Brother VS Sister

By htrager

207K 2.2K 594

Jason Myers is 16 years old and the big brother to Heather Myers, he finds out he is responsible for his 11 y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not A chapter
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

5.1K 44 38
By htrager

Kylie's POV.

Heather and I had been contemplating on what they could do to cause some trouble, even though both of them already knew what the outcome would lead to. Brandon and Jason were seated at the table still, talking and laughing about god knows what. I couldn't exactly come up with a good idea of what to do, that was fun. I wanted to have some fun!

We colored for awhile,in a coloring book, until an idea popped into Heather's head and she grinned widely looking at me. I immediately looked over at her and raised an eyebrow at her seeing that mischievous look in her eye.

"I got an idea!" Heather whisper-shouted with slight glee. She made sure to keep her voice down to a lower level so the two guys sitting at the table couldn't easily eavesdrop and ruin the plan.

"Well, are you going to share it with me or not?" I questioned, growing tired of waiting. I was incredibly curious as to what Heather had come up with. Heather was always good with coming up with plans to cause trouble, that's what she did best.

"Take a chill pill! Of course I'm going to tell you!" Heather scoffed, shaking her head slightly. "Okay, so we go outside to play hide and go seek, we call Brandon and Jason out too. They will probably just sit on the patio, and continue talking. So, then we start playing and you hide and I try to find you, except I use the excuse I need to go to the bathroom and when I come inside, I grab a carton of eggs from the refrigerator. I won't be able to just walk out of the house with them, so you go to the window on the side of the house and I'll open it and lower them down for you. After all of that, I come back outside and join you on the other side of the house. Once we get settled down, we scream like we are in trouble and when the two guys come around the side of the house running, we egg them!" Heather explains, excitement obvious in her voice.

I pondered on the idea for a moment, wondering if it would actually work out like that or not, but I guess the only way to find out is to do it.

"Okay!! Sounds good!" I agreed, nodding my head.

We both stood up and headed towards the table to ask Brandon and Jason if we could go outside.

"Can we go outside and play hide and seek?" Heather asked, fiddling with her fingers as she gave them both her cute toothy grin.

"Yeah. We will watch you from the patio, on the balcony." Jason nodded. It didn't take them long and both of them came out and took a seat on the patio, they sat in a way to which they could see us good, unless we go around the corner of the house like we had planned.

We both decided to actually play for a good amount of time so neither one of our brothers would get suspicious and ask us about anything or remind us of what would happen if we started any trouble.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I hollered, uncovering my eyes while turning around with a grin, scanning over my surroundings to see if I could see Heather in plain sight anywhere.

I slowly trudged around, peeking around nearby objects and under the porch, until I seen she was behind the steps of her clubhouse.

I grinned and tip toed over there, knowing if I said I saw her she would take off running. I rushed over to one side and grabbed her.

"Found you!!" I burst out laughing and so did she. We both giggled around before she got a serious expression on her face and looked at me.

"Okay! It's time to go through with our plan! I am going to tell both of them that I am going to the bathroom and then I'll silently sneak into the kitchen and get the eggs and go into the laundry room and climb onto the washer and open the window and hand them to you. You be next to the bushes around the corner, where the window is and that's where I will meet you back at, right before we squeal and then ambush them two!" Heather explained, going back over the idea once more, probably to make sure I had it down pat.

"Okay!! I got it!!" I assured her.

Heather ran up to the porch and told the boys she needed to go do the bathroom and I took that opportunity that they were distracted, to run around the side of the house to where the bushes were and I patiently waited, right below the window.

A noise caught my attention and it was the window opening up. I smiled slightly when I saw Heather carefully lean out the window, holding onto the bottom of the window frame, dropping the egg carton into my hands. I carefully caught it, making sure not to break any.

"I'll be out in a minute!!" Heather whispered, climbing back in the window and shutting it back up.

I grabbed the carton and walked away from the bush. I kneeled down next to the egg carton and opened it, taking a breath, preparing for what we were about to do and what was gonna happen afterwards.

I waited for Heather and a couple minutes later, she appeared. I clapped my hands and quickly gestured for her to come sit on the other side of me, with the egg carton right between us, giving both of us open access to as many eggs as we could get too.

Jason's POV.

