Save ME // New comers {Bucky...

By lunarbxrnes

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[SEQUEL OF SAVE ME] So, you think it's all over? You killed Nickolai, and everyone of the Avengers are thrivi... More

*1* Timeline
*2* Box
*3* Crack
*5* Sample
*6* Nightmares
*7* Training
*8* Spring
*9* Never Forget
*10* Assassin
*11* Secret Room
*12* Goodnight
*13* Attack
*14* Blade
*15* Liar
*16* Lost
*17* Change of heart
*18* Lifted
*19* Snack
*20* Try again
*21* Explain
*22* Fatigue
*23* Blood
*24* Diamond
*25* Formation
*26* Duel
*27* Choice
*28* Black hole
*29* I do
*30* Epilogue

*4* Dome

290 6 3
By lunarbxrnes

"But, how?" You hold your hand to your mouth and look around at the fires surrounding you, you run to another ball of fire and get rid of the flames, metal. You touch the metal to feel the same things engraved, you shake your head. "No... what did I do?" Your eyes start to water with tears. You run back to the car to see Nat and Wanda slightly worried.

"What is it?" Wanda's voice rings through your skull, you were gripping tight to the wheel with wide eyes and heavy breathing. "Y/N?" She grabs your arm and you look at her terrified. "Woah! What happened?" Nat leans in to hear your conversation better.

"I think I might have brought them back." You say barely over a whisper.

"Who?" Nat asks and you look out towards the metal lodged in the ground.

"Ugrarathians." Their faces scrunch up in confusion. "We need to get back to the facility." You start the car up an push your foot on the exhaust, you get out of there quickly as the fires began to spread. "Tell Tony we're coming back." You can hear Nat hum before someone's voice rings through the car.

"I have contacted Mr. Stark for you Miss L/N." FRIDAY says and you slightly jump.

"Of course Tony put you in the cars system." You roll your eyes.

"Congratulations on the engagement as well Miss L/N."

"Thank you, but now isn't the time." You turn a corner and you could see something fly above you in the opposite direction. "Is that Tony?" You ask and Nat nods her head.

"He said he was going to check out the damage."

"Bad idea." You mumble. "FRIDAY, tell Tony to get out of there!"

"As you ask." You keep on driving down the road as your heart raced, you finally arrive back at the facility and stop the car abruptly.

"Get in, now." You jump out of the car and race inside of the building, Wanda and Nat run after you slightly confused.

"Is everything ok?" Vision asks as you pass him.

"Get everyone to meet in the board room." You run off down the hall before you turn a corner and hit someone's chest causing you to fall to the ground. "Ow..." You hold your nose and look up at who it was.

"Y/N?" Bucky holds his hand out for you with furrowed brows. "Are you ok?" He gently takes your hand from your nose and examines it.

"Yeh, I'm fine. I need to talk to everyone. Meet in the boardroom in minute or so, as fast as you can!" You yell out to him as you run up the stairs to your room, you were panting harshly when you walked through your doorway, you look through the books on your bookshelf. "Perfect." You smile as you pick up a medium sized red book that you found in the box your mother gave you. You turn your head to the side and look at your bathroom door with a small yelp that escaped your lips. "Mum!" You hold your hand to your chest as she glows.

"It's nice to see you too." She walks past the long mirror that was hung on the wall over your dresser and you couldn't see her reflection.

"What are you doing here?" You hold the book behind your back and she side eyes you.

"I know what you did." She walks towards you with a stern face.

"What?" You turn your head slightly in confusion, she lifts her right hand and blue wisps surround you, you try and move but it was impossible. She lifts your left arm out from behind you to show the book.

"They're back, aren't they?" You gulp before she lets go of you and lowers her hand.

"Is it my fault?" You ask her. She doesn't answer.

"You've changed everything, Y/N." She walks towards you and you look down.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know this would happen." She sighs and looks down at your hand.

"You deserve him." She gives you a little smile and you look up.

"Thanks." You smile. "How am I supposed to fix this?" You ask her, she places a hand on your shoulder.

"You can't," she frowns and you swallow the lump in your throat, "you're just going to have to do what we did."

"But how? You had the whole planet with you? Nobody here knows how to fight an Ugrarathian." Your tone begins to deepen into anger.

"Y/N. Don't let what happened in the past take over you!" You're slightly taken aback.

