Wolf in Sheep Clothing

By RedHatNicky

26.8K 2.6K 138

Tory is an omicron. A werewolf born under the blind gaze of the goddess on a moonless night. He is cursed, a... More

It cries
Who is stronger?
Tears and Blood


1.2K 149 12
By RedHatNicky

As Kiirios pulled away from his lips. Tory could not find it in himself to do anything but glare at the little 12 000-year-old bloodsuckers as he licked his fangs clean and rested dark eyes on Tory's narrowed caramel's.

"Little Master, Tory is still injured" Viivi told the child. Her words falling on deaf ears as Kiirios simply ignored them. Curving his lips into a smirk in response to the further narrowing of the omicron's eyes.

"Get off me" Tory hissed at him. His tone so quiet it could easily be mistaken as a whisper.

"Why?" The not so young vampire question to which he received a somewhat lie.

"You're hurting me"

The moment those words were said, Kiirios lifted himself off the patient and the bed to stand beside it. A frown on his lips, he allowed his gaze to run over the injured body, his entire eyes turning a bright red as he assessed Tory's injuries. 

Omicron in question felt his blood chill under the crimson gaze. At that moment, Kiirios look resembles a feral.

"When will he be better?" Kiirios questioned his words directed to the doctor despite never turning away from the resting omicron. Tory felt pine of pines of ice stabbing at his spine, his skin crawled with discomfort under Kiirios's red sights. He couldn't help but shift painfully on the bed. His quiet groan and gritted teeth drawing the attention the young master who sent him a hard stare. The command they entailed were clear as the ruby of his eyes. 'Don't move!'

"Tory's injuries would take a while to heal" Viivi responded to his question. Successfully tearing Kiirios's attention away from Tory. The later could not help the feeling of relief that washes over him at the loss of that gaze. Nor could he avoid the shame and irritation that followed. 'Had he just been intimidating by a newly hatched child?'

"There are many things we feel we should explain to Tory in light of recent events" The doctor added as she found herself under crimson eyes.

When he simply stood patiently, Tory took it upon himself to clarify the message Viivi apparently failed to transfer.

"She wants you to leave," He says. When Kiirios turned and met with caramel eyes with black. Tory, despite himself, sighed in relief.

"There is nothing she can say to you that I can't hear" Kiirus claimed. His words raising a fine brow on Tory's face.

"You're a child" The omicron pointed out. Black eyes narrowed.

"I'm over 12 000 years old" Kiirus corrected.

"You were born yesterday" Tory countered with a snort.

"My son" Aldrich interjected before either of them could continue. Kiirios turned to properly face his father. "You'll soon know all that is to know about your fated" The Lord promised. "For the moment, however, I must insist you depart"

With a finally glancing in Tory's direction the little lord bowed to his sire and with a respectful "As you wish" Left the room.

"His fated?" Tory repeated when he was sure Kiirus was truly gone. Awkwardly shifting his position in the bed so that he was better seated. When the pain prohibited him from moving as he wished, Viivi steeped forwards and helped him. When he was comfortable, she took a step back and placed the charts she had still been holding on the bed next to his lap.

"There are many things you do not know" She began, failing to say more when Tory snorted.

"Many things you kept from me" He corrected, he'd known from the beginning that he wasn't seeing the whole picture, but he was content with the images he did saw. The one that had him ending the man that took away his mother. But if he couldn't even handle Jack, Jamie, and a medical assistant, how was he going to cut the head off of an ancient?

"What is happening to me?" He asked in a softer voice, his hand fisting at the side of his pain ridding legs. They weren't even broken, and yet he could hardly move them, saying he wanted vengeance while in this stated was both stupid and naive. He barely stopped the tears from fallen as he adds. "I've never been injured and in pain before"

"Omicron's," Viivi spoke up. "Unlike most supernaturals have three different blood cells, the red, the white and the third I refer to as the black." She paused, looking to see that she had his full attention. When he gave her a nod, she continued.

"The red and the white functions no different from those found in humans. The red transport oxygen to the body and the white carry antibodies and handle the repairs. The black is a jack of all trade. Anything the body needs it does expertly with a godly speed." She informed, stopping to clear her throat and sedate the tone of excitement that had slipped into her voice. "Where shifters have about 20% of black cells in there bodies. Omicrons have over 60%. The norm being 80%, you had close to 90" She told him. "Some theorize that it is this abundance of black blood cells that is behind your inability to shift and your active libido"

Tory said nothing, there was nothing to say. All of this was new to him. He lived the first 9 years of his life thinking he was no different than his mother and the last 16 dealing with what he was the best way he knew how. Struggling and avoiding, constantly having to submit himself to desires he never really wanted or enjoyed.

