England x Reader

By VivaLaVidaEngland

22.3K 970 589

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Dinner and phone calls
Movies and a confession
Nightmares and Breakfast
Parks and getting to know each other
Family and a phone call
Work and Exploration
Family times and a secret surprise
Sickness and in health
Recovery and house visits
Boxes and Family
we shall never talk about this
First Date

Meeting for the first time.

3.8K 101 186
By VivaLaVidaEngland

The leaves crunched under my boots as I walked through the park of London. It was Autumn, and the leaves turned the beautiful colors of orange, yellow, and brown. I was visiting family for Thanksgiving and had to get away from all of the chaos known as my family. I had my headphones on and some Coldplay playing softly, but loud enough to block out the sounds of everything around me. Since I wasn't looking to where I was going I bumped into someone, causing both of us to fall onto the sidewalk. I held my head and groaned in pain, I heard a ' Bloody hell' come from a heavily British voice, guessing from the man I just collided with. I looked up and saw a man about 5'7 with blonish hair, emerald green eyes right above them were these bushy eyebrows. He had fair skin and was wearing a brown jacket, black jeans, black gloves and black boots with the jeans tucked inside of them. He held a grocery bag in one hand and a cup of what looked like coffee in the other. I slightly blushed out of embarrassment and that he wasn't bad looking either. I stood up and brushed myself off and held out a hand for the man. He looked at my hand and I realized that his hands were full so I took his coffee and helped him off the ground. He grabbed his coffee and bowed.

" Thank you, love. And sorry about the fall, I wasn't watching in where I was going." He said in a beautiful British accent. I shook my head,

" No it was my fault, sir ! I was the one who wasn't looking, its my fault." I said, gesturing to my headphones as well, notifying that I couldn't hear his footsteps.

" Well what kind of gentleman would I be if I let the guilt of an accident, rest on the shoulders of a young woman? I would then not be one at all. So it was my fault, love. I'm sorry." He said, I have to say he really is a gentleman, no one was that nice back home.

" Oh dear me ! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Arthur Kirkland, love. " He said while placing his coffee in his other hand, and took mine and kissed the top of it. I blushed slightly at the gesture. When he pulled away I introduced myself.

" I am [ Name] [Last Name]. Its a pleasure to meet you, Arthur. " I said, staring into his green eyes. He blushed.

" The pleasure is all mine, love" He said.

" So, where were you heading, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked, hoping to meet a friend and not an enemy.

" Oh, I was heading back home, to start dinner. And you ?" He asked.

" Just getting some fresh air, staying in a stuffy place for a long time is unbearable, you know?" I said, I didn't realize it but we started walking in the direction he was heading.

" Yes I can relate, I will usually just sit down with a cup of tea and some Shakespeare. " He said as we countunied walking.

" Me as well, but I prefer Poe instead." I said, thinking of all of the stories he wrote.

" Some people don't understand good literature, but you have a good taste, Miss [Name]." He said as he looked towards me, smiling softy as I did the same. We countunied talking and walking till we reached his home, it was already dark out and the street lamps illuminated the sidewalks. Arthur stopped and turned to me.

" Well it was nice meeting you [Name] it has been a pleasure. Do please come in. I couldn't let a lovely young woman walk home at night by herself. " He said, opening his door to his house, and gesturing me to come inside. I couldn't refuse, so I walked in and took off my coat and hung it on the wooded coat rack by the door. Arthur came in and went into what I am guessing the kitchen and put the bags down along with his coffee. He came back and took off his coat and hung it beside's mine. Underneath his jacket was a green sweater, ontop of a tan long sleeved button up shirt.

" Would you like some tea ?" He asked as he lead me to his living room, and gestured me to sit down on one of the two couches.

" Yes please, Earl Grey if you don't mind." I said and smiled up at him. He looked surprised that I said that but smiled softy once again and went back into the kitchen to make some.

While he was doing that I took a look around his living room. Portraits hung around the beige walls, one caught my eye though. It was of Arthur and three other men, one with shoulder length blonde wavy hair, a light stubble on his chin and light cerulean blue eyes. The second man had the same color hair as the first only he had a curly strand of hair that stood out of all of the rest, a shy smile on his face and shy violet eyes behind a pair of glasses. The last man had sandy blonde hair that was shorter than the other two, a big smile that spoke ' I'm the hero!' glasses, and ocean blue eyes, he also had a cowlick thay stood out differently from the rest of his hair. Arthur came back in and saw me staring at the portrait. He placed the two tea cups on the coffee table and the clanking made me turn my head towards him, a slight blush on my face. I looked down at my lap, my hands becoming the most interesting things in the world at the moment.

" I see you like that portrait, yes? I remember that day, it took forever but we finally got Alfred to sit still." Arthur slightly chuckled, staring off into space probably thinking about that day.

" Are they your friends?" I asked, looking up at him once again.

" No, they are my brothers. The one with the wavy hair is Francis, the one with the violet eyes is Mathew and the one with the cowlick is Alfred. " Arthur said, taking a seat next to me and sipping his tea. I took mine into my hands as well, and took a sip. It was the most amazing tea I ever tasted!

" Mmh, Arthur this is delicious! I never tasted anything like this before!" I said excitedly, my [e/c] eyes shining with amazement. He blushed and looked away at my comment.

" You really think so? Everyone always says it tastes bland." Arthur said, sadness in his eyes. Aww, he looked like a lost puppy.

" Well then they have no taste in tea, or their taste buds can't taste anything delicious. " I said, smiling as he I said it.

" You really think so?" He asked.

" Do I look like someone who would lie?" I said.

" That means a lot to me. But I don't think you would say that after you had my cooking. " He said.

" Oh I'm sure it can't be that bad." I sais reassuringly.

" Well, if you say so. Then [Name] would you like to stay for dinner?" Arthur asked.

" I would be delighted." I said, smiling as his eyes shone with glee.

This is my first story ever, go easy on me. Any who tell me what ya think.

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