"I told you I came to peace with what happened!" You hiss at her through gritted teeth.

"I can still feel the hurt inside of you." Her voice was calm and you tightened your jaw. "Teach them." She lifts your left hand up midway and looks at the book. "You can defeat them." Her E/C eyes stared into yours and you nodded.

"Alright." You mumble, pushing past her you close your eyes and teleport to the boardroom. You promised yourself you would never think of it again, but she was right, as much as you told yourself you didn't care anymore there was still that small part of you that ached every time you thought of it.

"Y/N, why'd you tell me to come back?" Tony asks as you walk through the doors.

"Because." You throw the book onto the table and open it. "Them." You point at a sketch of warriors.

"Who are they?" Steve asks and you look up at him.

"They're Ugrarathians." You can hear Thor hum and you look at him.

"Yes, they do look familiar." He folds his arms in thought.

"Didn't we battle them one time, brother?" Loki looks at Thor and his eyes search the roof before nodding.

"Yes, we lost many men in that battle." He sighs and you look back down to the book.

"Ugrarath was a planet that my people were mutuals with, a lot of my friends were from there." You clear your throat and push the thought away that threatened to stain your eyes with tears.

"You keep on saying 'were'. What happened?" Bruce speaks up, you gulp and keep your eyes down at the book.

"Personal issues... they began threatening us." You change the subject. "They had powers similar to us but there's were more based around fire." You flip through another page to find a drawing of what their pods were like. "Just like me, they also had emergency pods for whenever something happened... the metal, they had always engraved it with words in their language." You look up to see everyone with their arms crossed as they thought. "When I was going out with Wanda and Nat their pods were falling from the sky, but I went to check what it was because I had no idea what it was at first. When I felt the lines engraved in the metal I knew who it was an that's why I didn't want you out there by yourself." You look at Tony and he nods.

"I saw the damage but I couldn't see anyone, it looked like the pod had come apart." You shake your head.

"I don't know, you wouldn't get that much metal from just one pod." You shrug your shoulders.

"Do you mind me asking what the personal issues were?" Thor asks and you look at him.

"Uh." You thought over and over again whether you should say or not, it was partly your fault you became enemies. "I-I can't say it... I'm sorry." Your chest hurts and your throat tightens as your eyes become glossy. You cough and look away.

"It's ok." Bucky puts his hand on your shoulder and whispers into your ear, his voice comforts you and you instantly calm down.

"If you want to go and check the damage out I have to be there with you." Your voice cracks, looking up you see Tony nod his head.

"Wait." Loki spoke up. "I thought Ugrarath was destroyed." You look up at Bucky and his head cocks to the side as his crystal eyes widen.

"I-uh... I accidentally changed the timeline." You skip beating around the bush and just get straight to the point.

"Accidentally? How do you accidentally change the timeline?" Clint asks.

"When I brought back Gamora, I didn't think anything would happen but, I've been getting memories that never happened from what I remember. And I have a perfect memory." You raise your brows and Steve looks at you confused.

"That was three years ago," he sits back in his chair, "and besides, you brought Bucky back to life. Nothing was different after that." He makes a point.

"I was thinking the same thing. Then I realised. Gamora was dead longer than Bucky, he was only dead for a few seconds maybe a minute. Gamora on the other hand she was dead for I don't know how long." You throw your hands in the air and slam them down on the table next to the book. "We better go now before the flames spread." You change the subject and close the book.

"Alright. Suit up, and keep an eye out for anyone out of the ordinary." Steve gets out of his chair and everyone leaves the room.

"If you want to talk about anything you know I'm here?" Nat says quietly to you as she ties the end of her braid, her hair has grown quite long over the years and she kept it blonde as it grew on her, literally.

"I know, I'm alright. Thanks Nat." You smile at her and she nods before leaving to get changed. You turn around to see Bucky's worried face, you shake your head and drop your gaze to the floor; he brings you into a tight bear hug and you sink into him. He was warm, you took in his scent and cherished it before letting go of him. "You should go change." He nods his head and kisses your forehead before leaving.

You teleport to your room and snap your fingers. Your mission suit appears on your body, it was tight fitted and covered all of your skin except your face, it was mostly dark colours of greys and blacks, bullet proof like Tony had suggested.

You still had the locket on but your ring rested on your nightstand as you were wearing tight gloves that were connected to your suit, you walk out of your room as Wanda steps out of hers.

