Shattering the Alpha (Book #1)

By melodies123456

6M 145K 12.2K

His gorgeous green eyes met mine, and my whole world stilled. The only thing that can be heard was my stupid... More

Hey Everyone!
Author's Note:
A New Alpha
The Woods
The Mystery Man
Unfamiliar Territory
Meeting Him
That Was Close
Mixed Feelings
Tears and Pancakes
Anger and Elation
Five Days
What Happened?
The Mall
New Friend
It's a Possibility
Setting a Date
In Over My Head
Unwanted Thoughts
Better Ideas
Dresses and Boxes
Shouldn't Have Done That
Maybe Overreacting
Saving Face
The Masquerade Ball Part 1
The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Not a Wuss
The Lunar Trials Part 1
The Lunar Trials Part 2
The Lunar Trials Part 3
Princess Moment
Behaving Like That
Accept the Loss
To the Ground
Doubting Me
Light of Day
In My Head
Feel Like Alpha Again
Due for a Chat
Alcohol Understands Me
Pure Hatred
Evil Curse
Marking Him
A New Kind of Alpha
Adoring the Beta Published on Wattpad

Stuck in the 1800's

83K 2.1K 232
By melodies123456


"You're doing the Trials, Calista," Axel demanded. Holy shit, I didn't even know he was still here.

"No, I'm not, Alpha" I affirmed, walking past him. I don't understand why I must do them. Maybe this was something done in the past, but not anymore. I don't know why this pack is stuck in the 1800s.

"Yes, you are. This is not up for debate." He finally caught up to me, and, placing one hand along my shoulders, he pressed my body against his. My height gave me a huge disadvantage because his body was literally caging mine. I could feel his muscular chest against my back, and every time he breathed, I felt his godlike chest press more against me. I could feel my body temperature rising and the heat displayed itself on my cheeks. His other hand moved towards my waist, and it took all my effort not to sink into his embrace, only to remember that he wasn't actually hugging me.

"Alpha Axel, get it through your thick skull: I am not going to do the Trials!" I spun quickly around to face him, effectively shoving his body off mine.

"I don't understand what the big deal is. If you pass, you become Luna, if you don't then I reject you and you leave." How could he be so nonchalant about this. What am I to him exactly. A piece of trash he could just discard when he felt like it?

"That is exactly my problem, Alpha. You know, you are supposed to think I am enough because I am your mate. Not because some old men who sit on their butts all day said so. Anyway, like I keep saying, I won't do them. I refuse to accept the disrespect you have shown me."

"Respect is earned, not just given. You will earn your respect once you pass the Trials."

"You mean the Trials I won't do," I countered, taking a step forward. Even though I was much shorter than him. I was on my tippy toes and I was glaring at him with all my might. I knew that this frustrated him, especially since normal wolves are supposed to submit to their Alpha and not look him directly in the eye challenging him.

"If you don't do them, I will reject you." I almost had a double take as I heard his ultimatum. It took all the strength I had not to slap his face. I looked away for a second, trying to prepare my answer. I can't just give up now. He can't keep controlling every situation the way he wants.

"Then reject me, Mr. Alpha," I challenged. Will I regret this? Probably. But I think this whole thing should have been over already.

"Why are you making this so difficult?" I could see his eyes shifting color, obviously struggling with his wolf.

"I said reject me. Or are you too much of a coward to do that." I knew I was pressuring him, and maybe there is a chance that he wouldn't go through with the Trials. Maybe I could break his exterior, and if I did, I would know that a part of him really cared about me.

"Fine. I, Alpha Axel, rej—," he started to say but was interrupted when we heard the doorbell ring. Oh my God, he was going to reject me. That was it. God! How could I be stupid and think that he would put his Alpha pride aside. My gaze dropped from his, and I turned my head to the side. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes, and I didn't want him to see.

He moved away from me and down the hall to open the front door. "What?" I heard him say as the light beamed through the hall as the door opened.

"Alpha Axel! Hi, is Calista here? I was hoping we could spend some time together since she has been here for a while and hasn't done anything fun yet," the overly excited voice said. Or maybe she was excited a normal amount and I was too depressed.

"She's fine," Axel clipped, and moved to close the door, dimming the hallway. No, please, anything that will get me out of this situation will be wonderful.

"You know what, that sounds awesome," I interjected. I still had no idea who was at the door. "Oh, hey Andrea," finally seeing who she was. There was someone with her, but I was sure that she will introduce us later.

"Hey!" She answered. I could tell she was feeling slightly uncomfortable with Axel still standing there. However, I shuffled my way closer to her so now I was no longer sandwiched between Axel and the door.

"What was your plan for the day?" I really was excited that she was here. I need something fun to do after everything that has gone on in these past couple of weeks.

"Well, there is this huge sale at the mall, and we were thinking that you need some stuff. So, you would probably want to come with," she answered. The mall is exactly what I needed now. What is better than retail therapy, honestly?

"Great! Let's go!" I meant to sound excited, but my voice cracked, still affected by the events that unfolded a couple minutes ago.

"Calista, how about we finish the conversation we were having earlier?" Axel's voice rang in my ears.

"Alpha, how about we do it later. At least I will be prepared." I started walking out the door, hoping that he would just shut it behind me and go to his office or something. I was honestly surprised that he was going to let me go. He made a pretty big deal about me staying on his territory, but I guess he just doesn't care about me as a mate at all anymore.

"Wait, if you are going to the mall, you might need some money. Hold on, let me grab my credit card," he offered. What the hell? He was just going to reject me, and now he wants to offer me his card. Is he just trying to save face in front of his pack members?

I walked back up the porch steps and whispered ominously in his ear, "I don't want anything from you." Then, I grabbed the door slammed it and made my way down the stairs to Andrea and her friend. I could tell that it made everything pretty awkward, but I was too upset to care.

But, I didn't want to bum my new friends out, so to break the ice, I introduced myself to Andrea's friend, "Hey, I'm Calista."

"I'm Jade. It is so nice to meet you. Andrea told me that there was a new girl in town but she didn't tell me that she was the Alpha's mate," she sweetly said. Almost too sweet.

"Yeah, I guess I am his mate," I replied, offering a small smile.

"We heard the conversation you were having earlier. It sucks when the Alpha of the strongest pack doesn't want you. I guess we saved your pretty butt just in time," she said with a smile on her face that didn't really reach her eyes. What is the deal with this girl? Is she messing with me knowing that they rang the doorbell in time to not have me get rejected by their Alpha? Am i reading too much into this? What I really wanted to do was slap the smile right off her face. Where is all this coming from? I am not a violent person. This is probably just misdirected anger.

"Jade, what the hell?" Andrea reprimanded.

"No, no! She's right. Saved by the bell, I guess," I said forcing a laugh out. Andrea smiled at me and linked her hands with mine and Jade's.

"Alright then! Let's go have fun!" Andrea cheered.

I smiled again, really struggling to have the smile reach my eyes. It almost felt like my face contorted into a grimace. It didn't help when I looked back at the house and saw him staring at us through one of the windows on the second floor.

I really wanted to have fun. But the thought that Axel was going to reject me kept resurfacing. I don't know which will end up being worse the heartache or the embarrassment of hearing about the one girl that was rejected by the Alpha of the Blood VenomPack. 

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