I was talking to Brandon on the porch, but the quietness was almost unbelievable. I didn't hear any giggles or even talking, other than Brandon who was seated next to me. I looked around the yard and neither of the girls were insight, which worried me slightly. But I wasn't the only one. Brandon quickly picked up on the silentness and he scanned over the yard countless times, to see if he saw any movement.

"Where are the girls?" Brandon questioned, standing up out of his chair and walking down the three steps off the porch to the ground.

"Good question. I was just about to ask you the same thing."

I knew they couldn't have gone far, because it was a fenced in yard and there was no way out, unless they went through the gate but that was impossible because of their height. The latch was at the very top and they couldn't reach it.

We started walking around the yard and both of our attention was caught quickly when we hear ear piercing screams coming from around the corner of the house. We both raced out there, afraid that one of the girls or possibly both could be dangerously injured or something.

Brandon and I no longer got around the corner and I immediately felt a sticky wet gooey feeling splash right into my face, it took me by surprise completely and while my eyes had closed instinctively I could hear the girls laughing.

It didn't take me long to figure out that it was egg that was all over me now and the girls were the ones who had threw them at us. Brandon was covered with egg, all over his clothes, in his hair and I can imagine I looked the exact same way.

"Girls!!! Go into the house this instant!!" I roared, anger rising inside of me.

Both girls immediately lost the grins and smiles that had previously been on their faces and they raced past both of us, covering their butts cautiously.

Brandon looked beyond pissed as he flung back his hand to try and get off the excess egg from his hands and arms.

"I am beyond disappointed that those girls would do this!!" Brandon growled, walking back towards the house.

We both got to the door and took off our shoes, leaving them at the door because they did indeed have egg on them as well.

"You can go upstairs to the guest bathroom and shower man, I'll talk to the girls and get things figured out. There is extra clothes right outside the bathroom, in the hall closet. You can wear whatever and I have shoes down here you can borrow when you leave." I informed Brandon. He just nodded his head and I hand him a plastic bag to put his clothes in.

I knew he wouldn't want to leave here wearing some nasty egg clothes. That stuff would be everywhere, especially in his car. So I just decided if he wanted to shower and everything, he could.

Heather and Kylie had found a seat on the couch and had nothing left to say or laugh about at this point and I suppose, if I was in their shoes right now, I wouldn't either.

"So, which one of you came up with this idea? Don't either one of you dare lie to me because I can promise you right now, I will get to the bottom of this no matter what and when I find out one of you lied to me, it will make it much worse." I warn, eyeing both of the girls.

I could imagine I looked awfully ridiculous, scolding two girls while I was covered in egg. They probably couldn't take me serious, but for their sake, they better.

"It was mine. I came up with the idea." Heather admitted, barely audible.

I shook my head, disappointment rising inside of me now. I was upset that Heather would come up with an idea like this, after just getting over the incredibly reckless incident that happened a week or so ago. I thought I had made it clear to her that this behavior was unacceptable and that it would not be tolerated in any way.

"What exactly was the idea?"

I raise an eyebrow, curious as to what they had planned out exactly.

"The plan was to play hide and seek. When I asked to come and go to the bathroom, I snuck the eggs into the laundry room and climbed onto the washer and dropped them to Kylie as I hung out the window and then I came back outside and we went over there and egged you guys after we screamed and got you guys to come around the corner." Heather rambled on.

I was getting more and more disappointed by the minute, but I remained calm and took a deep breath.

"Why? What did you two get out of that?"

"A laugh?" Kylie mumbled while she giggled slightly.

Heather kept a straight face and didn't even look up from the floor, she knew this was no longer a game or funny.

"Funny, huh? We'll see how funny it is when Brandon gets a hold of you."

"Heather. I will deal with you when I get back down here from taking a shower. Brandon will be in charge and I will inform him of what happened."

"Yes, sir." Heather mumbled, tears had already appeared in her eyes.

A couple minutes went by and Brandon appeared downstairs, no longer covered in eggs any longer. He had found an old pair of my Nike shorts and a white Adidas t-shirt.

"I need to talk to you." I gestured for him to follow me as I walked out of the hearing range of both girls.

"So, what happened?" Brandon asked, raising an eyebrow while he folded both of his hands over his chest.

"Well, Heather told me that they had planned on egging us when we came around the corner. It was Heather's idea, but Kylie finds it pretty funny still."

I kept the answer short and simple. Honestly, there wasn't much else to it.

"I see. Well, while you are in the shower, I will handle Kylie. Then we will head out and you can handle everything with Heather. Okay?" Brandon questioned.