"Lookin' good L/N." She smiles and you laugh.

"Not too bad yourself Maximoff." She laughs and you both walk out to the landing pad to find Steve boarding the Quinjet. You take a seat and everyone starts to arrive, Bucky sits next to you as Steve stands behind Sam who starts to lift the jet from the ground. "Keep everyone together." You say just over a whisper to Bucky and he links his hand with yours.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." He gives you a reassuring smile and you look at your hands that were tightly linked together, the dark metal slightly glowed from the lights inside the jet and you could feel the stiffness of it.

"If someone is out there, they won't hesitate to kill you." Your eyes meet his and he nods.

"Just like every other enemy we've faced." He smirks and you raise a brow.

"You think you could protect yourself from fire?" You break the ice and he hums.

"Maybe?" He shrugs and you roll your eyes.

"Don't die on me," you wrap your arms around his shoulders and dig your face into the crook of his neck, "please?" Your voice cracks and you could feel him take a deep breath.

"I'd never leave you." He embraced you tightly and you felt at home, you felt safe, he was like a big bear, his hugs were soft and warm with so much love; you didn't want to leave his arms, ever.

"Everybody stick close to each other and try to put out the flames!" You yell over the harsh wind, snowflakes hit your nose and you were surprised the fires were still alive. You make your large white wings appear and begin to fly over the top of the fire, you move your hands around like you did earlier and the flames disappear. You move to another and do the same, moving to another then to another you continued to remove the flames. "I'm done with one area, how are you guys going over there?" You yell into your earpiece, you hear nothing but static. "Guys?" You ask slightly worried, you couldn't see anything as the snow became thicker. "Tony!" You yell as you begin to fly in the direction where you came from. The snow was still thick, the wind picked up and you struggled to keep in a straight line. "Bucky!" You call out scared, what if someone got them? "Natasha!" You call out again, static. "Wanda!" Again, static. "No, no, no, no, no!" Your blood boils in anger and you fly faster. You could faintly see the fires you'd left for them to take care of, you saw a group of people huddled together on the ground. You fly down to see the team. "Oh my gosh!" You say in relief with a small tear running down your cheek.

"Y/N! The storm is getting too rough!" Steve calls out.

"It's jamming our signal!" Tony says. "Even I am having a hard time flying in this weather!" You make your wings disappear and you come closer into their tight circle. You close your eyes and scrunch your face up trying to concentrate.

"What are you doing?" Clint asks but you ignore him, your body glows white and they all seperate from each other and cover their faces. Your breathing was steady and your face was calm and still, you floated off the ground with your legs crossed. A large ball of white comes from your body and a gust of wind is sent away from you, you feel your body gently hit the ground as you sat calmly with your palms facing the sky as your hands rested on your knees. A white energy force was blasted into the sky creating a dome around you all, the wind vanished and everyone walked around the space in awe. Your body continued to glow as you stayed sitting on the ground with the energy still shooting up above you keeping the dome in tact.

"How...?" You heard Peter's innocent voice. You couldn't move, if you did the dome would disappear and you'd be hit with the storm again, but only you knew this. You could feel eyes on you but you refused to look up at everyone, as much as you could feel your body slowly get tired you didn't stop.

"Y/N?" Thor asked and your eyes twitched slightly, you felt a hand on your shoulder before it disappeared and you felt a tickle of energy sink back into your skin.

Thor was on the ground slightly shocked at what happened—he touched your shoulder to get your attention, a blast of energy shot from your shoulder and flung him to the edge of the dome—Loki helped him up to his feet and they slowly walked back to the rest of the group.

"I don't think she's allowed to move." Tony squats down in front of you but keeps his distance, he stands up straight and looks at the light being shot from your body as he walks around you. "This is incredible." He smiles and examines the light, he looks up then follows the energy with his eyes before they land on the floor. He walks to the edge and slowly puts his finger tips through the surging energy, his fingertips slightly froze from the cold breeze. Tony continues to examine the dome around you all as Bucky sits in front of you.

"She's sweating." He looks at you closely as a bead of sweat falls down the side of your face, your heart was racing fast and your throat burned. Tony quickly walked back to you and bent down next to Bucky to look at you.

