Code: Realize - Guardian of R...

By BlueBelle16

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Here's a parody of one of my favorite animes. Please read and let me know what you think. More

Sneak Peek
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

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By BlueBelle16

The members of the royal army and the citizens of London who had survived the invasion had all regrouped in the woods where they set up camp to tend to the injured, rest, and so the queen and the army could plan their next move. The army managed to escort Tuck safely to the camp and he brought along some stuff from the mansion to help them. Manny was quickly taken to the medical tent so that the doctors could treat his injury.

"Don't worry Frida, he'll be fine." Timmy assured her. "Manny's a lot tougher than he looks. Still after this attack he probably won't be so cocky anymore then again he's been moving around a lot lately so he could use some R and R."

"You're so compassionate Timmy." Dipper said.

"I know, I don't mean to brag but some people have said that compassion is my middle name."

"What's your last name then talks a lot?" Tuck giggled.

"That's so mean! Why do you always pick on me?"

"The truth hurts doesn't it?"

"That's it! Come here you!"

Timmy grabbed Tuck and began to give him a noogie.

"Take your hands off me you buck toothed oaf!"

"Aww, is the little boy getting angry? Does he want me to stop?" Timmy teased.

"Relase me at once!"

Frida giggled as she watched them. She then looked over at the medical tent, she went in to see if Manny was alright. When she finally found him he was lying in bed unconscious from morphine with his side bandaged. She fought back her tears, she couldn't stand to see him hurt especially when she felt like it was her fault that he was in this condition.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A doctor told her. "We're about to sew up his wound."

"Okay." She sighed, reluctantly leaving the medical tent allowing the doctor to operate.

"I appreciate you assisting me with some of my patients Dr. Suarez." He said.

"Not a problem, anything to help the injured. So who do we have here?"

"Oh poor young man, got shot in the side pretty bad. He'll live but he needs stitches."

Emiliano put on his sanitized gloves and went over to join the other doctor at Manny's bed. However when he saw his face he froze, it had been many years but he would recognize him anywhere.

"Dr. Suarez are you alright?"

"Wake up this young man."


"Wake him up right now!"

"Dr. Suarez I can't, he's on morphine."

"I don't care! I have to talk to him!"

"Dr. Suarez control yourself! This man needs to be stitched up right now! If not he'll bleed to death!"

But Emiliano didn't seem to hear. He went to grab Manny and shake him awake but the other doctor quickly called some of the soldiers over to retain him.

"Let me go! I have to talk to him! I have to! He knows something! Something inportant!"

"Quick someone get me the morphine! This man needs to be sedated!" The other doctor said.

Emiliano fought but in the end the soldiers overpowered him and he was sedated. Meanwhile outside Frida was helping hand out bread, water, and blankets to the injured soldiers, citizens, and she offered some to her friends but they declined believing that the injured needed them more.

"You sure you guys don't want anything?" She asked.

"We're good." Kick said.

"But we'll gladly help you tend to the injured." Dipper said.

"Hey has anyone seen Steven?" Tuck asked.

"I'll go find him." Frida said.

Steven was by himself sulking, feeling a mixture of confusion, fear, and sadness. He couldn't believe it. Was that woman he had seen really his wife? She looked like her, she sounded like her, yet her eyes. They were not as they were. He would never forget the look in her eyes on the evening he had proposed to her.

Three years ago...

"Where are you taking me?"

Connie was blindfolded and Steven was leading her upstairs somewhere.

"You'll see, it's a surprise." He told her.

They contiued to walk up the stairway until at last they reached their destination. Steven then removed her blindfold and a bright light of wonder filled her eyes when she saw where they were.

They were on top of Buckingham Palace and the entire city lit up making it look like a thousand stars shinning from below. London truly was most beautiful at night.

"Isn't it the most beautiful view you've ever seen?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said smiling. "It is, oh Steven it's wonderful."

"There's more."

He then directed her attention over to a table with two chairs that was set with flowers, a candle light dinner, the fine china and sliver, and a wine cooler.

"Oh Steven you shouldn't have."

"You don't like it?"

"No it's not that. It's just that...This must've cost a fortune."

"Hey if it's for you it's worth it. Now then let's dine."

He took her arm and ushered her over to the table. He then pulled out her chair for her and pushed it in when she sat down. He then poured her a glass of wine, they shared a cheers and began to dine together.

"Steven this is incredible but what's the occasion?" Connie asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on you know. You paid a lot for this and I wanna know why? At first I thought you were celebrating another successful hunt but you've never done something like this for your other successes so what is it?"

Steven swallowed nervously then after a moment of silence he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled something out.

"Connie let me ask you something. Do you love me?"

