mal then leaves to go and make the anti-love spell. The rest of us went our separate ways to go to sleep.

3rd Person POV:

Jay was lying awake on his bed, unable to sleep. He stands and looks towards the tourney trophy that the team had let him keep in his room, remembering the great times he had enjoyed, like playing tourney with the team, spending the days with his friends. He stands there thinking 'I don't wanna leave this all behind'.

Carlos lays there on his bed, stroking Dude. He thinks back to his mother on the Isle, all she ever told him were lies, but here in Auradon with his friends, his best friends, he was truly happy. he lays there thinking 'I don't wanna leave this all behind.'

Evie lays in her bed thinking over her life since coming to Auradon. She reaches into her bedside table drawer and pulls out her chemistry test reading the B+, thinking of the fact that here she can be smart and beautiful and she has the support of all her friends. She looks to the test and thinks 'I don't wanna leave this all behind'.

Mal's in the kitchen stirring the anti-love potion for both her and Megan. After her date with Ben, she has begun to feel confused about her feelings. But she knows she has to do this for her mother and all the villains. She stirs the mixture thinking 'I don't wanna leave this all behind'.

Megan is walking through the gardens, thinking of tourney, her friends, and finally Alex. She comes across a fountain and sits on the edge looking at her reflection in the water. She begins to sing.

A million thoughts

In my head

Should I let my heart

Keep listening?

I know

It's time

To say


So hard

To let go.

She lets a single tear fall, making a ripple in the water below. She begins to think of Alex, is it worth letting go? She stares at the water thinking ' I don't wanna leave this all behind'.

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