The truth about love (the sto...

By Maissi02

77.7K 1.2K 158

As everybody knows, it's been a half year since Justin and Jennifer are divorced. Although, they are still fr... More

The day before
The Oscars part 1
The Oscars part 2
The relief
The call
The Dinner
The diner part 2
The surprising moment
The conversation
The Surprise
The night...
The breakfast
Back in L.A
The shower
The day after
The formalization
The meeting
The meeting part 2
The official girlfriend
The comment
The trip
Day one!
Vietnam Here we go....
Till us part
The writer
Back to the city...
Casual days
The video
FriendsDay- Sunday
Baby Struggles
The recovery
Family moments
Random days
The official announcement
Getting everything ready
IT'S A.....
The name
Greek baby
Beach day
He's on the way
Pitt N° 7
A little piece of heaven
We're home!
Message from the writer
I'm back!!!
New Story On
Message to the fanistons

The unexpected surprise

1.3K 28 2
By Maissi02

Jen's POV:

I'm woken by Brad who is singing in the bathroom, clearly not wondering if this might wake me up or if I want to sleep a little bit more. I go to the living room noticing that none of the kids are there and the villa is somehow really calm, so I get back to bed thinking maybe they went out for some activities.

" Hey, sleeping beauty!" Brad gets out of the bathroom wrapping his towel around his waist. He looks somehow really sexy all wet but I'm too messy to call him for anything."Are you ready for your day? I'm joining the kids to the waterfals."

" Well yeah...I'm going to take a bath and then my breakfast before living for the SPA" I respond relieved to finally be able to enjoy my time alone. " I can't wait,it's going to be so stressless and calm..."

He looks at me with an amused look before going to dress

"Anyway, you'll have to join us for dinner at 7 with the girls. The driver will be waiting for you guys to take you to the restaurant." Surprised, I straighten on the bed to better understand how the evening will go." So, let me get this clear. You guys will spend the day together then you all come back home and you leave for dinner only with the boys and I have to take the girls with me?"

"Yeah, you got it!" He quickly leans over to kiss me then leaves before I even have the time ask him more questions. It's weird, why wouldn't he take them all with him? Why do I have to come with the girls and not the boys? I get in the shower, brush my teeth then have my breakfast on the deck. As I'm about to leave for the SPA, I get a call. I'm so excited about the person so I immediately answer.

"Hey lady!"

"Ellen! Hi! Oh my god, it's been such a long time!"

" I know...I feel like we haven't seen each other since what? Three..."

" Four months sweety... Where have you been?! And Portia?!"

" Well you know where I was, I was in Ethiopia for my project...where have YOU been?"

" Hahaha! Well, I'm in Vietnam... I've been here for almost a week and a half."

" Oh, that's awesome! Are you there alone or with Brad?"

" With Brad and the kids. It's amazing really I love being in such a wonderful place with him and the kids, they're amazing! Actually, today is the only day where I'm finally alone to enjoy it a little bit by myself."

" Well, that's great! I'm so happy that you guys are happy together and really love each other. And how do the kids take it?"

"You know what? They took it surprisingly really well! They really like me, and God knows how crazy I am about them. They are really great kids."

" That's really amazing I'm so happy for you! And what are you going to do on your alone time?"

" I'm going to have a spa day and we'll go dinner tonight."

" Okay well, I'm going to let you enjoy as much as possible and call me when you're cause we have to catch up!"

" Absolutely honey, I'll call you."

" Okay, well see you soon, and say hi to Brad and the kids!"

" I will...bye sweetie"

I finish my coffee then finally walk down to the SPA where I'm welcomed by a nice young lady." Hi Mrs. Aniston, my name is Liu and I will be taking care of you today. Mr. Pitt asked us to give you a complete treatment so everything has been already planned for you."

I smile amused by her kindness then I follow her as she takes me to a room where I can take my clothes off. " Here you can put your clothes, and when you are ready you can come in the garden for your first treatment."

I put down my bag and start undressing."Well, thank you, Liu" " You're welcome!" I get in the garden where what looks like a milk bathtub is waiting for me. Liu approaches to tell me what I have to do. "This is a bath of almond milk and algae that detoxifies your skin and makes it softer. I put some Lilies aroma, sir told us they were your favorites. So you will only have to lay in it and rest for 30 minutes then I will come to get you for the next treatment."

"Thanks...Oh my God, this feels goooood!" I sigh before closing my eyes and enjoying the waves noise.