"Of course I do. I always have, ever since you first stepped into my classroom to educate my students on the history of vampires and vampire hunting."

"Right I remember that and believe it or not it was the same way for me. When I came there I expected the school mistress to be some cranky old lady not a beautiful young woman."

She blushed.

"And I remember when I tried to ask you out to dinner but I got tongue tied." He said.

"Yes so I had to ask you out to dinner."

"And we've been together ever since then and now...Now I think it's time that we ensure that we're always together."

He then opened his hand to reveal a beautiful golden band ring. At the sight of it Connie gasped and held her breath.

"Sorry I couldn't afford one with a stone but don't worry I'll save enough money to buy you the most expensive and beautiful one in all of London. Anyway Connie you've made me happier than I've ever been in my entire life and I want that happiness to contiue so I have to ask....Will you marry me?"

She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there looking at the ring and at him not sure what to say. Then she began to cry tears of joy before throwing her arms around his neck in an embrace of joy.

"Of course I'll marry you!" She cheered.

"Really? Oh Connie I promise you that we'll be so happy together."

"I know Steven. I know."

They shared a passionate kiss as they began to dream about their married life together.

Steven would never forget that night as long as he lived. Nor would he ever forget that look in her eyes. The eyes of the woman he remembered being married to were always filled with so much light and love and joy but the eyes of the woman he had seen just a few hours ago were completely different. They were filled with darkness and nothingness and hate. So much hate. It frightened him, just what had happened to her?

"Are you okay Steven?" Frida asked.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about my wife."

"I didn't know you were married. Where is she?"

"She died three years ago. She was killed by twilight."

"Oh my God I'm so sorry."

"It's alright...If you don't mind I'd rather not talk about her."

"I understand."

She sat next to him and gently patted him on the shoulder in a comforting manner. Normally he would just shrug her hand away but he just gave her a soft smile.

"You thinking about Manny?" He asked noticing her distress. "Hey he's gonna pull through. I haven't known him long but I can tell he's not the kind of man to go down easily."

She smiled at his words.

"Thank you."

She then went to continue helping the others. In the medical tent the doctor had successfully stitched up Manny's wound and the morphine had worn off. The doctor had told him that he needed to rest but Manny couldn't sleep. All he could think about Frida and all the times she was ever frightened or sad. It made his head hurt but not as much as it made his heart hurt.

He wanted to strangle Zim for what he had said to Frida. How dare that sick, twisted, abomination say such horrible, untrue, things about her. If he ever saw Zim again he would make sure that he would never say another word again.

"So I take it that the operation was a complete success?" Steven said.

"Yeah but it still hurts."

"Are you gonna rest like the doctor said?"

"No. I tried but I can't."

"Then get up and help us. Don't just lay around and do nothing while the rest of us are working."

"You're a real sweetheart, I can sense your deep concern for me." Manny said sarcastically. "So anything happen while I was out cold?"

"Well one of the doctors tried to attack you. I think his was called Dr. Suarez."

"Oh God he's here!"

"Yeah but he's been sedated."

"If you think that's gonna stop him you're wrong."

"If you don't mind me asking what did you do to tick him off?"

"Me?! I didn't do anything to him! It's him who did something to me!"

"What did he do to you?"

"For years he's been persecuting me and my family accusing us stealing something from him."

"What is it?"

"I don't know but whatever it was it means a lot to that lunatic. Probably more than his own life."

"No offense but I kind of believe him."

"What?! I did not steal anything from him!"

"You not steal anything? Mr. Gentleman thief?"

"For your information I was a year old when that thing got stolen so there's no way I could've done it."

"So why does he think you did it?"

"Actually he thinks my father did it but my father was not a thief so I don't know where he got the idea from."


"What's Frida doing?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I just want to know if she's okay and not anguishing over that vile Zim spewed. I just hope she's not off crying somewhere. It's driving me mad, I can't bear the idea of her being sad."

Steven studied Manny's facial expression very carefully. He recognized all the physical signs showing.

"You're in love with her right?" He hypothesized.

"In love?! No!" Manny denied.

"I thought that you'd be a much better liar than that."

"I'm not lying! I promise!"

"Oh please, who are you trying to fool? This isn't Timmy you're talking to. You think I haven't noticed all the signs?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I've seen the way you look at her. You look at her like she's the most precious thing in the world. Like she's the only thing that makes you happy and the thought of someone taking her away from you scares you more than anything. You can't lie to me Manny, not about this. Believe me I know. I know because that's the way I looked at my wife."

"Wait a minute you're married?"

"I was married. I'm a widower...Or at least I thought I was."

"What does that mean?"

"Nevermind that. What's important is that you need to tell her how you feel. Your words might change her view on things. I know a man in love when I see one I see one and nothing is worse than a man regreting never telling a woman of his love for her."

