You're The Reason

By zeuyly23

144K 4.2K 132

when someone you love leave you.. what did you feel forth? it hurt beam then it same feel when you did it to... More



5.5K 195 11
By zeuyly23

Beam's pov

That my name right?

It my name!! 

What the fuck he try to do.. I will kill him.. I want to kill him.. badly. 

When people start left the hall.. Kit and phana still beside me.. Thank god.. They not leave me alone.. 

If they do.. I don't care about leader thing.. I will punch that face just called my name.

I glance Forth and Lam . they still have a discussion and hold some paper..

"Beam.. Now what? Did accept that responsible?" phana ask me when hall is empty.

"Phana... Help me na.. You know me.. I will never want it. It a double work.. i'm not interest in it...How about you be the leader"

There the idea come when i feel very burden to that work. i will never accept it.

"Beam baremee.. Come here.. We need to discuss something with you..."

There ... The cold voice... 

Why must he be here?Why must I meet him again?I hate him.... Why fate play with me?


I try hard make sad face to make sure phana will help me.. I know phana is the one is suitable person for the kind of responsibility.

"Let's go meet them.. I will help you but you be my assistant.. And you kit.. You will with us.."

"What??? Them want a leader not team .

"More people will fun.

"There.. You!!!! Always get in trouble... Why I'm still friend with you huh??"

"Ask yourself..."

"Stop it... Let's go.."

"Beam beramee.. Come here.. So you will know the flow for first activity and.."

as we walk close to Forth and Lam . i cut him.

"Forth jatuparoom right.. Here.. Let me tell you something.. First I don't want be a leader.. It not my willingness.. Second.. I don't have a courage to be a leader.. And third.. Im busy ... So here phana will be leader for you.. As a leader from medic.."

I tell and face him . forth just listen to me.

 What you think forth.. I don't want to spend a second in my life to see you again.. Talk with you.. That will never be.

Phana and kit still beside me and hear what I'm talking.. 

I'm glad that phana and kit stay will me when I have to face forth right now.

Lam just see me with a bright face and sweet smile.. I try to avoid to see that face.

"Beam.. I choose you with a reason.. Not just a random action..."

Forth try to give him a good speech but i will never accept it.

"Yeah?? What the reason..may I know it.."

"It because you have a good image for us when we need to get any permission from lecturer .. Your image as a good record will give more courage from the department.."

"No.. I think phana moreeeeee suitable.. He is a best student..he had a more goood image than me and the he  had a good records.. You don't know me.. If you talk about good image.. I'm not..I'm sorry..."

"Hey.. Listen..I'm try to help here.. We need to decide it...beam is troublemaker.. I'm know him.. That why I want to help him.."

There my hero.. Thanks god phana is here... That word make me beaming and happy.. I hug his arm .. I will free from the cage..

"It not matter who is the leader.. We here will help decide whenever phana need to be with your team..we will be there to.. And the work will be less problem"

Kit .. My second hero..

Forth and lam just listen to us..

"Alright . like you say.. Does not matter who is the leader...I'm glad that you guys want to help us.."

Forth just say it..

"so it finish right.. It  already late..Pha kit...let's eat.. I'm hungry.."

"You.. Haisssh.."

"There anything forth?"

"No.. I think it late... Let's say it over.. Just give my your number .."

"Alright.. Here.."

Phana just hand the phone and forth type the number.

When we start to move.

Forth say..

"Can we join the dinner?"

What ... What did he want... Just fuck off.. I'm tired already..


"Beam.. Stop it.. Sure why not?? We are going to go Korean restaurant in front university.. are you okay with it?.."

"If not okay..don't join.."


"Yeah.. Sure.. "

let see who i will grill and be a meat.


please vote so i know my story is not boring. just click and it done.

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