"It's draining all of her energy. She won't be able to keep it up for long." He says anxiously. "If this storm doesn't die down soon and she gives up-"

"Can't we just go to the Quinjet?" Wanda abruptly cuts in and Tony sighs.

"From the looks of it the winds are too strong to be able to walk against it, and you can barely see. We'll be buried in snow." He plonks down onto the ground and Bucky chews on the inside of his mouth nervously.

"You can do this Y/N." He says quietly. Steve and nat look at each other and sigh, Nat walks over to him and they walk off to a seperate corner where nobody was, Bucky looks up to see them having a deep conversation. He lays down on his back and looks up at the top of the dome where the energy spread out, he breathes out and closes his eyes.

Bucky woke up to deep breathing across from him, he sat up and looked at you. Your lips were parted as your hair was soaked in sweat and your chest was rising unevenly fast, your face was glossy and tears were falling down your cheeks. You were ready to give up but you knew you couldn't. Bucky looks around at the edge of the dome to see it shrunk in size, he shoots his head back to you and your chest bounces as a sob is pushed out from your lips.

"Y/N," his voice was calm and steady, your eyes twitched and the energy went out for a split second before strengthening again, "I believe in you, just a few more minutes. I know you can do this." He goes to touch your hand but he hesitates when he realises. "You can do this, please, you're strong. Not just on the outside but on the inside, that's one of the reasons why I love you. Stay strong Y/N, for us, for me." You take a deep breath and listen to his words, it calms you and you continue to focus.

"Woah!" Bucky turns around to see a startled Peter jump up from where he was laying.

"What is it Pete?" Tony asks and Peter walks backwards towards you.

"I was asleep and I woke up with half my body outside of the dome." He laughs nervously and Bucky looks back at you.

"She's getting tired." Bucky says and everybody walks towards you. There was a loud whoosh in the distance and everyone cocked their head towards where the wind and snow was hitting the dome. Everyone jumped when a large piece of metal charged towards you but hit the dome causing a wave of energy to spread before fading back to how it was before.

"It's getting worse." Nat speaks up.

"Tony, what are we going to do?" Steve looks him in the eyes as Tony sighs.

"I don't know." He says barely over a whisper, the dome slightly jumps down in size and Loki bounces forward avoiding the outside.

"You might want to think of something because soon we're all not going to fit in here." His accent rings through everyone's ears and they look at each other. Orange sparks begin to form in the air and Tony walks towards it.

"Strange!" Tony beams at the man in the red cape as he steps out of his portal.

"I take it you need some help?" He smirks and looks at everyone. "Hurry." He keeps the portal open and everyone jumps through it. "What is she doing?" He nods towards you.

"She can't move otherwise this dome disappears and we're hit with the storm. You can't touch her either." Bucky says walking towards Stephen. He nods his head and lets the portal disappear as he moves his hands around, he creates a mirror dimension around the three of you and Bucky looks around in confusion.

"Quick, wake her up and lets go." Stephen presses and opens a portal, Bucky runs over to you and squats down.

"Y/N. You can let go, it's safe, we can go back now." You slowly open your eyes and a breeze gushes from your body as the dome disappears and you stop glowing. "Here." He holds his hand out to you and you grab it tiredly, you were panting and your chest burned. You try to stand up but your legs give way underneath you and you fall to the ground harshly, your eyes slowly shut.

"I-I can't- I cant move." You pant and he puts his arms underneath you, he lifts you up and you feel him walking. You try to lift your head but fail.

"Y/N. Are you alright?" You hear Bruce's voice, not knowing where he was you shakily lift your thumb up. Your body was sticky inside your suit and you could feel every part of you overheat, your chest was in pain and your throat burned every time you breathed, your head was throbbing and beads of sweat fell down your face. You could feel your hair stick to your skin and you slowly opened your eyes into slits. You saw double of everything as it passed by you, Bucky placed you on a soft couch and you sunk into the cushions.

"N/N?" He bent down near your head and you opened your eyes to see two of him.

"I-I... ju-just let me sleep." You breathe out and he scoffs.

"Alright." He smiles and you shut your eyes, you feel him gently pull your hair back and out of your face. He was so gentle when taking care of you. The soft wool of a face towel made contact with your skin and you could feel him slowly wiping the sweat from your face. "Sweet dreams, doll. I'm proud of you." He whispers before planting his soft lips to your forehead. You heard him walk away before you fell fast asleep.

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