He then left Manny alone and went to join in on Dipper's and Timmy's conversasion. Apparently Dipper had discovered something that complicated things.

"It all goes back to what Zim said back on the bridge." Dipper said. "He said that both he and Frida were made from Lamar Hendricks D.N.A but if that's true then Frida shouldn't be female."

"I don't follow." Timmy said.

"Frida couldn't possibly be a female homunculus not if she was made with Lamar's D.N.A, if she was then she would've been male."

"So she's a guy?!"

"No you idiot!" Steven said thumping Timmy in the back of his head. "It means she wasn't made from Lamar's D.N.A!"

"Correct so I figured if that was the case then maybe there's more to this than we know." Dipper said. "So I've decided to study both Zim's, Frida's, and Lamar's D.N.A until I can find something."

"This just keeps getting more and more complicated." Timmy said. "Speaking of complications where's Kick?"

"He's listening to the planning between the queen and the army. Also General Von Strangle made it out in one piece so that's good news."

"Any idea what their next move will be?"

"An attack on Saint Paul's cathedral. Once enough men are gathered the army will strike back."

"And they honestly think they'll succeed?" Steven asked.

"They do if you'll be helping. The plan is while the army holds twilight off we will go and take down Zim."

"Not bad idea but it has some holes. Like for instance how are we going to get into where ever the hell Zim is hiding."

"That's where I come in." Manny said. "Trust me I know that cathedral inside and out, if anyone can get you in there it's me."

After conversing with the queen and the army, a plan was formed. If everyone followed through and played their part right they would successfully take London back.

Frida had wondered off alone to think. She hated seeing so many people hurt and the images of all those dead bodies had been forever engraved in her mind. But worst of all Zim's words continued to echo in her thoughts.

"You will destroy the world and everyone will die! Everyone will die because of you! Even you're friends!"

Tears fell from her eyes. What was going to happen to her? Was she really going to be used to destroy the world? To kill everyone? Even her friends? She couldn't bear it if her friends all died especially if it was her fault.

It was so strange. All her life she had been nothing more than an emotionless doll who never felt anything. She never felt joy or sadness or anger or fear but ever since Manny had stolen her away she had been feeling those emotions left and right. Right now the emotion she was feeling the most was fear. The fear that her friends would be killed on her account.

"Frida there you are." Manny said walking toward her. "I've been looking everywhere for you and- Oh no are you crying?"

She looked away to hide her tear filled eyes but it was too late because he had already seen them.

"I'm scared." She admitted. "I just realized that. I'm so scared right now. Scared of dying, scared of what might happen, I'm so afraid."

"I understand but don't worry you won't be alone on this. We will be there for you and I promise that we will protect you. There's nothing to be afraid of."

This only made her cry harder.

"Don't you get it?!" She sobbed. "I never wanted you to risk your lives for me!"


"Why?! Why did you steal me? Why didn't you just let the army take me? If you hadn't of taken me in the first place you wouldn't be in danger! And I...I wouldn't feel these emotions!" She wept. "At first I was glad that you and the others were willing to protect me no matter what but now...Now I can't...I can't stand the idea of any of you dying!"

Manny felt his heart hurt. He couldn't bear to see her like this. He came closer to her and reached out to wipe away her tears. She flinched and stepped away from him but he quickly grabbed her sleeved arms. Their gazes locked and they found it hard for either one of them to look away.

"Manny...I...I don't know why but whenever I look at you my heart hurts and it becomes unbearable but at the same time it feels good and I like it. Do...You know what this feeling is?"

Manny blushed and swallowed hard. His heart felt the same way as hers but unlike Frida he knew what this feeling was however he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell her. He then smiled at her.

"I'm not going to die Frida." He assured her. "I'm going to live for a very long time and I will protect you every step of the way."


They both smiled and contiued to gaze at each other. From a far Steven, Timmy, Kick, and Dipper watched them.

"Look at that it appears Princess Frida's prince is a gentleman thief." Dipper said.

"Oh man! Why does Manny get the girl?" Timmy groaned.

"He is very charming." Kick said.

"Well I can be charming too."

"Yeah to a female beaver in mating season." Steven said.


Dipper and Kick laughed at Steven's comment while Timmy just groaned in frustration. The next morning the entire royal army prepared itself for the attack at Saint Paul's cathedral. The plan was the soliders would take down twilight's armed forces as a decoy so Frida and her friends could locate where Zim was. Upon finding him they would interrogate him to find out more about Code Realize and to learn how to remove the poison from Frida's body. If all went well London would be saved and Frida would finally be able to do the one thing she had always wanted to do.

Touch Manny.

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