A Descendants Story

By ZoeSaunders0

91K 1.1K 213

What if, rather than four, there were five descendants that had the chance to go to Auradon? Mal, Jay, Carlos... More

The Proclamation
The News
The Arrival
The Museum
The First Day Of Lessons
The Love Potion
The Tourney Game
The Date
The Video Call
The Family Day
The Coronation, Part 1
The Coronation, Part 2
The Coronation, Part 3
The Coronation, Part 4
The Coronation, Part 5
The End
Author's Note

Their Parents

6.8K 91 30
By ZoeSaunders0

Megan's POV:

Mom sits in her chair, filing her nails. "You will go. You will find the Fairy Godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy-peasy."

"What's in it for us?" Mal asks, staring at mom.

"Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns." Mom replies, as if it was an obvious answer.

"Umm- I think she meant us." Carlos clarifies, pointing to us five.

Mom throws away her nail file and stands up, she gestures for Mal and I to walk over, which we do. "It's all about us! Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

"Well yeah." Mal says

"I mean who doesn't-" I begin, but was cut off by mom.

"Well then, get me the wand. Then you two and I can see that and so much more." She then straightens up, "With that wand and my sceptre, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She finishes with her hands in the air.

"Our will." The Evil Queen clarifies, Jafar and Cruella De Vill agreeing.

"Our will, our will." mom agrees, not caring. She clicks her fingers to get mine and Mal's attention, "And if you refuse, you two will be grounded for the rest of your lives, missies."

"What, mom-" Mal begins, but mom makes a hand gesture, which was her cue to shut up. Her eyes then glow green and we have a 'stare-off', Mal's eyes glowing green while mine glowing purple. 

We continue staring until myself and Mal broke contact. "Fine." we scoff together. "I win." mom declares.

"Evie, my little Evil-ette in training. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle, with a mother-in-law wing. With lots and lots of mirrors." Evie joins in at the last sentence, laughing. "No laughing. Wrinkles." Evil Queen warns.

"Well, they're not taking my Carlos. I'd miss him too much." Cruella declares, "Really, mom?" Carlos asks, I could see in his eyes that this made him happy, knowing his mom cared. "Yes. Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" She declares, gesturing to her hair, the fluff on her coat and then giving Carlos her leg.

"Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing." The disappointment of his mom's statement clear in his voice. "Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon." Cruella warns. "Oh no, I'm not going." Carlos declares looking to mom. I can see mom getting frustrated.

"Jay's not going either, I need him to stock the shelves in my store." Jafar declares, he then pulls Jay over to the side and Jay shows him the objects he stole that day. When he pulls out a lamp Jafar is beyond excited, be began rubbing it. "Dad, I've already tried." Jay says, with a disappointing voice.

"Evie's not going anywhere until we deal with this unibrow." Evil Queen says, Evie puts her hand to her eyebrows.

"What is wrong with you all?" mom yells, she began to walk down from her little podium dragging Mal and I to the table with her, "People used to cower at the mention of our names!" As she walks towards the villains, I smirk when Carlos hides behind his mother, hoping that one day I will put that fear into people. "For 20 years, I have searched for a way of this island! For 20 years, they have robbed us of our revenge!" mom then turns towards each villain. "Revenge on Snow White, and her horrid little men!" she says to the Evil Queen, "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Genie!" she says to Jafar, he gets slightly angry. "Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that slipped your clutches!" she says to Cruella, "But they didn't get baby. They didn't get the baby!" she laughs like mad, sqeaking her little stuffed dalmatian toy. I roll my eyes at her craziness. "And I, Maleficent, evilest of them all! Will finally have my revenge on Sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince!" mom declares, while looking into a mirror she took off of the Evil Queen.

"Villlains!" she declares. "Yes?" they all reply. "Our day has come! EQ give her the magic mirror." she declares giving the mirror back to the Evil Queen. The Evil Queen then gave the mirror to Evie, "This is your magic mirror?" she questioned, looking at the small mirror in her hands.

"Yeah well, it ain't what it use to be. Then again, neither are we." she replies, laughing with mom. "It will help you find things."

"Like a prince!" Evie replied, hopeful. "Like my waistline!" the Evil Queen replies, jokingly. "Like the magic wand! Hello?" mom replies, getting angry.

"My book, my book. I need my spell book." the Evil Queen gestures towards the fridge. "Ahhh. The safe, the safe." mom then struggles to open the door, "Queen help me" the Evil Queen opens the door easily. She then turns to myself and Mal, "Come darlings." we walk over to her.

In her hands she holds a spell book and also a necklace (see picture above). "Right, Mal you first. This is my spell book, it doesn't work here but it will in Auradon." she then turns to the villains, "Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"

"Like it was yesterday" the Evil Queen replies, looking 'into the distance'.

"And now you will be making your own memories. By doing exactly as I tell you." mom clarifies while giving Mal the spell book. She then turns to me. "Now Megan, from a young age I have been able to sense that your magic is stronger and more powerful than Mal's, and maybe even my own. Mal may need a spell book, but all you have to do is have the will to make something happen, and then wave your hand. Easy-peasy." I am shocked beyond all belief, I am more powerful than my mom? Wicked. Mom then turns me around and puts the necklace around my neck, she then turns me back around so I was facing her. "This necklace will help you control your powers, when you get to Auradon you will see what I mean, when the stone glows that means that your powers are working. And they should always work, therefore it will always glow." I nod to her.

There was then a honking sound, coming from outside. We were all then excited, I went to my room to grab my bag. As I leave the room I feel myself being pulled by mom to a balcony, which has a view over the street and you can also see Auradon in the distance, over the sea. She holds mine and Mal's shoulders, "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders, don't blow it!" We take one last look at Auradon and begin to walk down onto the street.

Together Mal and I leave the house and put our bags into the boot of the car, we look up to see our mom looking down at us, from the balcony, she gestures to us that she will be watching us. Mal gets in the car first and sits next to Evie, I take one last look at mom and I look to her and in sign language I say 'I love you', she returns the gesture. I learnt sign language when I was younger, because in Dragons Hall (the school on the Isle) I was partnered with a deaf villain kid, I then proceed to learn all of the sign language because I found it intriguing. So now I can say anything in sign language.

I get in the car and sit on a seat in the corner on my own. The limo began to move through the streets, towards Auradon.

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