Bad Girl

By pinkbutterfly018

197K 3.5K 271

Zyra is a second year, Accountancy student in the University of the Philippines. According to her schoolmates... More

Bad Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

6.6K 170 9
By pinkbutterfly018

You can add me on FB: Paula Anne Evans (a book with pink butterfly cover- is my profile picture) 😊

Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Enjoy reading!

Zyra's POV

"Wooh-hooh!!!" Maxine yelled over the loud music while we are dancing. We are now at the AH Club, which stands for I don't know and I don't fu¢king care, the newest club in town, and as a matter of fact, tonight is its opening night. Before its opening a few weeks ago, it was introduced as Tornado Club, the name was even put on top of the building already; however, they changed it into AH Club four days ago. The owner/s must be filthy rich if he/she /theywas/were able to get the signage done in just a few days.

"More drinks?!" I asked them and they both nodded their heads, so we head to the bar and ordered shots. We've been here for almost two hours and I already feel tipsy with all the shots I've drank. The bartender handed our drinks then Ivon cheered.

"Friends forever!" We mimicked her, clank our glasses then drink the alcoholic beverage in one go.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted and we all giggled.

"Hey gorgeous, wanna dance?" A male voice whispered in my ear. I turned and look at a handsome man. I smirked.

"Sure." I agreed seductively and bit my lip. "See you later bitches." I said to my friends and they both nodded their heads, while giggling. I and this handsome creature made our way to the dance floor with me pulling his shirt. He leaned in, held my hips lightly and whispered in my ear again so I can hear him clearly.

"Sean, by the way." I held his neck with my two hands to keep him leaning before I stand slightly on my toes and whispered to him as well.

"Cherry." I lied then licked his earlobe. I felt his hold on my hips tightened and heard a low groan from him. I smirked and pulled away, then we started dancing to the fast beat of the music. I studied his physical features while dancing. He has a blond hair, brown eyes, a slightly flat nose, a thin, pink lips, and pale complexion. He stood for about two inches above me. A lean body but not so muscular based on how his tee fit on him. He is wearing a red, tight t-shirt, black jeans and a black rubber shoes. Not so bad. I turned and grind my ass on his thigh. Again, I felt his hold on my hips tightened.

"Damn woman, you're a seductress." He whispered in my ear then bit its lower part. I smirked, closed my eyes and pushed my back further into him while dancing, when all of a sudden all the contact disappeared. I opened my eyes confused, did he left me? I turned and saw him lying on the floor with another man on top of him, punching him! I gasped, shocked. The man is saying something to Sean while punching him but I cannot make it out due to the loud music. I noticed the people's attention was caught by the scene then the music muted.

"kill you!" Wait! I know that voice. I walked by their side and I was right. Zachairias fu¢king Achilles de Luca is the villain! I looked around and no one seems interested in stopping them. I glanced at Sean and he's face is full of blood, hands lying on the floor limply and I bet anytime from now he'll be unconscious.

"Stop that!" I yelled but of course, he didn't listen. So I swiftly moved and grabbed his back but I can't move him. "Achilles fu¢king stop!" I hissed on his ear while still pulling him away from Sean, but still it fell on deaf ears. What will I do? "Please." I begged and I felt him stopped, abruptly. He glanced at me and I gave my best pleading look. My gosh! His eyes are promising death, I gulped. He exhaled, looked at Sean menacingly once more and stood hastily. I'm still kneeling beside Sean 'coz I let go of Zach's back when he stood. I leaned on Sean's face,

"Hey, you still conscious?" I worriedly asked. He only nodded once then groaned. "I'm sorry-" I was cut off by a hand that gripped my arm and dragged me away from Sean. "Hey!" I objected but he continued walking to the front door while dragging me. Bastard! "Let go of me!" I whined but he seems to develop a hearing defect. I sighed in resignation.

Oh guys! I forgot to mention a while ago;

Tip no. 2 in making a man obsessed with you: Show him that you are an independent woman and can live happily without him.

Show him that you won't tolerate his mistreatment on you and you know that you deserve better. Show him that you are independent and is happy being independent from him and most especially, show him that you can be with any other man aside from him. In that way, he'll realize his mistakes, hi loss and your worth to him. And you will see, he'll do anything he can to win you back and will already treat you properly, hopefully.

At his mansion...

"Hey! You're hurting me!" I whined as he dragged me in his bedroom all the way to his bathroom. He let go of my hand and ordered.

"Strip." Anger visble in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked. Don't tell me-

"Damn, woman... if you won't then I will..." He lifted his hands to reach me but I stopped him by raising my hands and saying,

"Fine, fine." I turned my back at him and stripped out my clothes. It's not that I'm shy of him looking at my body but I'm annoyed by him. "Happy?" I asked then turned around only to gasp. He's now also naked. He pulled me under the shower head then he opened it. "Fu¢k!" I hissed at the coldness of water that poured on my head down to my body, I think my drunkenness was lessened by it, then I heard him chuckled behind me. At least someone's having fun.

But I thought he's mad?


Nov. 29, 2018- 1:08pm

What do you think will happen next?

Comments, votes and follows are welcome!!!

Hoped you enjoy!!!



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