I nod my head and sigh. "Alright, sounds good. I am heading up for a shower, watch Heather while you are at it. Let me know when I come back down if she does anything she isn't supposed too."

"Will do." Brandon replied, walking back into the living room as I trudged up the stairs to go shower.

Brandon's POV.

I walk into the living room, shaking my head slightly as I walk up to the couch and sit down right beside Kylie. I wasn't really angry with her. I was disappointed, due to the fact she let Heather peruse her to participate in something she knew was wrong.

"I am very disappointed in you and slightly upset. We have talked multiple times about you letting other people convince you to go along with something! This was beyond disrespectful and rude! It also is far from funny! I thought you or Heather were hurt! I was worried when you two were nowhere to be seen in the yard!! This isn't funny, Kylie!!" I scold harshly.

I had it with Kylie's actions, previous to me coming out. This was far from funny. She wasn't laughing right now or even smiling.

I looked at her and when I found out she had no intentions and nothing to say, I guided her over my lap and lifted one of my legs over both of hers and wrapped an arm around her torso to keep her situated on my lap.

Heather frowned and moved to a different couch and plugged her ears.

"No!!! Please!! I won't ever do something like that again!!" Kylie started to cry, trying her best to wither out of my grip, but it didn't work.

"I hope not! But you have to deal with the consequences now!"


"Owwww!!!! Brandon!!!" Kylie started to really cry within the the first ten swats, as I landed them on her sit spots right away.


"Next time, don't play a part in a stupid plan, just because you want to have fun!!" I scold, giving her about a ten second break.


"PLEASE!! Brandon!! I'll be good I swear!!" Kylie hiccuped, sobbing her eyes out now.


"Shhhh, it's over now. Don't ever make me have to punish you for something this dumb again!! There was no need for you to throw eggs at us!" I pick Kylie up and let her cry against my chest as I rub soothing circles against her back.

I held onto Kylie, waiting for Jason to come back downstairs, so I could head on home because I was tired myself but I couldn't leave until he was back down here, so Heather wasn't all by herself.

Jason's POV:

I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a hoodie, made my way back downstairs, knowing Brandon is probably done punishing Kylie and wanted to head on home. I get to the bottom of the stairwell and Brandon immediately looks over at me and stands up.

"Kylie fell asleep and now that you are down here, I am going to head home. I got a few things to do and maybe while I'm at it, I'll catch a nap too." Brandon laughs, walking towards the door.

I laugh myself and nod my head. "Okay, I'll catch you later. Sorry about the eggs and everything," I apologize, shaking my head slightly, causing my wet hair to drip water a little bit.

"Don't worry about it. Shit happens," Brandon shrugged, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, I made my way over to the couch and stood in front of Heather, peering down to her.

"Well, since I know the story and everything. No point in wasting time," I voice, grabbing her upper arm and helping her to her feet before I sit down and pull her over my lap.

Before she has much time to say or do anything, I start raining down swats.


"How dare you embarrass me like that in front of Brandon!! You're behavior reflects on me!!"


I laid down the first ten on her right buttcheek, hard.

"Owww!! I'm sorry!!" Heather cried, wiggling around.


"You should be!!! Brandon probably thinks you don't even know how to behave for a whole three hours without causing mischief!!"


"Owwww!! Jason!! Please!! This hurts!!" Heather cries. I chuckled slightly when she said that. What did she think it was supposed to do? Tickle?

"It's suppose too!"


"I am disappointed in you! I thought I had made it clear when you got home from that two day search that this behavior was absolutely unacceptable!!"


"OWWW!! You did, I'm sorry!! It won't ever happen again!! Please!!" Heather begged, sobbing and hiccuping.


"It was incredibly immature of you to pull Kylie into this!! You two should have just continued playing, behaving yourselves like you were! Neither one of you would be in this mess if you would have!! So I hope you learned your lesson!!" I raise my voice slightly, picking the young girl up from my lap and standing her between my legs, at my knees.

"I'm sorry, I really am Jason!!" Heather cried, throwing her arms around my neck.

"I hope so. I really hate spanking you, Heather. But that is the only way you will ever learn." I scold, kissing her forehead softly and wiping the tears away from her face.

It took about ten minutes for her cries to die down all the way but when they did, we settled down on the couch and watched some cartoons while we had some small talk and snacked on some fruit snacks and cheetos. 

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