Brad's POV

It's been three hours and a half since the kids and I are at the waterfalls, enjoying our afternoon. I love it cause it's been almost three years since I didn't travel with them and i missed it. "Knox don't pull your sisters into the water like that!" Pax comes closer to me to talk with Maddox " we wanted to tell you that we really appreciate being on vacation with you and we really missed this, when we used to go on vacations with you and mom, and even if you guys are not together anymore, we love the fact that you still do stuff like we used to?"

"Of course guys....hey even if your mom and I are not together anymore, you are still my kids and I don't want to change our habits. I love you guys, more than anything on earth" Zahara comes next to me before giving me a huge hug. "And we love you to the moon and back and even beyond that!"

" Okay guys I have something to tell you, i have a huge surprise for Jen tonight and I want you guys to help me with it cause I've been planning it for a while now." "What is it?" Vivienne asks with enthousiasm. " I can't tell you girls." "What?! Why??" Shi screams shaking my shoulders as I'm laughing. " Because, Viv will tell Jen, and it won't be fair if she is the only one who doesn't know. And I won't tell the boys either they will see once we'll be there."

"Okay so what do we have to do?" As we get out of the waterfalls and I'm drying Vivienne's hair, I explain them the plan." So when we'll be back at the villa, I will get ready with the boys then I will leave with them to prepare the surprise while the girls will stay with Jen and help her find something really, extremely nice to wear. You really have to help her for that. And I want you girls to be really well dressed too. Then when you'll be ready, Zee will send me a message so I know you guys are on your way there. Clear??"

"Pretty clear dad!" Shiloh gets her towel then we all go back to the hotel all excited about the night we're about to spend. " No one tells Jen it's a surprise okay?" " Yep!"

Jen's POV

I'm on the couch watching some damn TV show that really annoys me since I don't understand a word of what they're saying and I'm really getting bored. Even if I needed that day alone and that it was amazing, i'm really missing my man and the kids. As I'm about to text them and see where they are, I hear them entering the hallway. " Hi guys!" The twins walk toward me first then give me a kiss. "You look so fresh, it's nice on you!" "Thank you Viv!" Then the other kids come behind and kiss me before making compliments on my glowing skin. Finally comes my dear man who stops for while to look at me before coming closer and give me a passionate kiss. "Hmmm Hi baby...You look gorgeous" I give him a hug before kissing him again. " Well thank you baby...had a good day with the kids?" "Yeah it was really fun, we had a great rebonding time" "That's nice I am happy for the way thank you for the SPA day, it was truely amazing"

" You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it" We stay a little on the couch talking with the kids then Brad suddenly gets up and asks the boys to be prepared in 10 minutes since they are leaving. He quickly goes into the shower. I come in, staring at him without understanding why he  doesn't leave with the girls too or with all of us. " Baby I still don't get why the girls are not coming wtih you" He pulls his head out of the shower than gets a serious look. "I need to show the guys something before we get to the restaurant" " know what, okay" He gets ready then takes the boys in the car before kissing me. " See you later baby" "Yeah..."

Zee runs over to me then pulls me in my room with the other two girls. " What are we going to wear tonight girls?" Vivienne opens the dressing and looks at all my dresses while Shi chooses what kind of smoking she wants. " Wow Jen that dress is beautiful wear it!" " Oh honey it's a little bit too much for a simple dinner don't you think?"

" Well dad said it's a really fancy restaurant so we have to be really well dressed." Vivienne comes to us wearing my Jimmy Choo's sandales. " And you have to wear those shoes!" I agree trying not to laugh at her since she can't even walk with them. " Okay and what are you girls wearing?" Shiloh comes over in a white long shirt and black pants." Wow you're really good looking Shi...Zee let me see what you're wearing, and you too Viv."
I let them get ready as I'm taking my shower and then my hair and make up. They then join me in the bathroom. Vivienne has a little beige dress that stops to the knees, with a blue bow in her blondy hair and black glitter ballerinas. Zee wears a long yellow canary backless dress with a slit on each side, with flat black sandals that attach along the leg....And for once she lets her hair down.

" Oh my god! You girls are so pretty! Let me take a picture....wooow you three are breath taking." "Thanks! You are gorgeous too!" " Well thank you...shall we go?" "Yep!!" We finally arrive to the place which doesn't really look like a fancy restaurant. Maddox is waiting for us at the entrance then takes us where the boys and Brad are. " Where are we going Mad? This is not a restaurant..." " You'll see in a minute" Everything is quite dark and the only thing we can hear is the sound of waterfalls. As we are getting closer, I can see little candles that draw the road to the waterfalls and the closer we get, the more I hear the sound of a melody. We finally arrive at the place, Brad is standing next to a man with the three boys. I don't have the time to realize what's going on that tears start rolling on my cheeks. " Brad...."

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