The last few days were, in a word, heaven. He could remember every second of every day without fogs of lust clouding his vision. But last night was hell. The body he had come to rely on to defend and protect himself was no longer the same. And the changes he had loved, the one he had always wished for, they made his weak.

So at this moment, he didn't care what was happening inside himself. He just wanted it back to the way it was before. But was that possible?

"Are you saying I feed Kiirios all my black cells?" He asked.

"Your body will make more" Viivi was quick to say. "But those cells are what he needs to heal himself. As a vampire, he has no ability to make or maintain blood cells. But he has the ability to take what he needs from his victims." She was saying when the Lord stepped forward and finished in the place.

"He needs those cells to survive"

Tory who had somewhat forgotten of his presence turned to meet his gaze.

"But If I stop feeding him, I'll get my strength and healing back?" He asked, already knowing the response but the way the lord reacted, the way his body slightly stiffened and his finger twitched. Even the way his voice struggles to remain uncaring as he responded with a simple: "Yes" Spoke novels on how important it was for Tory to continue to part with that which made him strong.

There was still so much that they were hiding for him, and the deal he had once made, the one that made it easy for him to become a vampire blood bag and ignore everything else was not so simple enough more. If he continues to give his blood he won't have the strength to exact his vengeance and if he stops, he wouldn't get the opportunity.

He didn't have the liberty of going in blind anymore, he needed to know the full story to be able to make a good decision, one that would benefice him.

First, he needed to establish his importance. He needed to know just how valuable the blood in his veins was to them.

"Why did you kidnap me?" He questioned.

"I have already explained-" Aldrich began to which Tory did what many wouldn't dare. He interrupts the Lords of vampires. This too was to test his value.

"I'm not the only omicron alive," He began, watching the Lord's reaction or lack there was of. "I'm sure you could have easily found another. In fact, I'm sure you tried others before me" He glanced towards Viivi as he said this, his gaze lingering on the modified human for but a moment before quickly returning to the Lord. "But you kidnapped me, risking the attention of the vatican, why? What do I have that the others didn't?"

For a moment none say a word. But Tory knew he would get a response as the doctor and the lord exchange quick looks. With a sign, Viivi gains his attention.

"All human blood are not the same. It is the same for angels, demons, shifters, supernaturals, and even omicrons. A vampire cannot and will not drink from just anyone." She paused "Your blood is registered in the Vatican's database. You were a perfect match."

"Is that's why you called me his fated?" Tory questioned, remember the word in which he was referred to by the lord to his son. When Viivi awkwardly shifted her weight from one foot to the other, he knew his assumption wasn't quite right. "Is there another reason?"

"Vampires" Viivi began cautiously glancing to her lord. When she got his approval she took a deep breath and began once more. "Vampires mate differently from shiters." She says, her mouth continued to move but Tory couldn't hear the words they spoke.

He was a shifter that couldn't shift, shifters could only have mates after they shift, thus he did not have a mate. It was sad, it was simple and he had accepted that.

"I don't have a mate, I can't shift," He says, unknowingly interrupting the explanation Viivi was giving.

Instantly the room was filled with silence as caramel eyes stared blankly at the doctor, daring her to say contrary.

It didn't matter what field of science and supernatural she was specialized in. This was something he knew, something that was certain.

"We are not attracted by scents of appearance but by blood." The Lord gain his attention, drawing Tory's gaze and capturing them with hard blue. "Those who possessed blood that is compatible to our taste and health is what is known as our mate" He summarized what Viivi had been in the process of saying.

"You just haven't found someone better" The omicron countered.

"You were a very good," Viivi began, paused and corrected herself. "You are Great match, nearly 98%" When he continued to simply shake his head she signed and took a step forward, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his. "Tory these are all very difficult-"

"I think I need some time to think about this" The omicron suddenly says, pulling away from her touch as if it would burn him and turning to stare at the white wall on his left.

When the door was shut behind their departure from, he gaze met the white tiled ceiling as he touched a finger to his lower lip, feeling the punctures where Kiirios had pierced him.  

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